( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: openemm   文件:
public static String encodeDomainName(String domainName) throws Exception {
	if (domainName == null) {
		return null;
	} else {
		return IDN.toASCII(domainName);
源代码2 项目: netty4.0.27Learn   文件:
public SocksCmdRequest(SocksCmdType cmdType, SocksAddressType addressType, String host, int port) {
    if (cmdType == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("cmdType");
    if (addressType == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("addressType");
    if (host == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("host");
    switch (addressType) {
        case IPv4:
            if (!NetUtil.isValidIpV4Address(host)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(host + " is not a valid IPv4 address");
        case DOMAIN:
            if (IDN.toASCII(host).length() > 255) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(host + " IDN: " + IDN.toASCII(host) + " exceeds 255 char limit");
        case IPv6:
            if (!NetUtil.isValidIpV6Address(host)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(host + " is not a valid IPv6 address");
        case UNKNOWN:
    if (port <= 0 || port >= 65536) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(port + " is not in bounds 0 < x < 65536");
    this.cmdType = cmdType;
    this.addressType = addressType; = IDN.toASCII(host);
    this.port = port;
源代码3 项目: urllib   文件:
private static String validateAndConvertToAscii(String hostname) {
  String ascii;
  try {
    ascii = IDN.toASCII(PercentDecoder.decodeUnreserved(hostname), IDN.ALLOW_UNASSIGNED);
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hostname: " + hostname);

  if (ascii.isEmpty() || ".".equals(ascii)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid hostname: cannot be null or empty.");

  return ascii;
源代码4 项目: Openfire   文件:
 * Returns a valid domain name, possibly as an ACE-encoded IDN 
 * (per <a href="">RFC 3490</a>).
 * @param domain Proposed domain name
 * @return The validated domain name, possibly ACE-encoded
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException The given domain name is not valid
public static String validateDomainName(String domain) {
    if (domain == null || domain.trim().length() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Domain name cannot be null or empty");
    String result = IDN.toASCII(domain);
    if (result.equals(domain)) {
        // no conversion; validate again via USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES
        IDN.toASCII(domain, IDN.USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES);
    } else {"Converted domain name: from '{0}' to '{1}'",  domain, result));
    return result;
public DefaultSocks5CommandRequest(
        Socks5CommandType type, Socks5AddressType dstAddrType, String dstAddr, int dstPort) {

    if (type == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("type");
    if (dstAddrType == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("dstAddrType");
    if (dstAddr == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("dstAddr");

    if (dstAddrType == Socks5AddressType.IPv4) {
        if (!NetUtil.isValidIpV4Address(dstAddr)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("dstAddr: " + dstAddr + " (expected: a valid IPv4 address)");
    } else if (dstAddrType == Socks5AddressType.DOMAIN) {
        dstAddr = IDN.toASCII(dstAddr);
        if (dstAddr.length() > 255) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("dstAddr: " + dstAddr + " (expected: less than 256 chars)");
    } else if (dstAddrType == Socks5AddressType.IPv6) {
        if (!NetUtil.isValidIpV6Address(dstAddr)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("dstAddr: " + dstAddr + " (expected: a valid IPv6 address");

    if (dstPort < 0 || dstPort > 65535) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("dstPort: " + dstPort + " (expected: 0~65535)");

    this.type = type;
    this.dstAddrType = dstAddrType;
    this.dstAddr = dstAddr;
    this.dstPort = dstPort;
public DefaultSocks5CommandResponse(
        Socks5CommandStatus status, Socks5AddressType bndAddrType, String bndAddr, int bndPort) {

    if (status == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("status");
    if (bndAddrType == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("bndAddrType");
    if (bndAddr != null) {
        if (bndAddrType == Socks5AddressType.IPv4) {
            if (!NetUtil.isValidIpV4Address(bndAddr)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("bndAddr: " + bndAddr + " (expected: a valid IPv4 address)");
        } else if (bndAddrType == Socks5AddressType.DOMAIN) {
            bndAddr = IDN.toASCII(bndAddr);
            if (bndAddr.length() > 255) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("bndAddr: " + bndAddr + " (expected: less than 256 chars)");
        } else if (bndAddrType == Socks5AddressType.IPv6) {
            if (!NetUtil.isValidIpV6Address(bndAddr)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("bndAddr: " + bndAddr + " (expected: a valid IPv6 address)");

    if (bndPort < 0 || bndPort > 65535) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("bndPort: " + bndPort + " (expected: 0~65535)");
    this.status = status;
    this.bndAddrType = bndAddrType;
    this.bndAddr = bndAddr;
    this.bndPort = bndPort;
源代码7 项目: metron   文件:
public Set<String> generateCandidates(String originalString) {
  Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();
  String domain = originalString;
  if(StringUtils.isEmpty(domain)) {
    return result;
  if(isAce(domain)) {
    //this is an ace domain.
    domain = IDN.toUnicode(domain);
  for(int ws = 0;ws < domain.length();ws++) {
    for(int i = 0;i < domain.length() - ws + 1;++i) {
      String win = domain.substring(i, i+ws);
      for(int j = 0;j < ws;j++) {
        char c = win.charAt(j);
        if( glyphs.containsKey(c)) {
          for( String g : glyphs.get(c)) {
            String winNew = win.replaceAll("" + c, g);
            String d = domain.substring(0, i) + winNew + domain.substring(i + ws);
            if(!isAce(d)) {
              try {
                String dAscii = IDN.toASCII(d, IDN.ALLOW_UNASSIGNED);
                if (!d.equals(dAscii)) {
              catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) {
                LOG.debug("Unable to parse " + d + ": " + iae.getMessage(), iae);
  return result;
源代码8 项目: armeria   文件:
 * IDNA ASCII conversion, case normalization and validation.
static String normalizeHostnamePattern(String hostnamePattern) {
    requireNonNull(hostnamePattern, "hostnamePattern");
    if (needsNormalization(hostnamePattern)) {
        hostnamePattern = IDN.toASCII(hostnamePattern, IDN.ALLOW_UNASSIGNED);

    if (!"*".equals(hostnamePattern) &&
        !HOSTNAME_PATTERN.matcher(hostnamePattern.startsWith("*.") ? hostnamePattern.substring(2)
                                                                   : hostnamePattern).matches()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("hostnamePattern: " + hostnamePattern);

    return Ascii.toLowerCase(hostnamePattern);
源代码9 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件:
 * IDNA ASCII conversion and case normalization IDNA ASCII转换和大小写规范化
static String normalizeHostname(String hostname) {
    if (needsNormalization(hostname)) {
        hostname = IDN.toASCII(hostname, IDN.ALLOW_UNASSIGNED);
    return hostname.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
源代码10 项目: armeria   文件:
private static String normalizeHostname(String line) {
    final String hostname = IDN.toASCII(line.trim(), IDN.ALLOW_UNASSIGNED);
    if (!HOSTNAME_PATTERN.matcher(hostname).matches()) {
        return null;
    return Ascii.toLowerCase(hostname);
源代码11 项目: Telegram-FOSS   文件:
public static void showOpenUrlAlert(BaseFragment fragment, String url, boolean punycode, boolean tryTelegraph, boolean ask) {
    if (fragment == null || fragment.getParentActivity() == null) {
    long inlineReturn = (fragment instanceof ChatActivity) ? ((ChatActivity) fragment).getInlineReturn() : 0;
    if (Browser.isInternalUrl(url, null) || !ask) {
        Browser.openUrl(fragment.getParentActivity(), url, inlineReturn == 0, tryTelegraph);
    } else {
        String urlFinal;
        if (punycode) {
            try {
                Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
                String host = IDN.toASCII(uri.getHost(), IDN.ALLOW_UNASSIGNED);
                urlFinal = uri.getScheme() + "://" + host + uri.getPath();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                urlFinal = url;
        } else {
            urlFinal = url;
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(fragment.getParentActivity());
        builder.setTitle(LocaleController.getString("OpenUrlTitle", R.string.OpenUrlTitle));
        String format = LocaleController.getString("OpenUrlAlert2", R.string.OpenUrlAlert2);
        int index = format.indexOf("%");
        SpannableStringBuilder stringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(String.format(format, urlFinal));
        if (index >= 0) {
            stringBuilder.setSpan(new URLSpan(urlFinal), index, index + urlFinal.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
        builder.setPositiveButton(LocaleController.getString("Open", R.string.Open), (dialogInterface, i) -> Browser.openUrl(fragment.getParentActivity(), url, inlineReturn == 0, tryTelegraph));
        builder.setNegativeButton(LocaleController.getString("Cancel", R.string.Cancel), null);
源代码12 项目: j2objc   文件:
 * {@link}
 * @since 1.6
public void test_ToASCII_LString() {
    try {
        fail("should throw NullPointerException");
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        // expected

    assertEquals("", IDN
    assertEquals("", IDN
    assertEquals("", IDN.toASCII("www.b\"));
    assertEquals("", IDN
    assertEquals("", IDN
    assertEquals("", IDN
    assertEquals("", IDN
    assertEquals("", IDN
    assertEquals("", IDN
    assertEquals("", IDN
源代码13 项目: armeria   文件:
 * IDNA ASCII conversion, case normalization and validation.
static String normalizeDefaultHostname(String defaultHostname) {
    requireNonNull(defaultHostname, "defaultHostname");
    if (needsNormalization(defaultHostname)) {
        defaultHostname = IDN.toASCII(defaultHostname, IDN.ALLOW_UNASSIGNED);

    if (!HOSTNAME_PATTERN.matcher(defaultHostname).matches()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("defaultHostname: " + defaultHostname);

    return Ascii.toLowerCase(defaultHostname);
源代码14 项目: cronet   文件:
 * Attempts to convert a Unicode string to an ASCII string using IDN rules.
 * As of May 2014, the underlying Java function IDNA2003.
 * @param src String to convert.
 * @return: String containing only ASCII characters on success, null on
 *                 failure.
private static String idnToASCII(String src) {
    try {
        return IDN.toASCII(src, IDN.USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
源代码15 项目: Cirrus_depricated   文件:
 * Converts an internationalized domain name (IDN) in an URL to and from ASCII/Unicode.
 * @param url the URL where the domain name should be converted
 * @param toASCII if true converts from Unicode to ASCII, if false converts from ASCII to Unicode
 * @return the URL containing the converted domain name
public static String convertIdn(String url, boolean toASCII) {

    String urlNoDots = url;
    String dots="";
    while (urlNoDots.startsWith(".")) {
        urlNoDots = url.substring(1);
        dots = dots + ".";

        // Find host name after '//' or '@'
        int hostStart = 0;
        if  (urlNoDots.contains("//")) {
            hostStart = url.indexOf("//") + "//".length();
        } else if (url.contains("@")) {
            hostStart = url.indexOf("@") + "@".length();

        int hostEnd = url.substring(hostStart).indexOf("/");
        // Handle URL which doesn't have a path (path is implicitly '/')
        hostEnd = (hostEnd == -1 ? urlNoDots.length() : hostStart + hostEnd);

        String host = urlNoDots.substring(hostStart, hostEnd);
        host = (toASCII ? IDN.toASCII(host) : IDN.toUnicode(host));

        return dots + urlNoDots.substring(0, hostStart) + host + urlNoDots.substring(hostEnd);
    } else {
        return dots + url;
源代码16 项目: armeria   文件:
private DnsQuestionWithoutTrailingDot(String name, DnsRecordType type) { = IDN.toASCII(requireNonNull(name, "name"));
    this.type = requireNonNull(type, "type");
源代码17 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件:
 * Creates an {@code SNIHostName} using the specified encoded value.
 * <P>
 * This method is normally used to parse the encoded name value in a
 * requested SNI extension.
 * <P>
 * Per <A HREF="">RFC 6066</A>,
 * the encoded name value of a hostname is
 * {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}-compliant.  However, in the previous
 * version of the SNI extension (
 * <A HREF="">RFC 4366</A>),
 * the encoded hostname is represented as a byte string using UTF-8
 * encoding.  For the purpose of version tolerance, this method allows
 * that the charset of {@code encoded} argument can be
 * {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8}, as well as
 * {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}.  {@link IDN#toASCII(String)} is used
 * to translate the {@code encoded} argument into ASCII Compatible
 * Encoding (ACE) hostname.
 * <P>
 * It is strongly recommended that this constructor is only used to parse
 * the encoded name value in a requested SNI extension.  Otherwise, to
 * comply with <A HREF="">RFC 6066</A>,
 * please always use {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}-compliant charset
 * and enforce the restrictions on ASCII characters in hostnames (see
 * <A HREF="">RFC 3490</A>,
 * <A HREF="">RFC 1122</A>,
 * <A HREF="">RFC 1123</A>)
 * for {@code encoded} argument, or use
 * {@link SNIHostName#SNIHostName(String)} instead.
 * <P>
 * The {@code encoded} argument is illegal if it:
 * <ul>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is empty,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} ends with a trailing dot,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is not encoded in
 *      {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII} or
 *      {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8}-compliant charset,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is not a valid Internationalized
 *      Domain Name (IDN) compliant with the RFC 3490 specification.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <P>
 * Note that the {@code encoded} byte array is cloned
 * to protect against subsequent modification.
 * @param  encoded
 *         the encoded hostname of this server name
 * @throws NullPointerException if {@code encoded} is {@code null}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code encoded} is illegal
public SNIHostName(byte[] encoded) {
    // NullPointerException will be thrown if {@code encoded} is null
    super(StandardConstants.SNI_HOST_NAME, encoded);

    // Compliance: RFC 4366 requires that the hostname is represented
    // as a byte string using UTF_8 encoding [UTF8]
    try {
        // Please don't use {@link String} constructors because they
        // do not report coding errors.
        CharsetDecoder decoder = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.newDecoder()

        this.hostname = IDN.toASCII(
    } catch (RuntimeException | CharacterCodingException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The encoded server name value is invalid", e);

    // check the validity of the string hostname
源代码18 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
 * Creates an {@code SNIHostName} using the specified encoded value.
 * <P>
 * This method is normally used to parse the encoded name value in a
 * requested SNI extension.
 * <P>
 * Per <A HREF="">RFC 6066</A>,
 * the encoded name value of a hostname is
 * {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}-compliant.  However, in the previous
 * version of the SNI extension (
 * <A HREF="">RFC 4366</A>),
 * the encoded hostname is represented as a byte string using UTF-8
 * encoding.  For the purpose of version tolerance, this method allows
 * that the charset of {@code encoded} argument can be
 * {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8}, as well as
 * {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}.  {@link IDN#toASCII(String)} is used
 * to translate the {@code encoded} argument into ASCII Compatible
 * Encoding (ACE) hostname.
 * <P>
 * It is strongly recommended that this constructor is only used to parse
 * the encoded name value in a requested SNI extension.  Otherwise, to
 * comply with <A HREF="">RFC 6066</A>,
 * please always use {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}-compliant charset
 * and enforce the restrictions on ASCII characters in hostnames (see
 * <A HREF="">RFC 3490</A>,
 * <A HREF="">RFC 1122</A>,
 * <A HREF="">RFC 1123</A>)
 * for {@code encoded} argument, or use
 * {@link SNIHostName#SNIHostName(String)} instead.
 * <P>
 * The {@code encoded} argument is illegal if it:
 * <ul>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is empty,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} ends with a trailing dot,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is not encoded in
 *      {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII} or
 *      {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8}-compliant charset,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is not a valid Internationalized
 *      Domain Name (IDN) compliant with the RFC 3490 specification.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <P>
 * Note that the {@code encoded} byte array is cloned
 * to protect against subsequent modification.
 * @param  encoded
 *         the encoded hostname of this server name
 * @throws NullPointerException if {@code encoded} is {@code null}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code encoded} is illegal
public SNIHostName(byte[] encoded) {
    // NullPointerException will be thrown if {@code encoded} is null
    super(StandardConstants.SNI_HOST_NAME, encoded);

    // Compliance: RFC 4366 requires that the hostname is represented
    // as a byte string using UTF_8 encoding [UTF8]
    try {
        // Please don't use {@link String} constructors because they
        // do not report coding errors.
        CharsetDecoder decoder = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.newDecoder()

        this.hostname = IDN.toASCII(
    } catch (RuntimeException | CharacterCodingException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The encoded server name value is invalid", e);

    // check the validity of the string hostname
源代码19 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件:
 * Creates an {@code SNIHostName} using the specified encoded value.
 * <P>
 * This method is normally used to parse the encoded name value in a
 * requested SNI extension.
 * <P>
 * Per <A HREF="">RFC 6066</A>,
 * the encoded name value of a hostname is
 * {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}-compliant.  However, in the previous
 * version of the SNI extension (
 * <A HREF="">RFC 4366</A>),
 * the encoded hostname is represented as a byte string using UTF-8
 * encoding.  For the purpose of version tolerance, this method allows
 * that the charset of {@code encoded} argument can be
 * {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8}, as well as
 * {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}.  {@link IDN#toASCII(String)} is used
 * to translate the {@code encoded} argument into ASCII Compatible
 * Encoding (ACE) hostname.
 * <P>
 * It is strongly recommended that this constructor is only used to parse
 * the encoded name value in a requested SNI extension.  Otherwise, to
 * comply with <A HREF="">RFC 6066</A>,
 * please always use {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}-compliant charset
 * and enforce the restrictions on ASCII characters in hostnames (see
 * <A HREF="">RFC 3490</A>,
 * <A HREF="">RFC 1122</A>,
 * <A HREF="">RFC 1123</A>)
 * for {@code encoded} argument, or use
 * {@link SNIHostName#SNIHostName(String)} instead.
 * <P>
 * The {@code encoded} argument is illegal if it:
 * <ul>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is empty,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} ends with a trailing dot,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is not encoded in
 *      {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII} or
 *      {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8}-compliant charset,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is not a valid Internationalized
 *      Domain Name (IDN) compliant with the RFC 3490 specification.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <P>
 * Note that the {@code encoded} byte array is cloned
 * to protect against subsequent modification.
 * @param  encoded
 *         the encoded hostname of this server name
 * @throws NullPointerException if {@code encoded} is {@code null}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code encoded} is illegal
public SNIHostName(byte[] encoded) {
    // NullPointerException will be thrown if {@code encoded} is null
    super(StandardConstants.SNI_HOST_NAME, encoded);

    // Compliance: RFC 4366 requires that the hostname is represented
    // as a byte string using UTF_8 encoding [UTF8]
    try {
        // Please don't use {@link String} constructors because they
        // do not report coding errors.
        CharsetDecoder decoder = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.newDecoder()

        this.hostname = IDN.toASCII(
    } catch (RuntimeException | CharacterCodingException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The encoded server name value is invalid", e);

    // check the validity of the string hostname
源代码20 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件:
 * Creates an {@code SNIHostName} using the specified encoded value.
 * <P>
 * This method is normally used to parse the encoded name value in a
 * requested SNI extension.
 * <P>
 * Per <A HREF="">RFC 6066</A>,
 * the encoded name value of a hostname is
 * {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}-compliant.  However, in the previous
 * version of the SNI extension (
 * <A HREF="">RFC 4366</A>),
 * the encoded hostname is represented as a byte string using UTF-8
 * encoding.  For the purpose of version tolerance, this method allows
 * that the charset of {@code encoded} argument can be
 * {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8}, as well as
 * {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}.  {@link IDN#toASCII(String)} is used
 * to translate the {@code encoded} argument into ASCII Compatible
 * Encoding (ACE) hostname.
 * <P>
 * It is strongly recommended that this constructor is only used to parse
 * the encoded name value in a requested SNI extension.  Otherwise, to
 * comply with <A HREF="">RFC 6066</A>,
 * please always use {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII}-compliant charset
 * and enforce the restrictions on ASCII characters in hostnames (see
 * <A HREF="">RFC 3490</A>,
 * <A HREF="">RFC 1122</A>,
 * <A HREF="">RFC 1123</A>)
 * for {@code encoded} argument, or use
 * {@link SNIHostName#SNIHostName(String)} instead.
 * <P>
 * The {@code encoded} argument is illegal if it:
 * <ul>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is empty,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} ends with a trailing dot,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is not encoded in
 *      {@link StandardCharsets#US_ASCII} or
 *      {@link StandardCharsets#UTF_8}-compliant charset,</li>
 * <li> {@code encoded} is not a valid Internationalized
 *      Domain Name (IDN) compliant with the RFC 3490 specification.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <P>
 * Note that the {@code encoded} byte array is cloned
 * to protect against subsequent modification.
 * @param  encoded
 *         the encoded hostname of this server name
 * @throws NullPointerException if {@code encoded} is {@code null}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code encoded} is illegal
public SNIHostName(byte[] encoded) {
    // NullPointerException will be thrown if {@code encoded} is null
    super(StandardConstants.SNI_HOST_NAME, encoded);

    // Compliance: RFC 4366 requires that the hostname is represented
    // as a byte string using UTF_8 encoding [UTF8]
    try {
        // Please don't use {@link String} constructors because they
        // do not report coding errors.
        CharsetDecoder decoder = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.newDecoder()

        this.hostname = IDN.toASCII(
    } catch (RuntimeException | CharacterCodingException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The encoded server name value is invalid", e);

    // check the validity of the string hostname