java.util.NavigableSet# last ( ) 源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.NavigableSet# last ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: tree-regex   文件:
NextDFAState availableTransition(DFAState t, char a) {
  final Integer fromState = mapping.mapping.get(t);
  if (fromState == null) {
    return null;
  final Builder.Entry probe = new Entry(a, a, null, fromState, -1, null);
  final NavigableSet<Builder.Entry> headSet = transitions.headSet(probe, true);
  if (headSet.isEmpty()) {
    return null;
  final Builder.Entry found = headSet.last();
  if (found.state != probe.state || !(found.from <= a && a <= {
    return null;

  return new NextDFAState(found.instructions, found.toDFA);
public void testAddEntryToProject() throws IOException {
    KylinConfig kylinConfig = getTestConfig();
    BadQueryHistoryManager manager = BadQueryHistoryManager.getInstance(kylinConfig);
    BadQueryEntry entry = new BadQueryEntry("sql", "adj", 1459362239992L, 100, "server", "t-0", "user",
            RandomUtil.randomUUID().toString(), "cube");
    BadQueryHistory history = manager.upsertEntryToProject(entry, "default");
    NavigableSet<BadQueryEntry> entries = history.getEntries();
    assertEquals(4, entries.size());

    BadQueryEntry newEntry = entries.last();

    assertEquals("sql", newEntry.getSql());
    assertEquals("adj", newEntry.getAdj());
    assertEquals(1459362239992L, newEntry.getStartTime());
    assertEquals("server", newEntry.getServer());
    assertEquals("user", newEntry.getUser());
    assertEquals("t-0", newEntry.getThread());

    for (int i = 0; i < kylinConfig.getBadQueryHistoryNum(); i++) {
        BadQueryEntry tmp = new BadQueryEntry("sql", "adj", 1459362239993L + i, 100 + i, "server", "t-0", "user",
                RandomUtil.randomUUID().toString(), "cube");
        history = manager.upsertEntryToProject(tmp, "default");
    assertEquals(kylinConfig.getBadQueryHistoryNum(), history.getEntries().size());
源代码3 项目: google-cloud-eclipse   文件:
 * Returns the most recent version of the artifact in the repo,
 * possibly a beta, alpha, or pre-release but not a snapshot version.
public ArtifactVersion getLatestVersion(String groupId, String artifactId) {
  String coordinates = idToKey(groupId, artifactId);
  try {
    NavigableSet<ArtifactVersion> versions = availableVersions.get(coordinates);
    return versions.last();
  } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
        "Could not retrieve version for artifact " + coordinates,
    return null;
源代码4 项目: kylin   文件:
public void testAddEntryToProject() throws IOException {
    KylinConfig kylinConfig = getTestConfig();
    BadQueryHistoryManager manager = BadQueryHistoryManager.getInstance(kylinConfig);
    BadQueryEntry entry = new BadQueryEntry("sql", "adj", 1459362239992L, 100, "server", "t-0", "user",
            RandomUtil.randomUUID().toString(), "cube");
    BadQueryHistory history = manager.upsertEntryToProject(entry, "default");
    NavigableSet<BadQueryEntry> entries = history.getEntries();
    assertEquals(4, entries.size());

    BadQueryEntry newEntry = entries.last();

    assertEquals("sql", newEntry.getSql());
    assertEquals("adj", newEntry.getAdj());
    assertEquals(1459362239992L, newEntry.getStartTime());
    assertEquals("server", newEntry.getServer());
    assertEquals("user", newEntry.getUser());
    assertEquals("t-0", newEntry.getThread());

    for (int i = 0; i < kylinConfig.getBadQueryHistoryNum(); i++) {
        BadQueryEntry tmp = new BadQueryEntry("sql", "adj", 1459362239993L + i, 100 + i, "server", "t-0", "user",
                RandomUtil.randomUUID().toString(), "cube");
        history = manager.upsertEntryToProject(tmp, "default");
    assertEquals(kylinConfig.getBadQueryHistoryNum(), history.getEntries().size());
源代码5 项目: ambry   文件:
 * Adds ttl update entries to {@code segment}.
 * @param idsToTtlUpdate the {@link Set} of IDs to create ttl update entries for.
 * @param segment the {@link IndexSegment} to add the entries to.
 * @param referenceIndex the {@link NavigableMap} to add all the entries to. This represents the source of truth for
 *                       all checks.
 * @throws StoreException
private void addTtlUpdateEntries(Set<MockId> idsToTtlUpdate, IndexSegment segment,
    NavigableMap<MockId, NavigableSet<IndexValue>> referenceIndex) throws StoreException {
  for (MockId id : idsToTtlUpdate) {
    Offset offset = segment.getEndOffset();
    NavigableSet<IndexValue> values = segment.find(id);
    IndexValue value;
    if (values == null) {
      // create an index value with a random log segment name
      value = IndexValueTest.getIndexValue(1, new Offset(TestUtils.getRandomString(1), 0), Utils.Infinite_Time,
          time.milliseconds(), id.getAccountId(), id.getContainerId(), (short) 1, formatVersion);
    } else if (values.last().isDelete()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(id + " is deleted");
    } else if (values.last().isTtlUpdate()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("TTL of " + id + " is already updated");
    } else {
      value = values.last();
    IndexValue newValue = IndexValueTest.getIndexValue(value, formatVersion);
    segment.addEntry(new IndexEntry(id, newValue),
        new Offset(offset.getName(), offset.getOffset() + TTL_UPDATE_FILE_SPAN_SIZE));
    referenceIndex.computeIfAbsent(id, k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(newValue);
源代码6 项目: tracecompass   文件:
 * Create the list of arrows to follow the current thread on a CPU
 * @param trace
 *            trace displayed in the view
 * @param entryList
 *            entry list for this trace
 * @param intervals
 *            sorted collection of the current thread intervals for a CPU
 * @return the list of arrows to follow the current thread on a CPU
 * @throws StateSystemDisposedException
 *             If the query is sent after the state system has been disposed
private List<@NonNull TimeGraphArrow> createCpuArrows(ITmfStateSystem ss, NavigableSet<ITmfStateInterval> intervals)
        throws StateSystemDisposedException {
    if (intervals.isEmpty()) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
     * Add the previous interval if it is the first query iteration and the first
     * interval has currentThread=0. Add the following interval if the last interval
     * has currentThread=0. These are diagonal arrows crossing the query iteration
     * range.
    ITmfStateInterval first = intervals.first();
    long start = first.getStartTime() - 1;
    if (start >= ss.getStartTime() && Objects.equals(first.getValue(), 0)) {
        intervals.add(ss.querySingleState(start, first.getAttribute()));
    ITmfStateInterval last = intervals.last();
    long end = last.getEndTime() + 1;
    if (end <= ss.getCurrentEndTime() && Objects.equals(last.getValue(), 0)) {
        intervals.add(ss.querySingleState(end, last.getAttribute()));

    List<@NonNull TimeGraphArrow> linkList = new ArrayList<>();
    long prevEnd = 0;
    long lastEnd = 0;
    long prevEntry = -1;
    for (ITmfStateInterval currentThreadInterval : intervals) {
        long time = currentThreadInterval.getStartTime();
        if (time != lastEnd) {
             * Don't create links where there are gaps in intervals due to the resolution
            prevEntry = -1;
            prevEnd = 0;
        Integer tid = (Integer) currentThreadInterval.getValue();
        lastEnd = currentThreadInterval.getEndTime() + 1;
        long nextEntry = -1;
        if (tid != null && tid > 0) {
            nextEntry = findEntry(tid, time);
            if (prevEntry >= 0 && nextEntry >= 0) {
                TimeGraphArrow arrow = new TimeGraphArrow(prevEntry, nextEntry, prevEnd, time - prevEnd, getElementStyle(LINK_VALUE));
            prevEntry = nextEntry;
            prevEnd = lastEnd;
    return linkList;
源代码7 项目: hbase   文件:
private static <R, S, P extends Message, Q extends Message, T extends Message> void findMedian(
        CompletableFuture<R> future, AsyncTable<AdvancedScanResultConsumer> table,
        ColumnInterpreter<R, S, P, Q, T> ci, Scan scan, NavigableMap<byte[], S> sumByRegion) {
  double halfSum = ci.divideForAvg(sumByRegion.values().stream().reduce(ci::add).get(), 2L);
  S movingSum = null;
  byte[] startRow = null;
  for (Map.Entry<byte[], S> entry : sumByRegion.entrySet()) {
    startRow = entry.getKey();
    S newMovingSum = ci.add(movingSum, entry.getValue());
    if (ci.divideForAvg(newMovingSum, 1L) > halfSum) {
    movingSum = newMovingSum;
  if (startRow != null) {
  // we can not pass movingSum directly to an anonymous class as it is not final.
  S baseSum = movingSum;
  byte[] family = scan.getFamilies()[0];
  NavigableSet<byte[]> qualifiers = scan.getFamilyMap().get(family);
  byte[] weightQualifier = qualifiers.last();
  byte[] valueQualifier = qualifiers.first();
  table.scan(scan, new AdvancedScanResultConsumer() {
    private S sum = baseSum;

    private R value = null;

    public void onNext(Result[] results, ScanController controller) {
      try {
        for (Result result : results) {
          Cell weightCell = result.getColumnLatestCell(family, weightQualifier);
          R weight = ci.getValue(family, weightQualifier, weightCell);
          sum = ci.add(sum, ci.castToReturnType(weight));
          if (ci.divideForAvg(sum, 1L) > halfSum) {
            if (value != null) {
            } else {
              future.completeExceptionally(new NoSuchElementException());
          Cell valueCell = result.getColumnLatestCell(family, valueQualifier);
          value = ci.getValue(family, valueQualifier, valueCell);
      } catch (IOException e) {

    public void onError(Throwable error) {

    public void onComplete() {
      if (!future.isDone()) {
        // we should not reach here as the future should be completed in onNext.
        future.completeExceptionally(new NoSuchElementException());