
下面列出了javax.servlet.http.Cookie#isHttpOnly() 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: onedev   文件:
public void addCookie(Cookie cookie)
    if (StringUtil.isBlank(cookie.getName()))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(" cannot be blank/null");

    String comment = cookie.getComment();
    // HttpOnly was supported as a comment in cookie flags before the implementation so need to check that
    boolean httpOnly = cookie.isHttpOnly() || HttpCookie.isHttpOnlyInComment(comment);
    SameSite sameSite = HttpCookie.getSameSiteFromComment(comment);
    comment = HttpCookie.getCommentWithoutAttributes(comment);

    addCookie(new HttpCookie(
源代码2 项目: piranha   文件:
 * Write out a cookie.
 * @param cookie the cookie.
 * @throws IOException when an I/O error occurs.
private void writeCookie(Cookie cookie) throws IOException {
    outputStream.write("Set-Cookie: ".getBytes());
    if (cookie.getValue() != null) {

    if (cookie.getSecure()) {
        outputStream.write("; Secure".getBytes());

    if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) {
        outputStream.write("; HttpOnly".getBytes());

    if (cookie.getPath() != null) {
        outputStream.write(("; Path=" + cookie.getPath()).getBytes());

private String getCookieHeader(Cookie cookie) {
	StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
	buf.append(cookie.getName()).append('=').append(cookie.getValue() == null ? "" : cookie.getValue());
	if (StringUtils.hasText(cookie.getPath())) {
		buf.append("; Path=").append(cookie.getPath());
	if (StringUtils.hasText(cookie.getDomain())) {
		buf.append("; Domain=").append(cookie.getDomain());
	int maxAge = cookie.getMaxAge();
	if (maxAge >= 0) {
		buf.append("; Max-Age=").append(maxAge);
		buf.append("; Expires=");
		HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
		headers.setExpires(maxAge > 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000L * maxAge : 0);

	if (cookie.getSecure()) {
		buf.append("; Secure");
	if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) {
		buf.append("; HttpOnly");
	if (cookie instanceof MockCookie) {
		MockCookie mockCookie = (MockCookie) cookie;
		if (StringUtils.hasText(mockCookie.getSameSite())) {
			buf.append("; SameSite=").append(mockCookie.getSameSite());
	return buf.toString();
private String getCookieHeader(Cookie cookie) {
	StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
	buf.append(cookie.getName()).append('=').append(cookie.getValue() == null ? "" : cookie.getValue());
	if (StringUtils.hasText(cookie.getPath())) {
		buf.append("; Path=").append(cookie.getPath());
	if (StringUtils.hasText(cookie.getDomain())) {
		buf.append("; Domain=").append(cookie.getDomain());
	int maxAge = cookie.getMaxAge();
	if (maxAge >= 0) {
		buf.append("; Max-Age=").append(maxAge);
		buf.append("; Expires=");
		HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
		headers.setExpires(maxAge > 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000L * maxAge : 0);

	if (cookie.getSecure()) {
		buf.append("; Secure");
	if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) {
		buf.append("; HttpOnly");
	if (cookie instanceof MockCookie) {
		MockCookie mockCookie = (MockCookie) cookie;
		if (StringUtils.hasText(mockCookie.getSameSite())) {
			buf.append("; SameSite=").append(mockCookie.getSameSite());
	return buf.toString();
private String getCookieHeader(Cookie cookie) {
	StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
	buf.append(cookie.getName()).append('=').append(cookie.getValue() == null ? "" : cookie.getValue());
	if (StringUtils.hasText(cookie.getPath())) {
		buf.append("; Path=").append(cookie.getPath());
	if (StringUtils.hasText(cookie.getDomain())) {
		buf.append("; Domain=").append(cookie.getDomain());
	int maxAge = cookie.getMaxAge();
	if (maxAge >= 0) {
		buf.append("; Max-Age=").append(maxAge);
		buf.append("; Expires=");
		HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
		headers.setExpires(maxAge > 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000L * maxAge : 0);

	if (cookie.getSecure()) {
		buf.append("; Secure");
	if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) {
		buf.append("; HttpOnly");
	if (cookie instanceof MockCookie) {
		MockCookie mockCookie = (MockCookie) cookie;
		if (StringUtils.hasText(mockCookie.getSameSite())) {
			buf.append("; SameSite=").append(mockCookie.getSameSite());
	return buf.toString();
private String getCookieHeader(Cookie cookie) {
	StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
	buf.append(cookie.getName()).append('=').append(cookie.getValue() == null ? "" : cookie.getValue());
	if (StringUtils.hasText(cookie.getPath())) {
		buf.append("; Path=").append(cookie.getPath());
	if (StringUtils.hasText(cookie.getDomain())) {
		buf.append("; Domain=").append(cookie.getDomain());
	int maxAge = cookie.getMaxAge();
	if (maxAge >= 0) {
		buf.append("; Max-Age=").append(maxAge);
		buf.append("; Expires=");
		HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
		headers.setExpires(maxAge > 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000L * maxAge : 0);

	if (cookie.getSecure()) {
		buf.append("; Secure");
	if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) {
		buf.append("; HttpOnly");
	if (cookie instanceof MockCookie) {
		MockCookie mockCookie = (MockCookie) cookie;
		if (StringUtils.hasText(mockCookie.getSameSite())) {
			buf.append("; SameSite=").append(mockCookie.getSameSite());
	return buf.toString();
public void addCookie(Cookie cookie) {
    if (request != null && request.getDispatcherType() == DispatcherType.INCLUDE && isCommitted()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add Cookies for include request when response is committed");
    String cookieData = cookie.getName() + "=" + cookie.getValue();
    if (cookie.getPath() != null) {
        cookieData += "; Path=" + cookie.getPath();
    if (cookie.getSecure()) {
        cookieData += "; Secure";
    if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) {
        cookieData += "; HttpOnly";
    if (cookie.getDomain() != null && !"".equals(cookie.getDomain().trim())) {
        cookieData += "; Domain=" + cookie.getDomain();

    if (cookie.getMaxAge() > 0) {
        cookieData += "; Max-Age=" + cookie.getMaxAge();

        // we always set the timezone to GMT
        TimeZone gmtTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(COOKIE_DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE);
        Calendar currentTimestamp = Calendar.getInstance(gmtTimeZone);
        currentTimestamp.add(Calendar.SECOND, cookie.getMaxAge());
        SimpleDateFormat cookieDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(HEADER_DATE_PATTERN);
        cookieData += "; Expires=" + cookieDateFormatter.format(currentTimestamp.getTime());

    setHeader(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE, cookieData, false);
public String generateHeader(Cookie cookie) {
     * The spec allows some latitude on when to send the version attribute
     * with a Set-Cookie header. To be nice to clients, we'll make sure the
     * version attribute is first. That means checking the various things
     * that can cause us to switch to a v1 cookie first.
     * Note that by checking for tokens we will also throw an exception if a
     * control character is encountered.
    int version = cookie.getVersion();
    String value = cookie.getValue();
    String path = cookie.getPath();
    String domain = cookie.getDomain();
    String comment = cookie.getComment();

    if (version == 0) {
        // Check for the things that require a v1 cookie
        if (needsQuotes(value, 0) || comment != null || needsQuotes(path, 0) || needsQuotes(domain, 0)) {
            version = 1;

    // Now build the cookie header
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); // can't use StringBuilder due to DateFormat

    // Just use the name supplied in the Cookie

    // Value
    maybeQuote(buf, value, version);

    // Add version 1 specific information
    if (version == 1) {
        // Version=1 ... required
        buf.append ("; Version=1");

        // Comment=comment
        if (comment != null) {
            buf.append ("; Comment=");
            maybeQuote(buf, comment, version);

    // Add domain information, if present
    if (domain != null) {
        buf.append("; Domain=");
        maybeQuote(buf, domain, version);

    // Max-Age=secs ... or use old "Expires" format
    int maxAge = cookie.getMaxAge();
    if (maxAge >= 0) {
        if (version > 0) {
            buf.append ("; Max-Age=");
            buf.append (maxAge);
        // IE6, IE7 and possibly other browsers don't understand Max-Age.
        // They do understand Expires, even with V1 cookies!
        if (version == 0 || getAlwaysAddExpires()) {
            // Wdy, DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS GMT ( Expires Netscape format )
            buf.append ("; Expires=");
            // To expire immediately we need to set the time in past
            if (maxAge == 0) {
                buf.append( ANCIENT_DATE );
            } else {
                        new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + maxAge * 1000L),
                        new FieldPosition(0));

    // Path=path
    if (path!=null) {
        buf.append ("; Path=");
        maybeQuote(buf, path, version);

    // Secure
    if (cookie.getSecure()) {
      buf.append ("; Secure");

    // HttpOnly
    if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) {
        buf.append("; HttpOnly");

    SameSiteCookies sameSiteCookiesValue = getSameSiteCookies();

    if (!sameSiteCookiesValue.equals(SameSiteCookies.UNSET)) {
        buf.append("; SameSite=");

    return buf.toString();