java.util.NavigableSet# contains ( ) 源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.NavigableSet# contains ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件:
 * Calculates the intersection between sets and returns a new set.
 * @param smaller - First Set
 * @param bigger - Second Set
 * @return resultSet which is the intersection of these two sets.
private NavigableSet<ContainerID> intersectSets(
    final NavigableSet<ContainerID> smaller,
    final NavigableSet<ContainerID> bigger) {
  Preconditions.checkState(smaller.size() <= bigger.size(),
      "This function assumes the first set is lesser or equal to second " +
  final NavigableSet<ContainerID> resultSet = new TreeSet<>();
  for (ContainerID id : smaller) {
    if (bigger.contains(id)) {
  return resultSet;
源代码2 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
 * Verifies whether all {@code BigInteger}s in the tested range for which
 * {@code isProbablePrime()} returns {@code false} are <i>not</i>
 * prime numbers.
 * @return true if and only if the test succeeds
private static boolean checkNonPrime(NavigableSet<BigInteger> primes,
        int certainty) {
    int maxPrime = DEFAULT_UPPER_BOUND;
    try {
        maxPrime = primes.last().intValueExact();
    } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
        // ignore it

    // Create a list of non-prime BigIntegers.
    SplittableRandom splitRandom = RandomFactory.getSplittableRandom();
    List<BigInteger> nonPrimeBigInts = (splitRandom)
            .ints(NUM_NON_PRIMES, 2, maxPrime).mapToObj(BigInteger::valueOf)
            .filter(b -> !b.isProbablePrime(certainty)).collect(toList());

    // If there are any non-probable primes also in the primes list then fail.
    boolean failed =;

    // In the event, print which purported non-primes were actually prime.
    if (failed) {
        for (BigInteger bigInt : nonPrimeBigInts) {
            if (primes.contains(bigInt)) {
                System.err.println("Prime value thought to be non-prime: " + bigInt);

    return !failed;
源代码3 项目: scava   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) {
    DB db = DBMaker.newMemoryDB().make();

    // this is wrong, do not do it !!!
    //  Map<String,List<Long>> map

    //correct way is to use composite set, where 'map key' is primary key and 'map value' is secondary value
    NavigableSet<Fun.Tuple2<String,Long>> multiMap = db.getTreeSet("test");


    //find all values for a key
    for(Long l: Bind.findSecondaryKeys(multiMap, "aa")){
        System.out.println("value for key 'aa': "+l);

    //check if pair exists

    boolean found = multiMap.contains(Fun.t2("bb",1L));
    System.out.println("Found: " + found);


 * Retrieves the latest version for each provided major version if it is available.
 * <p>For each provided version, if there is an available version within the major version range
 * and {@link MajorVersion#hasStableApi()} returns true, or
 * {@link MajorVersion#getStableVersion()} is not in the list of requested versions, that version
 * will appear in the returned map. Otherwise, if the {@link MajorVersion#hasStableApi()} returns
 * false and there is no available version for {@link MajorVersion#getStableVersion()}, the latest
 * version in the Unstable version range will be returned.
public NavigableMap<ArtifactVersion, MajorVersion> getLatestVersions(
    NavigableSet<MajorVersion> majorVersions) {
  NavigableMap<ArtifactVersion, MajorVersion> result = new TreeMap<>();
  Table<MajorVersion, ArtifactVersion, MajorVersion> unstableVersions = HashBasedTable.create();
  for (MajorVersion majorVersion : majorVersions) {
    ArtifactVersion latestInMajorVersion =
    if (latestInMajorVersion != null) {
      if (majorVersion.hasStableApi()
          || !majorVersions.contains(majorVersion.getStableVersion())) {
        result.put(latestInMajorVersion, majorVersion);
      } else {
        unstableVersions.put(majorVersion.getStableVersion(), latestInMajorVersion, majorVersion);
    } else {
      // All Major Versions that are unstable and have an associated stable version precede the
      // stable major version with the natural ordering, so we will never get a stable version
      // before the unstable versions
      for (Map.Entry<ArtifactVersion, MajorVersion> unstableVersion :
          unstableVersions.row(majorVersion).entrySet()) {
        result.put(unstableVersion.getKey(), unstableVersion.getValue());
  if (result.isEmpty()) {
    result.put(new DefaultArtifactVersion("LATEST"), MajorVersion.ALL);
  return result;
源代码5 项目: IPAddress   文件:
private <R extends AddressTrie<T>, T extends Address> void testBoundedClone(NavigableSet<T> set) {
	// when cloning, the bounds are removed and the out-of-bounds nodes are trimmed from the trie
	AddressTrie<T> newTrie;
	if(set instanceof AddressTrieSet) {
		AddressTrieSet<T> trieSet = (AddressTrieSet<T>) set;
		newTrie = trieSet.asTrie();
	} else if(set instanceof WrappedMap) {
		WrappedMap<T, ?> wrapped = (WrappedMap<T, ?>) set;
		newTrie =;
	} else {
	if(newTrie.size() != set.size()) {
		addFailure("size mismatch, got " + newTrie.size() + " after clone, not " + set.size(), set);
	// now we check the trie looks like it should
	int count = 0;
	Iterator<? extends TrieNode<T>> iterator = newTrie.allNodeIterator(true);
	while(iterator.hasNext()) {
		TrieNode<T> next =;
		if(next.isAdded()) {
			if(!set.contains(next.getKey())) {
				addFailure("failed clone, found " + next + " when iterating, not in set", set);
		} else {
			if(!next.isRoot() && (next.getLowerSubNode() == null || next.getUpperSubNode() == null)) {
				addFailure("trie structure flawed below " + next, set);
	if(newTrie.size() != count) {
		addFailure("size mismatch, got " + count + " when iterating, not " + newTrie.size(), set);
源代码6 项目: rtg-tools   文件:
 * Expand a name if it is an unambiguous prefix of an entry in the given set of names
 * @param names the reference set of names
 * @param prefix the name prefix
 * @return the input name, or an unambiguous expansion of it
public static String expandPrefix(NavigableSet<String> names, String prefix) {
  String name = prefix;
  if (!names.contains(name)) {
    // Try a search for unambiguous prefix
    final String closest = names.ceiling(prefix);
    if (closest != null && closest.startsWith(prefix)) {
      final String higher = names.higher(closest);
      if (higher == null || !higher.startsWith(prefix)) {
        name = closest;
  return name;
源代码7 项目: phoenix   文件:
private boolean isColumnIncluded(Cell cell) {
    byte[] family = CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell);
    if (!familyMap.containsKey(family)) {
        return false;
    NavigableSet<byte[]> set = familyMap.get(family);
    if (set == null || set.isEmpty()) {
        return true;
    byte[] qualifier = CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell);
    return set.contains(qualifier);
源代码8 项目: ignite   文件:
 * @param otherAssignments Newest assigmnets.
 * @return {@code True} when future compared with other, {@code False} otherwise.
public boolean compatibleWith(GridDhtPreloaderAssignments otherAssignments) {
    if (isInitial() || ((GridDhtPreloader)grp.preloader()).disableRebalancingCancellationOptimization())
        return false;

    if ( {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Rebalancing is forced on the same topology [grp="
                + grp.cacheOrGroupName() + ", " + "top=" + topVer + ']');

        return false;

    if (otherAssignments.affinityReassign()) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Some of owned partitions were reassigned through coordinator [grp="
                + grp.cacheOrGroupName() + ", " + "init=" + topVer + " ,other=" + otherAssignments.topologyVersion() + ']');

        return false;

    Set<Integer> p0 = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Integer> p1 = new HashSet<>();

    // Not compatible if a supplier has left.
    for (ClusterNode node : rebalancingParts.keySet()) {
        if (!grp.cacheObjectContext().kernalContext().discovery().alive(node))
            return false;

    for (Set<Integer> partitions : rebalancingParts.values())

    for (GridDhtPartitionDemandMessage message : otherAssignments.values()) {

    // Not compatible if not a subset.
    if (!p0.containsAll(p1))
        return false;

    p1 = Stream.concat(grp.affinity().cachedAffinity(otherAssignments.topologyVersion())
        .primaryPartitions(ctx.localNodeId()).stream(), grp.affinity()

    NavigableSet<AffinityTopologyVersion> toCheck = grp.affinity().cachedVersions()
        .headSet(otherAssignments.topologyVersion(), false);

    if (!toCheck.contains(topVer)) {
        log.warning("History is not enough for checking compatible last rebalance, new rebalance started " +
            "[grp=" + grp.cacheOrGroupName() + ", lastTop=" + topVer + ']');

        return false;

    for (AffinityTopologyVersion previousTopVer : toCheck.descendingSet()) {
        if (previousTopVer.before(topVer))

        if (!

        p0 = Stream.concat(grp.affinity().cachedAffinity(previousTopVer).primaryPartitions(ctx.localNodeId()).stream(),

        // Not compatible if owners are different.
        if (!p0.equals(p1))
            return false;

    return true;