java.util.NavigableMap#lastKey ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.NavigableMap#lastKey ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: besu   文件:
private JsonRpcSuccessResponse extractStorageAt(
    final JsonRpcRequestContext requestContext,
    final Address accountAddress,
    final Hash startKey,
    final int limit,
    final MutableWorldState worldState) {
  final Account account = worldState.get(accountAddress);
  final NavigableMap<Bytes32, AccountStorageEntry> entries =
      account.storageEntriesFrom(startKey, limit + 1);

  Bytes32 nextKey = null;
  if (entries.size() == limit + 1) {
    nextKey = entries.lastKey();
  return new JsonRpcSuccessResponse(
      new DebugStorageRangeAtResult(entries, nextKey, shortValues));
源代码2 项目: teku   文件:
private SafeFuture<?> sendMatchingBlocks(
    final BeaconBlocksByRangeRequestMessage message,
    final ResponseCallback<SignedBeaconBlock> callback) {
  final UnsignedLong count = min(maxRequestSize, message.getCount());
  final UnsignedLong endSlot =

  final UnsignedLong headBlockSlot =
  final NavigableMap<UnsignedLong, Bytes32> hotRoots;
  if (combinedChainDataClient.isFinalized(endSlot)) {
    // All blocks are finalized so skip scanning the protoarray
    hotRoots = new TreeMap<>();
  } else {
    hotRoots =
            message.getStartSlot(), message.getStep(), count);
  // Don't send anything past the last slot found in protoarray to ensure blocks are consistent
  // If we didn't find any blocks in protoarray, every block in the range must be finalized
  // so we don't need to worry about inconsistent blocks
  final UnsignedLong headSlot = hotRoots.isEmpty() ? headBlockSlot : hotRoots.lastKey();
  return sendNextBlock(
      new RequestState(
          message.getStartSlot(), message.getStep(), count, headSlot, hotRoots, callback));
源代码3 项目: amodeus   文件:
public void testSimple1() {
    final int n = 10;
    NdTreeMap<String> ndTreeMap = //
            new NdTreeMap<>(Tensors.vector(0, 0), Tensors.vector(1, 1), n, 26);
    for (int c = 0; c < 400; ++c)
        ndTreeMap.add(RandomVariate.of(UniformDistribution.unit(), 2), "s" + c);
    Tensor flatten = Flatten.of(ndTreeMap.binSize());
    assertEquals(Total.of(flatten), RealScalar.of(400));
    NavigableMap<Tensor, Long> map = Tally.sorted(flatten);
    Tensor last = map.lastKey();
    assertEquals(last, RealScalar.of(n));
源代码4 项目: alfresco-repository   文件:
 * Returns UIDNEXT value of the folder.
 * @return UIDNEXT value.
public long getUidNext()
    NavigableMap<Long, FileInfo> search = getFolderStatus().search; 
    return search.isEmpty() ? 1 : search.lastKey() + 1;
源代码5 项目: ambry   文件:
 * Given a reference time in milliseconds return the corresponding valid data size per log segment map by aggregating
 * all buckets whose end time is less than or equal to the reference time.
 * @param referenceTimeInMS the reference time in ms until which deletes and expiration are relevant
 * @return a {@link Pair} whose first element is the end time of the last bucket that was aggregated and whose second
 * element is the requested valid data size per log segment {@link NavigableMap}.
Pair<Long, NavigableMap<String, Long>> getValidSizePerLogSegment(Long referenceTimeInMS) {
  NavigableMap<String, Long> validSizePerLogSegment = new TreeMap<>(logSegmentBuckets.firstEntry().getValue());
  NavigableMap<Long, NavigableMap<String, Long>> subMap =
      logSegmentBuckets.subMap(logSegmentBuckets.firstKey(), false, referenceTimeInMS, true);
  for (Map.Entry<Long, NavigableMap<String, Long>> bucket : subMap.entrySet()) {
    for (Map.Entry<String, Long> bucketEntry : bucket.getValue().entrySet()) {
      updateMapHelper(validSizePerLogSegment, bucketEntry.getKey(), bucketEntry.getValue());
  Long lastReferenceBucketTimeInMs = subMap.isEmpty() ? logSegmentBuckets.firstKey() : subMap.lastKey();
  return new Pair<>(lastReferenceBucketTimeInMs, validSizePerLogSegment);
源代码6 项目: beam   文件:
 * Returns the record for the last key having this iterators key prefix. Last is defined as the
 * largest key with the same key prefix when comparing key's byte representations using an
 * unsigned lexicographical byte order.
 * <p>Null is returned if the prefix is not present within this file.
public WindowedValue<IsmRecord<V>> getLast() throws IOException {
  RandomAccessData keyBytes = new RandomAccessData();
  int shardId = coder.encodeAndHash(keyComponents, keyBytes);

  Optional<SeekableByteChannel> inChannel =
      initializeFooterAndShardIndex(Optional.<SeekableByteChannel>absent(), readCounter);

  // Key is not stored here
  if (!shardIdToShardMap.containsKey(shardId) || !bloomFilterMightContain(keyBytes)) {
    return null;

  inChannel = initializeForKeyedRead(shardId, inChannel, readCounter);

  final NavigableMap<RandomAccessData, IsmShardKey> indexInShard = indexPerShard.get(shardId);
  RandomAccessData end = keyBytes.increment();
  final IsmShardKey cacheEntry = indexInShard.floorEntry(end).getValue();

  NavigableMap<RandomAccessData, WindowedValue<IsmRecord<V>>> block;
  try (Closeable readerCloser = IsmReader.setSideInputReadContext(readCounter)) {
    block = fetch(cacheEntry);

  RandomAccessData lastKey = block.lastKey();

  // If the requested key is greater than the last key within the block, then it
  // does not exist.
  if (, lastKey) > 0) {
    return null;

  Entry<RandomAccessData, WindowedValue<IsmRecord<V>>> rval = block.floorEntry(end);

  // If the prefix matches completely then we can return
  if (RandomAccessData.UNSIGNED_LEXICOGRAPHICAL_COMPARATOR.commonPrefixLength(
          keyBytes, rval.getKey())
      == keyBytes.size()) {
    return rval.getValue();
  return null;