java.util.NavigableMap#put ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.NavigableMap#put ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: kareldb   文件:
private NavigableMap<Long, VersionedValue> toValue(GenericArray<GenericRecord> array) {
    NavigableMap<Long, VersionedValue> map = new TreeMap<>();
    Schema recordSchema = avroSchema.getElementType();
    List<Schema.Field> fields = recordSchema.getFields();
    int size = fields.size();
    for (GenericRecord record : array) {
        Long version = (Long) record.get(0);
        Long commit = (Long) record.get(1);
        boolean deleted = (Boolean) record.get(2);
        Comparable[] row = new Comparable[size - 3];
        for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
            Schema schema = fields.get(i + 3).schema();
            Comparable value = (Comparable) record.get(i + 3);
            row[i] = AvroSchema.fromAvroValue(schema, value);
        map.put(version, new VersionedValue(version, commit, deleted, row));
    return map;
源代码2 项目: rcrs-server   文件:
private void removeStaleKeyFrames() {
    Logger.trace("Removing stale key frames");
    int size = keyFrames.size();
    if (size < KEY_FRAME_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE) {
        Logger.trace("Key frame buffer is not full: " + size + (size == 1 ? " entry" : " entries"));
    // Try to balance the number of key frames.
    int window = maxTime / KEY_FRAME_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE;
    for (int i = 0; i < maxTime; i += window) {
        NavigableMap<Integer, WorldModel<? extends Entity>> next = keyFrames.subMap(i, false, i + window, true);
        Logger.trace("Window " + i + " -> " + (i + window) + " has " + next.size() + " entries");
        if (next.size() > 1) {
            // Remove all but the last entry in this window
            Map.Entry<Integer, WorldModel<? extends Entity>> last = next.lastEntry();
            next.put(last.getKey(), last.getValue());
            Logger.trace("Retained entry " + last);
    Logger.trace("New key frame set: " + keyFrames);
源代码3 项目: jstarcraft-core   文件:
public NavigableMap<String, IndexableField> encode(LuceneContext context, String path, Field field, LuceneStore annotation, Type type, Object instance) {
    NavigableMap<String, IndexableField> indexables = new TreeMap<>();
    // 兼容UniMi
    type = TypeUtility.refineType(type, Map.class);
    ParameterizedType parameterizedType = ParameterizedType.class.cast(type);
    Type[] types = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments();
    Type keyType = types[0];
    Class<?> keyClazz = TypeUtility.getRawType(keyType, null);
    Type valueType = types[1];
    Class<?> valueClazz = TypeUtility.getRawType(valueType, null);

    try {
        // TODO 此处需要代码重构
        Map<Object, Object> map = Map.class.cast(instance);
        Specification keySpecification = Specification.getSpecification(keyClazz);
        StoreConverter keyConverter = context.getStoreConverter(keySpecification);
        Specification valueSpecification = Specification.getSpecification(valueClazz);
        StoreConverter valueConverter = context.getStoreConverter(valueSpecification);

        int size = map.size();
        IndexableField indexable = new StoredField(path + ".size", size);
        indexables.put(path + ".size", indexable);
        int index = 0;
        for (Entry<Object, Object> keyValue : map.entrySet()) {
            Object key = keyValue.getKey();
            indexables.putAll(keyConverter.encode(context, path + "[" + index + "_key]", field, annotation, keyType, key));
            Object value = keyValue.getValue();
            indexables.putAll(valueConverter.encode(context, path + "[" + index + "_value]", field, annotation, valueType, value));
        return indexables;
    } catch (Exception exception) {
        // TODO
        throw new StorageException(exception);
源代码4 项目: teammates   文件:
protected NavigableMap<String, ZoneRules> provideVersions(String zoneId) {
    NavigableMap<String, ZoneRules> map = new TreeMap<>();
    ZoneRules rules = getRules(zoneId, false);
    if (rules != null) {
        map.put(versionId, rules);
    return map;
源代码5 项目: kafka-graphs   文件:
public static <K, V> NavigableMap<K, V> mapFromStore(KafkaStreams streams, String storeName) {
    final ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<K, V> store =
        storeName, QueryableStoreTypes.keyValueStore());

    try (final KeyValueIterator<K, V> all = store.all()) {
        NavigableMap<K, V> result = new TreeMap<>();
        while (all.hasNext()) {
            KeyValue<K, V> next =;
            result.put(next.key, next.value);
        return result;
源代码6 项目: giffun   文件:
public void put(Bitmap bitmap) {
    int size = Util.getBitmapByteSize(bitmap);
    Key key = keyPool.get(size, bitmap.getConfig());

    groupedMap.put(key, bitmap);

    NavigableMap<Integer, Integer> sizes = getSizesForConfig(bitmap.getConfig());
    Integer current = sizes.get(key.size);
    sizes.put(key.size, current == null ? 1 : current + 1);
源代码7 项目: giffun   文件:
private void decrementBitmapOfSize(Integer size, Bitmap.Config config) {
    NavigableMap<Integer, Integer> sizes = getSizesForConfig(config);
    Integer current = sizes.get(size);
    if (current == 1) {
    } else {
        sizes.put(size, current - 1);
源代码8 项目: j2objc   文件:
 * put(null,x) throws NPE
public void testPut1_NullPointerException() {
    NavigableMap c = map5();
    try {
        c.put(null, "whatever");
    } catch (NullPointerException success) {}
源代码9 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
protected NavigableMap<String, ZoneRules> provideVersions(String zoneId) {
    NavigableMap<String, ZoneRules> result = new TreeMap<>();
    result.put("DynamicVersion1", BASE);
    if (count > 2) {
        result.put("DynamicVersion2", ALTERNATE);
    return result;
源代码10 项目: kylin-on-parquet-v2   文件:
private <K, V> V forceFind(NavigableMap<K, V> map, K key, V newObject) {
    V data = map.get(key);
    if (data == null) {
        data = newObject;
        map.put(key, data);
    return data;
源代码11 项目: hraven   文件:
 * test get value as String
public void testGetValueAsString2() {
  NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> infoValues = new TreeMap<byte[], byte[]>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
  infoValues.put(Constants.VERSION_COLUMN_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(JobDetailsValues.version));
    ByteUtil.getValueAsString(Constants.VERSION_COLUMN_BYTES, infoValues));
  // test non existent values
  assertEquals("", ByteUtil.getValueAsString(Constants.HRAVEN_QUEUE_BYTES, infoValues));
源代码12 项目: RDFS   文件:
private static void checkCyclicIteration(int numOfElements) {
  //create a tree map
  final NavigableMap<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>();
  final Integer[] integers = new Integer[numOfElements];
  for(int i = 0; i < integers.length; i++) {
    integers[i] = 2*i;
    map.put(integers[i], integers[i]);
  System.out.println("\n\nintegers=" + Arrays.asList(integers));
  System.out.println("map=" + map);

  //try starting everywhere
  for(int start = -1; start <= 2*integers.length - 1; start++) {
    //get a cyclic iteration
    final List<Integer> iteration = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 
    for(Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e : new CyclicIteration<Integer, Integer>(map, start)) {
    System.out.println("start=" + start + ", iteration=" + iteration);
    //verify results
    for(int i = 0; i < integers.length; i++) {
      final int j = ((start+2)/2 + i)%integers.length;
      assertEquals("i=" + i + ", j=" + j, iteration.get(i), integers[j]);
源代码13 项目: caffeine   文件:
private NavigableMap<String, Set<Feature>> getClassNameToFeatures() {
  NavigableMap<String, Set<Feature>> classNameToFeatures = new TreeMap<>();
  for (List<Object> combination : combinations()) {
    Set<Feature> features = getFeatures(combination);
    String className = encode(Feature.makeClassName(features));
    classNameToFeatures.put(className, features);
  return classNameToFeatures;
源代码14 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
protected NavigableMap<String, ZoneRules> provideVersions(String zoneId) {
    NavigableMap<String, ZoneRules> result = new TreeMap<>();
    result.put("BarVersion", rules);
    return result;
源代码15 项目: kareldb   文件:
public void remove(Comparable[] key, long version) {
    NavigableMap<Long, VersionedValue> rowData = cache.getOrDefault(key, new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>());
    rowData.put(version, new VersionedValue(version, PENDING_TX, true, EMPTY_VALUE));
    cache.put(key, rowData);
源代码16 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
protected NavigableMap<String, ZoneRules> provideVersions(String zoneId) {
    NavigableMap<String, ZoneRules> result = new TreeMap<>();
    result.put("BarVersion", rules);
    return result;
源代码17 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Just write multiple logs then split.  Before fix for HADOOP-2283, this
 * would fail.
 * @throws IOException
public void testSplit() throws IOException {
  final TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(currentTest.getMethodName());
  final byte [] rowName = tableName.getName();
  final MultiVersionConcurrencyControl mvcc = new MultiVersionConcurrencyControl(1);
  final int howmany = 3;
  RegionInfo[] infos = new RegionInfo[3];
  Path tableDataDir = CommonFSUtils.getTableDir(hbaseDir, tableName);
  Path tabledir = CommonFSUtils.getWALTableDir(conf, tableName);
  for (int i = 0; i < howmany; i++) {
    infos[i] = RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(tableName).setStartKey(Bytes.toBytes("" + i))
        .setEndKey(Bytes.toBytes("" + (i + 1))).build();
    fs.mkdirs(new Path(tabledir, infos[i].getEncodedName()));
    fs.mkdirs(new Path(tableDataDir, infos[i].getEncodedName()));"allo " + new Path(tabledir, infos[i].getEncodedName()).toString());
  NavigableMap<byte[], Integer> scopes = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
  scopes.put(Bytes.toBytes("column"), 0);

  // Add edits for three regions.
  for (int ii = 0; ii < howmany; ii++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < howmany; i++) {
      final WAL log =
      for (int j = 0; j < howmany; j++) {
        WALEdit edit = new WALEdit();
        byte [] family = Bytes.toBytes("column");
        byte [] qualifier = Bytes.toBytes(Integer.toString(j));
        byte [] column = Bytes.toBytes("column:" + Integer.toString(j));
        edit.add(new KeyValue(rowName, family, qualifier,
            System.currentTimeMillis(), column));"Region " + i + ": " + edit);
        WALKeyImpl walKey =  new WALKeyImpl(infos[i].getEncodedNameAsBytes(), tableName,
            System.currentTimeMillis(), mvcc, scopes);
        log.appendData(infos[i], walKey, edit);
  // The below calculation of logDir relies on insider information... WALSplitter should be connected better
  // with the WAL system.... not requiring explicit path. The oldLogDir is just made up not used.
  Path logDir =
      new Path(new Path(hbaseWALDir, HConstants.HREGION_LOGDIR_NAME),
  Path oldLogDir = new Path(hbaseDir, HConstants.HREGION_OLDLOGDIR_NAME);
  List<Path> splits = WALSplitter.split(hbaseWALDir, logDir, oldLogDir, fs, conf, wals);
  verifySplits(splits, howmany);
源代码18 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Tests the case where a RegionServer enters a GC pause,
 * comes back online after the master declared it dead and started to split.
 * Want log rolling after a master split to fail. See HBASE-2312.
public void testLogRollAfterSplitStart() throws IOException {"Verify wal roll after split starts will fail.");
  String logName = ServerName.valueOf("testLogRollAfterSplitStart",
      16010, System.currentTimeMillis()).toString();
  Path thisTestsDir = new Path(HBASELOGDIR, AbstractFSWALProvider.getWALDirectoryName(logName));
  final WALFactory wals = new WALFactory(conf, logName);

  try {
    // put some entries in an WAL
    TableName tableName =
    RegionInfo regionInfo = RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(tableName).build();
    WAL log = wals.getWAL(regionInfo);
    MultiVersionConcurrencyControl mvcc = new MultiVersionConcurrencyControl(1);

    int total = 20;
    for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
      WALEdit kvs = new WALEdit();
      kvs.add(new KeyValue(Bytes.toBytes(i), tableName.getName(), tableName.getName()));
      NavigableMap<byte[], Integer> scopes = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
      scopes.put(Bytes.toBytes("column"), 0);
      log.appendData(regionInfo, new WALKeyImpl(regionInfo.getEncodedNameAsBytes(), tableName,
        System.currentTimeMillis(), mvcc, scopes), kvs);
    // Send the data to HDFS datanodes and close the HDFS writer
    ((AbstractFSWAL<?>) log).replaceWriter(((FSHLog)log).getOldPath(), null, null);

    // code taken from MasterFileSystem.getLogDirs(), which is called from
    // MasterFileSystem.splitLog() handles RS shutdowns (as observed by the splitting process)
    // rename the directory so a rogue RS doesn't create more WALs
    Path rsSplitDir = thisTestsDir.suffix(AbstractFSWALProvider.SPLITTING_EXT);
    if (!fs.rename(thisTestsDir, rsSplitDir)) {
      throw new IOException("Failed fs.rename for log split: " + thisTestsDir);
    LOG.debug("Renamed region directory: " + rsSplitDir);

    LOG.debug("Processing the old log files.");
    WALSplitter.split(HBASELOGDIR, rsSplitDir, OLDLOGDIR, fs, conf, wals);

    LOG.debug("Trying to roll the WAL.");
    try {
      log.rollWriter();"rollWriter() did not throw any exception.");
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      if (ioe.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) {"Got the expected exception: ", ioe.getCause());
      } else {"Unexpected exception: " + ioe);
  } finally {
    if (fs.exists(thisTestsDir)) {
      fs.delete(thisTestsDir, true);
public NavigableMap<String, IndexableField> encode(LuceneContext context, String path, Field field, LuceneStore annotation, Type type, Object instance) {
    NavigableMap<String, IndexableField> indexables = new TreeMap<>();
    indexables.put(path, new StoredField(path, instance.toString()));
    return indexables;
源代码20 项目: hbase   文件:
private Path writeWAL(final WALFactory wals, final String tblName, boolean offheap)
    throws IOException {
  Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration();
  String clsName = conf.get(WALCellCodec.WAL_CELL_CODEC_CLASS_KEY, WALCellCodec.class.getName());
  conf.setClass(WALCellCodec.WAL_CELL_CODEC_CLASS_KEY, SecureWALCellCodec.class,
  try {
    TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(tblName);
    NavigableMap<byte[], Integer> scopes = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
    scopes.put(tableName.getName(), 0);
    RegionInfo regionInfo = RegionInfoBuilder.newBuilder(tableName).build();
    final int total = 10;
    final byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("row");
    final byte[] family = Bytes.toBytes("family");
    final MultiVersionConcurrencyControl mvcc = new MultiVersionConcurrencyControl(1);

    // Write the WAL
    WAL wal = wals.getWAL(regionInfo);
    for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
      WALEdit kvs = new WALEdit();
      KeyValue kv = new KeyValue(row, family, Bytes.toBytes(i), value);
      if (offheap) {
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(kv.getBuffer().length);
        ByteBufferKeyValue offheapKV = new ByteBufferKeyValue(bb, 0, kv.getLength());
      } else {
      wal.appendData(regionInfo, new WALKeyImpl(regionInfo.getEncodedNameAsBytes(), tableName,
        System.currentTimeMillis(), mvcc, scopes), kvs);
    final Path walPath = AbstractFSWALProvider.getCurrentFileName(wal);

    return walPath;
  } finally {
    // restore the cell codec class
    conf.set(WALCellCodec.WAL_CELL_CODEC_CLASS_KEY, clsName);