( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: ShareBox   文件:
public static ArrayList<String> nativeGetConnectedIP(String deviceName) {
        ArrayList<String> connectedIP = new ArrayList<String>();
        try {
            Process local=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cat /proc/net/arp");

            DataInputStream os=new DataInputStream(local.getInputStream());

            String line;
            Log.i(TAG,"arp begin");
            while ((line = os.readLine()) != null) {
                Log.i(TAG, line);
                String[] splited = line.split("\\s+");
                if (splited != null && splited.length > 5) {
                        String ip = splited[0];
            Log.i(TAG,"arp end");
        } catch (IOException e) {
//        connectedIP.remove(0);
        return connectedIP;
源代码2 项目: programming   文件:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
    RSA rsa = new RSA();
    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(;
    String teststring;
    System.out.println("Enter the plain text:");
    teststring = in.readLine();
    System.out.println("Encrypting String: " + teststring);
    System.out.println("String in Bytes: "
            + bytesToString(teststring.getBytes()));
    // encrypt
    byte[] encrypted = rsa.encrypt(teststring.getBytes());
    // decrypt
    byte[] decrypted = rsa.decrypt(encrypted);
    System.out.println("Decrypting Bytes: " + bytesToString(decrypted));
    System.out.println("Decrypted String: " + new String(decrypted));
源代码3 项目: android-kernel-tweaker   文件:
private String getStreamLines(final InputStream is) {
    String out = null;
    StringBuffer buffer = null;
    final DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(is);

    try {
        if (dis.available() > 0) {
            buffer = new StringBuffer(dis.readLine());
            while (dis.available() > 0) {
    } catch (final Exception ex) {
        Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage());
    if (buffer != null) {
        out = buffer.toString();
    return out;
源代码4 项目: PicqBotX   文件:
 * 读取所有行
 * @param reader 读取器
 * @return 所有行的列表
public static ArrayList<String> readOtherInfo(DataInputStream reader)
    ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>();

    while (true)
            String line = reader.readLine();
            if (line.isEmpty())

        catch (IOException e)

    return result;
源代码5 项目: hadoop   文件:
 * Create a new Event Reader
 * @param in
 * @throws IOException
public EventReader(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { = in;
  this.version = in.readLine();
  if (!EventWriter.VERSION.equals(version)) {
    throw new IOException("Incompatible event log version: "+version);

  Schema myschema = new SpecificData(Event.class.getClassLoader()).getSchema(Event.class);
  this.schema = Schema.parse(in.readLine());
  this.reader = new SpecificDatumReader(schema, myschema);
  this.decoder = DecoderFactory.get().jsonDecoder(schema, in);
源代码6 项目: act   文件:
private String api_call(String endpoint, List<P<String, String>> data) {
  StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder();

  try {
    URL url = new URL(endpoint);

    for (P<String,String> param : data) {
      if (postData.length() != 0) postData.append('&');
      postData.append(URLEncoder.encode(param.fst(), "UTF-8"));
      postData.append(URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(param.snd()), "UTF-8"));
    byte[] postDataBytes = postData.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");

    HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
    conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(postDataBytes.length));


    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
    String resp = "", line;
    while ( (line = in.readLine()) != null) {
      resp += line;
    return resp;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("ChemSpider: SHOULD NOT HAPPEN: Failed API call: " + e.getMessage() + " on data: " + postData);
    return "";
源代码7 项目: big-c   文件:
 * Create a new Event Reader
 * @param in
 * @throws IOException
public EventReader(DataInputStream in) throws IOException { = in;
  this.version = in.readLine();
  if (!EventWriter.VERSION.equals(version)) {
    throw new IOException("Incompatible event log version: "+version);

  Schema myschema = new SpecificData(Event.class.getClassLoader()).getSchema(Event.class);
  this.schema = Schema.parse(in.readLine());
  this.reader = new SpecificDatumReader(schema, myschema);
  this.decoder = DecoderFactory.get().jsonDecoder(schema, in);
源代码8 项目: eagle   文件:
@SuppressWarnings( {"rawtypes", "deprecation"})
public void parse(InputStream is) throws Exception {
    int eventCtr = 0;
    try {
        final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(is);
        String version = in.readLine();
        if (!"Avro-Json".equals(version)) {
            throw new IOException("Incompatible event log version: " + version);

        Schema schema = Schema.parse(in.readLine());
        SpecificDatumReader datumReader = new SpecificDatumReader(schema);
        JsonDecoder decoder = DecoderFactory.get().jsonDecoder(schema, in);

        Event wrapper;
        while ((wrapper = getNextEvent(datumReader, decoder)) != null) {
        // don't need put to finally as it's a kind of flushing data
        reader.close();"reader used " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");
    } catch (Exception ioe) {
        logger.error("Caught exception parsing history file after " + eventCtr + " events", ioe);
        throw ioe;
    } finally {
        if (is != null) {
源代码9 项目: appcan-android   文件:
public static String execRootCmd(String cmd) {
    String result = "result : ";
    try {
        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su ");
        OutputStream outStream = p.getOutputStream();
        DataOutputStream dOutStream = new DataOutputStream(outStream);
        InputStream inStream = p.getInputStream();
        DataInputStream dInStream = new DataInputStream(inStream);
        String str1 = String.valueOf(cmd);
        String str2 = str1 + "\n";
        String str3 = null;
        String line = "";
        while ((line = dInStream.readLine()) != null) {
            Log.d("result", str3);
            str3 += line;
        return result;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return result;
源代码10 项目: StoryForest   文件:
    * Load parameters from parameter file.
    * @param in Parameter file input stream.
    * @throws Exception
public void load(DataInputStream in) throws Exception {
       // create variable to save parameters
	HashMap<String, String> conf = new HashMap<String, String>();

       // read parameter file and parse each line.
       // lines started with "//" are considered to be comments
	String line = null;
	while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
		line = line.trim();
		if (line.startsWith("//") || line.length() == 0) {

		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "= ;");
		conf.put(st.nextToken(), st.nextToken());

       // parameters for experimental setup
       language = conf.get("language");
       dataType = conf.get("dataType");

       // parameters to boost word tf
       boostRateNormalWord = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("boostRateNormalWord"));
       boostRateMainKeyword = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("boostRateMainKeyword"));
       boostRateNormalKeyword = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("boostRateNormalKeyword"));

       // parameters to filter documents
       minDocKeywordSize = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("minDocKeywordSize"));

       // parameters to filter keyword graph nodes
       minNodeDF = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("minNodeDF"));
	maxNodeDFPercent = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("maxNodeDFPercent"));

       // parameters to filter keyword graph edges
	minEdgeDF = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("minEdgeDF"));
       minEdgeCorrelation = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("minEdgeCorrelation"));

       // parameters to detect keyword graph communities
       communityDetectAlg = conf.get("communityDetectAlg");

       // parameters to split or filter keyword graphs
	maxClusterNodeSize = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("maxClusterNodeSize"));
	minClusterNodeSize = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("minClusterNodeSize"));
	minIntersectPercentToMergeCluster = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("minIntersectPercentToMergeCluster"));
       minCpToDuplicateEdge = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("minCpToDuplicateEdge"));

       // parameters to assign document to keyword graphs
       minSimDoc2KeyGraph = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("minSimDoc2KeyGraph"));

       // parameters to filter document clusters
       minTopicSize = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("minTopicSize"));

       // parameters to processing document clusters
       useDocumentTopic = Boolean.parseBoolean(conf.get("useDocumentTopic"));
       useDocumentTitleCommonWords = Boolean.parseBoolean(conf.get("useDocumentTitleCommonWords"));
       minTitleCommonWordsSize = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("minTitleCommonWordsSize"));
       minTitleCommonWordsPercent = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("minTitleCommonWordsPercent"));
       fStopwords = conf.get("fStopwords");
       stopwords = NlpUtils.importStopwords(fStopwords, language);
       eventSplitAlg = conf.get("eventSplitAlg");

       // parameters to merge new documents wit stories
       minKeygraphCompatibilityDc2St = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("minKeygraphCompatibilityDc2St"));
       minCompatibilityDc2Sn = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("minCompatibilityDc2Sn"));
       minTFCosineSimilarityDc2Sn = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("minTFCosineSimilarityDc2Sn"));
       deltaTimeGap = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("deltaTimeGap"));
       deltaDocDistribution = Double.parseDouble(conf.get("deltaDocDistribution"));

       // parameters for filter corpora
       historyLength = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("historyLength"));

       // parameters related to event classification supervised learning
       fModel = conf.get("fModel");
       model = libsvm.svm.svm_load_model(fModel);
       fSameStoryModel = conf.get("fSameStoryModel");
       sameStoryModel = libsvm.svm.svm_load_model(fSameStoryModel);

       // parameters for query doc matching
       useRelatedNewsTitlesForMatch = Boolean.parseBoolean(conf.get("useRelatedNewsTitlesForMatch"));
       fQueryDocMatchModel = conf.get("fQueryDocMatchModel");
       queryDocMatchModel = libsvm.svm.svm_load_model(fQueryDocMatchModel);
       maxMatchedDocsSize = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("maxMatchedDocsSize"));

源代码11 项目: aptoide-client   文件:
public static boolean canRunRootCommands() {
    boolean retval;
    Process suProcess;

    try {
        suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");

        DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
        DataInputStream osRes = new DataInputStream(suProcess.getInputStream());

        // Getting the id of the current user to check if this is root

        String currUid = osRes.readLine();
        boolean exitSu;
        if (null == currUid) {
            retval = false;
            exitSu = false;
            Log.d("ROOT", "Can't get root access or denied by user");
        } else if (currUid.contains("uid=0")) {
            retval = true;
            exitSu = true;
            Log.d("ROOT", "Root access granted");
        } else {
            retval = false;
            exitSu = true;
            Log.d("ROOT", "Root access rejected: " + currUid);

        if (exitSu) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Can't get root !
        // Probably broken pipe exception on trying to write to output stream (os) after su failed, meaning that the device is not rooted

        retval = false;
        Log.d("ROOT", "Root access rejected [" + e.getClass().getName() + "] : " + e.getMessage());

    return retval;
源代码12 项目: aptoide-client-v8   文件:
 * from v7
 * <p>
 * Use RootManager or other entity created for this effect in the engine
@Deprecated public static boolean hasRoot() {
  boolean retval;
  Process suProcess;

  try {
    suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime()

    DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
    DataInputStream osRes = new DataInputStream(suProcess.getInputStream());

    // Getting the id of the current user to check if this is root

    String currUid = osRes.readLine();
    boolean exitSu;
    if (null == currUid) {
      retval = false;
      exitSu = false;
          .d("ROOT", "Can't get root access or denied by user");
    } else if (currUid.contains("uid=0")) {
      retval = true;
      exitSu = true;
          .d("ROOT", "Root access granted");
    } else {
      retval = false;
      exitSu = true;
          .d("ROOT", "Root access rejected: " + currUid);

    if (exitSu) {
  } catch (Exception e) {
    // Can't get root !
    // Probably broken pipe exception on trying to write to output stream (os) after su failed, meaning that the device is not rooted

    retval = false;
        .d("ROOT", "Root access rejected [" + e.getClass()
            .getName() + "] : " + e.getMessage());

  return retval;
源代码13 项目: jcuda-samples   文件:
private static byte[] readBinaryPortableGraymap8bitData(
    InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
    String line = null;
    boolean firstLine = true;
    Integer width = null;
    Integer maxBrightness = null;
    while (true)
        // The DataInputStream#readLine is deprecated,
        // but for ASCII input, it is safe to use it
        line = dis.readLine();
        if (line == null)
        line = line.trim();
        if (line.startsWith("#"))
        if (firstLine)
            firstLine = false;
            if (!line.equals("P5"))
                throw new IOException(
                    "Data is not a binary portable " + 
                    "graymap (P5), but " + line);
        if (width == null)
            String tokens[] = line.split(" ");
            if (tokens.length < 2)
                throw new IOException(
                    "Expected dimensions, found " + line);
            width = parseInt(tokens[0]);
        else if (maxBrightness == null)
            maxBrightness = parseInt(line);
            if (maxBrightness > 255)
                throw new IOException(
                    "Only 8 bit values supported. " + 
                    "Maximum value is " + maxBrightness);
    byte data[] = readFully(inputStream);
    return data;
源代码14 项目: iBeebo   文件:
public static boolean canRunRootCommands() {
    boolean retval = false;
    Process suProcess;

    try {
        suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");

        DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
        DataInputStream osRes = new DataInputStream(suProcess.getInputStream());

        if (null != os && null != osRes) {
            // Getting the id of the current user to check if this is root

            String currUid = osRes.readLine();
            boolean exitSu = false;
            if (null == currUid) {
                retval = false;
                exitSu = false;
                Log.d("ROOT", "Can't get root access or denied by user");
            } else if (true == currUid.contains("uid=0")) {
                retval = true;
                exitSu = true;
                Log.d("ROOT", "Root access granted");
            } else {
                retval = false;
                exitSu = true;
                Log.d("ROOT", "Root access rejected: " + currUid);

            if (exitSu) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Can't get root !
        // Probably broken pipe exception on trying to write to output stream (os) after su
        // failed, meaning that the device is not rooted

        retval = false;
        Log.d("ROOT", "Root access rejected [" + e.getClass().getName() + "] : " + e.getMessage());

    Log.d("ROOT", "Root access granted Has Rooted: " + retval);
    return retval;
源代码15 项目: swift-k   文件:
private String prepareSpecification(JobSpecification spec)
        throws IllegalSpecException, TaskSubmissionException {
    if (spec.getSpecification() != null) {
        return spec.getSpecification();
    } else {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("&");
        boolean batchJob = spec.isBatchJob();
        boolean redirected = spec.isRedirected();
        boolean localExecutable = spec.isLocalExecutable();
        boolean localInput = spec.isLocalInput();

        if (batchJob && redirected) {
            throw new IllegalSpecException(
                    "Cannot redirect the output/error of a batch job");

        if (redirected) {
            this.startGassServer = true;
            String gassURL = startGassServer();
            appendRSL(buf, "rsl_substitution", "(GLOBUSRUN_GASS_URL "
                    + gassURL + ")");
        // sets the executable
        appendRSL(buf, "executable", "/bin/sh");
        // sets other parameters
        String remote_globus_location = (String) spec
        if (remote_globus_location == null) {
            throw new IllegalSpecException(
                    "Remote Globus location not specified");
        String rslFile = (String) spec.getAttribute("rsl_file");
        if (rslFile == null) {
            throw new IllegalSpecException("MPICHG2 RSL file not specified");
        String mpichg2_rsl = "";
        try {

            FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(rslFile);
            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
            while (in.available() != 0) {
                mpichg2_rsl += in.readLine();
        } catch (Exception e) {
           throw new IllegalSpecException("Cannot read MPICHG2 rsl from file");

        String args = "-c \"source " + remote_globus_location
                + "/etc/ ; " + remote_globus_location
                + "/bin/globusrun " + mpichg2_rsl + "\"";
        appendRSL(buf, "arguments", args);

        // if output is to be redirected
        if (this.startGassServer && redirected) {
            // if no output file is specified, use the stdout
            if ((spec.getStdOutput() == null)
                    || (spec.getStdOutput().equals(""))) {
                appendRSL(buf, "stdout",
                                + getTask().getIdentity().toString());
            } else {
                appendRSL(buf, "stdout", "$(GLOBUSRUN_GASS_URL)/"
                        + spec.getStdOutput());
        } else {
            // output on the remote machine
            appendRSL(buf, "stdout", spec.getStdOutput());
        // if error is to be redirected
        if (this.startGassServer && redirected) {
            // if no error file is specified, use the stdout
            if ((spec.getStdError() == null)
                    || (spec.getStdError().equals(""))) {
                appendRSL(buf, "stderr",
                                + getTask().getIdentity().toString());
            } else {
                appendRSL(buf, "stderr", "$(GLOBUSRUN_GASS_URL)/"
                        + spec.getStdError());
        } else {
            // error on the remote machine
            appendRSL(buf, "stderr", spec.getStdError());
        return buf.toString();
源代码16 项目: iBeebo   文件:
public static boolean canRunRootCommands() {
    boolean retval = false;
    Process suProcess;

    try {
        suProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");

        DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(suProcess.getOutputStream());
        DataInputStream osRes = new DataInputStream(suProcess.getInputStream());

        if (null != os && null != osRes) {
            // Getting the id of the current user to check if this is root

            String currUid = osRes.readLine();
            boolean exitSu = false;
            if (null == currUid) {
                retval = false;
                exitSu = false;
                Log.d("ROOT", "Can't get root access or denied by user");
            } else if (true == currUid.contains("uid=0")) {
                retval = true;
                exitSu = true;
                Log.d("ROOT", "Root access granted");
            } else {
                retval = false;
                exitSu = true;
                Log.d("ROOT", "Root access rejected: " + currUid);

            if (exitSu) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Can't get root !
        // Probably broken pipe exception on trying to write to output stream (os) after su
        // failed, meaning that the device is not rooted

        retval = false;
        Log.d("ROOT", "Root access rejected [" + e.getClass().getName() + "] : " + e.getMessage());

    Log.d("ROOT", "Root access granted Has Rooted: " + retval);
    return retval;