
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: openjsse   文件:
private SHKeyShareSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    // struct {
    //      KeyShareEntry server_share;
    // } KeyShareServerHello;
    if (buffer.remaining() < 5) {       // 5: minimal server_share
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid key_share extension: " +
            "insufficient data (length=" + buffer.remaining() + ")");

    int namedGroupId = Record.getInt16(buffer);
    byte[] keyExchange = Record.getBytes16(buffer);

    if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid key_share extension: unknown extra data");

    this.serverShare = new KeyShareEntry(namedGroupId, keyExchange);
源代码2 项目: openjsse   文件:
private SupportedGroupsSpec(ByteBuffer m) throws IOException  {
    if (m.remaining() < 2) {      // 2: the length of the list
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid supported_groups extension: insufficient data");

    byte[] ngs = Record.getBytes16(m);
    if (m.hasRemaining()) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid supported_groups extension: unknown extra data");

    if ((ngs == null) || (ngs.length == 0) || (ngs.length % 2 != 0)) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid supported_groups extension: incomplete data");

    int[] ids = new int[ngs.length / 2];
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < ngs.length;) {
        ids[j++] = ((ngs[i++] & 0xFF) << 8) | (ngs[i++] & 0xFF);

    this.namedGroupsIds = ids;
源代码3 项目: openjsse   文件:
SignatureSchemesSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    if (buffer.remaining() < 2) {      // 2: the length of the list
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid signature_algorithms: insufficient data");

    byte[] algs = Record.getBytes16(buffer);
    if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid signature_algorithms: unknown extra data");

    if (algs == null || algs.length == 0 || (algs.length & 0x01) != 0) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid signature_algorithms: incomplete data");

    int[] schemes = new int[algs.length / 2];
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < algs.length;) {
        byte hash = algs[i++];
        byte sign = algs[i++];
        schemes[j++] = ((hash & 0xFF) << 8) | (sign & 0xFF);

    this.signatureSchemes = schemes;
源代码4 项目: openjsse   文件:
CertificateAuthoritiesSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    if (buffer.remaining() < 2) {      // 2: the length of the list
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid signature_algorithms: insufficient data");
    // read number of certificate authorities
    int caLength = Record.getInt16(buffer);
    if (buffer.remaining() != caLength) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
                "Invalid certificate_authorities: incorrect data size");
    ArrayList<X500Principal> dnList = new ArrayList<X500Principal>();
    while(buffer.remaining()>0) {
        byte dn[] = Record.getBytes16(buffer);
        X500Principal ca = new X500Principal(dn);
    this.authorities = dnList.toArray(new X500Principal[dnList.size()]);
源代码5 项目: openjsse   文件:
private CertStatusResponseSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    if (buffer.remaining() < 2) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid status_request extension: insufficient data");

    // Get the status type (1 byte) and response data (vector)
    byte type = (byte)Record.getInt8(buffer);
    byte[] respData = Record.getBytes24(buffer);

    // Create the CertStatusResponse based on the type
    if (type == {
        this.statusResponse = new OCSPStatusResponse(type, respData);
    } else {
        if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) {
                "Unknown certificate status response " +
                "(status type: " + type + ")");

        this.statusResponse = new CertStatusResponse(type, respData);
源代码6 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件:
SignatureAlgorithmsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    algorithmsLen = s.getInt16();
    if (algorithmsLen == 0 || algorithmsLen + 2 != len) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    algorithms = new ArrayList<SignatureAndHashAlgorithm>();
    int remains = algorithmsLen;
    int sequence = 0;
    while (remains > 1) {   // needs at least two bytes
        int hash = s.getInt8();         // hash algorithm
        int signature = s.getInt8();    // signature algorithm

        SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm =
            SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.valueOf(hash, signature, ++sequence);
        remains -= 2;  // one byte for hash, one byte for signature

    if (remains != 0) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid server_name extension");
SignatureAlgorithmsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    algorithmsLen = s.getInt16();
    if (algorithmsLen == 0 || algorithmsLen + 2 != len) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    algorithms = new ArrayList<SignatureAndHashAlgorithm>();
    int remains = algorithmsLen;
    int sequence = 0;
    while (remains > 1) {   // needs at least two bytes
        int hash = s.getInt8();         // hash algorithm
        int signature = s.getInt8();    // signature algorithm

        SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm =
            SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.valueOf(hash, signature, ++sequence);
        remains -= 2;  // one byte for hash, one byte for signature

    if (remains != 0) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid server_name extension");
SignatureAlgorithmsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    algorithmsLen = s.getInt16();
    if (algorithmsLen == 0 || algorithmsLen + 2 != len) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    algorithms = new ArrayList<SignatureAndHashAlgorithm>();
    int remains = algorithmsLen;
    int sequence = 0;
    while (remains > 1) {   // needs at least two bytes
        int hash = s.getInt8();         // hash algorithm
        int signature = s.getInt8();    // signature algorithm

        SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm =
            SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.valueOf(hash, signature, ++sequence);
        remains -= 2;  // one byte for hash, one byte for signature

    if (remains != 0) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid server_name extension");
RenegotiationInfoExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    // check the extension length
    if (len < 1) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    int renegoInfoDataLen = s.getInt8();
    if (renegoInfoDataLen + 1 != len) {  // + 1 = the byte we just read
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    renegotiated_connection = new byte[renegoInfoDataLen];
    if (renegoInfoDataLen != 0) {, 0, renegoInfoDataLen);
EllipticPointFormatsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
        throws IOException {
    formats = s.getBytes8();
    // RFC 4492 says uncompressed points must always be supported.
    // Check just to make sure.
    boolean uncompressed = false;
    for (int format : formats) {
        if (format == FMT_UNCOMPRESSED) {
            uncompressed = true;
    if (uncompressed == false) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException
            ("Peer does not support uncompressed points");
源代码11 项目: TencentKona-8   文件:
RenegotiationInfoExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    // check the extension length
    if (len < 1) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    int renegoInfoDataLen = s.getInt8();
    if (renegoInfoDataLen + 1 != len) {  // + 1 = the byte we just read
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    renegotiated_connection = new byte[renegoInfoDataLen];
    if (renegoInfoDataLen != 0) {, 0, renegoInfoDataLen);
源代码12 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
SignatureAlgorithmsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    algorithmsLen = s.getInt16();
    if (algorithmsLen == 0 || algorithmsLen + 2 != len) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    algorithms = new ArrayList<SignatureAndHashAlgorithm>();
    int remains = algorithmsLen;
    int sequence = 0;
    while (remains > 1) {   // needs at least two bytes
        int hash = s.getInt8();         // hash algorithm
        int signature = s.getInt8();    // signature algorithm

        SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm =
            SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.valueOf(hash, signature, ++sequence);
        remains -= 2;  // one byte for hash, one byte for signature

    if (remains != 0) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid server_name extension");
源代码13 项目: jdk8u60   文件:
RenegotiationInfoExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    // check the extension length
    if (len < 1) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    int renegoInfoDataLen = s.getInt8();
    if (renegoInfoDataLen + 1 != len) {  // + 1 = the byte we just read
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    renegotiated_connection = new byte[renegoInfoDataLen];
    if (renegoInfoDataLen != 0) {, 0, renegoInfoDataLen);
SupportedEllipticPointFormatsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
        throws IOException {
    formats = s.getBytes8();
    // RFC 4492 says uncompressed points must always be supported.
    // Check just to make sure.
    boolean uncompressed = false;
    for (int format : formats) {
        if (format == FMT_UNCOMPRESSED) {
            uncompressed = true;
    if (uncompressed == false) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException
            ("Peer does not support uncompressed points");
EllipticPointFormatsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
        throws IOException {
    formats = s.getBytes8();
    // RFC 4492 says uncompressed points must always be supported.
    // Check just to make sure.
    boolean uncompressed = false;
    for (int format : formats) {
        if (format == FMT_UNCOMPRESSED) {
            uncompressed = true;
    if (uncompressed == false) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException
            ("Peer does not support uncompressed points");
SignatureAlgorithmsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    algorithmsLen = s.getInt16();
    if (algorithmsLen == 0 || algorithmsLen + 2 != len) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    algorithms = new ArrayList<SignatureAndHashAlgorithm>();
    int remains = algorithmsLen;
    int sequence = 0;
    while (remains > 1) {   // needs at least two bytes
        int hash = s.getInt8();         // hash algorithm
        int signature = s.getInt8();    // signature algorithm

        SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm =
            SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.valueOf(hash, signature, ++sequence);
        remains -= 2;  // one byte for hash, one byte for signature

    if (remains != 0) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid server_name extension");
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件:
RenegotiationInfoExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    // check the extension length
    if (len < 1) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    int renegoInfoDataLen = s.getInt8();
    if (renegoInfoDataLen + 1 != len) {  // + 1 = the byte we just read
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    renegotiated_connection = new byte[renegoInfoDataLen];
    if (renegoInfoDataLen != 0) {, 0, renegoInfoDataLen);
EllipticPointFormatsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
        throws IOException {
    formats = s.getBytes8();
    // RFC 4492 says uncompressed points must always be supported.
    // Check just to make sure.
    boolean uncompressed = false;
    for (int format : formats) {
        if (format == FMT_UNCOMPRESSED) {
            uncompressed = true;
    if (uncompressed == false) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException
            ("Peer does not support uncompressed points");
SignatureAlgorithmsExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    algorithmsLen = s.getInt16();
    if (algorithmsLen == 0 || algorithmsLen + 2 != len) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    algorithms = new ArrayList<SignatureAndHashAlgorithm>();
    int remains = algorithmsLen;
    int sequence = 0;
    while (remains > 1) {   // needs at least two bytes
        int hash = s.getInt8();         // hash algorithm
        int signature = s.getInt8();    // signature algorithm

        SignatureAndHashAlgorithm algorithm =
            SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.valueOf(hash, signature, ++sequence);
        remains -= 2;  // one byte for hash, one byte for signature

    if (remains != 0) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid server_name extension");
RenegotiationInfoExtension(HandshakeInStream s, int len)
            throws IOException {

    // check the extension length
    if (len < 1) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    int renegoInfoDataLen = s.getInt8();
    if (renegoInfoDataLen + 1 != len) {  // + 1 = the byte we just read
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid " + type + " extension");

    renegotiated_connection = new byte[renegoInfoDataLen];
    if (renegoInfoDataLen != 0) {, 0, renegoInfoDataLen);
源代码21 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
private SHKeyShareSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    // struct {
    //      KeyShareEntry server_share;
    // } KeyShareServerHello;
    if (buffer.remaining() < 5) {       // 5: minimal server_share
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid key_share extension: " +
            "insufficient data (length=" + buffer.remaining() + ")");

    int namedGroupId = Record.getInt16(buffer);
    byte[] keyExchange = Record.getBytes16(buffer);

    if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid key_share extension: unknown extra data");

    this.serverShare = new KeyShareEntry(namedGroupId, keyExchange);
源代码22 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
private CertStatusResponseSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    if (buffer.remaining() < 2) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid status_request extension: insufficient data");

    // Get the status type (1 byte) and response data (vector)
    byte type = (byte)Record.getInt8(buffer);
    byte[] respData = Record.getBytes24(buffer);

    // Create the CertStatusResponse based on the type
    if (type == {
        this.statusResponse = new OCSPStatusResponse(type, respData);
    } else {
        if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) {
                "Unknown certificate status response " +
                "(status type: " + type + ")");

        this.statusResponse = new CertStatusResponse(type, respData);
源代码23 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
private SupportedGroupsSpec(ByteBuffer m) throws IOException  {
    if (m.remaining() < 2) {      // 2: the length of the list
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid supported_groups extension: insufficient data");

    byte[] ngs = Record.getBytes16(m);
    if (m.hasRemaining()) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid supported_groups extension: unknown extra data");

    if ((ngs == null) || (ngs.length == 0) || (ngs.length % 2 != 0)) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid supported_groups extension: incomplete data");

    int[] ids = new int[ngs.length / 2];
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < ngs.length;) {
        ids[j++] = ((ngs[i++] & 0xFF) << 8) | (ngs[i++] & 0xFF);

    this.namedGroupsIds = ids;
源代码24 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
SignatureSchemesSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    if (buffer.remaining() < 2) {      // 2: the length of the list
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid signature_algorithms: insufficient data");

    byte[] algs = Record.getBytes16(buffer);
    if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid signature_algorithms: unknown extra data");

    if (algs == null || algs.length == 0 || (algs.length & 0x01) != 0) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid signature_algorithms: incomplete data");

    int[] schemes = new int[algs.length / 2];
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < algs.length;) {
        byte hash = algs[i++];
        byte sign = algs[i++];
        schemes[j++] = ((hash & 0xFF) << 8) | (sign & 0xFF);

    this.signatureSchemes = schemes;
源代码25 项目: openjsse   文件:
private AlpnSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    // ProtocolName protocol_name_list<2..2^16-1>, RFC 7301.
    if (buffer.remaining() < 2) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid application_layer_protocol_negotiation: " +
            "insufficient data (length=" + buffer.remaining() + ")");

    int listLen = Record.getInt16(buffer);
    if (listLen < 2 || listLen != buffer.remaining()) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid application_layer_protocol_negotiation: " +
            "incorrect list length (length=" + listLen + ")");

    List<String> protocolNames = new LinkedList<>();
    while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
        // opaque ProtocolName<1..2^8-1>, RFC 7301.
        byte[] bytes = Record.getBytes8(buffer);
        if (bytes.length == 0) {
            throw new SSLProtocolException(
                "Invalid application_layer_protocol_negotiation " +
                "extension: empty application protocol name");

        String appProtocol = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

    this.applicationProtocols =
源代码26 项目: openjsse   文件:
private CookieSpec(ByteBuffer m) throws IOException {
    // opaque cookie<1..2^16-1>;
    if (m.remaining() < 3) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid cookie extension: insufficient data");

    this.cookie = Record.getBytes16(m);
源代码27 项目: openjsse   文件:
 * Checks the length of the session ID to make sure it sits within
 * the range called out in the specification
void checkLength(int protocolVersion) throws SSLProtocolException {
    // As of today all versions of TLS have a 32-byte maximum length.
    // In the future we can do more here to support protocol versions
    // that may have longer max lengths.
    if (sessionId.length > MAX_LENGTH) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException("Invalid session ID length (" +
                sessionId.length + " bytes)");
源代码28 项目: Bytecoder   文件:
private CertStatusRequestSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    // Is it a empty extension_data?
    if (buffer.remaining() == 0) {
        // server response
        this.statusRequest = null;

    if (buffer.remaining() < 1) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid status_request extension: insufficient data");

    byte statusType = (byte)Record.getInt8(buffer);
    byte[] encoded = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
    if (encoded.length != 0) {
    if (statusType == {
        this.statusRequest = new OCSPStatusRequest(statusType, encoded);
    } else {
        if (SSLLogger.isOn && SSLLogger.isOn("ssl,handshake")) {
                "Unknown certificate status request " +
                "(status type: " + statusType + ")");

        this.statusRequest = new CertStatusRequest(statusType, encoded);
源代码29 项目: openjsse   文件:
private HRRKeyShareSpec(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    // struct {
    //     NamedGroup selected_group;
    // } KeyShareHelloRetryRequest;
    if (buffer.remaining() != 2) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid key_share extension: " +
            "improper data (length=" + buffer.remaining() + ")");

    this.selectedGroup = Record.getInt16(buffer);
源代码30 项目: openjsse   文件:
PskKeyExchangeModesSpec(ByteBuffer m) throws IOException {
    if (m.remaining() < 2) {
        throw new SSLProtocolException(
            "Invalid psk_key_exchange_modes extension: " +
            "insufficient data");

    this.modes = Record.getBytes8(m);