io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent#directBufferAddress ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent#directBufferAddress ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

final void setByteBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean tryFree) {
        if (tryFree) {
            ByteBuffer oldBuffer = this.buffer;
            if (oldBuffer != null) {
                if (doNotFree) {
                    doNotFree = false;
                } else {
//                    释放直接缓冲区
        this.buffer = buffer;
        memoryAddress = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(buffer);
        tmpNioBuf = null;
        capacity = buffer.remaining();
源代码2 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件:
static void getBytes(AbstractByteBuf buf, long addr, int index, ByteBuffer dst) {
    buf.checkIndex(index, dst.remaining());
    if (dst.remaining() == 0) {

    if (dst.isDirect()) {
        if (dst.isReadOnly()) {
            // We need to check if dst is ready-only so we not write something in it by using Unsafe.我们需要检查dst是否已经就绪,这样我们就不会使用不安全的方法在其中写入内容。
            throw new ReadOnlyBufferException();
        // Copy to direct memory
        long dstAddress = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(dst);
        PlatformDependent.copyMemory(addr, dstAddress + dst.position(), dst.remaining());
        dst.position(dst.position() + dst.remaining());
    } else if (dst.hasArray()) {
        // Copy to array
        PlatformDependent.copyMemory(addr, dst.array(), dst.arrayOffset() + dst.position(), dst.remaining());
        dst.position(dst.position() + dst.remaining());
    } else  {
源代码3 项目: netty4.0.27Learn   文件:
 * Try to add the given {@link CompositeByteBuf}. Returns {@code true} on success,
 * {@code false} otherwise.
boolean add(CompositeByteBuf buf) {
    ByteBuffer[] buffers = buf.nioBuffers();
    if (count + buffers.length >= Native.IOV_MAX) {
        // No more room!
        return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) {
        ByteBuffer nioBuffer = buffers[i];
        int offset = nioBuffer.position();
        int len = nioBuffer.limit() - nioBuffer.position();
        if (len == 0) {
            // No need to add an empty buffer so just continue
        long addr = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(nioBuffer);

        add(addr, offset, len);
    return true;
ReadOnlyUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ByteBufAllocator allocator, ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
        super(allocator, byteBuffer);
        // Use buffer as the super class will slice the passed in ByteBuffer which means the memoryAddress
        // may be different if the position != 0.//使用buffer作为超类将分割在ByteBuffer中传递的内存地址
//        如果位置!= 0,则可能不同。
        memoryAddress = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(buffer);
源代码5 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件:
private int offsetCacheLine(ByteBuffer memory) {
            // We can only calculate the offset if Unsafe is present as otherwise directBufferAddress(...) will
            // throw an NPE.//我们只能计算偏移,如果不安全的存在,否则directBufferAddress(…)将
            return HAS_UNSAFE ?
                    (int) (PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(memory) & directMemoryCacheAlignmentMask) : 0;
源代码6 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件:
static void setBytes(AbstractByteBuf buf, long addr, int index, ByteBuffer src) {
    buf.checkIndex(index, src.remaining());

    int length = src.remaining();
    if (length == 0) {

    if (src.isDirect()) {
        // Copy from direct memory
        long srcAddress = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(src);
        PlatformDependent.copyMemory(srcAddress + src.position(), addr, src.remaining());
        src.position(src.position() + length);
    } else if (src.hasArray()) {
        // Copy from array
        PlatformDependent.copyMemory(src.array(), src.arrayOffset() + src.position(), addr, length);
        src.position(src.position() + length);
    } else {
        ByteBuf tmpBuf = buf.alloc().heapBuffer(length);
        try {
            byte[] tmp = tmpBuf.array();
            src.get(tmp, tmpBuf.arrayOffset(), length); // moves the src position too
            PlatformDependent.copyMemory(tmp, tmpBuf.arrayOffset(), addr, length);
        } finally {
private void setByteBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer) {
    ByteBuffer oldBuffer = this.buffer;
    if (oldBuffer != null) {
        if (doNotFree) {
            doNotFree = false;
        } else {

    this.buffer = buffer;
    memoryAddress = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(buffer);
    tmpNioBuf = null;
    capacity = buffer.remaining();
源代码8 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
private MappedFile(FileChannel channel, MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer, int position, int length) throws IOException { = channel;
   this.buffer = byteBuffer;
   this.position = position;
   this.length = length;
   this.byteBufWrapper = Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(buffer);
   this.channelBufferWrapper = new ChannelBufferWrapper(this.byteBufWrapper, false);
   this.address = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(buffer);
源代码9 项目: activemq-artemis   文件:
 * Writes a sequence of bytes to this file from the given buffer.
 * <p>
 * <p> Bytes are written starting at this file's current position,
public void write(ByteBuffer src, int srcStart, int srcLength) throws IOException {
   final int nextPosition = this.position + srcLength;
   final long destAddress = this.address + this.position;
   if (src.isDirect()) {
      final long srcAddress = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(src) + srcStart;
      PlatformDependent.copyMemory(srcAddress, destAddress, srcLength);
   } else {
      final byte[] srcArray = src.array();
      PlatformDependent.copyMemory(srcArray, srcStart, destAddress, srcLength);
源代码10 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件:
private void initMemoryAddress() {
    memoryAddress = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(memory) + offset;
ReadOnlyUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ByteBufAllocator allocator, ByteBuffer buffer) {
    super(allocator, buffer);
    memoryAddress = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(buffer);
private void initMemoryAddress() {
    memoryAddress = PlatformDependent.directBufferAddress(memory) + offset;