( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: Alite   文件:
public static boolean initialize(Alite alite, final DataInputStream dis) {
	InventoryScreen is = new InventoryScreen(alite);
	try {
		byte selectionLength = dis.readByte();
		if (selectionLength > 0) {
			is.pendingSelection = "";
			while (selectionLength > 0) {
				is.pendingSelection += dis.readChar();
	} catch (Exception e) {
		AliteLog.e("Inventory Screen Initialize", "Error in initializer.", e);
		return false;
	return true;
源代码2 项目: djl   文件:
 * Loads parameter NDArrays from InputStream.
 * <p>Currently, we cannot deserialize into the exact subclass of NDArray. The SparseNDArray
 * will be loaded as NDArray only.
 * @param manager the NDManager
 * @param dis the InputStream
 * @throws IOException if failed to read
 * @throws MalformedModelException Exception thrown when model is not in expected format
 *     (parameters).
public void load(NDManager manager, DataInputStream dis)
        throws IOException, MalformedModelException {
    char magic = dis.readChar();
    if (magic == 'N') {
    } else if (magic != 'P') {
        throw new MalformedModelException("Invalid input data.");

    // Version
    byte version = dis.readByte();
    if (version != VERSION) {
        throw new MalformedModelException("Unsupported encoding version: " + version);

    String parameterName = dis.readUTF();
    if (!parameterName.equals(getName())) {
        throw new MalformedModelException(
                "Unexpected parameter name: " + parameterName + ", expected: " + name);

    array = manager.decode(dis);
源代码3 项目: Alite   文件:
public static boolean initialize(Alite alite, DataInputStream dis) {		
	try {
		FlightScreen fs = FlightScreen.createScreen(alite, dis);
		TutHud th = new TutHud(alite, fs);
		th.currentLineIndex = dis.readInt();
		th.savedGalaxySeed = new char[3];
		th.savedGalaxySeed[0] = dis.readChar();
		th.savedGalaxySeed[1] = dis.readChar();
		th.savedGalaxySeed[2] = dis.readChar();
		alite.getGenerator().buildGalaxy(th.savedGalaxySeed[0], th.savedGalaxySeed[1], th.savedGalaxySeed[2]);
		int systemIndex = dis.readInt();
		int hyperspaceIndex = dis.readInt();
		th.savedPresentSystem = systemIndex == -1 ? null : alite.getGenerator().getSystem(systemIndex);
		th.savedHyperspaceSystem = hyperspaceIndex == -1 ? null : alite.getGenerator().getSystem(hyperspaceIndex);
		th.savedInstalledEquipment = new ArrayList<Equipment>();
		int numEquip = dis.readInt();
		for (int i = 0; i < numEquip; i++) {
		th.savedFuel = dis.readInt();
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			int laser = dis.readInt();
			th.savedLasers[i] = laser < 0 ? null : (Laser) EquipmentStore.fromInt(laser); 
		for (int i = 0; i < Settings.buttonPosition.length; i++) {
			th.savedButtonConfiguration[i] = dis.readInt();
		th.savedMarketFluct = dis.readInt();
		th.savedLegalStatus = LegalStatus.values()[dis.readInt()];
		th.savedLegalValue = dis.readInt();
	} catch (Exception e) {
		AliteLog.e("Tutorial HUD Screen Initialize", "Error in initializer.", e);
		return false;			
	return true;
源代码4 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
* <p>Parses the inputstream and creates the trie index with it.</p>
* <p>This is overwritten by the child classes.
* @param inputStream input stream containing the trie information
* @exception IOException thrown when data reading fails.
protected void unserialize(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
    //indexLength is a multiple of 1024 >> INDEX_STAGE_2_SHIFT_
    m_index_              = new char[m_dataOffset_];
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    for (int i = 0; i < m_dataOffset_; i ++) {
         m_index_[i] = input.readChar();
源代码5 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
* <p>Parses the input stream and stores its trie content into a index and
* data array</p>
* @param inputStream data input stream containing trie data
* @exception IOException thrown when data reading fails
protected final void unserialize(InputStream inputStream)
                                            throws IOException
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    int indexDataLength = m_dataOffset_ + m_dataLength_;
    m_index_ = new char[indexDataLength];
    for (int i = 0; i < indexDataLength; i ++) {
        m_index_[i] = input.readChar();
    m_data_           = m_index_;
    m_initialValue_   = m_data_[m_dataOffset_];
源代码6 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
* <p>Parses the inputstream and creates the trie index with it.</p>
* <p>This is overwritten by the child classes.
* @param inputStream input stream containing the trie information
* @exception IOException thrown when data reading fails.
protected void unserialize(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
    //indexLength is a multiple of 1024 >> INDEX_STAGE_2_SHIFT_
    m_index_              = new char[m_dataOffset_];
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    for (int i = 0; i < m_dataOffset_; i ++) {
         m_index_[i] = input.readChar();
源代码7 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
* <p>Parses the input stream and stores its trie content into a index and
* data array</p>
* @param inputStream data input stream containing trie data
* @exception IOException thrown when data reading fails
protected final void unserialize(InputStream inputStream)
                                            throws IOException
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    int indexDataLength = m_dataOffset_ + m_dataLength_;
    m_index_ = new char[indexDataLength];
    for (int i = 0; i < indexDataLength; i ++) {
        m_index_[i] = input.readChar();
    m_data_           = m_index_;
    m_initialValue_   = m_data_[m_dataOffset_];
源代码8 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
* <p>Parses the inputstream and creates the trie index with it.</p>
* <p>This is overwritten by the child classes.
* @param inputStream input stream containing the trie information
* @exception IOException thrown when data reading fails.
protected void unserialize(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
    //indexLength is a multiple of 1024 >> INDEX_STAGE_2_SHIFT_
    m_index_              = new char[m_dataOffset_];
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    for (int i = 0; i < m_dataOffset_; i ++) {
         m_index_[i] = input.readChar();
源代码9 项目: Alite   文件:
public void load(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {	
	galaxySeed = new char[3];
	galaxySeed[0] = dis.readChar();
	galaxySeed[1] = dis.readChar();
	galaxySeed[2] = dis.readChar();
	targetIndex = dis.readInt();
	state = dis.readInt();
	active = true;
	started = true;
源代码10 项目: Alite   文件:
public void load(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {	
	galaxySeed = new char[3];
	galaxySeed[0] = dis.readChar();
	galaxySeed[1] = dis.readChar();
	galaxySeed[2] = dis.readChar();
	supernovaSystemIndex = dis.readInt();
	state = dis.readInt();
	active = true;
	started = true;
源代码11 项目: Alite   文件:
public void load(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {	
	galaxySeed = new char[3];
	galaxySeed[0] = dis.readChar();
	galaxySeed[1] = dis.readChar();
	galaxySeed[2] = dis.readChar();
	targetIndex = dis.readInt();
	state = dis.readInt();
	active = true;
	started = true;
源代码12 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
* <p>Parses the inputstream and creates the trie index with it.</p>
* <p>This is overwritten by the child classes.
* @param inputStream input stream containing the trie information
* @exception IOException thrown when data reading fails.
protected void unserialize(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
    //indexLength is a multiple of 1024 >> INDEX_STAGE_2_SHIFT_
    m_index_              = new char[m_dataOffset_];
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    for (int i = 0; i < m_dataOffset_; i ++) {
         m_index_[i] = input.readChar();
源代码13 项目: Alite   文件:
public void load(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
	galaxySeed = new char[3];
	galaxySeed[0] = dis.readChar();
	galaxySeed[1] = dis.readChar();
	galaxySeed[2] = dis.readChar();
	targetIndex = dis.readInt();
	state = dis.readInt();
	active = true;
	started = true;
源代码14 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
public static final byte[] readHeader(InputStream inputStream,
                                    byte dataFormatIDExpected[],
                                    Authenticate authenticate)
                                                      throws IOException
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    char headersize = input.readChar();
    int readcount = 2;
    //reading the header format
    byte magic1 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte magic2 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    if (magic1 != MAGIC1 || magic2 != MAGIC2) {

    input.readChar(); // reading size
    readcount += 2;
    input.readChar(); // reading reserved word
    readcount += 2;
    byte bigendian    = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charset      = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charsize     = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    input.readByte(); // reading reserved byte
    readcount ++;

    byte dataFormatID[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte dataVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte unicodeVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    if (headersize < readcount) {
        throw new IOException("Internal Error: Header size error");
    input.skipBytes(headersize - readcount);

    if (bigendian != BIG_ENDIAN_ || charset != CHAR_SET_
        || charsize != CHAR_SIZE_
        || !Arrays.equals(dataFormatIDExpected, dataFormatID)
        || (authenticate != null
            && !authenticate.isDataVersionAcceptable(dataVersion))) {
        throw new IOException(HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_);
    return unicodeVersion;
源代码15 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件:
* <p>ICU data header reader method.
* Takes a ICU generated big-endian input stream, parse the ICU standard
* file header and authenticates them.</p>
* <p>Header format:
* <ul>
*     <li> Header size (char)
*     <li> Magic number 1 (byte)
*     <li> Magic number 2 (byte)
*     <li> Rest of the header size (char)
*     <li> Reserved word (char)
*     <li> Big endian indicator (byte)
*     <li> Character set family indicator (byte)
*     <li> Size of a char (byte) for c++ and c use
*     <li> Reserved byte (byte)
*     <li> Data format identifier (4 bytes), each ICU data has its own
*          identifier to distinguish them. [0] major [1] minor
*                                          [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Data version (4 bytes), the change version of the ICU data
*                             [0] major [1] minor [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Unicode version (4 bytes) this ICU is based on.
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Example of use:<br>
* <pre>
* try {
*    FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename);
*    If (Utility.readICUDataHeader(input, dataformat, dataversion,
*                                  unicode) {
*        System.out.println("Verified file header, this is a ICU data file");
*    }
* } catch (IOException e) {
*    System.out.println("This is not a ICU data file");
* }
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param inputStream input stream that contains the ICU data header
* @param dataFormatIDExpected Data format expected. An array of 4 bytes
*                     information about the data format.
*                     E.g. data format ID will became an array of
*                     {1, 2, 3, 4}
* @param authenticate user defined extra data authentication. This value
*                     can be null, if no extra authentication is needed.
* @exception IOException thrown if there is a read error or
*            when header authentication fails.
* @draft 2.1
public static final byte[] readHeader(InputStream inputStream,
                                    byte dataFormatIDExpected[],
                                    Authenticate authenticate)
                                                      throws IOException
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    char headersize = input.readChar();
    int readcount = 2;
    //reading the header format
    byte magic1 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte magic2 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    if (magic1 != MAGIC1 || magic2 != MAGIC2) {

    input.readChar(); // reading size
    readcount += 2;
    input.readChar(); // reading reserved word
    readcount += 2;
    byte bigendian    = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charset      = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charsize     = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    input.readByte(); // reading reserved byte
    readcount ++;

    byte dataFormatID[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte dataVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte unicodeVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    if (headersize < readcount) {
        throw new IOException("Internal Error: Header size error");
    input.skipBytes(headersize - readcount);

    if (bigendian != BIG_ENDIAN_ || charset != CHAR_SET_
        || charsize != CHAR_SIZE_
        || !Arrays.equals(dataFormatIDExpected, dataFormatID)
        || (authenticate != null
            && !authenticate.isDataVersionAcceptable(dataVersion))) {
        throw new IOException(HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_);
    return unicodeVersion;
源代码16 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件:
public static final byte[] readHeader(InputStream inputStream,
                                    byte dataFormatIDExpected[],
                                    Authenticate authenticate)
                                                      throws IOException
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    char headersize = input.readChar();
    int readcount = 2;
    //reading the header format
    byte magic1 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte magic2 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    if (magic1 != MAGIC1 || magic2 != MAGIC2) {

    input.readChar(); // reading size
    readcount += 2;
    input.readChar(); // reading reserved word
    readcount += 2;
    byte bigendian    = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charset      = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charsize     = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    input.readByte(); // reading reserved byte
    readcount ++;

    byte dataFormatID[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte dataVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte unicodeVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    if (headersize < readcount) {
        throw new IOException("Internal Error: Header size error");
    input.skipBytes(headersize - readcount);

    if (bigendian != BIG_ENDIAN_ || charset != CHAR_SET_
        || charsize != CHAR_SIZE_
        || !Arrays.equals(dataFormatIDExpected, dataFormatID)
        || (authenticate != null
            && !authenticate.isDataVersionAcceptable(dataVersion))) {
        throw new IOException(HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_);
    return unicodeVersion;
源代码17 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
* <p>ICU data header reader method.
* Takes a ICU generated big-endian input stream, parse the ICU standard
* file header and authenticates them.</p>
* <p>Header format:
* <ul>
*     <li> Header size (char)
*     <li> Magic number 1 (byte)
*     <li> Magic number 2 (byte)
*     <li> Rest of the header size (char)
*     <li> Reserved word (char)
*     <li> Big endian indicator (byte)
*     <li> Character set family indicator (byte)
*     <li> Size of a char (byte) for c++ and c use
*     <li> Reserved byte (byte)
*     <li> Data format identifier (4 bytes), each ICU data has its own
*          identifier to distinguish them. [0] major [1] minor
*                                          [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Data version (4 bytes), the change version of the ICU data
*                             [0] major [1] minor [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Unicode version (4 bytes) this ICU is based on.
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Example of use:<br>
* <pre>
* try {
*    FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename);
*    If (Utility.readICUDataHeader(input, dataformat, dataversion,
*                                  unicode) {
*        System.out.println("Verified file header, this is a ICU data file");
*    }
* } catch (IOException e) {
*    System.out.println("This is not a ICU data file");
* }
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param inputStream input stream that contains the ICU data header
* @param dataFormatIDExpected Data format expected. An array of 4 bytes
*                     information about the data format.
*                     E.g. data format ID will became an array of
*                     {1, 2, 3, 4}
* @param authenticate user defined extra data authentication. This value
*                     can be null, if no extra authentication is needed.
* @exception IOException thrown if there is a read error or
*            when header authentication fails.
* @draft 2.1
public static final byte[] readHeader(InputStream inputStream,
                                    byte dataFormatIDExpected[],
                                    Authenticate authenticate)
                                                      throws IOException
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    char headersize = input.readChar();
    int readcount = 2;
    //reading the header format
    byte magic1 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte magic2 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    if (magic1 != MAGIC1 || magic2 != MAGIC2) {

    input.readChar(); // reading size
    readcount += 2;
    input.readChar(); // reading reserved word
    readcount += 2;
    byte bigendian    = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charset      = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charsize     = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    input.readByte(); // reading reserved byte
    readcount ++;

    byte dataFormatID[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte dataVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte unicodeVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    if (headersize < readcount) {
        throw new IOException("Internal Error: Header size error");
    input.skipBytes(headersize - readcount);

    if (bigendian != BIG_ENDIAN_ || charset != CHAR_SET_
        || charsize != CHAR_SIZE_
        || !Arrays.equals(dataFormatIDExpected, dataFormatID)
        || (authenticate != null
            && !authenticate.isDataVersionAcceptable(dataVersion))) {
        throw new IOException(HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_);
    return unicodeVersion;
源代码18 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
* <p>ICU data header reader method.
* Takes a ICU generated big-endian input stream, parse the ICU standard
* file header and authenticates them.</p>
* <p>Header format:
* <ul>
*     <li> Header size (char)
*     <li> Magic number 1 (byte)
*     <li> Magic number 2 (byte)
*     <li> Rest of the header size (char)
*     <li> Reserved word (char)
*     <li> Big endian indicator (byte)
*     <li> Character set family indicator (byte)
*     <li> Size of a char (byte) for c++ and c use
*     <li> Reserved byte (byte)
*     <li> Data format identifier (4 bytes), each ICU data has its own
*          identifier to distinguish them. [0] major [1] minor
*                                          [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Data version (4 bytes), the change version of the ICU data
*                             [0] major [1] minor [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Unicode version (4 bytes) this ICU is based on.
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Example of use:<br>
* <pre>
* try {
*    FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename);
*    If (Utility.readICUDataHeader(input, dataformat, dataversion,
*                                  unicode) {
*        System.out.println("Verified file header, this is a ICU data file");
*    }
* } catch (IOException e) {
*    System.out.println("This is not a ICU data file");
* }
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param inputStream input stream that contains the ICU data header
* @param dataFormatIDExpected Data format expected. An array of 4 bytes
*                     information about the data format.
*                     E.g. data format ID will became an array of
*                     {1, 2, 3, 4}
* @param authenticate user defined extra data authentication. This value
*                     can be null, if no extra authentication is needed.
* @exception IOException thrown if there is a read error or
*            when header authentication fails.
* @draft 2.1
public static final byte[] readHeader(InputStream inputStream,
                                    byte dataFormatIDExpected[],
                                    Authenticate authenticate)
                                                      throws IOException
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    char headersize = input.readChar();
    int readcount = 2;
    //reading the header format
    byte magic1 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte magic2 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    if (magic1 != MAGIC1 || magic2 != MAGIC2) {

    input.readChar(); // reading size
    readcount += 2;
    input.readChar(); // reading reserved word
    readcount += 2;
    byte bigendian    = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charset      = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charsize     = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    input.readByte(); // reading reserved byte
    readcount ++;

    byte dataFormatID[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte dataVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte unicodeVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    if (headersize < readcount) {
        throw new IOException("Internal Error: Header size error");
    input.skipBytes(headersize - readcount);

    if (bigendian != BIG_ENDIAN_ || charset != CHAR_SET_
        || charsize != CHAR_SIZE_
        || !Arrays.equals(dataFormatIDExpected, dataFormatID)
        || (authenticate != null
            && !authenticate.isDataVersionAcceptable(dataVersion))) {
        throw new IOException(HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_);
    return unicodeVersion;
源代码19 项目: hottub   文件:
* <p>ICU data header reader method.
* Takes a ICU generated big-endian input stream, parse the ICU standard
* file header and authenticates them.</p>
* <p>Header format:
* <ul>
*     <li> Header size (char)
*     <li> Magic number 1 (byte)
*     <li> Magic number 2 (byte)
*     <li> Rest of the header size (char)
*     <li> Reserved word (char)
*     <li> Big endian indicator (byte)
*     <li> Character set family indicator (byte)
*     <li> Size of a char (byte) for c++ and c use
*     <li> Reserved byte (byte)
*     <li> Data format identifier (4 bytes), each ICU data has its own
*          identifier to distinguish them. [0] major [1] minor
*                                          [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Data version (4 bytes), the change version of the ICU data
*                             [0] major [1] minor [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Unicode version (4 bytes) this ICU is based on.
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Example of use:<br>
* <pre>
* try {
*    FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename);
*    If (Utility.readICUDataHeader(input, dataformat, dataversion,
*                                  unicode) {
*        System.out.println("Verified file header, this is a ICU data file");
*    }
* } catch (IOException e) {
*    System.out.println("This is not a ICU data file");
* }
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param inputStream input stream that contains the ICU data header
* @param dataFormatIDExpected Data format expected. An array of 4 bytes
*                     information about the data format.
*                     E.g. data format ID will became an array of
*                     {1, 2, 3, 4}
* @param authenticate user defined extra data authentication. This value
*                     can be null, if no extra authentication is needed.
* @exception IOException thrown if there is a read error or
*            when header authentication fails.
* @draft 2.1
public static final byte[] readHeader(InputStream inputStream,
                                    byte dataFormatIDExpected[],
                                    Authenticate authenticate)
                                                      throws IOException
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    char headersize = input.readChar();
    int readcount = 2;
    //reading the header format
    byte magic1 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte magic2 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    if (magic1 != MAGIC1 || magic2 != MAGIC2) {

    input.readChar(); // reading size
    readcount += 2;
    input.readChar(); // reading reserved word
    readcount += 2;
    byte bigendian    = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charset      = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charsize     = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    input.readByte(); // reading reserved byte
    readcount ++;

    byte dataFormatID[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte dataVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte unicodeVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    if (headersize < readcount) {
        throw new IOException("Internal Error: Header size error");
    input.skipBytes(headersize - readcount);

    if (bigendian != BIG_ENDIAN_ || charset != CHAR_SET_
        || charsize != CHAR_SIZE_
        || !Arrays.equals(dataFormatIDExpected, dataFormatID)
        || (authenticate != null
            && !authenticate.isDataVersionAcceptable(dataVersion))) {
        throw new IOException(HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_);
    return unicodeVersion;
源代码20 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
* <p>ICU data header reader method.
* Takes a ICU generated big-endian input stream, parse the ICU standard
* file header and authenticates them.</p>
* <p>Header format:
* <ul>
*     <li> Header size (char)
*     <li> Magic number 1 (byte)
*     <li> Magic number 2 (byte)
*     <li> Rest of the header size (char)
*     <li> Reserved word (char)
*     <li> Big endian indicator (byte)
*     <li> Character set family indicator (byte)
*     <li> Size of a char (byte) for c++ and c use
*     <li> Reserved byte (byte)
*     <li> Data format identifier (4 bytes), each ICU data has its own
*          identifier to distinguish them. [0] major [1] minor
*                                          [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Data version (4 bytes), the change version of the ICU data
*                             [0] major [1] minor [2] milli [3] micro
*     <li> Unicode version (4 bytes) this ICU is based on.
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* Example of use:<br>
* <pre>
* try {
*    FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(filename);
*    If (Utility.readICUDataHeader(input, dataformat, dataversion,
*                                  unicode) {
*        System.out.println("Verified file header, this is a ICU data file");
*    }
* } catch (IOException e) {
*    System.out.println("This is not a ICU data file");
* }
* </pre>
* </p>
* @param inputStream input stream that contains the ICU data header
* @param dataFormatIDExpected Data format expected. An array of 4 bytes
*                     information about the data format.
*                     E.g. data format ID will became an array of
*                     {1, 2, 3, 4}
* @param authenticate user defined extra data authentication. This value
*                     can be null, if no extra authentication is needed.
* @exception IOException thrown if there is a read error or
*            when header authentication fails.
* @draft 2.1
public static final byte[] readHeader(InputStream inputStream,
                                    byte dataFormatIDExpected[],
                                    Authenticate authenticate)
                                                      throws IOException
    DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    char headersize = input.readChar();
    int readcount = 2;
    //reading the header format
    byte magic1 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte magic2 = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    if (magic1 != MAGIC1 || magic2 != MAGIC2) {

    input.readChar(); // reading size
    readcount += 2;
    input.readChar(); // reading reserved word
    readcount += 2;
    byte bigendian    = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charset      = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    byte charsize     = input.readByte();
    readcount ++;
    input.readByte(); // reading reserved byte
    readcount ++;

    byte dataFormatID[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte dataVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    byte unicodeVersion[] = new byte[4];
    readcount += 4;
    if (headersize < readcount) {
        throw new IOException("Internal Error: Header size error");
    input.skipBytes(headersize - readcount);

    if (bigendian != BIG_ENDIAN_ || charset != CHAR_SET_
        || charsize != CHAR_SIZE_
        || !Arrays.equals(dataFormatIDExpected, dataFormatID)
        || (authenticate != null
            && !authenticate.isDataVersionAcceptable(dataVersion))) {
        throw new IOException(HEADER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_);
    return unicodeVersion;