java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry#getKey ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry#getKey ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

public static <T> boolean completePromise(int xid, ClusterResponse<T> response) {
    if (!PROMISE_MAP.containsKey(xid)) {
        return false;
    SimpleEntry<ChannelPromise, ClusterResponse> entry = PROMISE_MAP.get(xid);
    if (entry != null) {
        ChannelPromise promise = entry.getKey();
        if (promise.isDone() || promise.isCancelled()) {
            return false;
        return true;
    return false;
源代码2 项目: xgboost-predictor-java   文件:
 * Predicts probability and calculate its logarithmic loss using {@link Predictor#predict(FVec)}.
 * @param predictor Predictor
 * @param data      test data
static void predictAndLogLoss(Predictor predictor, List<SimpleEntry<Integer, FVec>> data) {
    double sum = 0;

    for (SimpleEntry<Integer, FVec> pair : data) {

        double[] predicted = predictor.predict(pair.getValue());

        double predValue = Math.min(Math.max(predicted[0], 1e-15), 1 - 1e-15);
        int actual = pair.getKey();
        sum = actual * Math.log(predValue) + (1 - actual) * Math.log(1 - predValue);

    double logLoss = -sum / data.size();

    System.out.println("Logloss: " + logLoss);
源代码3 项目: protect   文件:
 * Handles message received over point-to-point links
public void handleMessage(final Message message) {

	// TODO: Implement stuff here
	// System.out.println("OPT BFT --- Received unique authenticated message: " /*+
	// message*/);

	// Count votes for messages in a given position
	if (message instanceof Message) {
		final Message publicMessage = (Message) message;
		final Payload payload = publicMessage.getPayload();
		if (payload.getOpcode() == Payload.OpCode.BFT_CERTIFICATION) {
			final SimpleEntry<Long, SignedMessage> data = (SimpleEntry<Long, SignedMessage>) payload.getData();
			final long messagePosition = data.getKey();
			final SignedMessage bftMessage = data.getValue();
			recordVote(messagePosition, bftMessage, message.getSenderIndex());
源代码4 项目: protect   文件:
private static String computeEncryptedPartials(final ApvssShareholder shareholder, final String secretName,
		final Integer requesterId) throws NotFoundException {

	// This server
	final int serverIndex = shareholder.getIndex();

	// Epoch information
	final long epoch = shareholder.getEpoch();

	// Return encrypted partials
	final SimpleEntry<BigInteger, BigInteger> encryptedPartials = shareholder.computeEncryptedPartial(requesterId);
	final BigInteger encryptedShare1Part = encryptedPartials.getKey();
	final BigInteger encryptedShare2Part = encryptedPartials.getValue();

	// Return the result in json
	final JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
	obj.put("responder", new Integer(serverIndex));
	obj.put("requester", new Integer(requesterId));
	obj.put("epoch", new Long(epoch));
	obj.put("share1_part", encryptedShare1Part.toString());
	obj.put("share2_part", encryptedShare2Part.toString());
	return obj.toJSONString() + "\n";

源代码5 项目: Sentinel   文件:
public static <T> boolean completePromise(int xid, ClusterResponse<T> response) {
    if (!PROMISE_MAP.containsKey(xid)) {
        return false;
    SimpleEntry<ChannelPromise, ClusterResponse> entry = PROMISE_MAP.get(xid);
    if (entry != null) {
        ChannelPromise promise = entry.getKey();
        if (promise.isDone() || promise.isCancelled()) {
            return false;
        return true;
    return false;
源代码6 项目: freecol   文件:
 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void writeChildren(FreeColXMLWriter xw) throws XMLStreamException {

    if (this.kv != null) {
        for (SimpleEntry<String,StringTemplate> e : this.kv) {
            String key = e.getKey(); // OK if null
            if (key != null) xw.writeAttribute(VALUE_TAG, key);

            e.getValue().toXML(xw); // value is always present

源代码7 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) {
    SimpleEntry<String, String> element = elements.pop();
    switch (qName) {
    case "event":
    case "struct":
    case "array":
    case "value":
        String name = element.getKey();
        Object value = objects.pop();
        if (objects.isEmpty()) {
            events.add((XMLEvent) value);
        if (value instanceof StringBuilder) {
            value = ((StringBuilder) value).toString();
        Object parent = objects.peek();
        if (parent instanceof XMLEvent) {
            ((XMLEvent) parent).values.put(name, value);
        if (parent instanceof Map) {
            ((Map<String, Object>) parent).put(name, value);
        if (parent != null && parent.getClass().isArray()) {
            int index = Integer.parseInt(element.getValue());
            ((Object[]) parent)[index] = value;
源代码8 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) {
    SimpleEntry<String, String> element = elements.pop();
    switch (qName) {
    case "event":
    case "struct":
    case "array":
    case "value":
        String name = element.getKey();
        Object value = objects.pop();
        if (objects.isEmpty()) {
            events.add((XMLEvent) value);
        if (value instanceof StringBuilder) {
            value = ((StringBuilder) value).toString();
        Object parent = objects.peek();
        if (parent instanceof XMLEvent) {
            ((XMLEvent) parent).values.put(name, value);
        if (parent instanceof Map) {
            ((Map<String, Object>) parent).put(name, value);
        if (parent != null && parent.getClass().isArray()) {
            int index = Integer.parseInt(element.getValue());
            ((Object[]) parent)[index] = value;
源代码9 项目: AdvancedRocketry   文件:
private String getName(String key) {
	SimpleEntry<String, String> entry = entryMap.get(key);
	if(entry == null)
		return "";
			return entry.getValue();
			return entry.getKey();
源代码10 项目: protect   文件:
private static void printErrors(final List<ApvssShareholder> shareholders)
	for (ApvssShareholder shareholder : shareholders)
		System.out.println("Errors reported by shareholder with index = " + shareholder.getIndex() + ":");
		for (SimpleEntry<Integer, ErrorCondition> alert : shareholder.alertLog.getAlerts())
			int reportedShareholder = alert.getKey();
			ErrorCondition error = alert.getValue();
			System.out.println("   Shareholder[" + reportedShareholder + "] committed a " + error + " error");
源代码11 项目: protect   文件:
public void readSecret() throws BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException,
		ResourceUnavailableException, BelowThresholdException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException,
		InvalidKeySpecException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchProviderException, SignatureException,
		BadArgumentException {

	// Perform read to all servers
	// Validate each result before adding it to the list
	// On read, print the restored secret's public key
	// Compare to the public key that was return getting the info of the secret
	// TODO: Compare returned shares against (most common feldman commitments
	// Print the secret to standard out

	// Print status

	// Get public keys from the server
	System.out.print("Accessing public key for secret: " + this.secretName + "... ");
	final SimpleEntry<List<EcPoint>, Long> publicKeyAndEpoch = this.getServerVerificationKeys(secretName);
	System.out.println(" (done)");
	final List<EcPoint> publicKeys = publicKeyAndEpoch.getKey();
	System.out.println("Stored Public key for secret:    " + publicKeys.get(0));

	// Attempt recovery of the stored secret
	System.out.println("Reading shares to decode secret: " + this.secretName);
	final BigInteger recoveredSecret = this.readShares(publicKeys);
	final EcPoint publicKeyOfSecret = CommonConfiguration.CURVE.multiply(CommonConfiguration.g, recoveredSecret);
	System.out.println("Public key of recvered secret = " + publicKeyOfSecret);
	boolean secretsMatch = publicKeyOfSecret.equals(publicKeys.get(0));

	if (secretsMatch) {
		System.out.println("Value of secret: " + recoveredSecret);
	} else {
		System.err.println("Failed to recover secret");
源代码12 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) {
    SimpleEntry<String, String> element = elements.pop();
    switch (qName) {
    case "event":
    case "struct":
    case "array":
    case "value":
        String name = element.getKey();
        Object value = objects.pop();
        if (objects.isEmpty()) {
            events.add((XMLEvent) value);
        if (value instanceof StringBuilder) {
            value = ((StringBuilder) value).toString();
        Object parent = objects.peek();
        if (parent instanceof XMLEvent) {
            ((XMLEvent) parent).values.put(name, value);
        if (parent instanceof Map) {
            ((Map<String, Object>) parent).put(name, value);
        if (parent != null && parent.getClass().isArray()) {
            int index = Integer.parseInt(element.getValue());
            ((Object[]) parent)[index] = value;
源代码13 项目: ssj   文件:
private SimpleEntry<Float, String> classify(float value)
	SimpleEntry<Float, String> foundClass = null;
	for (SimpleEntry<Float, String> thresholdClass : thresholdList)
		float classValue = thresholdClass.getKey();
		if (value > classValue)
			return thresholdClass;
	return foundClass;
源代码14 项目: ssj   文件:
public int compare(SimpleEntry<Float, String> o1, SimpleEntry<Float, String> o2)
	// Note: this comparator imposes orderings that are inconsistent with equals.
	// Order is descending.
	if (o1.getKey() > o2.getKey())
		return -1;
	if (o1.getKey() < o2.getKey())
		return 1;
	return 0;
private void findParametersWrappedInLocalVariables() {
	for(StatementObject statement : nonMappedLeavesT2) {
		for(VariableDeclaration declaration : statement.getVariableDeclarations()) {
			AbstractExpression initializer = declaration.getInitializer();
			if(initializer != null) {
				for(String key : initializer.getCreationMap().keySet()) {
					List<ObjectCreation> creations = initializer.getCreationMap().get(key);
					for(ObjectCreation creation : creations) {
						for(String argument : creation.arguments) {
							SimpleEntry<VariableDeclaration, UMLOperation> v2 = getVariableDeclaration2(new Replacement("", argument, ReplacementType.VARIABLE_NAME));
							SimpleEntry<VariableDeclaration, UMLOperation> v1 = getVariableDeclaration1(new Replacement(declaration.getVariableName(), "", ReplacementType.VARIABLE_NAME));
							if(v2 != null && v1 != null) {
								Set<AbstractCodeMapping> references = VariableReferenceExtractor.findReferences(v1.getKey(), v2.getKey(), mappings);
								RenameVariableRefactoring ref = new RenameVariableRefactoring(v1.getKey(), v2.getKey(), v1.getValue(), v2.getValue(), references);
								if(!existsConflictingExtractVariableRefactoring(ref) && !existsConflictingMergeVariableRefactoring(ref) && !existsConflictingSplitVariableRefactoring(ref)) {
									if(!v1.getKey().getType().equals(v2.getKey().getType()) || !v1.getKey().getType().equalsQualified(v2.getKey().getType())) {
										ChangeVariableTypeRefactoring refactoring = new ChangeVariableTypeRefactoring(v1.getKey(), v2.getKey(), v1.getValue(), v2.getValue(), references);
源代码16 项目: protect   文件:
public void writeSecret() throws BadPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, ClassNotFoundException,
		IOException, ResourceUnavailableException, BelowThresholdException, InvalidKeySpecException,
		NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateEncodingException, InterruptedException {

	// Thresholdizes the given secret
	// Stores each share to shareholder
	// Initiates a dkg using that secret
	// Outputs the public key of the secret to verify stored correctly

	// Get n and t
	final int numServers = serverConfiguration.getNumServers();
	final int threshold = serverConfiguration.getReconstructionThreshold();

	// Print status of key pair generation
	System.out.println("Generating shares of the provided secret...");
	final EcPoint publicKeyOfSecret = CommonConfiguration.CURVE.multiply(CommonConfiguration.g, secretToStore);
	System.out.println("Public key of secret = " + publicKeyOfSecret);
	final BigInteger[] coefficients = Shamir.generateCoefficients(threshold);
	coefficients[0] = secretToStore;
	final ShamirShare[] shares = Shamir.generateShares(coefficients, numServers);
	System.out.println("Generation of shares complete.");

	// Store shares and parameters to the shareholders
	System.out.print("Storing shares to secret: " + this.secretName + "... ");
	final Boolean storageSuccess = this.storeSecret(shares);
	if (!storageSuccess) {
		System.err.println("\nStorage failed");
	System.out.println(" (done)");

	// Initiating DKG
	System.out.print("Initiating DKG for secret: " + this.secretName + "... ");
	final Boolean dkgSuccess = this.storeShares();
	if (!dkgSuccess) {
		System.out.println("DKG failed, secret is not available");
	System.out.println(" (done)");

	// Initiating DKG
	System.out.println(" (done)");
	// Verify DKG
	// Get public keys from the server
	System.out.print("Accessing public key for secret: " + this.secretName + "... ");
	final SimpleEntry<List<EcPoint>, Long> publicKeyAndEpoch = this.getServerVerificationKeys(secretName);
	System.out.println(" (done)");
	final List<EcPoint> publicKeys = publicKeyAndEpoch.getKey();
	System.out.println("Stored Public key for secret:    " + publicKeys.get(0));
	boolean secretsMatch = publicKeyOfSecret.equals(publicKeys.get(0));

	if (secretsMatch) {
		System.out.println("DKG complete. Secret is now stored and available for reading.");
	} else {
		System.err.println("DKG complete but stored result does not match what we attempted to store.");

源代码17 项目: freecol   文件:
 * Split a message into a list of text and link objects.
 * @param player The {@code Player} who will see the result.
 * @return A list of strings and buttons.
public List<Object> splitLinks(Player player) {
    final FreeColGameObject source = player.getGame()

    // Build a list of objects, initially containing just the plain
    // text of the message.
    List<Object> result = new ArrayList<>();

    for (SimpleEntry<String,StringTemplate> e : entryList()) {
        // Then for each key, check if it can be made into a link.
        // If not, ignore it.
        String key = e.getKey();
        String val = Messages.message(e.getValue());
        if (val == null) continue;
        Object b = Utility.getMessageButton(key, val, player, source);
        if (b == null) continue;

        // ...if so, find all instances of the replacement of the key
        // in the object list texts, and replace them with buttons.
        List<Object> next = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Object o : result) {
            if (o instanceof String) {
                String str = (String)o;
                int index, start = 0;
                while ((index = str.indexOf(val, start)) >= 0) {
                    if (index > start) {
                        next.add(str.substring(start, index));
                    start = index + val.length();
                next.add(str.substring(start, str.length()));
            } else {
        result = next;
    return result;
源代码18 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件:
public String toString() {
	String contents = getContents();
	regions.sort(Comparator.comparing((region) -> region.start));

	List<SimpleEntry<Integer, CommentedRegion>> sorted = new ArrayList<>();
	for (int index = 0; index < regions.size(); index++) {
		sorted.add(new SimpleEntry<>(index, regions.get(index)));

	List<SimpleEntry<Integer, String>> locations = new ArrayList<>(); -> {
		locations.add(new SimpleEntry<>(s.getValue().start, "<" + s.getKey() + "<"));
		locations.add(new SimpleEntry<>(s.getValue().end, ">" + s.getKey() + ">"));

	StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
	int lastOffset = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < locations.size(); i++) {
		SimpleEntry<Integer, String> location = locations.get(i);
		Integer offset = location.getKey();
		String comment = location.getValue();
		result.append(contents.substring(lastOffset, offset));
		lastOffset = offset;

	result.append(contents.substring(lastOffset, contents.length()));
	String[] resultsArray = result.toString().replace("\t", "    ").split("\r?\n");
	int maxLineLength = -> r.length()).reduce(Integer::max).get();

	if (!result.substring(result.length() - 1, result.length()).equals("\n")) {

	result.append(Strings.repeat("-", maxLineLength));

	if (sorted.isEmpty()) {
		for (String message : emptyMessages) {
	} else {
		for (SimpleEntry<Integer, CommentedRegion> c : sorted) {
			result.append(": ");
	return result.toString();
protected void loadModel(URL directoryURL, String parms) {
  File directory = null;
  if("file".equals(directoryURL.getProtocol())) {
    directory = Files.fileFromURL(directoryURL);
  } else {
    throw new GateRuntimeException("The dataDirectory for WekaWrapper must be a file: URL not "+directoryURL);
  ArrayList<String> finalCommand = new ArrayList<>();
  // we need the corpus representation here! Normally this is done from loadEngine and after
  // load model, but we do it here. The load crm method only loads anything if it is still
  // null, so we will do this only once anyway.
  CorpusRepresentationMalletTarget data = (CorpusRepresentationMalletTarget)corpusRepresentation;
  SimpleEntry<String,Integer> modeAndNrC = findOutMode(data);
  String mode = modeAndNrC.getKey();
  Integer nrClasses = modeAndNrC.getValue();
  // Instead of loading a model, this establishes a connection with the 
  // external wrapper process. 
  File commandFile = findWrapperCommand(directory, true);
  String modelFileName = new File(directory,MODEL_BASENAME).getAbsolutePath();
  // if we have a shell command prepend that, and if we have shell parms too, include them
  if(shellcmd != null) {
    if(shellparms != null) {
      String[] sps = shellparms.trim().split("\\s+");
      int i=0; for(String sp : sps) { finalCommand.add(++i,sp); }
  //System.err.println("Running: "+finalCommand);
  // Create a fake Model jsut to make LF_Apply... happy which checks if this is null
  Map<String,String> env = new HashMap<>();
  env.put(ENV_WRAPPER_HOME, wrapperhome);
  process = Process4JsonStream.create(directory,env,finalCommand);
public void trainModel(File dataDirectory, String instanceType, String parms) {
  ArrayList<String> finalCommand = new ArrayList<>();
  CorpusRepresentationMalletTarget data = (CorpusRepresentationMalletTarget)corpusRepresentation;
  SimpleEntry<String,Integer> modeAndNrC = findOutMode(data);
  String mode = modeAndNrC.getKey();
  Integer nrClasses = modeAndNrC.getValue();
  // invoke wrapper for training
  File commandFile = findWrapperCommand(dataDirectory, false);
  // Export the data 
  // Note: any scaling was already done in the PR before calling this method!
  // find out if we train classification or regression
  // TODO: NOTE: not sure if classification/regression matters here as long as
  // the actual exporter class does the right thing based on the corpus representation!
  // TODO: we have to choose the correct target type here!!!
  // NOTE: the last argument here are the parameters for the exporter method.
  // we use the CSV exporter with parameters:
  // -t: twofiles, export indep and dep into separate files
  // -n: noheaders, do not add a header row
  // Exporter.export(corpusRepresentation, 
  //        Exporter.CSV_CL_MR, dataDirectory, instanceType, "-t -n");
  String dataFileName = dataDirectory.getAbsolutePath()+File.separator;
  String modelFileName = new File(dataDirectory, MODEL_BASENAME).getAbsolutePath();
  if(!parms.trim().isEmpty()) {
    String[] tmp = parms.split("\\s+",-1);
  // if we have a shell command prepend that, and if we have shell parms too, include them
  if(shellcmd != null) {
    if(shellparms != null) {
      String[] sps = shellparms.trim().split("\\s+");
      int i=0; for(String sp : sps) { finalCommand.add(++i,sp); }
  //System.err.println("Running: ");
  //for(int i=0; i<finalCommand.size();i++) {
  //  System.err.println(i+": >"+finalCommand.get(i)+"<");
  // Create a fake Model jsut to make LF_Apply... happy which checks if this is null
  Map<String,String> env = new HashMap<>();
  process = ProcessSimple.create(dataDirectory,env,finalCommand);
  SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
  info.modelWhenTrained = sdf.format(new Date());    
  info.algorithmParameters = parms;;;