( )源码实例Demo

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public void aggregate(Tuple tuple, ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
    ImmutableBytesPtr key = ptr.get().length > FIXED_COPY_THRESHOLD &&
                            ptr.get().length > ptr.getLength() * COPY_THRESHOLD ?
                    new ImmutableBytesPtr(ptr.copyBytes()) :
                    new ImmutableBytesPtr(ptr);
    Integer count = this.valueVsCount.get(key);
    if (count == null) {
        this.valueVsCount.put(key, 1);
        heapSize += SizedUtil.MAP_ENTRY_SIZE + // entry
                Bytes.SIZEOF_INT + // key size
                key.getLength() + SizedUtil.ARRAY_SIZE; // value size
    } else {
        this.valueVsCount.put(key, ++count);
源代码2 项目: Halyard   文件:
public void reduce(ImmutableBytesWritable key, Iterable<LongWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
           byte region = key.get()[key.getOffset()];
           if (lastRegion != region || size > splitLimit) {
               byte[] split = lastRegion != region ? new byte[]{region} : key.copyBytes();
               context.setStatus("#" + splits.size() + " " + Arrays.toString(split));
               lastRegion = key.get()[key.getOffset()];
               size = 0;
           for (LongWritable val : values) {
                   size += val.get();
源代码3 项目: phoenix   文件:
 * Given an ImmutableBytesWritable, returns the payload part of the argument as an byte array. 
public static byte[] copyKeyBytesIfNecessary(ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
    if (ptr.getOffset() == 0 && ptr.getLength() == ptr.get().length) {
        return ptr.get();
    return ptr.copyBytes();
源代码4 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Convert a line of TSV text into an HBase table row after transforming the
 * values by multiplying them by 3.
public void map(LongWritable offset, Text value, Context context)
      throws IOException {
  byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("FAM");
  final byte[][] qualifiers = { Bytes.toBytes("A"), Bytes.toBytes("B") };

  // do some basic line parsing
  byte[] lineBytes = value.getBytes();
  String[] valueTokens = new String(lineBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).split("\u001b");

  // create the rowKey and Put
  ImmutableBytesWritable rowKey =
    new ImmutableBytesWritable(Bytes.toBytes(valueTokens[0]));
  Put put = new Put(rowKey.copyBytes());

  //The value should look like this: VALUE1 or VALUE2. Let's multiply
  //the integer by 3
  for(int i = 1; i < valueTokens.length; i++) {
    String prefix = valueTokens[i].substring(0, "VALUE".length());
    String suffix = valueTokens[i].substring("VALUE".length());
    String newValue = prefix + Integer.parseInt(suffix) * 3;

    KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(rowKey.copyBytes(), family,
        qualifiers[i-1], Bytes.toBytes(newValue));

  try {
    context.write(rowKey, put);
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {
源代码5 项目: phoenix   文件:
 * Truncates range to be a max of rangeSpan fields
 * @param schema row key schema
 * @param fieldIndex starting index of field with in the row key schema
 * @param rangeSpan maximum field length
 * @return the same range if unchanged and otherwise a new range
public static KeyRange clipRange(RowKeySchema schema, int fieldIndex, int rangeSpan, KeyRange range) {
    if (range == KeyRange.EVERYTHING_RANGE) {
        return range;
    if (range == KeyRange.EMPTY_RANGE) {
        return range;
    ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
    boolean newRange = false;
    boolean lowerUnbound = range.lowerUnbound();
    boolean lowerInclusive = range.isLowerInclusive();
    byte[] lowerRange = range.getLowerRange();
    if (!lowerUnbound && lowerRange.length > 0) {
        if (clipKeyRangeBytes(schema, fieldIndex, rangeSpan, lowerRange, ptr, true)) {
            // Make lower range inclusive since we're decreasing the range by chopping the last part off
            lowerInclusive = true;
            lowerRange = ptr.copyBytes();
            newRange = true;
    boolean upperUnbound = range.upperUnbound();
    boolean upperInclusive = range.isUpperInclusive();
    byte[] upperRange = range.getUpperRange();
    if (!upperUnbound && upperRange.length > 0) {
        if (clipKeyRangeBytes(schema, fieldIndex, rangeSpan, upperRange, ptr, false)) {
            // Make lower range inclusive since we're decreasing the range by chopping the last part off
            upperInclusive = true;
            upperRange = ptr.copyBytes();
            newRange = true;
    return newRange ? KeyRange.getKeyRange(lowerRange, lowerInclusive, upperRange, upperInclusive) : range;
源代码6 项目: phoenix   文件:
 * Given an ImmutableBytesWritable, returns the payload part of the argument as an byte array. 
public static byte[] copyKeyBytesIfNecessary(ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
    if (ptr.getOffset() == 0 && ptr.getLength() == ptr.get().length) {
        return ptr.get();
    return ptr.copyBytes();
源代码7 项目: phoenix   文件:
public Get getGet(PTable catalogTable, byte[] tenantId, String viewName) {
  byte[][] tenantKeyParts = new byte[5][];
  tenantKeyParts[0] = tenantId;
  tenantKeyParts[1] = Bytes.toBytes(SCHEMA_NAME.toUpperCase());
  tenantKeyParts[2] = Bytes.toBytes(viewName.toUpperCase());
  tenantKeyParts[3] = Bytes.toBytes(VIEW_COLUMN_NAME);
  tenantKeyParts[4] = VIEW_COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES;
  ImmutableBytesWritable key = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
  catalogTable.newKey(key, tenantKeyParts);
  //the backing byte array of key might have extra space at the end.
  // need to just slice "the good parts" which we do by calling copyBytes
  return new Get(key.copyBytes());
源代码8 项目: phoenix   文件:
private static byte[] getKeyPart(PTable t, String... keys) throws SQLException {
    ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
    byte[][] keyByteArray = new byte[keys.length][];
    int i = 0;
    for (String key : keys) {
        keyByteArray[i++] = key == null ? ByteUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY : Bytes.toBytes(key);
    t.newKey(ptr, keyByteArray);
    return ptr.copyBytes();
源代码9 项目: phoenix   文件:
 * Given an ImmutableBytesWritable, returns the payload part of the argument as an byte array. 
public static byte[] copyKeyBytesIfNecessary(ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
    if (ptr.getOffset() == 0 && ptr.getLength() == ptr.get().length) {
        return ptr.get();
    return ptr.copyBytes();
源代码10 项目: phoenix   文件:
public static byte[] copyBytesIfNecessary(ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
  if (ptr.getOffset() == 0 && ptr.getLength() == ptr.get().length) {
    return ptr.get();
  return ptr.copyBytes();
源代码11 项目: phoenix   文件:
 * @param tableName parent table's name
 * Looks for whether child views exist for the table specified by table.
 * TODO: should we pass a timestamp here?
private TableViewFinderResult findChildViews(HRegion region, byte[] tenantId, PTable table) throws IOException {
    byte[] schemaName = table.getSchemaName().getBytes();
    byte[] tableName = table.getTableName().getBytes();
    boolean isMultiTenant = table.isMultiTenant();
    Scan scan = new Scan();
    // If the table is multi-tenant, we need to check across all tenant_ids,
    // so we can't constrain the row key. Otherwise, any views would have
    // the same tenantId.
    if (!isMultiTenant) {
        byte[] startRow = ByteUtil.concat(tenantId, QueryConstants.SEPARATOR_BYTE_ARRAY);
        byte[] stopRow = ByteUtil.nextKey(startRow);
    SingleColumnValueFilter linkFilter = new SingleColumnValueFilter(TABLE_FAMILY_BYTES, LINK_TYPE_BYTES, CompareOp.EQUAL, PHYSICAL_TABLE_BYTES);
    byte[] suffix = ByteUtil.concat(QueryConstants.SEPARATOR_BYTE_ARRAY, SchemaUtil.getTableNameAsBytes(schemaName, tableName));
    SuffixFilter rowFilter = new SuffixFilter(suffix);
    Filter filter = new FilterList(linkFilter, rowFilter);
    // Original region-only scanner modified due to PHOENIX-1208
    // RegionScanner scanner = region.getScanner(scan);
    // The following *should* work, but doesn't due to HBASE-11837
    // TableName systemCatalogTableName = region.getTableDesc().getTableName();
    // HTableInterface hTable = env.getTable(systemCatalogTableName);
    // These deprecated calls work around the issue
    HTableInterface hTable = ServerUtil.getHTableForCoprocessorScan(env, PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SYSTEM_CATALOG_NAME_BYTES);
    try {
        boolean allViewsInCurrentRegion = true;
        int numOfChildViews = 0;
        List<Result> results = Lists.newArrayList();
        ResultScanner scanner = hTable.getScanner(scan);
        try {
            for (Result result =; (result != null); result = {
                ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
                ResultTuple resultTuple = new ResultTuple(result);
                byte[] key = ptr.copyBytes();
                if (checkTableKeyInRegion(key, region) != null) {
                    allViewsInCurrentRegion = false;
            TableViewFinderResult tableViewFinderResult = new TableViewFinderResult(results);
            if (numOfChildViews > 0 && !allViewsInCurrentRegion) {
            return tableViewFinderResult;
        } finally {
    } finally {
源代码12 项目: phoenix   文件:
 private void testIndexRowKeyBuilding(String schemaName, String tableName, String dataColumns,
         String pk, String indexColumns, Object[] values, String includeColumns,
         String dataProps, String indexProps, KeyValueBuilder builder) throws Exception {
     Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
     String fullTableName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(schemaName),SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(tableName));
     String fullIndexName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(schemaName),SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier("idx"));
     conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE " + fullTableName + "(" + dataColumns + " CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (" + pk + "))  " + (dataProps.isEmpty() ? "" : dataProps) );
     try {
         conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE INDEX idx ON " + fullTableName + "(" + indexColumns + ") " + (includeColumns.isEmpty() ? "" : "INCLUDE (" + includeColumns + ") ") + (indexProps.isEmpty() ? "" : indexProps));
         PhoenixConnection pconn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
         PTable table = pconn.getMetaDataCache().getTable(new PTableKey(pconn.getTenantId(), fullTableName));
         PTable index = pconn.getMetaDataCache().getTable(new PTableKey(pconn.getTenantId(),fullIndexName));
         ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
         table.getIndexMaintainers(ptr, pconn);
         List<IndexMaintainer> c1 = IndexMaintainer.deserialize(ptr, builder);
         IndexMaintainer im1 = c1.get(0);
         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("UPSERT INTO " + fullTableName  + " VALUES(");
         for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
         buf.setCharAt(buf.length()-1, ')');
         PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(buf.toString());
         for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
             stmt.setObject(i+1, values[i]);
         	Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<KeyValue>>> iterator = PhoenixRuntime.getUncommittedDataIterator(conn);
         List<KeyValue> dataKeyValues =;
         Map<ColumnReference,byte[]> valueMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(dataKeyValues.size());
         byte[] row = dataKeyValues.get(0).getRow();
ImmutableBytesWritable rowKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(row);
         Put dataMutation = new Put(rowKeyPtr.copyBytes());
         for (KeyValue kv : dataKeyValues) {
             valueMap.put(new ColumnReference(kv.getFamily(),kv.getQualifier()), kv.getValue());
         ValueGetter valueGetter = newValueGetter(row, valueMap);
         List<Mutation> indexMutations =
                 IndexTestUtil.generateIndexData(index, table, dataMutation, ptr, builder);
         assertTrue(indexMutations.get(0) instanceof Put);
         Mutation indexMutation = indexMutations.get(0);
         ImmutableBytesWritable indexKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(indexMutation.getRow());
         ptr.set(rowKeyPtr.get(), rowKeyPtr.getOffset(), rowKeyPtr.getLength());
         byte[] mutablelndexRowKey = im1.buildRowKey(valueGetter, ptr, null, null);
         byte[] immutableIndexRowKey = indexKeyPtr.copyBytes();
         assertArrayEquals(immutableIndexRowKey, mutablelndexRowKey);
         for (ColumnReference ref : im1.getCoverededColumns()) {
         byte[] dataRowKey = im1.buildDataRowKey(indexKeyPtr, null);
         assertArrayEquals(dataRowKey, dataKeyValues.get(0).getRow());
     } finally {
         try {
             conn.createStatement().execute("DROP TABLE " + fullTableName);
         } finally {
源代码13 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Convert a line of TSV text into an HBase table row.
public void map(LongWritable offset, Text value,
  Context context)
throws IOException {
  byte[] lineBytes = value.getBytes();

  try {
    ImportTsv.TsvParser.ParsedLine parsed = parser.parse(
        lineBytes, value.getLength());
    ImmutableBytesWritable rowKey =
      new ImmutableBytesWritable(lineBytes,
    // Retrieve timestamp if exists
    ts = parsed.getTimestamp(ts);
    cellVisibilityExpr = parsed.getCellVisibility();
    ttl = parsed.getCellTTL();

    // create tags for the parsed line
    if (hfileOutPath != null) {
      if (cellVisibilityExpr != null) {
      // Add TTL directly to the KV so we can vary them when packing more than one KV
      // into puts
      if (ttl > 0) {
        tags.add(new ArrayBackedTag(TagType.TTL_TAG_TYPE, Bytes.toBytes(ttl)));
    Put put = new Put(rowKey.copyBytes());
    for (int i = 0; i < parsed.getColumnCount(); i++) {
      if (i == parser.getRowKeyColumnIndex() || i == parser.getTimestampKeyColumnIndex()
          || i == parser.getAttributesKeyColumnIndex() || i == parser.getCellVisibilityColumnIndex()
          || i == parser.getCellTTLColumnIndex() || (skipEmptyColumns
          && parsed.getColumnLength(i) == 0)) {
      populatePut(lineBytes, parsed, put, i);
    context.write(rowKey, put);
  } catch (ImportTsv.TsvParser.BadTsvLineException | IllegalArgumentException
      | InvalidLabelException badLine) {
    if (logBadLines) {
    System.err.println("Bad line at offset: " + offset.get() + ":\n" + badLine.getMessage());
    if (skipBadLines) {
    throw new IOException(badLine);
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    LOG.error("Interrupted while emitting put", e);
源代码14 项目: phoenix   文件:
 * Intersects an RVC that starts at pkPos with an overlapping range that starts at otherPKPos.
 * For example, ((A, B) - (J, K)) intersected with (F - *) would return ((A,F) - (J, K))
 *     ((A, B) - (J, K)) intersected with (M - P) would return (A-J) since both of the trailing
 * part of the RVC, B and K, do not intersect with B and K.
 * @param result an RVC expression starting from pkPos and with length of at least otherPKPos - pkPos.
 * @param pkPos the PK position of the leading part of the RVC expression
 * @param otherRange the other range to intersect with the overlapping part of the RVC.
 * @param otherPKPos the PK position of the leading part of the other range
 * @return resulting KeyRange from the intersection, potentially an empty range if the result RVC
 *  is a single key and the trailing part of the key does not intersect with the RVC.
private KeyRange intersectTrailing(KeyRange result, int pkPos, KeyRange otherRange, int otherPKPos) {
    RowKeySchema rowKeySchema = table.getRowKeySchema();
    ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();
    int separatorLength = table.getPKColumns().get(otherPKPos-1).getDataType().isFixedWidth() ? 0 : 1;
    boolean lowerInclusive = result.isLowerInclusive();
    byte[] lowerRange = result.getLowerRange();
    // Position ptr at the point at which the two ranges overlap
    if (rowKeySchema.position(ptr, pkPos, otherPKPos)) {
        int lowerOffset = ptr.getOffset();
        // Increase the length of the ptr to include the entire trailing bytes
        ptr.set(ptr.get(), lowerOffset, lowerRange.length - lowerOffset);
        byte[] trailingBytes = ptr.copyBytes();
        // Special case for single key since single keys of different span lengths
        // will never overlap. We do not need to process both the lower and upper
        // ranges since they are the same.
        if (result.isSingleKey() && otherRange.isSingleKey()) {
            int minSpan = rowKeySchema.computeMinSpan(pkPos, result, ptr);
            int otherMinSpan =
                rowKeySchema.computeMinSpan(otherPKPos, otherRange, ptr);
            byte[] otherLowerRange;
            boolean isFixedWidthAtEnd;
            if (pkPos + minSpan <= otherPKPos + otherMinSpan) {
                otherLowerRange = otherRange.getLowerRange();
                isFixedWidthAtEnd = table.getPKColumns().get(pkPos + minSpan -1).getDataType().isFixedWidth();
            } else {
                otherLowerRange = trailingBytes;
                trailingBytes = otherRange.getLowerRange();
                isFixedWidthAtEnd = table.getPKColumns().get(otherPKPos + otherMinSpan -1).getDataType().isFixedWidth();
            // If the otherRange starts with the overlapping trailing byte *and* we're comparing
            // the entire key (i.e. not just a leading subset), then we have an intersection.
            if (Bytes.startsWith(otherLowerRange, trailingBytes) &&
                    (isFixedWidthAtEnd || 
                     otherLowerRange.length == trailingBytes.length || 
                     otherLowerRange[trailingBytes.length] == QueryConstants.SEPARATOR_BYTE)) {
                return result;
            // Otherwise, there is no overlap
            return KeyRange.EMPTY_RANGE;
        // If we're not dealing with single keys, then we can use our normal intersection
        if (otherRange.intersect(KeyRange.getKeyRange(trailingBytes)) == KeyRange.EMPTY_RANGE) {
            // Exit early since the upper range is the same as the lower range
            if (result.isSingleKey()) {
                return KeyRange.EMPTY_RANGE;
            ptr.set(result.getLowerRange(), 0, lowerOffset - separatorLength);
            lowerRange = ptr.copyBytes();
    boolean upperInclusive = result.isUpperInclusive();
    byte[] upperRange = result.getUpperRange();
    if (rowKeySchema.position(ptr, pkPos, otherPKPos)) {
        int upperOffset = ptr.getOffset();
        ptr.set(ptr.get(), upperOffset, upperRange.length - upperOffset);
        if (otherRange.intersect(KeyRange.getKeyRange(ptr.copyBytes())) == KeyRange.EMPTY_RANGE) {
            ptr.set(ptr.get(), 0, upperOffset - separatorLength);
            upperRange = ptr.copyBytes();
    if (lowerRange == result.getLowerRange() && upperRange == result.getUpperRange()) {
        return result;
    KeyRange range = KeyRange.getKeyRange(lowerRange, lowerInclusive, upperRange, upperInclusive);
    return range;
源代码15 项目: phoenix   文件:
public static byte[] copyBytesIfNecessary(ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
  if (ptr.getOffset() == 0 && ptr.getLength() == ptr.get().length) {
    return ptr.get();
  return ptr.copyBytes();
源代码16 项目: phoenix   文件:
private void testIndexRowKeyBuilding(String schemaName, String tableName, String dataColumns,
         String pk, String indexColumns, Object[] values, String includeColumns,
         String dataProps, String indexProps, KeyValueBuilder builder) throws Exception {
     Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
     String fullTableName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(schemaName),SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(tableName));
     String fullIndexName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(schemaName),SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier("idx"));
     conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE " + fullTableName + "(" + dataColumns + " CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (" + pk + "))  " + (dataProps.isEmpty() ? "" : dataProps) );
     try {
         conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE INDEX idx ON " + fullTableName + "(" + indexColumns + ") " + (includeColumns.isEmpty() ? "" : "INCLUDE (" + includeColumns + ") ") + (indexProps.isEmpty() ? "" : indexProps));
         PhoenixConnection pconn = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
         PTable table = pconn.getTable(new PTableKey(pconn.getTenantId(), fullTableName));
         PTable index = pconn.getTable(new PTableKey(pconn.getTenantId(),fullIndexName));
         ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
         table.getIndexMaintainers(ptr, pconn);
         List<IndexMaintainer> c1 = IndexMaintainer.deserialize(ptr, builder, true);
         IndexMaintainer im1 = c1.get(0);
         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("UPSERT INTO " + fullTableName  + " VALUES(");
         for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
         buf.setCharAt(buf.length()-1, ')');
         PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(buf.toString());
         for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
             stmt.setObject(i+1, values[i]);
         	Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<Cell>>> iterator = PhoenixRuntime.getUncommittedDataIterator(conn);
         List<Cell> dataKeyValues =;
         Map<ColumnReference,byte[]> valueMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(dataKeyValues.size());
ImmutableBytesWritable rowKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(dataKeyValues.get(0).getRowArray(), dataKeyValues.get(0).getRowOffset(), dataKeyValues.get(0).getRowLength());
         byte[] row = rowKeyPtr.copyBytes();
         Put dataMutation = new Put(row);
         for (Cell kv : dataKeyValues) {
             valueMap.put(new ColumnReference(kv.getFamilyArray(), kv.getFamilyOffset(), kv.getFamilyLength(), kv.getQualifierArray(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength()), CellUtil.cloneValue(kv));
         ValueGetter valueGetter = newValueGetter(row, valueMap);
         List<Mutation> indexMutations = IndexTestUtil.generateIndexData(index, table, dataMutation, ptr, builder);
         assertTrue(indexMutations.get(0) instanceof Put);
         Mutation indexMutation = indexMutations.get(0);
         ImmutableBytesWritable indexKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(indexMutation.getRow());
         ptr.set(rowKeyPtr.get(), rowKeyPtr.getOffset(), rowKeyPtr.getLength());
         byte[] mutablelndexRowKey = im1.buildRowKey(valueGetter, ptr, null, null, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
         byte[] immutableIndexRowKey = indexKeyPtr.copyBytes();
         assertArrayEquals(immutableIndexRowKey, mutablelndexRowKey);
         for (ColumnReference ref : im1.getCoveredColumns()) {
         byte[] dataRowKey = im1.buildDataRowKey(indexKeyPtr, null);
         assertArrayEquals(dataRowKey, CellUtil.cloneRow(dataKeyValues.get(0)));
     } finally {
         try {
             conn.createStatement().execute("DROP TABLE " + fullTableName);
         } finally {
源代码17 项目: phoenix   文件:
public static byte[] copyBytesIfNecessary(ImmutableBytesWritable ptr) {
  if (ptr.getOffset() == 0 && ptr.getLength() == ptr.get().length) {
    return ptr.get();
  return ptr.copyBytes();
源代码18 项目: phoenix   文件:
private ImmutableBytesWritable copy(ImmutableBytesWritable bytes) {
  return new ImmutableBytesWritable(bytes.copyBytes());
源代码19 项目: phoenix   文件:
private void testIndexRowKeyBuilding(String schemaName, String tableName, String dataColumns,
        String pk, String indexColumns, Object[] values, String includeColumns,
        String dataProps, String indexProps, KeyValueBuilder builder) throws Exception {
    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl());
    String fullTableName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, tableName) ;
    conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE TABLE " + fullTableName + "(" + dataColumns + " CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (" + pk + "))  " + (dataProps.isEmpty() ? "" : dataProps) );
    try {
        conn.createStatement().execute("CREATE INDEX idx ON " + fullTableName + "(" + indexColumns + ") " + (includeColumns.isEmpty() ? "" : "INCLUDE (" + includeColumns + ") ") + (indexProps.isEmpty() ? "" : indexProps));
        PTable table = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getPMetaData().getTable(SchemaUtil.getTableName(SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(schemaName),SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(tableName)));
        PTable index = conn.unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class).getPMetaData().getTable(SchemaUtil.getTableName(SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(schemaName),SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier("idx")));
        ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = new ImmutableBytesWritable();
        List<IndexMaintainer> c1 = IndexMaintainer.deserialize(ptr, builder);
        IndexMaintainer im1 = c1.get(0);
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("UPSERT INTO " + fullTableName  + " VALUES(");
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        buf.setCharAt(buf.length()-1, ')');
        PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(buf.toString());
        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            stmt.setObject(i+1, values[i]);
        	Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<KeyValue>>> iterator = PhoenixRuntime.getUncommittedDataIterator(conn);
        List<KeyValue> dataKeyValues =;
        Map<ColumnReference,byte[]> valueMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(dataKeyValues.size());
        ImmutableBytesWritable rowKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(dataKeyValues.get(0).getRow());
        Put dataMutation = new Put(rowKeyPtr.copyBytes());
        for (KeyValue kv : dataKeyValues) {
            valueMap.put(new ColumnReference(kv.getFamily(),kv.getQualifier()), kv.getValue());
        ValueGetter valueGetter = newValueGetter(valueMap);
        List<Mutation> indexMutations =
                IndexTestUtil.generateIndexData(index, table, dataMutation, ptr, builder);
        assertTrue(indexMutations.get(0) instanceof Put);
        Mutation indexMutation = indexMutations.get(0);
        ImmutableBytesWritable indexKeyPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(indexMutation.getRow());
        ptr.set(rowKeyPtr.get(), rowKeyPtr.getOffset(), rowKeyPtr.getLength());
        byte[] mutablelndexRowKey = im1.buildRowKey(valueGetter, ptr);
        byte[] immutableIndexRowKey = indexKeyPtr.copyBytes();
        assertArrayEquals(immutableIndexRowKey, mutablelndexRowKey);
        for (ColumnReference ref : im1.getCoverededColumns()) {
    } finally {
        try {
            conn.createStatement().execute("DROP TABLE " + fullTableName);
        } finally {