java.util.ResourceBundle.Control#getCandidateLocales ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: jasperreports   文件:
public String getLocalizedProperty(String property, Locale locale)
	Control control = Control.getControl(Control.FORMAT_PROPERTIES);
	String value = null;
	// we're not looking at the fallback locale to be consistent with JRResourcesUtil.loadResourceBundle
	List<Locale> locales = control.getCandidateLocales(property, locale);
	for (Locale candidate : locales)
		String candidateString = candidate.toString();
		String candidateProperty = candidateString.isEmpty() ? property : (property + "_" + candidateString);
		String candidateValue = getProperty(candidateProperty);
		if (candidateValue != null)// test for empty?
			value = candidateValue;
	return value;
public NodeRef getLocalizedSibling(NodeRef nodeRef)
    Locale userLocale = I18NUtil.getLocale();
    String name = (String) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_NAME);
    NodeRef parentNodeRef = nodeService.getPrimaryParent(nodeRef).getParentRef();
    // Work out the base name we are working with
    Pair<String, String> split = getExtension(name, false);
    String base = split.getFirst();
    String ext = split.getSecond();
    NodeRef resultNodeRef = nodeRef;
    // Search for siblings with the same name
    Control resourceHelper = Control.getControl(Control.FORMAT_DEFAULT);
    List<Locale> candidateLocales = resourceHelper.getCandidateLocales(base, userLocale);
    for (Locale candidateLocale : candidateLocales)
        String filename = resourceHelper.toBundleName(base, candidateLocale) + "." + ext;
        // Attempt to find the file
        NodeRef foundNodeRef = searchSimple(parentNodeRef, filename);
        if (foundNodeRef != null)   // TODO: Check for read permissions
            resultNodeRef = foundNodeRef;
    // Done
    return resultNodeRef;