( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
 * Runs the actual tests in nested class TestMain.
 * The reason for running the tests in a separate process
 * is that we need to modify the class path.
private static void runTests(int pid) throws Throwable {
    final String sep = File.separator;

    // Need to add jdk/lib/tools.jar to classpath.
    String classpath =
        System.getProperty("test.class.path", "") + File.pathSeparator +
        System.getProperty("test.jdk", ".") + sep + "lib" + sep + "tools.jar";
    String testClassDir = System.getProperty("test.classes", "") + sep;

    // Argumenta : -classpath cp BasicTests$TestMain pid agent badagent redefineagent
    String[] args = {
        testClassDir + "Agent.jar",
        testClassDir + "BadAgent.jar",
        testClassDir + "RedefineAgent.jar" };
    OutputAnalyzer output = ProcessTools.executeTestJvm(args);
源代码2 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
private static String getWsImport() {
    String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
    if (javaHome.endsWith("jre")) {
        javaHome = new File(javaHome).getParent();
    String wsimport = javaHome + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "wsimport";
    if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) {
        wsimport = wsimport.concat(".exe");
    return wsimport;
源代码3 项目: cloudExplorer   文件:
void syncFromS3(String folder) {
    try {
        if (folder != null) {
            System.out.print("\n\nStarting sync from Folder: " + folder + " on bucket: " + bucket + " to destination: " + destination + ".\n");
        } else {
            System.out.print("\n\nStarting sync from bucket: " + bucket + " to destination: " + destination + ".\n");
        File[] foo = new File[object_array.length];
        for (int i = 1; i != object_array.length; i++) {
            if (object_array[i] != null) {
                int found = 0;
                foo[i] = new File(destination + File.separator + object_array[i]);
                if (folder != null) {
                    if (object_array[i].contains(folder)) {
                        syncengine = new SyncEngine(object_array[i], null, null, object_array[i], bucket, access_key, secret_key, endpoint, null, null, null, false, destination);
                } else {
                    syncengine = new SyncEngine(object_array[i], null, null, object_array[i], bucket, access_key, secret_key, endpoint, null, null, null, false, destination);

        while (!executor.isTerminated()) {
        System.out.print("\nSync operation finished running");
    } catch (Exception sync) {

源代码4 项目: beetl2.0   文件:
 * @param root 
public WebAppResourceLoader(String root)

	if (root != null)
		this.root = root;
		this.root = BeetlUtil.getWebRoot() + File.separator;

源代码5 项目: AndroidMVVMSample   文件:
private static String getPath(File f, String subDir) {
    File file = new File(f.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + subDir);
    if (!file.exists()) {
    return file.getAbsolutePath();
源代码6 项目: sofa-jarslink   文件:
public void test() {
    PluginContext pluginContext = Mockito.mock(PluginContext.class);
    PluginActivator pluginActivator = new JarslinkActivator();

    String tempPath = FileUtils.getTempDirectoryPath() + File.separator
                      + Constants.JARSLINK_IDENTITY;
源代码7 项目: hottub   文件:
private static String initCursorDir() {
    String jhome =
    return jhome +
        File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "images" +
        File.separator + "cursors" + File.separator;
源代码8 项目: AudioAnchor   文件:
AudioFile(int id, String title, int albumId, int time, int completedTime, String albumTitle, String coverPath, String baseDirectory) {
    mId = id;
    mTitle = title;
    mAlbumId = albumId;
    mTime = time;
    mCompletedTime = completedTime;
    mAlbumTitle = albumTitle;
    if (coverPath != null) {
        mCoverPath = baseDirectory + File.separator + coverPath;
    } else {
        mCoverPath = null;
    mPath = baseDirectory + File.separator + mAlbumTitle + File.separator + mTitle;
源代码9 项目: carbon-apimgt   文件:
public static String getUploadedFileDirPath(String tenantDomain, String tempDirName) {
    //Temporary directory is used for keeping the uploaded files
    // i.e [APIUsageFileLocation]/api-usage-data/tenantDomain/tvtzC
    String storageLocation = System.getProperty("APIUsageFileLocation");
    return ((storageLocation != null && !storageLocation.isEmpty())
            ? storageLocation : CarbonUtils.getCarbonHome())
            + File.separator + MicroGatewayAPIUsageConstants.API_USAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + File.separator
            + tenantDomain + File.separator + tempDirName;
源代码10 项目: ontopia   文件:
 * Deserializes the jtm file, serializes the resulting topic map into a jtm file in the directory 'jtm-in', reads this
 * file in again and canonicalizes the result into the directory 'jtm-out'. Compares the file in 'jtm-out' with a
 * baseline file in 'baseline'.
public void testWriter() throws IOException {
  TestFileUtils.verifyDirectory(base, "jtm-in");
  TestFileUtils.verifyDirectory(base, "jtm-out");

  // Path to the input topic map document.
  String in = TestFileUtils.getTestInputFile(testdataDirectory, "in", filename);
  // Path to the baseline (canonicalized output of the source topic map).
  String baseline = TestFileUtils.getTestInputFile(testdataDirectory, "baseline",
          filename + ".cxtm");

  // Path to the intermediate jtm file
  String jtm = base + File.separator + "jtm-in" + File.separator + filename;

  // Path to the output (canonicalized output of exported jtm topic map).
  File out = new File(base + File.separator + "jtm-out" + File.separator + filename
          + ".cxtm");

  TopicMapIF tm = new JTMTopicMapReader(TestFileUtils.getTestInputURL(in)).read();

  // serialize the imported topic map into jtm again
  FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(jtm);
  (new JTMTopicMapWriter(fos)).write(tm);

  // read in the intermediate jtm file
  tm = new JTMTopicMapReader(new File(jtm)).read();

  // Canonicalize the imported jtm.
  new CanonicalXTMWriter(out).write(tm);

  // compare results
  Assert.assertTrue("canonicalizing the test file " + filename
          + " gives a different result than canonicalizing the jtm export of "
          + filename + ".", TestFileUtils.compareFileToResource(out, baseline));
源代码11 项目: PlayerVaults   文件:
public void run() {
    Logger logger = PlayerVaults.getInstance().getLogger();

    File newDir = PlayerVaults.getInstance().getVaultData();
    if (newDir.exists()) {

    File oldVaults = new File(PlayerVaults.getInstance().getDataFolder() + File.separator + "vaults");
    if (oldVaults.exists()) {"********** Starting conversion to UUIDs for PlayerVaults **********");"This might take awhile."); + " will remain as a backup.");

        for (File file : oldVaults.listFiles()) {
            if (file.isDirectory()) {
                continue; // backups folder.
            OfflinePlayer player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(file.getName().replace(".yml", ""));
            if (player == null) {
                logger.warning("Unable to convert file because player never joined the server: " + file.getName());

            File newFile = new File(PlayerVaults.getInstance().getVaultData(), player.getUniqueId().toString() + ".yml");
            try {
                Files.copy(file, newFile);
      "Successfully converted vault file for " + player.getName());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.severe("Couldn't convert vault file for " + player.getName());
        }"********** Conversion done ;D **********");
源代码12 项目: endpoints-java   文件:
protected String getWarOutputPath(Option outputOption, String warPath) {
  if (outputOption.getValue() != null) {
    return outputOption.getValue();
  return warPath + File.separator + DEFAULT_WAR_OUTPUT_PATH_SUFFIX;
public String showLoadingImage(String urlPath) {
    Uri outImageUri = null;
    OutputStream outputStream = null;
    InputStream inputStream = null;
    BufferedSource inBuffer = null;
    try {
        if (SdkVersionUtils.checkedAndroid_Q()) {
            outImageUri = createOutImageUri();
        } else {
            String suffix = PictureMimeType.getLastImgSuffix(mMimeType);
            String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState();
            File rootDir =
                            ? Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DCIM)
                            : getContext().getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES);
            if (rootDir != null) {
                if (!rootDir.exists()) {
                File folderDir = new File(!state.equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED)
                        ? rootDir.getAbsolutePath() : rootDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + PictureMimeType.CAMERA + File.separator);
                if (!folderDir.exists() && folderDir.mkdirs()) {
                String fileName = DateUtils.getCreateFileName("IMG_") + suffix;
                File file = new File(folderDir, fileName);
                outImageUri = Uri.fromFile(file);
        if (outImageUri != null) {
            outputStream = Objects.requireNonNull(getContentResolver().openOutputStream(outImageUri));
            URL u = new URL(urlPath);
            inputStream = u.openStream();
            inBuffer = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(inputStream));
            boolean bufferCopy = PictureFileUtils.bufferCopy(inBuffer, outputStream);
            if (bufferCopy) {
                return PictureFileUtils.getPath(this, outImageUri);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (outImageUri != null && SdkVersionUtils.checkedAndroid_Q()) {
            getContentResolver().delete(outImageUri, null, null);
    } finally {
    return null;
 * Find a suitable JVM on the user's system.
 * @return - path to java binary
public static String findJVM() {

	String jvm = null;
	jvm = System.getProperty("java.home");

	// handle property not set
	if (jvm == null) {

		log.warn("Java home property not set, just guessing with a general java call, and will probably fail.");

		// just take a guess an hope it's in the classpath
		jvm = "java";


	// add binary folder
	jvm = jvm + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java";

	return jvm;
private static String getFileName(String dir, String file) {
    if (!dir.endsWith(File.separator)) dir = dir + File.separator;
    return dir + file;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void beforeTestsStarted() throws Exception {

    sysOut = System.out;
    testOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(16 * 1024);

    int nodeId = 0;

    IgniteEx crd = startGrid(nodeId);

    try (Transaction tx = crd.transactions().txStart()) {
        IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache = crd.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);

        sensitiveValues.add(SENSITIVE_DATA_VALUE_PREFIX + 0);
        sensitiveValues.add(SENSITIVE_DATA_VALUE_PREFIX + 1);
        sensitiveValues.add(SENSITIVE_DATA_VALUE_PREFIX + 2);

        String val0 = sensitiveValues.get(0);
        String val1 = sensitiveValues.get(1);
        String val2 = sensitiveValues.get(2);

        cache.put(val0, val0);
        cache.withKeepBinary().put(val1, val1);
        cache.put(val2, new Person(1, val2));


    GridKernalContext kernalCtx = crd.context();
    IgniteWriteAheadLogManager wal = kernalCtx.cache().context().wal();

    for (WALRecord walRecord : withSensitiveData()) {
        if (isIncludeIntoLog(walRecord))


    wal.flush(null, true);

    IgniteConfiguration cfg = crd.configuration();

    String wd = cfg.getWorkDirectory();
    String wp = cfg.getDataStorageConfiguration().getWalPath();
    String fn = kernalCtx.pdsFolderResolver().resolveFolders().folderName();

    walDirPath = wd + File.separator + wp + File.separator + fn;
    pageSize = cfg.getDataStorageConfiguration().getPageSize();

private File getSelectedTemplateFile() {
    String template = (String)defTemplateList.getSelectedValue() + TemplateFileFilter.TEMPLATE_FILE_EXT;
    return new File(Globals.USER_DATA_DIR + "/templates" + File.separator + template);
public void testMultiDiskStore() throws Exception {
  String tableName = "REPLICATE_TABLE";
  String secondTableName = "REPLICATE_2_TABLE";
  String server1Name = "server1";
  String server2Name = "server2";
  int numDDL = 4;
  startVMs(1, 2);
  clientCreateDiskStore(1, testDiskStoreName);
  clientCreateDiskStore(1, secondDiskStoreName);
  clientCreatePersistentReplicateTable(1, tableName, testDiskStoreName);
  clientCreatePersistentReplicateTable(1, secondTableName, secondDiskStoreName);
  //create table
  //insert/update/delete data
  insertData(tableName, 0, 1000);
  updateData(tableName, 300, 600);
  deleteData(tableName, 600, 900);
  insertData(secondTableName, 0, 1000);
  updateData(secondTableName, 300, 600);
  deleteData(secondTableName, 600, 900);

  String server1Directory = getVM(-1).getSystem().getSystemDirectory() + "_" + getVM(-1).getPid();
  String server2Directory = getVM(-2).getSystem().getSystemDirectory() + "_" + getVM(-2).getPid();
  this.serverExecute(1, this.getCopyDataDictionary(server1Directory));
  this.serverExecute(2,  this.getCopyDataDictionary(server2Directory));
  this.serverExecute(1,  this.getCopyOplogsRunnable(server1Directory, testDiskStoreName));
  this.serverExecute(2,  this.getCopyOplogsRunnable(server2Directory, testDiskStoreName));
  this.serverExecute(1,  this.getCopyOplogsRunnable(server1Directory, secondDiskStoreName));
  this.serverExecute(2,  this.getCopyOplogsRunnable(server2Directory, secondDiskStoreName));

  String propertiesFileName = "";
  Properties properties = new Properties();
  String server1CopyDir = server1Directory + File.separator + copyDirectory;
  String server2CopyDir = server2Directory + File.separator + copyDirectory;
  properties.setProperty(server1Name, server1CopyDir + "," + server1CopyDir + File.separator + testDiskStoreName + "," + server1CopyDir + File.separator + secondDiskStoreName);
  properties.setProperty(server2Name, server2CopyDir + "," + server2CopyDir + File.separator + testDiskStoreName + "," + server2CopyDir + File.separator + secondDiskStoreName); FileOutputStream(new File(propertiesFileName)), "test properties");
  String userName =  TestUtil.currentUserName == null? "APP":TestUtil.currentUserName;
  //pass in properties file to salvager
  String args[] = new String[] {"property-file=" + propertiesFileName, "--user-name=" + userName};
  GemFireXDDataExtractorImpl salvager = GemFireXDDataExtractorImpl.doMain(args);

  String outputDirectoryString = salvager.getOutputDirectory();
  File outputDirectory = new File(outputDirectoryString);
  File server1OutputDirectory = new File(outputDirectory, server1Name);
  assertTrue(serverExportedCorrectly(server1OutputDirectory, new String[] {tableName, secondTableName}, numDDL));
  File server2OutputDirectory = new File(outputDirectory, server2Name);
  assertTrue(serverExportedCorrectly(server2OutputDirectory, new String[] {tableName, secondTableName}, numDDL));

  File summaryFile = new File(outputDirectory, "Summary.txt");
  File recommended = new File(outputDirectory, "Recommended.txt");
源代码19 项目: wasindoor   文件:
public boolean locate_file(String gmLocatorFileAddr, Integer buildingId,
		Integer floor, Integer rowsInOneline, Integer numOfFolds,
		String filename) {
	String completeFileAddr = gmLocatorFileAddr + File.separator + buildingId + File.separator
			+ floor + File.separator + filename;

	int end_index = completeFileAddr.lastIndexOf(".");
	String fileAddrTrim = completeFileAddr.substring(0, end_index);

	File inputfile = new File(completeFileAddr);
	if (!inputfile.exists()) {
				.println("File Do Not Exist! �ļ������ڣ�������������������ļ�·�������ļ����Ƿ���ȷ.");
		return false;

	int line = 0;

	try {
		BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
				new FileReader(inputfile));
		FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(fileAddrTrim + "Result");

		String[] strs = null;
		String lineString = null;

		// һ�ζ���һ�У�ֱ������nullΪ�ļ�����
		while ((lineString = reader.readLine()) != null) {

			if (lineString.trim().length() == 0) {

			strs = lineString.split("\\s+"); // һ�����������ո�ָ�

			if (strs.length != rowsInOneline) {
				System.out.println("�趨λ���ļ�" + completeFileAddr
						+ " ��: line " + (line + 1)
						+ " has a wrong format!!!");
				return false;

			double zAngle = Double.parseDouble(strs[0]);
			double xMag = Double.parseDouble(strs[1]);
			double yMag = Double.parseDouble(strs[2]);
			double zMag = Double.parseDouble(strs[3]);

			GeomagneticEntity entity = new GeomagneticEntity();

			Integer location = locate(entity, gmLocatorFileAddr, numOfFolds);
			writer.write(location + "\r\n");



	} catch (IOException ex) {
		return false;

	System.out.println("����ɶ�λ������λ" + line + "�С�");

	return true;
源代码20 项目: p4ic4idea   文件:
 * This test integrates 2 branches that have completely different files. In the source
 * dir, files are in various states of submission (open for edit, added, submitted,
 * deleted/not submitted, deleted). Verifies files are properly added to the new directory
 * on final submit after resolve.
public void testIntegrateBranchesAllDiffFiles() throws Exception {

    IChangelist changelist = null;

    int expNumIntegrated = 8;
    int expNumResolved = 1;
    int expNumSubmitted = 8;


    String clientRoot = client.getRoot();
    assertNotNull("clientRoot should not be Null.", clientRoot);

    //create changelist
    changelist = createTestChangelist(server, client,
            "Changelist to submit edited files " + getName());
    int changelistId = changelist.getId();

    //build to and from filepaths
    String basePath = clientRoot + File.separator + mainBranchPath;
    String baseFileString = basePath + File.separator + "HGTV" + File.separator + "..."; //use this in prepareTestDir
    String fromFileString = basePath + File.separator + "TLCP" + File.separator + "...";
    String toFileStringBase = basePath + File.separator + mainToDir + changelistId + File.separator;
    String toFileString = toFileStringBase + "...";

    String[] expFinalFileList = new String[]{
            toFileStringBase + "admin" + File.separator + "", //TLCP & HGTV
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "hbop1.html",  //TLCP
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "",
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "hbop5.txt",
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "hbop6.txt",
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "hbop7.txt",
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "p4merge_help.png",
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "bindetmi2.dll",
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "homePlan.txt",  //HGTV
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "homeWorks.html",
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "",
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "",
            toFileStringBase + "src" + File.separator + "proj1.dll"

    //build file dirs
    String[] fNameList = prepareTestDir(baseFileString, toFileString);

    //integrate and verify
    boolean baselessMergeVal = true;
    List<IFileSpec> integratedFiles = taskAddIntegrateTestFiles(server, fromFileString, toFileString, changelistId,
            baselessMergeVal, fNameList);
    assertEquals("Number of files not integrated as expected.", expNumIntegrated, countValidFileSpecs(integratedFiles));

    //resolve files
    List<IFileSpec> resolvedFiles = resolveTestFilesAuto(client, integratedFiles);
    assertEquals("Number of files not integrated as expected.", expNumResolved, countValidFileSpecs(resolvedFiles));

    //update changelist and submit
    List<IFileSpec> submittedFiles = changelist.submit(false);
    dumpFileSpecInfo(submittedFiles, "FileSpecs returned from submit (after resolve)");

    //FIXME: Need verification routine to verify that the branch occurred and files exist.
    //verify files
    verifyTestFilesSubmitted(submittedFiles, expNumSubmitted);
    String[] actFinalFileList = getTestFileList(toFileStringBase);
    verifyIntegratedTestFiles(expFinalFileList, actFinalFileList);