java.util.OptionalInt#isPresent ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了java.util.OptionalInt#isPresent ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: ehcache3   文件:
 * For the {@link Service} class specified, attempt to instantiate the service using the
 * {@link ServiceFactory} infrastructure.
 * @param serviceClass the {@code Service} type to create
 * @param <T> the type of the {@code Service}
 * @return the collection of created services; may be empty
 * @throws IllegalStateException if the configured service is already registered or the configured service
 *        implements a {@code Service} subtype that is not marked with the {@link PluralService} annotation
 *        but is already registered
private <T, V> Collection<ServiceFactory<? extends T>> discoverServices(ServiceMap resolved, Class<T> serviceClass) {
  Collection<ServiceFactory<? extends T>> typedServiceFactories = stream(serviceFactories.spliterator(), false)
    .filter(f -> serviceClass.isAssignableFrom(f.getServiceType())).map(f -> (ServiceFactory<? extends T>) f)
    .filter(f -> !f.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(ServiceFactory.RequiresConfiguration.class))
    .filter(f -> !provided.contains(f.getServiceType()))
    .filter(f -> !resolved.contains(f.getServiceType()))

  OptionalInt highestRank =;

  if (highestRank.isPresent()) {
    return -> highestRank.getAsInt() == f.rank()).collect(toList());
  } else {
    return emptyList();
源代码2 项目: ditto   文件:
public QueryBuilder sort(final List<SortOption> sortOptions) {
    checkNotNull(sortOptions, "sort options");
    final OptionalInt thingIdEntry = IntStream.range(0, sortOptions.size())
            .filter(i -> ID_SORT_FIELD_EXPRESSION.equals(sortOptions.get(i).getSortExpression()))
    if (thingIdEntry.isPresent()) {
        this.sortOptions = sortOptions.subList(0, thingIdEntry.getAsInt() + 1);
    } else {
        final List<SortOption> options = new ArrayList<>(sortOptions.size() + DEFAULT_SORT_OPTIONS.size());
        this.sortOptions = options;
    return this;
源代码3 项目: AuthMeReloaded   文件:
public void changePassword(String user, HashedPassword password, Connection con) throws SQLException {
    OptionalInt authId = retrieveIdFromTable(user, con);
    if (authId.isPresent()) {
        final int id = authId.getAsInt();
        // Insert password in the correct table
        String sql = "UPDATE " + xfPrefix + "user_authenticate SET data=? WHERE " + col.ID + "=?;";
        try (PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql)) {
            String serializedHash = XfBCrypt.serializeHash(password.getHash());
            byte[] bytes = serializedHash.getBytes();
            Blob blob = con.createBlob();
            blob.setBytes(1, bytes);
            pst.setBlob(1, blob);
            pst.setInt(2, id);

        // ...
        sql = "UPDATE " + xfPrefix + "user_authenticate SET scheme_class=? WHERE " + col.ID + "=?;";
        try (PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(sql)) {
            pst.setString(1, XfBCrypt.SCHEME_CLASS);
            pst.setInt(2, id);
源代码4 项目: hbase   文件:
 * @return get maximum ref count of storeFile among all compacted HStore Files for the HStore
public int getMaxCompactedStoreFileRefCount() {
  OptionalInt maxCompactedStoreFileRefCount = this.storeEngine.getStoreFileManager()
    .filter(sf -> sf.getReader() != null)
  return maxCompactedStoreFileRefCount.isPresent()
    ? maxCompactedStoreFileRefCount.getAsInt() : 0;
源代码5 项目: LuckPerms   文件:
public MetaAccumulator accumulateMeta(MetaAccumulator accumulator, QueryOptions queryOptions) {
    InheritanceGraph graph = this.plugin.getInheritanceGraphFactory().getGraph(queryOptions);
    for (PermissionHolder holder : graph.traverse(this)) {
        // accumulate nodes
        for (DataType dataType : holder.queryOrder(queryOptions)) {
            holder.getData(dataType).forEach(queryOptions, node -> {
                if (node.getValue() && NodeType.META_OR_CHAT_META.matches(node)) {

        // accumulate weight
        OptionalInt w = holder.getWeight();
        if (w.isPresent()) {

    // accumulate primary group
    if (this instanceof User) {
        String primaryGroup = ((User) this).getPrimaryGroup().calculateValue(queryOptions);

    return accumulator;
源代码6 项目: LuckPerms   文件:
protected @NonNull OptionalInt supply() {
    boolean seen = false;
    int best = 0;
    for (Node n : {
        if (n instanceof WeightNode) {
            WeightNode weightNode = (WeightNode) n;
            int value = weightNode.getWeight();

            if (!seen || value > best) {
                seen = true;
                best = value;

    OptionalInt weight = seen ? OptionalInt.of(best) : OptionalInt.empty();

    if (!weight.isPresent()) {
        Map<String, Integer> configWeights =;
        Integer w = configWeights.get(;
        if (w != null) {
            weight = OptionalInt.of(w);

    return weight;
源代码7 项目: besu   文件:
public URI toURI() {
  final String uri =
          "enode://%[email protected]%s:%d",
  final OptionalInt discPort = getDiscPortQueryParam();
  if (discPort.isPresent()) {
    return URI.create(uri + String.format("?discport=%d", discPort.getAsInt()));
  } else {
    return URI.create(uri);
源代码8 项目: buck   文件:
private static Optional<WebServer> createWebServer(
    BuckConfig config, ProjectFilesystem filesystem, Clock clock) {
  OptionalInt port = getValidWebServerPort(config);
  if (!port.isPresent()) {
    return Optional.empty();
  return Optional.of(new WebServer(port.getAsInt(), filesystem, clock));
源代码9 项目: nifi   文件:
private boolean receiveSpaceAvailableResponse() throws IOException {
    logger.debug("Receiving response from Peer {} to determine whether or not space is available in queue {}", peerDescription, connectionId);

    final OptionalInt spaceAvailableResponse =;
    if (!spaceAvailableResponse.isPresent()) {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > readTimeout) {
            throw new SocketTimeoutException("Timed out waiting for Peer " + peerDescription + " to verify whether or not space is available for Connection " + connectionId);

        return false;

    final int response = spaceAvailableResponse.getAsInt();
    if (response < 0) {
        throw new EOFException("Encountered End-of-File when trying to verify with Peer " + peerDescription + " whether or not space is available in Connection " + connectionId);

    if (response == SPACE_AVAILABLE) {
        logger.debug("Peer {} has confirmed that space is available in Connection {}", peerDescription, connectionId);
        phase = TransactionPhase.GET_NEXT_FLOWFILE;
    } else if (response == QUEUE_FULL) {
        logger.debug("Peer {} has confirmed that the queue is full for Connection {}", peerDescription, connectionId);
        phase = TransactionPhase.RECOMMEND_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
        checksum.reset(); // We are restarting the session entirely so we need to reset our checksum
        complete = true; // consider complete because there's nothing else that we can do in this session. Allow client to move on to a different session.
    } else {
        throw new TransactionAbortedException("After requesting to know whether or not Peer " + peerDescription + " has space available in Connection " + connectionId
            + ", received unexpected response of " + response + ". Aborting transaction.");

    return true;
源代码10 项目: nifi   文件:
private boolean receiveProtocolVersionAcknowledgment() throws IOException {
    logger.debug("Confirming Transaction Complete for Peer {}", peerDescription);

    final OptionalInt ackResponse =;
    if (!ackResponse.isPresent()) {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > readTimeout) {
            throw new SocketTimeoutException("Timed out waiting for Peer " + peerDescription + " to acknowledge Protocol Version");

        return false;

    final int response = ackResponse.getAsInt();
    if (response < 0) {
        throw new EOFException("Encounter End-of-File with Peer " + peerDescription + " when expecting a Protocol Version Acknowledgment");

    if (response == VERSION_ACCEPTED) {
        logger.debug("Peer {} accepted Protocol Version {}", peerDescription, protocolVersion);
        phase = TransactionPhase.SEND_CONNECTION_ID;
        return true;

    if (response == REQEUST_DIFFERENT_VERSION) {
        logger.debug("Recommended using Protocol Version of {} with Peer {} but received REQUEST_DIFFERENT_VERSION response", protocolVersion, peerDescription);
        readTimeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMillis;
        phase = TransactionPhase.RECEIVE_RECOMMENDED_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
        return true;

    throw new IOException("Failed to negotiate Protocol Version with Peer " + peerDescription + ". Recommended version " + protocolVersion + " but instead of an ACCEPT or REJECT " +
            "response got back a response of " + response);
源代码11 项目: immutables   文件:
static int initFrom(OptionalInt optional) {
  if (optional.isPresent()) {
    return safeValue(optional.getAsInt());
public AttributeValue transformFrom(OptionalInt input) {
    if (input.isPresent()) {
        return AttributeValue.builder().n(STRING_CONVERTER.toString(input)).build();
    } else {
        return AttributeValues.nullAttributeValue();
源代码13 项目: buck   文件:
private String printBuildTime(OptionalInt buildTimeMs) {
  if (!buildTimeMs.isPresent()) {
    return "Unknown";
  long buildTimeSecs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(buildTimeMs.getAsInt());
  long mins = buildTimeSecs / 60;
  long secs = buildTimeSecs % 60;
  return mins == 0 ? String.format("%ds", secs) : String.format("%dm %ds", mins, secs);
源代码14 项目: nifi   文件:
private boolean confirmTransactionComplete() throws IOException {
    logger.debug("Confirming Transaction Complete for Peer {}", peerDescription);

    final OptionalInt transactionResponse =;
    if (!transactionResponse.isPresent()) {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() > readTimeout) {
            throw new SocketTimeoutException("Timed out waiting for Peer " + peerDescription + " to confirm the transaction is complete");

        return false;

    final int response = transactionResponse.getAsInt();
    if (response < 0) {
        throw new EOFException("Confirmed checksum when writing data to Peer " + peerDescription + " but encountered End-of-File when expecting a Transaction Complete confirmation");

    if (response == ABORT_TRANSACTION) {
        throw new TransactionAbortedException("Confirmed checksum when writing data to Peer " + peerDescription + " but Peer aborted transaction instead of completing it");
        throw new IOException("Expected a CONFIRM_COMPLETE_TRANSACTION response from Peer " + peerDescription + " but received a value of " + response);

    complete = true;
    logger.debug("Successfully completed Transaction to send {} FlowFiles to Peer {} for Connection {}", flowFilesSent.size(), peerDescription, connectionId);

    return true;
源代码15 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Finds next available index for newly loaded modules.
private static int getNextId(@NonNull List<RadioManager.ModuleProperties> modules) {
    OptionalInt max =;
    return max.isPresent() ? max.getAsInt() + 1 : 0;
源代码16 项目: dalesbred   文件:
private static @Nullable Object unwrap(@NotNull OptionalInt o) {
    return o.isPresent() ? o.getAsInt() : null;
源代码17 项目: presto   文件:
public FixedSourcePartitionedScheduler(
        SqlStageExecution stage,
        Map<PlanNodeId, SplitSource> splitSources,
        StageExecutionDescriptor stageExecutionDescriptor,
        List<PlanNodeId> schedulingOrder,
        List<InternalNode> nodes,
        BucketNodeMap bucketNodeMap,
        int splitBatchSize,
        OptionalInt concurrentLifespansPerTask,
        NodeSelector nodeSelector,
        List<ConnectorPartitionHandle> partitionHandles)
    requireNonNull(stage, "stage is null");
    requireNonNull(splitSources, "splitSources is null");
    requireNonNull(bucketNodeMap, "bucketNodeMap is null");
    checkArgument(!requireNonNull(nodes, "nodes is null").isEmpty(), "nodes is empty");
    requireNonNull(partitionHandles, "partitionHandles is null");

    this.stage = stage;
    this.nodes = ImmutableList.copyOf(nodes);
    this.partitionHandles = ImmutableList.copyOf(partitionHandles);


    BucketedSplitPlacementPolicy splitPlacementPolicy = new BucketedSplitPlacementPolicy(nodeSelector, nodes, bucketNodeMap, stage::getAllTasks);

    ArrayList<SourceScheduler> sourceSchedulers = new ArrayList<>();
            partitionHandles.equals(ImmutableList.of(NOT_PARTITIONED)) != stageExecutionDescriptor.isStageGroupedExecution(),
            "PartitionHandles should be [NOT_PARTITIONED] if and only if all scan nodes use ungrouped execution strategy");
    int nodeCount = nodes.size();
    int concurrentLifespans;
    if (concurrentLifespansPerTask.isPresent() && concurrentLifespansPerTask.getAsInt() * nodeCount <= partitionHandles.size()) {
        concurrentLifespans = concurrentLifespansPerTask.getAsInt() * nodeCount;
    else {
        concurrentLifespans = partitionHandles.size();

    boolean firstPlanNode = true;
    Optional<LifespanScheduler> groupedLifespanScheduler = Optional.empty();
    for (PlanNodeId planNodeId : schedulingOrder) {
        SplitSource splitSource = splitSources.get(planNodeId);
        boolean groupedExecutionForScanNode = stageExecutionDescriptor.isScanGroupedExecution(planNodeId);
        SourceScheduler sourceScheduler = newSourcePartitionedSchedulerAsSourceScheduler(
                Math.max(splitBatchSize / concurrentLifespans, 1),

        if (stageExecutionDescriptor.isStageGroupedExecution() && !groupedExecutionForScanNode) {
            sourceScheduler = new AsGroupedSourceScheduler(sourceScheduler);

        if (firstPlanNode) {
            firstPlanNode = false;
            if (!stageExecutionDescriptor.isStageGroupedExecution()) {
                sourceScheduler.startLifespan(Lifespan.taskWide(), NOT_PARTITIONED);
            else {
                LifespanScheduler lifespanScheduler;
                if (bucketNodeMap.isDynamic()) {
                    // Callee of the constructor guarantees dynamic bucket node map will only be
                    // used when the stage has no remote source.
                    // When the stage has no remote source, any scan is grouped execution guarantees
                    // all scan is grouped execution.
                    lifespanScheduler = new DynamicLifespanScheduler(bucketNodeMap, nodes, partitionHandles, concurrentLifespansPerTask);
                else {
                    lifespanScheduler = new FixedLifespanScheduler(bucketNodeMap, partitionHandles, concurrentLifespansPerTask);

                // Schedule the first few lifespans
                // Schedule new lifespans for finished ones
                groupedLifespanScheduler = Optional.of(lifespanScheduler);
    this.groupedLifespanScheduler = groupedLifespanScheduler;
    this.sourceSchedulers = sourceSchedulers;
源代码18 项目: component-runtime   文件:
public boolean forwardEntry(final Record source, final Record.Builder builder, final String sourceColumn,
        final Schema.Entry entry) {
    switch (entry.getType()) {
    case INT:
        final OptionalInt optionalInt = source.getOptionalInt(sourceColumn);
        optionalInt.ifPresent(v -> builder.withInt(entry, v));
        return optionalInt.isPresent();
    case LONG:
        final OptionalLong optionalLong = source.getOptionalLong(sourceColumn);
        optionalLong.ifPresent(v -> builder.withLong(entry, v));
        return optionalLong.isPresent();
    case FLOAT:
        final OptionalDouble optionalFloat = source.getOptionalFloat(sourceColumn);
        optionalFloat.ifPresent(v -> builder.withFloat(entry, (float) v));
        return optionalFloat.isPresent();
    case DOUBLE:
        final OptionalDouble optionalDouble = source.getOptionalDouble(sourceColumn);
        optionalDouble.ifPresent(v -> builder.withDouble(entry, v));
        return optionalDouble.isPresent();
    case BOOLEAN:
        final Optional<Boolean> optionalBoolean = source.getOptionalBoolean(sourceColumn);
        optionalBoolean.ifPresent(v -> builder.withBoolean(entry, v));
        return optionalBoolean.isPresent();
    case STRING:
        final Optional<String> optionalString = source.getOptionalString(sourceColumn);
        optionalString.ifPresent(v -> builder.withString(entry, v));
        return optionalString.isPresent();
    case DATETIME:
        final Optional<ZonedDateTime> optionalDateTime = source.getOptionalDateTime(sourceColumn);
        optionalDateTime.ifPresent(v -> builder.withDateTime(entry, v));
        return optionalDateTime.isPresent();
    case BYTES:
        final Optional<byte[]> optionalBytes = source.getOptionalBytes(sourceColumn);
        optionalBytes.ifPresent(v -> builder.withBytes(entry, v));
        return optionalBytes.isPresent();
    case RECORD:
        final Optional<Record> optionalRecord = source.getOptionalRecord(sourceColumn);
        optionalRecord.ifPresent(v -> builder.withRecord(entry, v));
        return optionalRecord.isPresent();
    case ARRAY:
        final Optional<Collection<Object>> optionalArray = source.getOptionalArray(Object.class, sourceColumn);
        optionalArray.ifPresent(v -> builder.withArray(entry, v));
        return optionalArray.isPresent();
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported entry type: " + entry);
源代码19 项目: presto   文件:
public Optional<ConnectorPartitioningHandle> getCommonPartitioningHandle(ConnectorSession session, ConnectorPartitioningHandle left, ConnectorPartitioningHandle right)
    HivePartitioningHandle leftHandle = (HivePartitioningHandle) left;
    HivePartitioningHandle rightHandle = (HivePartitioningHandle) right;

    if (!leftHandle.getHiveTypes().equals(rightHandle.getHiveTypes())) {
        return Optional.empty();
    if (leftHandle.getBucketingVersion() != rightHandle.getBucketingVersion()) {
        return Optional.empty();
    if (leftHandle.getBucketCount() == rightHandle.getBucketCount()) {
        return Optional.of(leftHandle);
    if (!isOptimizedMismatchedBucketCount(session)) {
        return Optional.empty();

    int largerBucketCount = Math.max(leftHandle.getBucketCount(), rightHandle.getBucketCount());
    int smallerBucketCount = Math.min(leftHandle.getBucketCount(), rightHandle.getBucketCount());
    if (largerBucketCount % smallerBucketCount != 0) {
        // must be evenly divisible
        return Optional.empty();
    if (Integer.bitCount(largerBucketCount / smallerBucketCount) != 1) {
        // ratio must be power of two
        return Optional.empty();

    OptionalInt maxCompatibleBucketCount = min(leftHandle.getMaxCompatibleBucketCount(), rightHandle.getMaxCompatibleBucketCount());
    if (maxCompatibleBucketCount.isPresent() && maxCompatibleBucketCount.getAsInt() < smallerBucketCount) {
        // maxCompatibleBucketCount must be larger than or equal to smallerBucketCount
        // because the current code uses the smallerBucketCount as the common partitioning handle.
        return Optional.empty();

    return Optional.of(new HivePartitioningHandle(
            leftHandle.getBucketingVersion(), // same as rightHandle.getBucketingVersion()
源代码20 项目: groovy   文件:
 * If a value is present in the {@code OptionalInt}, returns an {@code Optional}
 * consisting of the result of applying the given function to the value or else empty.
 * <pre class="groovyTestCase">
 * assert !OptionalInt.empty().mapToObj(x -&gt; new Object()).isPresent()
 * assert  OptionalInt.of(1234).mapToObj(x -&gt; new Object()).isPresent()
 * assert !OptionalInt.of(1234).mapToObj(x -&gt; null).isPresent()
 * assert  OptionalInt.of(1234).mapToObj(Integer::toString).get() == '1234'
 * </pre>
 * @since 3.0.0
public static <T> Optional<T> mapToObj(final OptionalInt self, final IntFunction<? extends T> mapper) {
    if (!self.isPresent()) {
        return Optional.empty();
    return Optional.ofNullable(mapper.apply(self.getAsInt()));