java.util.NavigableSet# tailSet ( ) 源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.NavigableSet# tailSet ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

 * Tests the tailSet() method.
@Test(dataProvider = "NavigableSet<?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableSet.class)
public void testTailSet(String description, NavigableSet navigableSet) {
    assertThrows(() -> {
        description + ": Must throw NullPointerException for null element");

    assertThrows(() -> {
        navigableSet.tailSet(new Object());
    }, ClassCastException.class);

    NavigableSet ss = navigableSet.tailSet("1", true);

    assertEmptyNavigableSet(ss, description + ": Returned value is not empty navigable set.");

@Test(dataProvider = "NavigableSet<?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableSet.class)
public void testTailSetRanges(String description, NavigableSet navigableSet) {
    NavigableSet subSet = navigableSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);

    // same subset
    subSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);

    // slightly smaller
    NavigableSet ns = subSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, false);

    // slight exapansion
    assertThrows(() -> {
        ns.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);
        description + ": Expansion should not be allowed");

    // much smaller
    subSet.tailSet(isDescending(subSet) ? BigInteger.ZERO : BigInteger.TEN, false);
源代码3 项目: codebuff   文件:

 * Returns a view of the portion of {@code set} whose elements are contained by {@code range}.
 * <p>This method delegates to the appropriate methods of {@link NavigableSet} (namely
 * {@link NavigableSet#subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) subSet()},
 * {@link NavigableSet#tailSet(Object, boolean) tailSet()}, and
 * {@link NavigableSet#headSet(Object, boolean) headSet()}) to actually construct the view.
 * Consult these methods for a full description of the returned view's behavior.
 * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code Range}s always represent a range of values using the values' natural
 * ordering. {@code NavigableSet} on the other hand can specify a custom ordering via a
 * {@link Comparator}, which can violate the natural ordering. Using this method (or in general
 * using {@code Range}) with unnaturally-ordered sets can lead to unexpected and undefined
 * behavior.
 * @since 20.0

@GwtIncompatible // NavigableSet
public static <K extends Comparable<? super K>> NavigableSet<K> subSet(NavigableSet<K> set, Range<K> range) {
  if (set.comparator() != null && set.comparator() != Ordering.natural()
      && range.hasLowerBound()
      && range.hasUpperBound()) {
    checkArgument(set.comparator().compare(range.lowerEndpoint(), range.upperEndpoint()) <= 0, "set is using a custom comparator which is inconsistent with the natural ordering.");
  if (range.hasLowerBound() && range.hasUpperBound()) {
    return set.subSet(
      range.lowerEndpoint(), range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED,
      range.upperEndpoint(), range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED);
  } else if (range.hasLowerBound()) {
    return set.tailSet(range.lowerEndpoint(), range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED);
  } else if (range.hasUpperBound()) {
    return set.headSet(range.upperEndpoint(), range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED);
  return checkNotNull(set);
源代码4 项目: codebuff   文件:

 * Returns a view of the portion of {@code set} whose elements are contained by {@code range}.
 * <p>This method delegates to the appropriate methods of {@link NavigableSet} (namely
 * {@link NavigableSet#subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) subSet()},
 * {@link NavigableSet#tailSet(Object, boolean) tailSet()}, and
 * {@link NavigableSet#headSet(Object, boolean) headSet()}) to actually construct the view.
 * Consult these methods for a full description of the returned view's behavior.
 * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code Range}s always represent a range of values using the values' natural
 * ordering. {@code NavigableSet} on the other hand can specify a custom ordering via a
 * {@link Comparator}, which can violate the natural ordering. Using this method (or in general
 * using {@code Range}) with unnaturally-ordered sets can lead to unexpected and undefined
 * behavior.
 * @since 20.0

@GwtIncompatible // NavigableSet
public static <K extends Comparable<? super K>> NavigableSet<K> subSet(NavigableSet<K> set, Range<K> range) {
  if (set.comparator() != null && set.comparator() != Ordering.natural()
      && range.hasLowerBound()
      && range.hasUpperBound()) {
    checkArgument(set.comparator().compare(range.lowerEndpoint(), range.upperEndpoint()) <= 0, "set is using a custom comparator which is inconsistent with the natural ordering.");
  if (range.hasLowerBound() && range.hasUpperBound()) {
    return set.subSet(
      range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED,
      range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED);
  } else if (range.hasLowerBound()) {
    return set.tailSet(range.lowerEndpoint(), range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED);
  } else if (range.hasUpperBound()) {
    return set.headSet(range.upperEndpoint(), range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED);
  return checkNotNull(set);
源代码5 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:

@Test(dataProvider = "NavigableSet<?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableSet.class)
public void testTailSetRanges(String description, NavigableSet navigableSet) {
    NavigableSet subSet = navigableSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);

    // same subset
    subSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);

    // slightly smaller
    NavigableSet ns = subSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, false);

    // slight exapansion
    assertThrows(() -> {
        ns.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);
        description + ": Expansion should not be allowed");

    // much smaller
    subSet.tailSet(isDescending(subSet) ? BigInteger.ZERO : BigInteger.TEN, false);
源代码6 项目: codebuff   文件:

 * Returns a view of the portion of {@code set} whose elements are contained by {@code range}.
 * <p>This method delegates to the appropriate methods of {@link NavigableSet} (namely
 * {@link NavigableSet#subSet(Object, boolean, Object, boolean) subSet()},
 * {@link NavigableSet#tailSet(Object, boolean) tailSet()}, and
 * {@link NavigableSet#headSet(Object, boolean) headSet()}) to actually construct the view.
 * Consult these methods for a full description of the returned view's behavior.
 * <p><b>Warning:</b> {@code Range}s always represent a range of values using the values' natural
 * ordering. {@code NavigableSet} on the other hand can specify a custom ordering via a
 * {@link Comparator}, which can violate the natural ordering. Using this method (or in general
 * using {@code Range}) with unnaturally-ordered sets can lead to unexpected and undefined
 * behavior.
 * @since 20.0
@GwtIncompatible // NavigableSet
public static <K extends Comparable<? super K>> NavigableSet<K> subSet(
    NavigableSet<K> set, Range<K> range) {
  if (set.comparator() != null
      && set.comparator() != Ordering.natural()
      && range.hasLowerBound()
      && range.hasUpperBound()) {
        set.comparator().compare(range.lowerEndpoint(), range.upperEndpoint()) <= 0,
        "set is using a custom comparator which is inconsistent with the natural ordering.");
  if (range.hasLowerBound() && range.hasUpperBound()) {
    return set.subSet(
        range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED,
        range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED);
  } else if (range.hasLowerBound()) {
    return set.tailSet(range.lowerEndpoint(), range.lowerBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED);
  } else if (range.hasUpperBound()) {
    return set.headSet(range.upperEndpoint(), range.upperBoundType() == BoundType.CLOSED);
  return checkNotNull(set);
源代码7 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:

@Test(dataProvider = "NavigableSet<?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableSet.class)
public void testTailSetRanges(String description, NavigableSet navigableSet) {
    NavigableSet subSet = navigableSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);

    // same subset
    subSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);

    // slightly smaller
    NavigableSet ns = subSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, false);

    // slight exapansion
    assertThrows(() -> {
        ns.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);
        description + ": Expansion should not be allowed");

    // much smaller
    subSet.tailSet(isDescending(subSet) ? BigInteger.ZERO : BigInteger.TEN, false);
源代码8 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:

@Test(dataProvider = "NavigableSet<?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableSet.class)
public void testTailSetRanges(String description, NavigableSet navigableSet) {
    NavigableSet subSet = navigableSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);

    // same subset
    subSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);

    // slightly smaller
    NavigableSet ns = subSet.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, false);

    // slight exapansion
    assertThrows(() -> {
        ns.tailSet(BigInteger.ONE, true);
        description + ": Expansion should not be allowed");

    // much smaller
    subSet.tailSet(isDescending(subSet) ? BigInteger.ZERO : BigInteger.TEN, false);
源代码9 项目: emodb   文件:

public Iterator<ByteBuffer> scanRecords(UUID dataId, @Nullable ByteBuffer from, @Nullable ByteBuffer to,
                                        int batchSize, int limit) {
    NavigableSet<ByteBuffer> segments = _records.get(dataId);
    if (segments == null) {
        return Iterators.emptyIterator();

    if (from != null) {
        segments = segments.tailSet(from, true);
    if (to != null) {
        segments = segments.headSet(to, false);
    return ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterators.limit(segments.iterator(), limit)).iterator();

 * Tests the tailSet() method.
@Test(dataProvider = "NavigableSet<?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableSet.class)
public void testTailSet(String description, NavigableSet navigableSet) {
    assertThrows(() -> {
        description + ": Must throw NullPointerException for null element");

    assertThrows(() -> {
        navigableSet.tailSet(new Object());
    }, ClassCastException.class);

    NavigableSet ss = navigableSet.tailSet("1", true);

    assertEmptyNavigableSet(ss, description + ": Returned value is not empty navigable set.");
源代码11 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:

 * Tests the tailSet() method.
@Test(dataProvider = "NavigableSet<?>", dataProviderClass = EmptyNavigableSet.class)
public void testTailSet(String description, NavigableSet navigableSet) {
    assertThrowsNPE(() -> {
        description + ": Must throw NullPointerException for null element");

    assertThrowsCCE(() -> {
        navigableSet.tailSet(new Object());
    }, description);

    NavigableSet ss = navigableSet.tailSet("1", true);

    assertEmptyNavigableSet(ss, description + ": Returned value is not empty navigable set.");
源代码12 项目: jasperreports   文件:

protected SpanInfo<Column> getColumnCellSpan(NavigableSet<Column> columns, Column column, Row row, Cell cell)
	int span = 1;
	Column lastCol = column;
	for (Column tailCol : columns.tailSet(column, false))
		Cell tailCell = row.getCell(tailCol);
		if (tailCell == null || !cell.accept(spanCheck, tailCell))
		lastCol = tailCol;
	return new SpanInfo<Column>(span, lastCol);

 * Return a container matching the attributes specified.
 * @param size         - Space needed in the Container.
 * @param owner        - Owner of the container - A specific nameservice.
 * @param pipelineID   - ID of the pipeline
 * @param containerIDs - Set of containerIDs to choose from
 * @return ContainerInfo, null if there is no match found.
ContainerInfo getMatchingContainer(final long size, String owner,
    PipelineID pipelineID, NavigableSet<ContainerID> containerIDs) {
  if (containerIDs.isEmpty()) {
    return null;

  // Get the last used container and find container above the last used
  // container ID.
  final ContainerState key = new ContainerState(owner, pipelineID);
  final ContainerID lastID =
      lastUsedMap.getOrDefault(key, containerIDs.first());

  // There is a small issue here. The first time, we will skip the first
  // container. But in most cases it will not matter.
  NavigableSet<ContainerID> resultSet = containerIDs.tailSet(lastID, false);
  if (resultSet.size() == 0) {
    resultSet = containerIDs;

  ContainerInfo selectedContainer =
      findContainerWithSpace(size, resultSet, owner, pipelineID);
  if (selectedContainer == null) {

    // If we did not find any space in the tailSet, we need to look for
    // space in the headset, we need to pass true to deal with the
    // situation that we have a lone container that has space. That is we
    // ignored the last used container under the assumption we can find
    // other containers with space, but if have a single container that is
    // not true. Hence we need to include the last used container as the
    // last element in the sorted set.

    resultSet = containerIDs.headSet(lastID, true);
    selectedContainer =
        findContainerWithSpace(size, resultSet, owner, pipelineID);

  return selectedContainer;

 * tailSet returns set with keys in requested range
public void testTailSetContents() {
    NavigableSet set = set5();
    SortedSet sm = set.tailSet(two);
    Iterator i = sm.iterator();
    Object k;
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(two, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(three, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(four, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(five, k);

    SortedSet ssm = sm.tailSet(four);
    assertEquals(four, ssm.first());
    assertEquals(five, ssm.last());
    assertEquals(1, ssm.size());
    assertEquals(3, sm.size());
    assertEquals(4, set.size());
源代码15 项目: j2objc   文件:

 * tailSet returns set with keys in requested range
public void testTailSetContents() {
    NavigableSet set = set5();
    SortedSet sm = set.tailSet(two);
    Iterator i = sm.iterator();
    Object k;
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(two, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(three, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(four, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(five, k);

    SortedSet ssm = sm.tailSet(four);
    assertEquals(four, ssm.first());
    assertEquals(five, ssm.last());
    assertEquals(1, ssm.size());
    assertEquals(3, sm.size());
    assertEquals(4, set.size());
源代码16 项目: j2objc   文件:

 * tailSet returns set with keys in requested range
public void testDescendingTailSetContents() {
    NavigableSet set = dset5();
    SortedSet sm = set.tailSet(m2);
    Iterator i = sm.iterator();
    Object k;
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(m2, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(m3, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(m4, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(m5, k);

    SortedSet ssm = sm.tailSet(m4);
    assertEquals(m4, ssm.first());
    assertEquals(m5, ssm.last());
    assertEquals(1, ssm.size());
    assertEquals(3, sm.size());
    assertEquals(4, set.size());
源代码17 项目: scava   文件:

 * tailSet returns set with keys in requested range
public void testTailSetContents() {
    NavigableSet set = set5();
    SortedSet sm = set.tailSet(two);
    Iterator i = sm.iterator();
    Object k;
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(two, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(three, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(four, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(five, k);

    SortedSet ssm = sm.tailSet(four);
    assertEquals(four, ssm.first());
    assertEquals(five, ssm.last());
    assertEquals(1, ssm.size());
    assertEquals(3, sm.size());
    assertEquals(4, set.size());

 * tailSet returns set with keys in requested range
public void testTailSetContents() {
    NavigableSet set = set5();
    SortedSet sm = set.tailSet(two);
    Iterator i = sm.iterator();
    Object k;
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(two, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(three, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(four, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(five, k);

    SortedSet ssm = sm.tailSet(four);
    assertEquals(four, ssm.first());
    assertEquals(five, ssm.last());
    assertEquals(1, ssm.size());
    assertEquals(3, sm.size());
    assertEquals(4, set.size());

 * tailSet returns set with keys in requested range
public void testTailSetContents() {
    NavigableSet set = set5();
    SortedSet sm = set.tailSet(two);
    Iterator i = sm.iterator();
    Object k;
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(two, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(three, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(four, k);
    k = (Integer)(;
    assertEquals(five, k);

    SortedSet ssm = sm.tailSet(four);
    assertEquals(four, ssm.first());
    assertEquals(five, ssm.last());
    assertEquals(1, ssm.size());
    assertEquals(3, sm.size());
    assertEquals(4, set.size());
源代码20 项目: tracecompass   文件:

private static Iterable<@NonNull ITmfStateInterval> searchforEndTime(NavigableSet<@NonNull ITmfStateInterval> tree, int quark, long time) {
    ITmfStateInterval dummyInterval = new TmfStateInterval(-1, time, quark, (Object) null);
    return tree.tailSet(dummyInterval);