
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: patrol-android   文件:
 * Completes the request and receives response from the server.
 * @return a list of Strings as response in case the server returned
 * status OK, otherwise an exception is thrown.
 * @throws IOException
public List<String> finish() throws IOException {
    List<String> response = new ArrayList<String>();

    writer.append("--" + boundary + "--").append(LINE_FEED);

    // checks server's status code first
    int status = httpConn.getResponseCode();
    if (status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK || status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
        String line = null;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Server returned non-OK status: " + status);

    return response;
源代码2 项目: todo-apps   文件:
public ToDo update(String id, ToDo td) throws ToDoStoreException {
  Response docResp = getRequest(id);
  int status = docResp.getStatus();
  if(status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
    CloudantToDo ctd = docResp.readEntity(CloudantToDo.class);
    CloudantToDo updatedCtd = new CloudantToDo(td);
    Response updateReq = target.queryParam(REVISION_PARAM, ctd.get_rev()).path(id).
            request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).put(Entity.entity(updatedCtd, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
    status = updateReq.getStatus();
    if(status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
      CloudantPostResponse post = updateReq.readEntity(CloudantPostResponse.class);
      return td;
    } else {
      throw new ToDoStoreException("There was an error POSTing the ToDo to Cloudant. Error "
              + status);
  } else {
    throw new ToDoStoreException("there was an error fetching the ToDo from Cloudant. Error " + status);
源代码3 项目: ant-ivy   文件:
protected void validatePutStatusCode(URL dest, int statusCode, String statusMessage)
        throws IOException {
    switch (statusCode) {
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK:
            /* intentional fallthrough */
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED:
            /* intentional fallthrough */
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED:
            /* intentional fallthrough */
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NO_CONTENT:
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED:
            /* intentional fallthrough */
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN:
            throw new IOException("Access to URL " + dest + " was refused by the server"
                    + (statusMessage == null ? "" : ": " + statusMessage));
            throw new IOException("PUT operation to URL " + dest + " failed with status code "
                    + statusCode + (statusMessage == null ? "" : ": " + statusMessage));
源代码4 项目: ballerina-message-broker   文件:
 * This will perform all the http request response processing related to resource creation.
 * @param urlSuffix suffix that needs to be appended to the url.
 * @param payload message payload needs to be included.
void performResourceCreationOverHttp(String urlSuffix, String payload) {
    Configuration configuration = Utils.getConfiguration(password);
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(configuration);

    // do POST
    HttpRequest httpRequest = new HttpRequest(urlSuffix, payload);
    HttpResponse response = httpClient.sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, HTTP_POST);

    // handle response
    if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
        Message message = buildResponseMessage(response, defaultSuccessMessage);
    } else {
        ResponseFormatter.handleErrorResponse(buildResponseMessage(response, BROKER_ERROR_MSG));
源代码5 项目: ballerina-message-broker   文件:
 * This will perform all the http request response processing related to resource creation.
 * @param urlSuffix suffix that needs to be appended to the url.
 * @param payload   message payload needs to be included.
void performResourceCreationOverHttp(String urlSuffix, String payload, String defaultSuccessMessage) {
    Configuration configuration = Utils.getConfiguration(password);
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(configuration);

    // do POST
    HttpRequest httpRequest = new HttpRequest(urlSuffix, payload);
    HttpResponse response = httpClient.sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, HTTP_POST);

    // handle response
    if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
        Message message = buildResponseMessage(response, defaultSuccessMessage);
    } else {
        ResponseFormatter.handleErrorResponse(buildResponseMessage(response, BROKER_ERROR_MSG));
源代码6 项目: pre-dem-android   文件:
private boolean sendRequest(String url, String content) {
        LogUtils.d(TAG, "------url = " + url + "\ncontent = " + content);

        try {
            HttpURLConnection httpConn = new HttpURLConnectionBuilder(url)
                    .setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-gzip")
                    .setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip")

            int responseCode = httpConn.getResponseCode();
            boolean successful = (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED || responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED || responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
            return successful;
        } catch (Exception e) {
//            e.printStackTrace();
            return false;
源代码7 项目: aliada-tool   文件:
 * Creates a job for the RDFizer
 * @param addedId Add the ID
 * @throws IOException  Throws a IOException
 * @see
 * @since 1.0
private void createJob(final int addedId) throws IOException {
	Methods m = new Methods();
 URL url = new URL(defaults.getString("createJob") + addedId);
    HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    if (conn.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
        graphs = m.getGraphsDb();
        throw new ConnectException(MessageCatalog._00015_HTTP_ERROR_CODE
                + conn.getResponseCode());
源代码8 项目: xframium-java   文件:
private String attachWithOctetStream( String entityUrl, byte[] fileData, String filename ) throws Exception

    Map<String, String> requestHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
    requestHeaders.put( "Slug", filename );
    requestHeaders.put( "Content-Type", "application/octet-stream" );

    ALMResponse response = httpPost( entityUrl + "/attachments", fileData, requestHeaders );

    if ( response.getStatusCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED )
        throw new Exception( response.toString() );

    return response.getResponseHeaders().get( "Location" ).iterator().next();
源代码9 项目: OpenAs2App   文件:
private void sendMessage(String url, Message msg, MimeBodyPart securedData, String retries) throws Exception {
    URL urlObj = new URL(url);
    InternetHeaders ih = getHttpHeaders(msg, securedData);
    msg.setAttribute(NetAttribute.MA_DESTINATION_IP, urlObj.getHost());
    msg.setAttribute(NetAttribute.MA_DESTINATION_PORT, Integer.toString(urlObj.getPort()));

    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Connecting to: " + url + msg.getLogMsgID());

    Map<String, String> httpOptions = getHttpOptions();
    httpOptions.put(HTTPUtil.PARAM_HTTP_USER, msg.getPartnership().getAttribute(HTTPUtil.PARAM_HTTP_USER));
    httpOptions.put(HTTPUtil.PARAM_HTTP_PWD, msg.getPartnership().getAttribute(HTTPUtil.PARAM_HTTP_PWD));
    long maxSize = msg.getPartnership().getNoChunkedMaxSize();
    ResponseWrapper resp = HTTPUtil.execRequest(HTTPUtil.Method.POST, url, ih.getAllHeaders(), null, securedData.getInputStream(), httpOptions, maxSize);
    if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Message sent and response received in " + resp.getTransferTimeMs() + "ms" + msg.getLogMsgID());

    // Check the HTTP Response code
    int rc = resp.getStatusCode();
    if ((rc != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) && (rc != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) && (rc != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED) && (rc != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PARTIAL) && (rc != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NO_CONTENT)) {
        msg.setLogMsg("Error sending message. URL: " + url + " ::: Response Code: " + rc + " " + resp.getStatusPhrase() + " ::: Response Message: " + resp.getBody().toString());
        throw new HttpResponseException(url, rc, resp.getStatusPhrase());
    // So far so good ...
    processResponse(msg, resp);
源代码10 项目: orion.server   文件:
protected JSONObject createProjectOrLink(URI workspaceLocationURI, String projectName, String contentLocation) throws JSONException, IOException, SAXException {
	JSONObject body = new JSONObject();
	if (contentLocation != null) {
		body.put(ProtocolConstants.KEY_CONTENT_LOCATION, contentLocation);
		ServletTestingSupport.allowedPrefixes = contentLocation;
	WebRequest request = new PostMethodWebRequest(workspaceLocationURI.toString(), IOUtilities.toInputStream(body.toString()), "UTF-8");
	if (projectName != null)
		request.setHeaderField(ProtocolConstants.HEADER_SLUG, projectName);
	request.setHeaderField(ProtocolConstants.HEADER_ORION_VERSION, "1");
	WebResponse response = webConversation.getResponse(request);
	if (response.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
		String msg = response.getText();
		LogHelper.log(new org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status(IStatus.ERROR, "org.eclipse.orion.server.tests", msg));
		assertTrue("Unexpected failure cloning: " + msg, false);
	JSONObject project = new JSONObject(response.getText());
	assertEquals(projectName, project.getString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_NAME));
	String projectId = project.optString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_ID, null);
	IPath workspacePath = new Path(workspaceLocationURI.getPath());
	String workspaceId = workspacePath.segment(workspacePath.segmentCount() - 1);
	testProjectBaseLocation = "/" + workspaceId + '/' + projectName;
	testProjectLocalFileLocation = "/" + project.optString(ProtocolConstants.KEY_ID, null);
	return project;
源代码11 项目: xframium-java   文件:
private String attachWithMultipart( String entityUrl, byte[] fileData, String contentType, String filename, String description ) throws Exception

    // Note the order - extremely important:
    // Filename and description before file data.
    // Name of file in file part and filename part value MUST MATCH.
    ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    bytes.write( String.format( fieldTemplate, boundary, "filename", filename ).getBytes() );
    bytes.write( String.format( fieldTemplate, boundary, "description", description ).getBytes() );
    bytes.write( ("\r\n--" + boundary + "--").getBytes() );
    bytes.write( fileData );
    bytes.write( String.format( fileDataPrefixTemplate, boundary, "file", filename, contentType ).getBytes() );

    Map<String, String> requestHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();

    requestHeaders.put( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary );

    ALMResponse response = httpPost( entityUrl + "/attachments", bytes.toByteArray(), requestHeaders );

    if ( response.getStatusCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED )
        throw new Exception( response.toString() );

    return response.getResponseHeaders().get( "Location" ).iterator().next();
源代码12 项目: Aria   文件:
private void handleConn(HttpURLConnection conn) throws IOException {
  ConnectionHelp.setConnectParam(mHttpTaskOption, conn);
  conn.setReadTimeout(getTaskConfig().getIOTimeOut());  //设置读取流的等待时间,必须设置该参数

  int code = conn.getResponseCode();
  if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
    is = new BufferedInputStream(ConnectionHelp.convertInputStream(conn));
    if (mHttpTaskOption.isChunked()) {
    } else if (getThreadConfig().isBlock) {
  } else if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP
      || code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM
      || code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_SEE_OTHER
      || code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED // 201 跳转
      || code == 307) {
    handleUrlReTurn(conn, conn.getHeaderField("Location"));
  } else {
    fail(new AriaM3U8Exception(
            String.format("连接错误,http错误码:%s,url:%s", code, getThreadConfig().url)),
源代码13 项目: joynr   文件:
private URI sendCreateChannelHttpRequest(ControlledBounceProxyInformation bpInfo,
                                         String ccid,
                                         String trackingId) throws IOException, JoynrProtocolException {

    // TODO jsessionid handling
    final String url = bpInfo.getLocationForBpc().toString() + "channels/?ccid=" + ccid;

    logger.debug("Using bounce proxy channel service URL: {}", url);

    HttpPost postCreateChannel = new HttpPost(url.trim());
    postCreateChannel.addHeader(ChannelServiceConstants.X_ATMOSPHERE_TRACKING_ID, trackingId);

    CloseableHttpResponse response = null;
    try {
        response = httpclient.execute(postCreateChannel);
        StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();
        int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();

        if (statusCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
            // the channel was created successfully

            // check if bounce proxy ID header was sent correctly
            if (response.containsHeader("bp")) {
                String bounceProxyId = response.getFirstHeader("bp").getValue();
                if (bounceProxyId == null || !bounceProxyId.equals(bpInfo.getId())) {
                    throw new JoynrProtocolException("Bounce proxy ID '" + bounceProxyId
                            + "' returned by bounce proxy '" + bpInfo.getId() + "' does not match.");
            } else {
                throw new JoynrProtocolException("No bounce proxy ID returned by bounce proxy '" + bpInfo.getId()
                        + "'");

            // get URI of newly created channel
            if (!response.containsHeader("Location")) {
                throw new JoynrProtocolException("No channel location returned by bounce proxy '" + bpInfo.getId()
                        + "'");

            String locationValue = response.getFirstHeader("Location").getValue();

            if (locationValue == null || locationValue.isEmpty()) {
                throw new JoynrProtocolException("Bounce proxy '" + bpInfo.getId()
                        + "' didn't return a channel location.");
            try {
                URI channelLocation = new URI(locationValue);

      "Successfully created channel '{}' on bounce proxy '{}'", ccid, bpInfo.getId());
                return channelLocation;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new JoynrProtocolException("Cannot parse channel location '" + locationValue
                        + "' returned by bounce proxy '" + bpInfo.getId() + "'", e);

        // the bounce proxy is not excepted to reject this call as it was
        // chosen based on performance measurements sent by it
        logger.error("Failed to create channel on bounce proxy '{}'. Response: {}", bpInfo.getId(), response);
        throw new JoynrProtocolException("Bounce Proxy " + bpInfo.getId() + " rejected channel creation (Response: "
                + response + ")");

    } finally {
        if (response != null) {
源代码14 项目: rdf4j   文件:
public synchronized void beginTransaction(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
		throws RDF4JException, IOException, UnauthorizedException {

	if (transactionURL != null) {
		throw new IllegalStateException("Transaction URL is already set");

	HttpPost method = applyAdditionalHeaders(new HttpPost(Protocol.getTransactionsLocation(getRepositoryURL())));

	try {
		method.setHeader("Content-Type", Protocol.FORM_MIME_TYPE + "; charset=utf-8");

		List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<>();
		if (isolationLevel != null) {
			params.add(new BasicNameValuePair(Protocol.ISOLATION_LEVEL_PARAM_NAME,

		method.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params, UTF8));
		HttpResponse response = execute(method);
		try {
			int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

			if (code == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
				transactionURL = response.getFirstHeader("Location").getValue();
				if (transactionURL == null) {
					throw new RepositoryException("no valid transaction ID received in server response.");
				} else {
			} else {
				throw new RepositoryException("unable to start transaction. HTTP error code " + code);
		} finally {
	} finally {
源代码15 项目: pre-dem-android   文件:
private void report(String filename, String key) {
        HttpURLConnection url = null;
        boolean successful = false;
        try {
            JSONObject parameters = new JSONObject();

            parameters.put("app_bundle_id", AppBean.APP_PACKAGE);
            parameters.put("app_name", AppBean.APP_NAME);
            parameters.put("app_version", AppBean.APP_VERSION);
            parameters.put("device_model", AppBean.PHONE_MODEL);
            parameters.put("os_platform", AppBean.ANDROID_PLATFORM);
            parameters.put("os_version", AppBean.ANDROID_VERSION);
            parameters.put("os_build", AppBean.ANDROID_BUILD);
            parameters.put("sdk_version", AppBean.SDK_VERSION);
            parameters.put("sdk_id", AppBean.SDK_ID);
            parameters.put("device_id", AppBean.DEVICE_IDENTIFIER);
            parameters.put("tag", AppBean.APP_TAG);
            parameters.put("manufacturer", AppBean.PHONE_MANUFACTURER);
            parameters.put("start_time", mStartTime);
            parameters.put("end_time", mEndTime);
            parameters.put("log_key", key);
            parameters.put("log_tags", "");
            parameters.put("error_count", 0);

            url = new HttpURLConnectionBuilder(Configuration.getLogcatUrl())
                    .setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

            int responseCode = url.getResponseCode();

            successful = (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED || responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED || responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogUtils.e(TAG, "----" + e.toString());
//            e.printStackTrace();
        } finally {
            if (url != null) {
            if (successful) {
            } else {
                LogUtils.d("-----Transmission failed, will retry on next register() call");
源代码16 项目: metacat   文件:
 * Add/update partitions to the given table.
 * @param catalogName              catalog name
 * @param databaseName             database name
 * @param tableName                table name
 * @param partitionsSaveRequestDto partition request containing the list of partitions to be added/updated
 * @return Response with the number of partitions added/updated
    method = RequestMethod.POST,
    path = "/catalog/{catalog-name}/database/{database-name}/table/{table-name}",
    consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
    position = 5,
    value = "Add/update partitions to the given table",
    notes = "Add/update partitions to the given table"
            code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED,
            message = "The partitions were successfully saved"
            code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
            message = "The requested catalog or database or table cannot be located"
public PartitionsSaveResponseDto savePartitions(
    @ApiParam(value = "The name of the catalog", required = true)
    @PathVariable("catalog-name") final String catalogName,
    @ApiParam(value = "The name of the database", required = true)
    @PathVariable("database-name") final String databaseName,
    @ApiParam(value = "The name of the table", required = true)
    @PathVariable("table-name") final String tableName,
    @ApiParam(value = "Request containing the list of partitions", required = true)
    @RequestBody final PartitionsSaveRequestDto partitionsSaveRequestDto
) {
    final QualifiedName name = QualifiedName.ofTable(catalogName, databaseName, tableName);
    return this.requestWrapper.processRequest(
        () -> {
            final PartitionsSaveResponseDto result;
            if (partitionsSaveRequestDto.getPartitions() == null
                || partitionsSaveRequestDto.getPartitions().isEmpty()) {
                result = new PartitionsSaveResponseDto();
            } else {
                result =, partitionsSaveRequestDto);

                // This metadata is actually for the table, if it is present update that
                if (partitionsSaveRequestDto.getDefinitionMetadata() != null
                    || partitionsSaveRequestDto.getDataMetadata() != null) {
                    final TableDto dto = new TableDto();
                    this.v1.updateTable(catalogName, databaseName, tableName, dto);
            return result;
源代码17 项目: metacat   文件:
 * Add/update partitions to the given metacat view.
 * @param catalogName              catalog name
 * @param databaseName             database name
 * @param tableName                table name
 * @param viewName                 view name
 * @param partitionsSaveRequestDto partition request containing the list of partitions to be added/updated
 * @return Response with the number of partitions added/updated
    method = RequestMethod.POST,
    path = "/catalog/{catalog-name}/database/{database-name}/table/{table-name}/mview/{view-name}",
    consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
    position = 5,
    value = "Add/update partitions to the given table",
    notes = "Add/update partitions to the given table"
            code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED,
            message = "The partitions were successfully saved"
            code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
            message = "The requested catalog or database or table cannot be located"
public PartitionsSaveResponseDto savePartitions(
    @ApiParam(value = "The name of the catalog", required = true)
    @PathVariable("catalog-name") final String catalogName,
    @ApiParam(value = "The name of the database", required = true)
    @PathVariable("database-name") final String databaseName,
    @ApiParam(value = "The name of the table", required = true)
    @PathVariable("table-name") final String tableName,
    @ApiParam(value = "The name of the view", required = true)
    @PathVariable("view-name") final String viewName,
    @ApiParam(value = "Request containing the list of partitions", required = true)
    @RequestBody final PartitionsSaveRequestDto partitionsSaveRequestDto
) {
    final QualifiedName name = this.requestWrapper.qualifyName(
        () -> QualifiedName.ofView(catalogName, databaseName, tableName, viewName)
    return this.requestWrapper.processRequest(
        () -> {
            final PartitionsSaveResponseDto result;
            if (partitionsSaveRequestDto.getPartitions() == null
                || partitionsSaveRequestDto.getPartitions().isEmpty()) {
                result = new PartitionsSaveResponseDto();
            } else {
                result = mViewService.savePartitions(name, partitionsSaveRequestDto, true);
                // This metadata is actually for the view, if it is present update that
                if (partitionsSaveRequestDto.getDefinitionMetadata() != null
                    || partitionsSaveRequestDto.getDataMetadata() != null) {
                    final TableDto dto = new TableDto();
                    this.v1.updateMView(catalogName, databaseName, tableName, viewName, dto);
            return result;
源代码18 项目: metacat   文件:
 * Creates the given database in the given catalog.
 * @param catalogName              catalog name
 * @param databaseName             database name
 * @param databaseCreateRequestDto database create request
    method = RequestMethod.POST,
    path = "/catalog/{catalog-name}/database/{database-name}",
    consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
    position = 2,
    value = "Creates the given database in the given catalog",
    notes = "Given a catalog and a database name, creates the database in the catalog"
            code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED,
            message = "The database was created"
            code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
            message = "The requested catalog or database cannot be located"
public void createDatabase(
    @ApiParam(value = "The name of the catalog", required = true)
    @PathVariable("catalog-name") final String catalogName,
    @ApiParam(value = "The name of the database", required = true)
    @PathVariable("database-name") final String databaseName,
    @ApiParam(value = "The database information")
    @Nullable @RequestBody(required = false) final DatabaseCreateRequestDto databaseCreateRequestDto
) {
    final QualifiedName name = this.requestWrapper.qualifyName(
        () -> QualifiedName.ofDatabase(catalogName, databaseName)
        () -> {
            final DatabaseDto newDto = new DatabaseDto();
            if (databaseCreateRequestDto != null) {
            this.databaseService.create(name, newDto);
            return null;
源代码19 项目: Sentry-Android   文件:
 * Map from HTTP status code to reason description.
 * Sentry HTTP breadcrumbs expect a text description of the HTTP status-code.
 * This function implements a look-up table with a default value for unknown status-codes.
 * @param statusCode an integer HTTP status code, expected to be in the range [200,505].
 * @return a non-empty string in all cases.
private static String httpReason(int statusCode) {
    switch (statusCode) {
        // 2xx
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK: return "OK";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED: return "Created";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED: return "Accepted";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE: return "Non-Authoritative Information";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NO_CONTENT: return "No Content";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_RESET: return "Reset Content";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PARTIAL: return "Partial Content";

        // 3xx
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MULT_CHOICE: return "Multiple Choices";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM: return "Moved Permanently";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP: return "Temporary Redirect";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_SEE_OTHER: return "See Other";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED: return "Not Modified";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_USE_PROXY: return "Use Proxy";

        // 4xx
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST: return "Bad Request";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED: return "Unauthorized";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED: return "Payment Required";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN: return "Forbidden";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND: return "Not Found";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_METHOD: return "Method Not Allowed";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE: return "Not Acceptable";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PROXY_AUTH: return "Proxy Authentication Required";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT: return "Request Time-Out";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CONFLICT: return "Conflict";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_GONE: return "Gone";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED: return "Length Required";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PRECON_FAILED: return "Precondition Failed";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: return "Request Entity Too Large";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_REQ_TOO_LONG: return "Request-URI Too Large";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: return "Unsupported Media Type";

        // 5xx
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR: return "Internal Server Error";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return "Not Implemented";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY: return "Bad Gateway";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE: return "Service Unavailable";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: return "Gateway Timeout";
        case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_VERSION: return "Version Not Supported";

        default: return "unknown";
源代码20 项目: steady   文件:
 * <p>isCreated.</p>
 * @return a boolean.
public boolean isCreated() { return this.status==HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED; }