( )源码实例Demo

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private URI withNewHost(URI uri, String host) {
    // We allow host to contain port only for because mocking OPEN API service requires it
    String[] hostAndPort = host.split(":");
    String hostName = hostAndPort[0];
    int port = (hostAndPort.length == 2)
        ? Integer.parseInt(hostAndPort[1])
        : uri.getPort();

    try {
        return new URI(
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码2 项目: big-c   文件:
 * Convert a nested URI to decode the underlying path. The translation takes
 * the authority and parses it into the underlying scheme and authority.
 * For example, "myscheme://[email protected]/my/path" is converted to
 * "hdfs://nn/my/path".
 * @param nestedUri the URI from the nested URI
 * @return the unnested path
public static Path unnestUri(URI nestedUri) {
  String[] parts = nestedUri.getAuthority().split("@", 2);
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(parts[0]);
  if (parts.length == 2) {
  if (nestedUri.getQuery() != null) {
  if (nestedUri.getFragment() != null) {
  return new Path(result.toString());
源代码3 项目: caja   文件:
private File toFileUnderSameDirectory(URI uri) {
  if (uri.isOpaque()) {
    // An opaque URI is not interpretable as a relative path
    return null;

  if (uri.getScheme() != null && !"file".equals(uri.getScheme())) {
    // Not a "file://..." URL so cannot be relative to a directory
    return null;

  if (uri.getAuthority() != null
      || uri.getFragment() != null
      || uri.getQuery() != null) {
    // URI contains stuff that does not apply to filesystems
    return null;

  if (uri.getPath() == null) {
    // Cannot resolve as a file without a path
    return null;

  File f = new File(new File(directory, ".").toURI().resolve(uri));
  // Check that f is a descendant of directory
  for (File tmp = f; tmp != null; tmp = tmp.getParentFile()) {
    if (directory.equals(tmp)) {
      return f;

  return null;
public void setCatalog(String catalog) throws SQLException {
    URI old = URI.create(url.substring(ClickhouseJdbcUrlParser.JDBC_PREFIX.length()));
    try {
        url = ClickhouseJdbcUrlParser.JDBC_PREFIX +
                new URI(old.getScheme(), old.getUserInfo(), old.getHost(), old.getPort(),
                        "/" + catalog, old.getQuery(), old.getFragment());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);
源代码5 项目: sftp-fs   文件:
private URI normalizeWithUsername(URI uri, String username) {
    if (username == null && uri.getUserInfo() == null && uri.getPath() == null && uri.getQuery() == null && uri.getFragment() == null) {
        // nothing to normalize or add, return the URI
        return uri;
    // no path, query or fragment
    return URISupport.create(uri.getScheme(), username, uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), null, null, null);
源代码6 项目: ttt   文件:
public static boolean isNonLocalFragment(String uriString) {
    URI uri = makeURISafely(uriString);
    if (uri != null) {
        String s = uri.getScheme();
        String ssp = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
        if (((s == null) || (s.length() ==0)) && ((ssp == null) || (ssp.length() ==0)))
            return false;
        return uri.getFragment() != null;
    } else
        return false;
源代码7 项目: attic-stratos   文件:
private int startActiveMQServer() throws AutomationFrameworkException {
    try {
        String activemqBindAddress = getParameters().get(Util.ACTIVEMQ_BIND_ADDRESS);
        if (activemqBindAddress == null) {
            throw new AutomationFrameworkException("ActiveMQ bind address not found in automation.xml");
        URI givenURI = new URI(activemqBindAddress);
        int initAMQPort = givenURI.getPort();
        // dynamically pick an open port starting from initial port given in automation.xml
        while (!Util.isPortAvailable(initAMQPort)) {
        URI dynamicURL = new URI(givenURI.getScheme(), givenURI.getUserInfo(), givenURI.getHost(), initAMQPort,
                givenURI.getPath(), givenURI.getQuery(), givenURI.getFragment());
        long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();"Starting ActiveMQ with dynamic bind address: " + dynamicURL.toString());
        broker.setDataDirectory(StratosServerExtension.class.getResource(File.separator).getPath() +
                File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "activemq-data");
        long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();"ActiveMQ started in %d sec", (time2 - time1) / 1000));
        return initAMQPort;
    catch (Exception e) {
        throw new AutomationFrameworkException("Could not start ActiveMQ", e);
源代码8 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
private void checkUri(URI uri) {
    if (!uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase(getScheme()))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI does not match this provider");
    if (uri.getAuthority() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authority component present");
    if (uri.getPath() == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path component is undefined");
    if (!uri.getPath().equals("/"))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path component should be '/'");
    if (uri.getQuery() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query component present");
    if (uri.getFragment() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fragment component present");
源代码9 项目: openjdk-8   文件:
private void checkUri(URI uri) {
    if (!uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase(getScheme()))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI does not match this provider");
    if (uri.getAuthority() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authority component present");
    if (uri.getPath() == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path component is undefined");
    if (!uri.getPath().equals("/"))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path component should be '/'");
    if (uri.getQuery() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query component present");
    if (uri.getFragment() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fragment component present");
public static List<TransportConfiguration> getTransportConfigurations(URI uri,
                                                                      Map<String, String> query,
                                                                      Set<String> allowableProperties,
                                                                      String name,
                                                                      String factoryName) throws URISyntaxException {
   HashMap<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();

   Map<String, Object> extraProps = new HashMap<>();
   BeanSupport.setData(uri, props, allowableProperties, query, extraProps);
   List<TransportConfiguration> transportConfigurations = new ArrayList<>();

   TransportConfiguration config = new TransportConfiguration(factoryName, props, name, extraProps);

   String connectors = uri.getFragment();

   if (connectors != null && !connectors.trim().isEmpty()) {
      String[] split = connectors.split(",");
      for (String s : split) {
         URI extraUri = new URI(s);
         HashMap<String, Object> newProps = new HashMap<>();
         extraProps = new HashMap<>();
         BeanSupport.setData(extraUri, newProps, allowableProperties, query, extraProps);
         BeanSupport.setData(extraUri, newProps, allowableProperties, parseQuery(extraUri.getQuery(), null), extraProps);
         transportConfigurations.add(new TransportConfiguration(factoryName, newProps, name + ":" + extraUri.toString(), extraProps));
   return transportConfigurations;
源代码11 项目: orion.server   文件:
public static URI getCloneLocation(URI base, BaseToCloneConverter converter) throws URISyntaxException, CoreException {
	IPath filePath = converter.getFilePath(base);
	IPath clonePath = findClonePath(filePath);
	if (clonePath == null)
		return null;
	IPath p = new Path(GitServlet.GIT_URI).append(Clone.RESOURCE).append(clonePath).addTrailingSeparator();
	return new URI(base.getScheme(), base.getUserInfo(), base.getHost(), base.getPort(), p.toString(), base.getQuery(), base.getFragment());
源代码12 项目: CloverETL-Engine   文件:
public static URI trimToLastSlash(URI uri) {
	String path = uri.getPath();
	if ((path == null) || path.indexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR) < 0) {
		return null;
	path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR) + 1);
	try {
		return new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), path, uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment());
	} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
		return null;
源代码13 项目: orion.server   文件:
public URI baseToRemoteLocation(URI base, String remote, String branch) throws URISyntaxException {
	IPath p = new Path(base.getPath());
	p = new Path(GitServlet.GIT_URI).append(Remote.RESOURCE).append(remote).append(branch).addTrailingSeparator().append(p);
	return new URI(base.getScheme(), base.getUserInfo(), base.getHost(), base.getPort(), p.toString(), base.getQuery(), base.getFragment());
 * Base URI for a config store should be root of the zip file, so change path part of URI to be null
URI getBaseURI(URI configKey) throws URISyntaxException {
  return new URI(configKey.getScheme(), configKey.getAuthority(), "/", configKey.getQuery(), configKey.getFragment());
源代码15 项目: genie   文件:
private void handleRequest(
    final URI baseUri,
    final String relativePath,
    final HttpServletRequest request,
    final HttpServletResponse response,
    final DirectoryManifest manifest,
    final URI jobDirectoryRoot
) throws IOException, GenieNotFoundException, GenieServerException {
        "Handle request, baseUri: '{}', relpath: '{}', jobRootUri: '{}'",
    final DirectoryManifest.ManifestEntry entry = manifest.getEntry(relativePath).orElseThrow(
        () -> new GenieNotFoundException("No such entry in job manifest: " + relativePath)

    if (entry.isDirectory()) {
        // For now maintain the V3 structure
        // TODO: Once we determine what we want for V4 use v3/v4 flags or some way to differentiate
        // TODO: there's no unit test covering this section
        final DefaultDirectoryWriter.Directory directory = new DefaultDirectoryWriter.Directory();
        final List<DefaultDirectoryWriter.Entry> files = Lists.newArrayList();
        final List<DefaultDirectoryWriter.Entry> directories = Lists.newArrayList();
        try {
                parentPath -> {
                    final DirectoryManifest.ManifestEntry parentEntry = manifest
                    directory.setParent(createEntry(parentEntry, baseUri));

            for (final String childPath : entry.getChildren()) {
                final DirectoryManifest.ManifestEntry childEntry = manifest

                if (childEntry.isDirectory()) {
                    directories.add(this.createEntry(childEntry, baseUri));
                } else {
                    files.add(this.createEntry(childEntry, baseUri));
        } catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            throw new GenieServerException("Error while traversing files manifest: " + iae.getMessage(), iae);



        final String accept = request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT);
        if (accept != null && accept.contains(MediaType.TEXT_HTML_VALUE)) {
                        .directoryToHTML(entry.getName(), directory)
        } else {
            GenieObjectMapper.getMapper().writeValue(response.getOutputStream(), directory);
    } else {
        final URI location = jobDirectoryRoot.resolve(entry.getPath());
        final String locationString = location.toString()
            + (jobDirectoryRoot.getFragment() != null ? ("#" + jobDirectoryRoot.getFragment()) : "");
        log.debug("Get resource: {}", locationString);
        final Resource jobResource = this.resourceLoader.getResource(locationString);
        // Every file really should have a media type but if not use text/plain
        final String mediaType = entry.getMimeType().orElse(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE);
        final ResourceHttpRequestHandler handler = this.genieResourceHandlerFactory.get(mediaType, jobResource);
        try {
            handler.handleRequest(request, response);
        } catch (ServletException e) {
            throw new GenieServerException("Servlet exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
源代码16 项目: hadoop   文件:
private static void parseDistributedCacheArtifacts(
    Configuration conf,
    Map<String, LocalResource> localResources,
    LocalResourceType type,
    URI[] uris, long[] timestamps, long[] sizes, boolean visibilities[])
throws IOException {

  if (uris != null) {
    // Sanity check
    if ((uris.length != timestamps.length) || (uris.length != sizes.length) ||
        (uris.length != visibilities.length)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid specification for " +
          "distributed-cache artifacts of type " + type + " :" +
          " #uris=" + uris.length +
          " #timestamps=" + timestamps.length +
          " #visibilities=" + visibilities.length
    for (int i = 0; i < uris.length; ++i) {
      URI u = uris[i];
      Path p = new Path(u);
      FileSystem remoteFS = p.getFileSystem(conf);
      p = remoteFS.resolvePath(p.makeQualified(remoteFS.getUri(),
      // Add URI fragment or just the filename
      Path name = new Path((null == u.getFragment())
        ? p.getName()
        : u.getFragment());
      if (name.isAbsolute()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource name must be relative");
      String linkName = name.toUri().getPath();
      LocalResource orig = localResources.get(linkName);
      org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.URL url = 
      if(orig != null && !orig.getResource().equals(url)) {
            getResourceDescription(orig.getType()) + 
            toString(orig.getResource()) + " conflicts with " + 
            getResourceDescription(type) + toString(url) + 
            " This will be an error in Hadoop 2.0");
      localResources.put(linkName, LocalResource.newInstance(ConverterUtils
        .getYarnUrlFromURI(p.toUri()), type, visibilities[i]
          ? LocalResourceVisibility.PUBLIC : LocalResourceVisibility.PRIVATE,
        sizes[i], timestamps[i]));
源代码17 项目: Cubert   文件:
public static String get(String path)
    // first try to load the file using the symbolic link
    // (note that symbolic link does not work with hadoop 1 in local mode)
        URI uri = new URI(path);
        String fragment = uri.getFragment();
        if (fragment != null)
            File file = new File(fragment);
            if (file.exists())
                return file.toString();

        // remove the fragment
        path = uri.getPath();
    catch (URISyntaxException e)
        // do nothing... fall through to the remaining code

    // otherwise, try to load from full path

    if (cachedFiles == null)
        return null;

    for (Path cachedFile : cachedFiles)
        if (cachedFile.toString().endsWith(path))
            return cachedFile.toString();
        if (cachedFile.getParent().toString().endsWith(path))
            return cachedFile.toString();

    return null;
源代码18 项目: neoscada   文件:
private Executable lookupByUri ( final String name, final Execute execute, final RunnerContext ctx )
    logger.debug ( "Looking up by uri - name: {}, execute: {}", name, execute );

        final URI uri = new URI ( name );
        if ( !"bundle-class".equals ( uri.getScheme () ) )
            logger.debug ( "Wrong URI scheme: {}", uri.getScheme () );
            return null;

        final String host = uri.getHost ();

        String clazzName = uri.getPath ();
        if ( clazzName.startsWith ( "/" ) )
            // cut of first slash
            clazzName = clazzName.substring ( 1 );

        if ( clazzName.startsWith ( "." ) )
            clazzName = host + clazzName;

        final Class<?> clazz = findBundle ( host, clazzName );

        if ( Executable.class.isAssignableFrom ( clazz ) )
            logger.debug ( "Return by Executable interface" );
            if ( clazz.isAnnotationPresent ( Singleton.class ) )
                if ( !ctx.getSingletons ().containsKey ( clazz ) )
                    ctx.getSingletons ().put ( clazz, clazz.newInstance () );
                return (Executable)ctx.getSingletons ().get ( clazz );
                return (Executable)clazz.newInstance ();
            String fragment = uri.getFragment ();
            if ( fragment == null )
                fragment = "execute";

            logger.debug ( "Return by call wrapper: #{}", fragment );
            return createCallWrapper ( name, clazz, fragment, execute, ctx );
    catch ( final Exception e )
    { ( "Failed to lookup", e );
        return null;
源代码19 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
 * Converts given URI to a Path
static WindowsPath fromUri(WindowsFileSystem fs, URI uri) {
    if (!uri.isAbsolute())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not absolute");
    if (uri.isOpaque())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not hierarchical");
    String scheme = uri.getScheme();
    if ((scheme == null) || !scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("file"))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI scheme is not \"file\"");
    if (uri.getFragment() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI has a fragment component");
    if (uri.getQuery() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI has a query component");
    String path = uri.getPath();
    if (path.equals(""))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI path component is empty");

    // UNC
    String auth = uri.getAuthority();
    if (auth != null && !auth.equals("")) {
        String host = uri.getHost();
        if (host == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI authority component has undefined host");
        if (uri.getUserInfo() != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI authority component has user-info");
        if (uri.getPort() != -1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI authority component has port number");

        // IPv6 literal
        // 1. drop enclosing brackets
        // 2. replace ":" with "-"
        // 3. replace "%" with "s" (zone/scopeID delimiter)
        // 4. Append
        if (host.startsWith("[")) {
            host = host.substring(1, host.length()-1)
                       .replace(':', '-')
                       .replace('%', 's');
            host += IPV6_LITERAL_SUFFIX;

        // reconstitute the UNC
        path = "\\\\" + host + path;
    } else {
        if ((path.length() > 2) && (path.charAt(2) == ':')) {
            // "/c:/foo" --> "c:/foo"
            path = path.substring(1);
    return WindowsPath.parse(fs, path);
源代码20 项目: orion.server   文件:
public URI baseToRemoteLocation(URI base, String remote, String branch) throws URISyntaxException {
	IPath p = new Path(base.getPath());
	p = p.uptoSegment(1).append(Remote.RESOURCE).append(remote).append(branch).addTrailingSeparator().append(p.removeFirstSegments(2));
	return new URI(base.getScheme(), base.getUserInfo(), base.getHost(), base.getPort(), p.toString(), base.getQuery(), base.getFragment());