java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue#size ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue#size ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: database   文件:
 * Scan the priority queue of queries with a specified deadline, halting any
 * queries whose deadline has expired.
static private void checkDeadlines(final long nowNanos,
        final PriorityBlockingQueue<QueryDeadline> deadlineQueue) {
     * While the queue is thread safe, we want at most one thread at a time
     * to be inspecting the queue for queries whose deadlines have expired.
    synchronized (deadlineQueue) {

         * Check the head of the deadline queue for any queries whose
         * deadline has expired.
        checkHeadOfDeadlineQueue(nowNanos, deadlineQueue);

        if (deadlineQueue.size() > DEADLINE_QUEUE_SCAN_SIZE) {

             * Scan the deadline queue, removing entries for expired
             * queries.
            scanDeadlineQueue(nowNanos, deadlineQueue);


源代码2 项目: hbase   文件:
public void enqueueLog(Path log) {
  String logPrefix = AbstractFSWALProvider.getWALPrefixFromWALName(log.getName());
  PriorityBlockingQueue<Path> queue = queues.get(logPrefix);
  if (queue == null) {
    queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<>(queueSizePerGroup, new LogsComparator());
    // make sure that we do not use an empty queue when setting up a ReplicationSource, otherwise
    // the shipper may quit immediately
    queues.put(logPrefix, queue);
    if (this.isSourceActive() && this.walEntryFilter != null) {
      // new wal group observed after source startup, start a new worker thread to track it
      // notice: it's possible that log enqueued when this.running is set but worker thread
      // still not launched, so it's necessary to check workerThreads before start the worker
      tryStartNewShipper(logPrefix, queue);
  } else {
  if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
    LOG.trace("{} Added log file {} to queue of source {}.", logPeerId(), logPrefix,
  // This will log a warning for each new log that gets created above the warn threshold
  int queueSize = queue.size();
  if (queueSize > this.logQueueWarnThreshold) {
    LOG.warn("{} WAL group {} queue size: {} exceeds value of "
      + "replication.source.log.queue.warn: {}", logPeerId(),
      logPrefix, queueSize, logQueueWarnThreshold);
源代码3 项目: smslib-v3   文件:
public int pendingQueueSize(String gatewayId)
	PriorityBlockingQueue<OutboundMessage> queue = queueMap.get(gatewayId);
	if (queue == null) return 0;
	return queue.size();