( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: chaos-http-proxy   文件:
public void setUp() throws Exception {
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.setProperty(Failure.CHAOS_CONFIG_PREFIX + "success", "5");
    config = new ChaosConfig(properties);
    proxy = new ChaosHttpProxy(proxyEndpoint, config);

    // reset endpoint to handle zero port
    proxyEndpoint = new URI(proxyEndpoint.getScheme(),
            proxyEndpoint.getUserInfo(), proxyEndpoint.getHost(),
            proxy.getPort(), proxyEndpoint.getPath(),
            proxyEndpoint.getQuery(), proxyEndpoint.getFragment());
    logger.debug("ChaosHttpProxy listening on {}", proxyEndpoint);

    setupHttpBin(new HttpBin(httpBinEndpoint));

    client = new HttpClient();
    ProxyConfiguration proxyConfig = client.getProxyConfiguration();
    proxyConfig.getProxies().add(new HttpProxy(proxyEndpoint.getHost(),
源代码2 项目: hbase   文件:
 * Commits the snapshot process by moving the working snapshot
 * to the finalized filepath
 * @param snapshotDir The file path of the completed snapshots
 * @param workingDir  The file path of the in progress snapshots
 * @param fs The file system of the completed snapshots
 * @param workingDirFs The file system of the in progress snapshots
 * @param conf Configuration
 * @throws SnapshotCreationException if the snapshot could not be moved
 * @throws IOException the filesystem could not be reached
public static void completeSnapshot(Path snapshotDir, Path workingDir, FileSystem fs,
  FileSystem workingDirFs, final Configuration conf)
  throws SnapshotCreationException, IOException {
  LOG.debug("Sentinel is done, just moving the snapshot from " + workingDir + " to "
    + snapshotDir);
  // If the working and completed snapshot directory are on the same file system, attempt
  // to rename the working snapshot directory to the completed location. If that fails,
  // or the file systems differ, attempt to copy the directory over, throwing an exception
  // if this fails
  URI workingURI = workingDirFs.getUri();
  URI rootURI = fs.getUri();
  if ((!workingURI.getScheme().equals(rootURI.getScheme()) ||
    workingURI.getAuthority() == null ||
    !workingURI.getAuthority().equals(rootURI.getAuthority()) ||
    workingURI.getUserInfo() == null ||
    !workingURI.getUserInfo().equals(rootURI.getUserInfo()) ||
    !fs.rename(workingDir, snapshotDir)) && !FileUtil.copy(workingDirFs, workingDir, fs,
    snapshotDir, true, true, conf)) {
    throw new SnapshotCreationException("Failed to copy working directory(" + workingDir
      + ") to completed directory(" + snapshotDir + ").");
源代码3 项目: JVoiceXML   文件:
 * Removes the fragment from the given URI.
 * @param uri the URI to remove the fragment from
 * @return URI without a fragment.
private URI removeFragment(final URI uri) {
    final String fragment = uri.getFragment();
    if (fragment == null) {
        return uri;

    try {
        return new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getUserInfo(),
                uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(),
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        LOGGER.warn("unable to remove the fragment from '" + uri + "'", e);
        return uri;
源代码4 项目: org.hl7.fhir.core   文件:
public static URI appendHttpParameters(URI basePath, Map<String,String> parameters) {
    try {
    	Set<String> httpParameterNames = parameters.keySet();
    	String query = basePath.getQuery();
    	for(String httpParameterName : httpParameterNames) {
      if(query != null) {
       query += "&";
      } else {
      	query = "";
      query += httpParameterName + "=" + Utilities.encodeUri(parameters.get(httpParameterName));
     return new URI(basePath.getScheme(), basePath.getUserInfo(), basePath.getHost(),basePath.getPort(), basePath.getPath(), query, basePath.getFragment());
    } catch(Exception e) {
    	throw new EFhirClientException("Error appending http parameter", e);
public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
    URI originalUri = exchange.getRequest().getURI();
    ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest();
    ServerHttpRequest.Builder mutate = request.mutate();
    String forwardedUri = request.getURI().toString();
    if (forwardedUri != null && forwardedUri.startsWith("https")) {
        try {
            URI mutatedUri = new URI("http",
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
    ServerHttpRequest build =;
    return chain.filter(exchange.mutate().request(build).build());
private URI withNewHost(URI uri, String host) {
    // We allow host to contain port only for because mocking OPEN API service requires it
    String[] hostAndPort = host.split(":");
    String hostName = hostAndPort[0];
    int port = (hostAndPort.length == 2)
        ? Integer.parseInt(hostAndPort[1])
        : uri.getPort();

    try {
        return new URI(
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
private URI appendQueryParameters(URI uri) throws URISyntaxException {
  String queryString = uri.getQuery();
  if (queryString == null) {
    queryString = "";
  StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(queryString);
  for (Entry<String, String> parameter : queryParameterProvider.get().entrySet()) {
    if (query.length() > 0) {

  return new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(),
                 uri.getPort(), uri.getPath(), query.toString(), uri.getFragment());
源代码8 项目: big-c   文件:
public void initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException { // get
  super.initialize(uri, conf);
  // get host information from uri (overrides info in conf)
  String host = uri.getHost();
  host = (host == null) ? conf.get(FS_FTP_HOST, null) : host;
  if (host == null) {
    throw new IOException("Invalid host specified");
  conf.set(FS_FTP_HOST, host);

  // get port information from uri, (overrides info in conf)
  int port = uri.getPort();
  port = (port == -1) ? FTP.DEFAULT_PORT : port;
  conf.setInt("", port);

  // get user/password information from URI (overrides info in conf)
  String userAndPassword = uri.getUserInfo();
  if (userAndPassword == null) {
    userAndPassword = (conf.get("fs.ftp.user." + host, null) + ":" + conf
        .get("fs.ftp.password." + host, null));
  String[] userPasswdInfo = userAndPassword.split(":");
  Preconditions.checkState(userPasswdInfo.length > 1,
                           "Invalid username / password");
  conf.set(FS_FTP_USER_PREFIX + host, userPasswdInfo[0]);
  conf.set(FS_FTP_PASSWORD_PREFIX + host, userPasswdInfo[1]);
  this.uri = uri;
源代码9 项目: big-c   文件:
public static URL getYarnUrlFromURI(URI uri) {
  URL url = RecordFactoryProvider.getRecordFactory(null).newRecordInstance(URL.class);
  if (uri.getHost() != null) {
  if (uri.getUserInfo() != null) {
  return url;
源代码10 项目: orion.server   文件:
private URI statusToCommitLocation(URI u, String ref) throws URISyntaxException {
	String uriPath = u.getPath();
	String prefix = uriPath.substring(0, uriPath.indexOf(GitServlet.GIT_URI));
	uriPath = uriPath.substring(prefix.length() + (GitServlet.GIT_URI + '/' + Status.RESOURCE).length());
	uriPath = prefix + GitServlet.GIT_URI + '/' + Commit.RESOURCE + '/' + ref + uriPath;
	return new URI(u.getScheme(), u.getUserInfo(), u.getHost(), u.getPort(), uriPath, u.getQuery(), u.getFragment());
源代码11 项目: smarthome   文件:
 * If the URI contains user info in the form <code>user[:pass]@</code>, attempt to preempt the server
 * returning a 401 by providing Basic Authentication support in the initial request to the server.
 * @param uri the URI which may contain user info
 * @param request the outgoing request to which an authorization header may be added
void maybeAppendAuthHeader(URI uri, Request request) {
    if (uri != null && uri.getUserInfo() != null) {
        String[] userInfo = uri.getUserInfo().split(":");

        if (userInfo.length >= 1) {
            String user = userInfo[0];
            String password = userInfo.length >= 2 ? userInfo[1] : null;
            String authString = password != null ? user + ":" + password : user + ":";

            String basicAuthentication = "Basic " + B64Code.encode(authString, StringUtil.__ISO_8859_1);
            request.header(HttpHeader.AUTHORIZATION, basicAuthentication);
源代码12 项目: BigApp_Discuz_Android   文件:
private void digestURI(final URI uri) {
    this.scheme = uri.getScheme();
    this.encodedSchemeSpecificPart = uri.getRawSchemeSpecificPart();
    this.encodedAuthority = uri.getRawAuthority(); = uri.getHost();
    this.port = uri.getPort();
    this.encodedUserInfo = uri.getRawUserInfo();
    this.userInfo = uri.getUserInfo();
    this.encodedPath = uri.getRawPath();
    this.path = uri.getPath();
    this.encodedQuery = uri.getRawQuery();
    this.queryParams = parseQuery(uri.getRawQuery());
    this.encodedFragment = uri.getRawFragment();
    this.fragment = uri.getFragment();
源代码13 项目: vespa   文件:
/** Returns a copy of the given URI with the host and port from the given URI and the path set to the given path */
private URI withPath(String newPath, URI uri) {
    try {
        return new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), newPath, null, null);
    catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Will not happen", e);
源代码14 项目: FoxTelem   文件:
 * Parses the host information resorting to a URI object. This process handles most single-host well formed addresses.
 * @param user
 *            the user to include in the final {@link HostInfo}
 * @param password
 *            the password to include in the final {@link HostInfo}
 * @param hostInfo
 *            the string containing the host information part
 * @return the {@link HostInfo} instance containing the parsed information or <code>null</code> if unable to parse the host information
private HostInfo buildHostInfoResortingToUriParser(String user, String password, String hostInfo) {
    String host = null;
    int port = -1;

    try {
        URI uri = URI.create(DUMMY_SCHEMA + hostInfo);
        if (uri.getHost() != null) {
            host = decode(uri.getHost());
        if (uri.getPort() != -1) {
            port = uri.getPort();
        if (uri.getUserInfo() != null) {
            // Can't have another one. The user information should have been handled already.
            return null;
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // The URI failed to parse the host information.
        return null;
    if (host != null || port != -1) {
        // The host info parsing succeeded.
        return new HostInfo(this, host, port, user, password);
    return null;
源代码15 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件:
 * Converts given URI to a Path
static WindowsPath fromUri(WindowsFileSystem fs, URI uri) {
    if (!uri.isAbsolute())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not absolute");
    if (uri.isOpaque())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not hierarchical");
    String scheme = uri.getScheme();
    if ((scheme == null) || !scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("file"))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI scheme is not \"file\"");
    if (uri.getFragment() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI has a fragment component");
    if (uri.getQuery() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI has a query component");
    String path = uri.getPath();
    if (path.equals(""))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI path component is empty");

    // UNC
    String auth = uri.getAuthority();
    if (auth != null && !auth.equals("")) {
        String host = uri.getHost();
        if (host == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI authority component has undefined host");
        if (uri.getUserInfo() != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI authority component has user-info");
        if (uri.getPort() != -1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI authority component has port number");

        // IPv6 literal
        // 1. drop enclosing brackets
        // 2. replace ":" with "-"
        // 3. replace "%" with "s" (zone/scopeID delimiter)
        // 4. Append
        if (host.startsWith("[")) {
            host = host.substring(1, host.length()-1)
                       .replace(':', '-')
                       .replace('%', 's');
            host += IPV6_LITERAL_SUFFIX;

        // reconstitute the UNC
        path = "\\\\" + host + path;
    } else {
        if ((path.length() > 2) && (path.charAt(2) == ':')) {
            // "/c:/foo" --> "c:/foo"
            path = path.substring(1);
    return WindowsPath.parse(fs, path);
源代码16 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
 * Converts given URI to a Path
static WindowsPath fromUri(WindowsFileSystem fs, URI uri) {
    if (!uri.isAbsolute())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not absolute");
    if (uri.isOpaque())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not hierarchical");
    String scheme = uri.getScheme();
    if ((scheme == null) || !scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("file"))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI scheme is not \"file\"");
    if (uri.getFragment() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI has a fragment component");
    if (uri.getQuery() != null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI has a query component");
    String path = uri.getPath();
    if (path.equals(""))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI path component is empty");

    // UNC
    String auth = uri.getAuthority();
    if (auth != null && !auth.equals("")) {
        String host = uri.getHost();
        if (host == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI authority component has undefined host");
        if (uri.getUserInfo() != null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI authority component has user-info");
        if (uri.getPort() != -1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI authority component has port number");

        // IPv6 literal
        // 1. drop enclosing brackets
        // 2. replace ":" with "-"
        // 3. replace "%" with "s" (zone/scopeID delimiter)
        // 4. Append
        if (host.startsWith("[")) {
            host = host.substring(1, host.length()-1)
                       .replace(':', '-')
                       .replace('%', 's');
            host += IPV6_LITERAL_SUFFIX;

        // reconstitute the UNC
        path = "\\\\" + host + path;
    } else {
        if ((path.length() > 2) && (path.charAt(2) == ':')) {
            // "/c:/foo" --> "c:/foo"
            path = path.substring(1);
    return WindowsPath.parse(fs, path);
源代码17 项目: orion.server   文件:
public URI baseToRemoteLocation(URI base, String remote, String branch) throws URISyntaxException {
	IPath p = new Path(base.getPath());
	p = new Path(GitServlet.GIT_URI).append(Remote.RESOURCE).append(remote).append(branch).addTrailingSeparator().append(p);
	return new URI(base.getScheme(), base.getUserInfo(), base.getHost(), base.getPort(), p.toString(), base.getQuery(), base.getFragment());
源代码18 项目: stratosphere   文件:
public void initialize(URI name) throws IOException { = name.getHost();
	if ( == null) {
		LOG.debug("Provided URI does not provide a host to connect to, using configuration..."); = GlobalConfiguration.getString(S3_HOST_KEY, DEFAULT_S3_HOST);

	this.port = name.getPort();
	if (this.port == -1) {
		LOG.debug("Provided URI does not provide a port to connect to, using configuration...");
		this.port = GlobalConfiguration.getInteger(S3_PORT_KEY, DEFAULT_S3_PORT);

	final String userInfo = name.getUserInfo();

	String awsAccessKey = null;
	String awsSecretKey = null;

	if (userInfo != null) {

		final String[] splits = userInfo.split(":");
		if (splits.length > 1) {
			awsAccessKey = URLDecoder.decode(splits[0], URL_ENCODE_CHARACTER);
			awsSecretKey = URLDecoder.decode(splits[1], URL_ENCODE_CHARACTER);

	if (awsAccessKey == null) {
		LOG.debug("Provided URI does not provide an access key to Amazon S3, using configuration...");
		awsAccessKey = GlobalConfiguration.getString(S3_ACCESS_KEY_KEY, null);
		if (awsAccessKey == null) {
			throw new IOException("Cannot determine access key to Amazon S3");

	if (awsSecretKey == null) {
		LOG.debug("Provided URI does not provide a secret key to Amazon S3, using configuration...");
		awsSecretKey = GlobalConfiguration.getString(S3_SECRET_KEY_KEY, null);
		if (awsSecretKey == null) {
			throw new IOException("Cannot determine secret key to Amazon S3");

	final AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey);
	this.s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);

源代码19 项目: hadoop   文件:
public void initialize(URI uri) throws IOException {
  try {
    String accessKey = null;
    String secretAccessKey = null;
    String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo();
    if (userInfo != null) {
      int index = userInfo.indexOf(':');
      if (index != -1) {
        accessKey = userInfo.substring(0, index);
        secretAccessKey = userInfo.substring(index + 1);
      } else {
        accessKey = userInfo;
    if (accessKey == null) {
      accessKey = getConf().get("fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId");
    if (secretAccessKey == null) {
      secretAccessKey = getConf().get("fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey");
    if (accessKey == null && secretAccessKey == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("AWS " +
                                         "Access Key ID and Secret Access Key " +
                                         "must be specified as the username " +
                                         "or password (respectively) of a s3 URL, " +
                                         "or by setting the " +
                                         "fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId or " +                         
                                         "fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey properties (respectively).");
    } else if (accessKey == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("AWS " +
                                         "Access Key ID must be specified " +
                                         "as the username of a s3 URL, or by setting the " +
                                         "fs.s3.awsAccessKeyId property.");
    } else if (secretAccessKey == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("AWS " +
                                         "Secret Access Key must be specified " +
                                         "as the password of a s3 URL, or by setting the " +
                                         "fs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey property.");         
    AWSCredentials awsCredentials =
      new AWSCredentials(accessKey, secretAccessKey);
    this.s3Service = new RestS3Service(awsCredentials);
  } catch (S3ServiceException e) {
    if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
      throw (IOException) e.getCause();
    throw new S3Exception(e);
  bucket = new S3Bucket(uri.getHost());
源代码20 项目: nv-websocket-client   文件:
 * Set the proxy server by a URI. The parameters are updated as
 * described below.
 * <blockquote>
 * <dl>
 *   <dt>Secure</dt>
 *   <dd><p>
 *     If the URI contains the scheme part and its value is
 *     either {@code "http"} or {@code "https"} (case-insensitive),
 *     the {@code secure} parameter is updated to {@code false}
 *     or to {@code true} accordingly. In other cases, the parameter
 *     is not updated.
 *   </p></dd>
 *   <dt>ID &amp; Password</dt>
 *   <dd><p>
 *     If the URI contains the userinfo part and the ID embedded
 *     in the userinfo part is not an empty string, the {@code
 *     id} parameter and the {@code password} parameter are updated
 *     accordingly. In other cases, the parameters are not updated.
 *   </p></dd>
 *   <dt>Host</dt>
 *   <dd><p>
 *     The {@code host} parameter is always updated by the given URI.
 *   </p></dd>
 *   <dt>Port</dt>
 *   <dd><p>
 *     The {@code port} parameter is always updated by the given URI.
 *   </p></dd>
 * </dl>
 * </blockquote>
 * @param uri
 *         The URI of the proxy server. If {@code null} is given,
 *         none of the parameters is updated.
 * @return
 *         {@code this} object.
public ProxySettings setServer(URI uri)
    if (uri == null)
        return this;

    String scheme   = uri.getScheme();
    String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo();
    String host     = uri.getHost();
    int port        = uri.getPort();

    return setServer(scheme, userInfo, host, port);