( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: WorldPainter   文件:
private static void configError(Throwable e) {
    // Try to preserve the config file
    File configFile = Configuration.getConfigFile();
    if (configFile.isFile() && configFile.canRead()) {
        File backupConfigFile = new File(configFile.getParentFile(), configFile.getName() + ".old");
        try {
            FileUtils.copyFileToFile(configFile, backupConfigFile, true);
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            logger.error("I/O error while trying to preserve faulty config file", e1);

    // Report the error
    logger.error("Exception while initialising configuration", e);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Could not read configuration file! Resetting configuration.\n\nException type: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + "\nMessage: " + e.getMessage(), "Configuration Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
源代码2 项目: netbeans   文件:
/** Returns current jdk directory
   public static File getJdkDir() {

Properties p = System.getProperties();	
String javaHomeProp = p.getProperty( "java.home" );

if ( javaHomeProp == null ) {
    throw new IllegalStateException( "Can't find java.home property ");
else {
    File jre = new File( javaHomeProp );
    if ( !jre.canRead() ) {
	throw new IllegalStateException( "Can't read " + jre );
    File dir = jre.getParentFile();
    if ( !jre.canRead() ) {
	throw new IllegalStateException( "Can't read " + dir);
    return dir;
源代码3 项目: netcdf-java   文件:
static String accessTestData(String testprefix, String basename, TestPart part) throws Exception {

    String fname = testprefix + File.separator + basename + partext(part);

    String result = null;
    try {
      File f = new File(fname);
      if (!f.canRead())
        return null;
      FileReader fr = new FileReader(fname);
      StringBuffer cbuf = new StringBuffer();
      int c;
      while ((c = != -1) {
        cbuf.append((char) c);
      return cbuf.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("File io failure: " + e.toString());
      throw e;

源代码4 项目: rest-client   文件:
public static File[] getTestDependencies() {
    File libDir = new File(IGlobalOptions.CONF_DIR, "lib");
    if(libDir.exists() && libDir.canRead() && libDir.isDirectory()) {
        return libDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
            public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                        && pathname.canRead()
                        && pathname.isFile()) {
                    return true;
                return false;
    else {
        return new File[]{};
源代码5 项目: UnityOBBDownloader   文件:
 * Helper function to ascertain whether a file can be read.
 * @param c the app/activity/service context
 * @param fileName the name (sans path) of the file to query
 * @return true if it does exist, false otherwise
static public int getFileStatus(Context c, String fileName) {
    // the file may have been delivered by Play --- let's make sure
    // it's the size we expect
    File fileForNewFile = new File(Helpers.generateSaveFileName(c, fileName));
    int returnValue;
    if (fileForNewFile.exists()) {
        if (fileForNewFile.canRead()) {
            returnValue = FS_READABLE;
        } else {
            returnValue = FS_CANNOT_READ;
    } else {
        returnValue = FS_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
    return returnValue;
源代码6 项目: actframework   文件:
 * check if a dir is application base as per given project layout
 * @param dir    the folder to be probed
 * @param layout the project layout used to probe the folder
 * @return {@code true if the folder is app base as per given project layout}
public static boolean probeAppBase(File dir, ProjectLayout layout) {
    // try conf file
    File conf = layout.conf(dir);
    if (null != conf && conf.canRead() && conf.isFile()) {
        return true;
    // try source path
    File src = layout.source(dir);
    if (null != src && src.canRead() && src.isDirectory()) {
        // try target path
        File tgt =;
        return (null != tgt && tgt.canRead() && tgt.isDirectory());
    return false;
源代码7 项目: VIA-AI   文件:
private boolean isFileExist(String path)  {
    boolean ret = false;

    if(path.length() > 0) {
        File file = new File(path);
        if (file.exists() && file.canWrite() && file.canRead()) ret = true;
    return ret;
源代码8 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
File mkdir(File f) throws IOException {
    if (f.exists() && f.isDirectory() && f.canRead() && f.canWrite()) {
        return f;
    if (!f.mkdirs()) {
       throw new IOException("mkdirs failed: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
    return f;
源代码9 项目: revapi   文件:
private static void checkCanRead(File f, String errorMessagePrefix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (!f.exists()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessagePrefix + " '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist.");

    if (!f.isFile() || !f.canRead()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                errorMessagePrefix + " '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "' is not a file or cannot be read.");
源代码10 项目: actframework   文件:
void copyResources() {
    File resource = layout.resource(appBase);
    if (null == resource || !resource.canRead()) {
    verifyDir(resource, "resource", false);
    IO.copyDirectory(resource, tgtClasses);
源代码11 项目: AndroidComponentPlugin   文件:
 * Constructs an instance.
 * @param definingContext the context in which any as-yet unresolved
 * classes should be defined
 * @param dexPath list of dex/resource path elements, separated by
 * {@code File.pathSeparator}
 * @param libraryPath list of native library directory path elements,
 * separated by {@code File.pathSeparator}
 * @param optimizedDirectory directory where optimized {@code .dex} files
 * should be found and written to, or {@code null} to use the default
 * system directory for same
public DexPathList(ClassLoader definingContext, String dexPath,
        String libraryPath, File optimizedDirectory) {
    if (definingContext == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("definingContext == null");

    if (dexPath == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("dexPath == null");

    if (optimizedDirectory != null) {
        if (!optimizedDirectory.exists())  {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "optimizedDirectory doesn't exist: "
                    + optimizedDirectory);

        if (!(optimizedDirectory.canRead()
                        && optimizedDirectory.canWrite())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "optimizedDirectory not readable/writable: "
                    + optimizedDirectory);

    this.definingContext = definingContext;
    ArrayList<IOException> suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<IOException>();
    this.dexElements = makeDexElements(splitDexPath(dexPath), optimizedDirectory,
    if (suppressedExceptions.size() > 0) {
        this.dexElementsSuppressedExceptions =
            suppressedExceptions.toArray(new IOException[suppressedExceptions.size()]);
    } else {
        dexElementsSuppressedExceptions = null;
    this.nativeLibraryDirectories = splitLibraryPath(libraryPath);
源代码12 项目: latexdraw   文件:
public boolean enableRendering() {
	if(getWidth() == 0d || getHeight() == 0d) {
		return false;

	try {
		final URI uri = new URI(getURI());
		final File f = new File(uri.getPath());
		return f.exists() && f.canRead();
	}catch(final URISyntaxException ex) {
		return false;
源代码13 项目: Flink-CEPplus   文件:
private void validate() {
	if (!StringUtils.isBlank(keytab)) {
		// principal is required
		if (StringUtils.isBlank(principal)) {
			throw new IllegalConfigurationException("Kerberos login configuration is invalid; keytab requires a principal.");

		// check the keytab is readable
		File keytabFile = new File(keytab);
		if (!keytabFile.exists() || !keytabFile.isFile() || !keytabFile.canRead()) {
			throw new IllegalConfigurationException("Kerberos login configuration is invalid; keytab is unreadable");
源代码14 项目: connector-sdk   文件:
public static ExternalGroups fromConfiguration() throws IOException {
  checkState(Configuration.isInitialized(), "configuration must be initialized");
  String groupsFilename = Configuration.getString(CONFIG_EXTERNALGROUPS_FILENAME, null).get();
  logger.log(Level.CONFIG, CONFIG_EXTERNALGROUPS_FILENAME + ": " + groupsFilename);
  File groupsFile = new File(groupsFilename);
  if (!(groupsFile.exists() && groupsFile.canRead())) {
    throw new InvalidConfigurationException(groupsFilename + " can't be read");
  return fromFile(groupsFile);
源代码15 项目: garmadon   文件:
 * @return current Linux FS cache buffers size. It reduces the free space so you may add it to free space to get actual free space.
static long getLinuxFSCacheSize() {
    File meminfo = new File("/proc/meminfo");
    if (!meminfo.exists() || !meminfo.canRead()) return 0;
    try {
        try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(meminfo))) {
            return parseLinuxFSCacheSize(reader);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        return 0;
源代码16 项目: netbeans   文件:
 * Validate a file path and return {@code null} if it is valid, otherwise an error.
 * <p>
 * A valid file means that the <tt>filePath</tt> represents a valid, readable file
 * with absolute file path.
 * @param source source used in error message (e.g. "Script", "Config file")
 * @param filePath a file path to validate
 * @param writable {@code true} if the file must be writable, {@code false} otherwise
 * @return {@code null} if it is valid, otherwise an error
    "# {0} - source",
    "FileUtils.validateFile.missing={0} must be selected.",
    "# {0} - source",
    "FileUtils.validateFile.notAbsolute={0} must be an absolute path.",
    "# {0} - source",
    "FileUtils.validateFile.notFile={0} must be a valid file.",
    "# {0} - source",
    "FileUtils.validateFile.notReadable={0} is not readable.",
    "# {0} - source",
    "FileUtils.validateFile.notWritable={0} is not writable."
public static String validateFile(String source, String filePath, boolean writable) {
    if (!StringUtils.hasText(filePath)) {
        return Bundle.FileUtils_validateFile_missing(source);

    File file = new File(filePath);
    if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
        return Bundle.FileUtils_validateFile_notAbsolute(source);
    } else if (!file.isFile()) {
        return Bundle.FileUtils_validateFile_notFile(source);
    } else if (!file.canRead()) {
        return Bundle.FileUtils_validateFile_notReadable(source);
    } else if (writable && !file.canWrite()) {
        return Bundle.FileUtils_validateFile_notWritable(source);
    return null;
private ClassLoader getProjectClassLoader() throws MojoExecutionException {
    try {
        // compiled classes
        List<String> classfiles = this.project.getCompileClasspathElements();
        if (this.scanTestClasses) {
        // classpath to url
        List<URL> classURLs = new ArrayList<>(classfiles.size());
        for (String classfile : classfiles) {
            classURLs.add(new File(classfile).toURI().toURL());

        // dependency artifacts to url
        ArtifactResolutionRequest sharedreq = new ArtifactResolutionRequest().setResolveRoot(true)

        ArtifactRepository repository = this.session.getLocalRepository();
        Set<Artifact> artifacts = this.project.getDependencyArtifacts();
        for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
            if (!Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equalsIgnoreCase(artifact.getScope())) {
                ArtifactResolutionRequest request = new ArtifactResolutionRequest(sharedreq).setArtifact(artifact);
                ArtifactResolutionResult result = this.repositorySystem.resolve(request);
                if (result.isSuccess()) {
                    File file = repository.find(artifact).getFile();
                    if (file != null && file.isFile() && file.canRead()) {

        for (URL url : classURLs) {
  "  * classpath: " + url);

        return new URLClassLoader(classURLs.toArray(EMPTY_URLS), this.getClass().getClassLoader());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MojoExecutionException("Error while creating classloader", e);
源代码18 项目: jd-gui   文件:
public boolean accept(API api, File file) {
    return file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.canRead() && file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".log");
private boolean configFileExists() {
  final File f = this.path.toFile();
  return f.isFile() && f.canRead();
源代码20 项目: Indic-Keyboard   文件:
 * Returns a list of file addresses for a given locale, trying relevant methods in order.
 * Tries to get binary dictionaries from various sources, in order:
 * - Uses a content provider to get a public dictionary set, as per the protocol described
 *   in BinaryDictionaryFileDumper.
 * If that fails:
 * - Gets a file name from the built-in dictionary for this locale, if any.
 * If that fails:
 * - Returns null.
 * @return The list of addresses of valid dictionary files, or null.
public static ArrayList<AssetFileAddress> getDictionaryFiles(final Locale locale,
        final Context context, boolean notifyDictionaryPackForUpdates) {
    if (notifyDictionaryPackForUpdates) {
        final boolean hasDefaultWordList = DictionaryInfoUtils.isDictionaryAvailable(
                context, locale);
        // It makes sure that the first time keyboard comes up and the dictionaries are reset,
        // the DB is populated with the appropriate values for each locale. Helps in downloading
        // the dictionaries when the user enables and switches new languages before the
        // DictionaryService runs.
                locale, context, hasDefaultWordList);

        // Move a staging files to the cache ddirectories if any.
    final File[] cachedWordLists = getCachedWordLists(locale.toString(), context);
    final String mainDictId = DictionaryInfoUtils.getMainDictId(locale);
    final DictPackSettings dictPackSettings = new DictPackSettings(context);

    boolean foundMainDict = false;
    final ArrayList<AssetFileAddress> fileList = new ArrayList<>();
    // cachedWordLists may not be null, see doc for getCachedDictionaryList
    for (final File f : cachedWordLists) {
        final String wordListId = DictionaryInfoUtils.getWordListIdFromFileName(f.getName());
        final boolean canUse = f.canRead() && hackCanUseDictionaryFile(f);
        if (canUse && DictionaryInfoUtils.isMainWordListId(wordListId)) {
            foundMainDict = true;
        if (!dictPackSettings.isWordListActive(wordListId)) continue;
        if (canUse) {
            final AssetFileAddress afa = AssetFileAddress.makeFromFileName(f.getPath());
            if (null != afa) fileList.add(afa);
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG, "Found a cached dictionary file for " + locale.toString()
                    + " but cannot read or use it");

    if (!foundMainDict && dictPackSettings.isWordListActive(mainDictId)) {
        final int fallbackResId =
                DictionaryInfoUtils.getMainDictionaryResourceId(context.getResources(), locale);
        final AssetFileAddress fallbackAsset = loadFallbackResource(context, fallbackResId);
        if (null != fallbackAsset) {

    return fileList;