android.os.Bundle#getIntArray ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了android.os.Bundle#getIntArray ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: Swiftnotes   文件:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (getArguments() != null) {
        mTitleResId = getArguments().getInt(KEY_TITLE_ID);
        mColumns = getArguments().getInt(KEY_COLUMNS);
        mSize = getArguments().getInt(KEY_SIZE);

    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        mColors = savedInstanceState.getIntArray(KEY_COLORS);
        mSelectedColor = (Integer) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(KEY_SELECTED_COLOR);
        mColorContentDescriptions = savedInstanceState.getStringArray(
源代码2 项目: candybar   文件:
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        mType = savedInstanceState.getInt(TYPE);
        mKey = savedInstanceState.getString(KEY);
        mProductsId = savedInstanceState.getStringArray(PRODUCT_ID);
        mProductsCount = savedInstanceState.getIntArray(PRODUCT_COUNT);

    mAsyncTask = new InAppProductsLoader().execute();
源代码3 项目: Lay-s   文件:
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
    if (state instanceof  Bundle) {
        Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state;
        mDataChanged = true;
        mSyncHeight = bundle.getInt("height");
        long firstId = bundle.getLong("firstId");
        if (firstId >= 0) {
            mNeedSync = true;
            SavedState ss = new SavedState();
            ss.firstId = firstId;
            ss.height = (int) mSyncHeight;
            ss.position = bundle.getInt("position");
            ss.viewTop = bundle.getInt("viewTop");
            ss.childCount = bundle.getInt("childCount");
            ss.viewTops = bundle.getIntArray("viewTops");
            mPendingSync = ss;
            mSyncRowId = ss.firstId;
            mSyncPosition = ss.position;
            mSpecificTop = ss.viewTop;
            mSpecificTops = ss.viewTops;
        state = bundle.getParcelable("instanceState");
源代码4 项目: SimplifyReader   文件:
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
    if (state instanceof  Bundle) {
        Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state;
        mDataChanged = true;
        mSyncHeight = bundle.getInt("height");
        long firstId = bundle.getLong("firstId");
        if (firstId >= 0) {
            mNeedSync = true;
            SavedState ss = new SavedState();
            ss.firstId = firstId;
            ss.height = (int) mSyncHeight;
            ss.position = bundle.getInt("position");
            ss.viewTop = bundle.getInt("viewTop");
            ss.childCount = bundle.getInt("childCount");
            ss.viewTops = bundle.getIntArray("viewTops");
            mPendingSync = ss;
            mSyncRowId = ss.firstId;
            mSyncPosition = ss.position;
            mSpecificTop = ss.viewTop;
            mSpecificTops = ss.viewTops;
        state = bundle.getParcelable("instanceState");
源代码5 项目: Tweetin   文件:
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
	if (getArguments() != null) {
		this.mTitleResId = getArguments().getInt("title_id");
		this.mColumns = getArguments().getInt("columns");
		this.mSize = getArguments().getInt("size");
	if (bundle != null) {
		this.mColors = bundle.getIntArray("colors");
		this.mSelectedColor = ((Integer) bundle.getSerializable("selected_color")).intValue();
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (getArguments() != null) {
        mTitleResId = getArguments().getInt(KEY_TITLE_ID);
        mColumns = getArguments().getInt(KEY_COLUMNS);
        mSize = getArguments().getInt(KEY_SIZE);

    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        mColors = savedInstanceState.getIntArray(KEY_COLORS);
        mSelectedColor = (Integer) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(KEY_SELECTED_COLOR);
源代码7 项目: glass_snippets   文件:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

	Bundle args = getArguments();
	mItems = args.getStringArray(PHRASES);
	mPhraseIds = args.getIntArray(PHRASE_IDS);
	mActivationWord = args.getString(HOTWORD);
源代码8 项目: AndroidDigIn   文件:
public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Bundle arguments = getArguments();
    if (arguments != null) {
        mXmlResIdsCount = arguments.getInt(XML_RESIDS_COUNT);
        mXmlResIds = arguments.getIntArray(XML_RESIDS);
        if (mXmlResIdsCount > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mXmlResIdsCount; i++) {
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_weather_forecast_city_overview, container, false);

    recyclerView = (RecyclerView) v.findViewById(;

    Bundle args = getArguments();
    mCityId = args.getInt("city_id");
    mDataSetTypes = args.getIntArray("dataSetTypes");


    return v;
源代码10 项目: AnimCubeAndroid   文件:
 * <p>
 * Restores a previously saved state.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * If the cube was animating when its state was saved, then this method will also resume the animation and repeat the step
 * that was interrupted by the configuration change.
 * </p>
 * @param state a {@link Bundle} containing a previously saved state of the cube.
 * @see #saveState()
public void restoreState(Bundle state) {
    synchronized (animThreadLock) {
        for (int i = 0; i < cube.length; i++) {
            cube[i] = state.getIntArray(CubeState.KEY_CUBE + i);
        for (int i = 0; i < initialCube.length; i++) {
            initialCube[i] = state.getIntArray(CubeState.KEY_INITIAL_CUBE + i);

        move = state.getIntArray(CubeState.KEY_MOVE);
        movePos = state.getInt(CubeState.KEY_MOVE_POS);
        originalAngle = state.getDouble(CubeState.KEY_ORIGINAL_ANGLE);

        double[] buffer = state.getDoubleArray(CubeState.KEY_EYE);
        System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, eye, 0, eye.length);
        buffer = state.getDoubleArray(CubeState.KEY_EYE_X);
        System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, eyeX, 0, eyeX.length);
        buffer = state.getDoubleArray(CubeState.KEY_EYE_Y);
        System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, eyeY, 0, eyeY.length);

        editable = state.getBoolean(CubeState.KEY_EDITABLE);
        backFacesDistance = state.getInt(CubeState.KEY_BACKFACES_DISTANCE);
        speed = state.getInt(CubeState.KEY_SINGLE_ROTATION_SPEED);
        doubleSpeed = state.getInt(CubeState.KEY_DOUBLE_ROTATION_SPEED);
        isDebuggable = state.getBoolean(CubeState.KEY_IS_DEBUGGABLE);

        boolean animating = state.getBoolean(CubeState.KEY_IS_ANIMATING);
        if (animating) {
            int animationMode = state.getInt(CubeState.KEY_ANIMATION_MODE);
            if (animationMode != AnimationMode.STOPPED) {
源代码11 项目: SuntimesWidget   文件:
 * Load alarm repetition from bundle.
 * @param bundle saved state
protected void loadSettings(Bundle bundle)
    int[] colors = bundle.getIntArray(KEY_COLORS);
    if (colors != null) {
        colorOverrides = colors;
    setRepetition( bundle.getBoolean(PREF_KEY_ALARM_REPEAT, PREF_DEF_ALARM_REPEAT),
                   bundle.getIntegerArrayList(PREF_KEY_ALARM_REPEATDAYS) );
源代码12 项目: AndroidApp   文件:
private void setUpCharts(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        if (savedInstanceState != null) {

            powerChart.setChartLength(savedInstanceState.getInt("power_graph_length", -6));
            powerNowWatts = savedInstanceState.getDouble("power_now", 0);
            powerTodaykWh = savedInstanceState.getDouble("power_today", 0);

            int[] chart2_colors = savedInstanceState.getIntArray("chart2_colors");


            //put stored data back in the charts

            int lastPowerFeedId = savedInstanceState.getInt("power_feed_id");
            if (lastPowerFeedId > 0 && lastPowerFeedId == myElectricSettings.getPowerFeedId()) {
                ArrayList<String> chartLabels = savedInstanceState.getStringArrayList("chart1_labels");
                double saved_chart1_values[] = savedInstanceState.getDoubleArray("chart1_values");
                powerChart.restoreData(chartLabels, saved_chart1_values);

            int lastUseFeedId = savedInstanceState.getInt("use_feed_id");
            if (lastUseFeedId > 0 && lastUseFeedId == myElectricSettings.getUseFeedId()) {
                double saved_chart2_values[] = savedInstanceState.getDoubleArray("chart2_values");
                ArrayList<String> chart2Labels = savedInstanceState.getStringArrayList("chart2_labels");
                dailyUsageBarChart.restoreData(chart2Labels, saved_chart2_values, chart2_colors, daysToDisplay);

源代码13 项目: delion   文件:
 * Just like {@link Bundle#getIntArray(String)} but doesn't throw exceptions.
public static int[] safeGetIntArray(Bundle bundle, String name) {
    try {
        return bundle.getIntArray(name);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        // Catches un-parceling exceptions.
        Log.e(TAG, "getIntArray failed on bundle " + bundle);
        return null;
源代码14 项目: DanDanPlayForAndroid   文件:
    protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {
        if (state instanceof Bundle) {
            Bundle bundle = (Bundle) state;

            ColorStateList color = bundle.getParcelable(KEY_TEXT_COLOR_STATE);
            if (color != null) {
            setLabelTextSize(bundle.getFloat(KEY_TEXT_SIZE_STATE, mTextSize));
//            //恢复标签背景  (由于背景改用Drawable,所以不能自动保存和恢复)
//            int resId = bundle.getInt(KEY_BG_RES_ID_STATE, mLabelBgResId);
//            if (resId != 0) {
//                setLabelBackgroundResource(resId);
//            }
            int[] padding = bundle.getIntArray(KEY_PADDING_STATE);
            if (padding != null && padding.length == 4) {
                setLabelTextPadding(padding[0], padding[1], padding[2], padding[3]);
            setWordMargin(bundle.getInt(KEY_WORD_MARGIN_STATE, mWordMargin));
            setLineMargin(bundle.getInt(KEY_LINE_MARGIN_STATE, mLineMargin));
            setSelectType(SelectType.get(bundle.getInt(KEY_SELECT_TYPE_STATE, mSelectType.value)));
            setMaxSelect(bundle.getInt(KEY_MAX_SELECT_STATE, mMaxSelect));
            setMinSelect(bundle.getInt(KEY_MIN_SELECT_STATE, mMinSelect));
            setMaxLines(bundle.getInt(KEY_MAX_LINES_STATE, mMaxLines));
            setIndicator(bundle.getBoolean(KEY_INDICATOR_STATE, isIndicator));

//            //恢复标签列表
//            ArrayList<String> labels = bundle.getStringArrayList(KEY_LABELS_STATE);
//            if (labels != null && !labels.isEmpty()) {
//                setLabels(labels);
//            }
            ArrayList<Integer> compulsory = bundle.getIntegerArrayList(KEY_COMPULSORY_LABELS_STATE);
            if (compulsory != null && !compulsory.isEmpty()) {
            ArrayList<Integer> selectLabel = bundle.getIntegerArrayList(KEY_SELECT_LABELS_STATE);
            if (selectLabel != null && !selectLabel.isEmpty()) {
                int size = selectLabel.size();
                int[] positions = new int[size];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                    positions[i] = selectLabel.get(i);
源代码15 项目: vlayout   文件:
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle bundle) {
    mLazySpanLookup.mData = bundle.getIntArray(LOOKUP_BUNDLE_KEY);
源代码16 项目: CatVision-io-SDK-Android   文件:
protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {

	if (!(state instanceof Bundle)) {
		// Not supposed to happen.

	Bundle b = (Bundle) state;
	Parcelable superState = b.getParcelable("gv_super_state");

	setEnabled(b.getBoolean("gv_en", true));

	int[] data = b.getIntArray("gv_data");
	if (data != null && data.length == mData.length) {
		for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
			mData[i] = State.fromInt(data[i]);

	mSelectedCell = b.getInt("gv_sel_cell", -1);
	mSelectedValue = State.fromInt(b.getInt("gv_sel_val", State.EMPTY.getValue()));
	mCurrentPlayer = State.fromInt(b.getInt("gv_curr_play", State.EMPTY.getValue()));
	mWinner = State.fromInt(b.getInt("gv_winner", State.EMPTY.getValue()));

	mWinCol = b.getInt("gv_win_col", -1);
	mWinRow = b.getInt("gv_win_row", -1);
	mWinDiag = b.getInt("gv_win_diag", -1);

	mBlinkDisplayOff = b.getBoolean("gv_blink_off", false);
	Rect r = b.getParcelable("gv_blink_rect");
	if (r != null) {

	// let the blink handler decide if it should blink or not

源代码17 项目: ChromeLikeTabSwitcher   文件:
public final void restoreInstanceState(@Nullable final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        referenceTabIndex = savedInstanceState.getInt(REFERENCE_TAB_INDEX_EXTRA, -1);
        referenceTabPosition = savedInstanceState.getFloat(REFERENCE_TAB_POSITION_EXTRA, -1);
        logLevel = (LogLevel) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(LOG_LEVEL_EXTRA);
        tabs = savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList(TABS_EXTRA);
        switcherShown = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(SWITCHER_SHOWN_EXTRA);
        int selectedTabIndex = savedInstanceState.getInt(SELECTED_TAB_INDEX_EXTRA);
        selectedTab = selectedTabIndex != -1 ? tabs.get(selectedTabIndex) : null;
        padding = savedInstanceState.getIntArray(PADDING_EXTRA);
        applyPaddingToTabs = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(APPLY_PADDING_TO_TABS_EXTRA);
        tabIconId = savedInstanceState.getInt(TAB_ICON_ID_EXTRA);
        tabIconBitmap = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(TAB_ICON_BITMAP_EXTRA);
        tabIconTintList = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(TAB_ICON_TINT_LIST_EXTRA);
        tabIconTintMode =
                (PorterDuff.Mode) savedInstanceState.getSerializable(TAB_ICON_TINT_MODE_EXTRA);
        tabBackgroundColor = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(TAB_BACKGROUND_COLOR_EXTRA);
        tabContentBackgroundColor =
        tabTitleTextColor = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(TAB_TITLE_TEXT_COLOR_EXTRA);
        tabCloseButtonIconId = savedInstanceState.getInt(TAB_CLOSE_BUTTON_ICON_ID_EXTRA);
        tabCloseButtonIconBitmap =
        tabCloseButtonIconTintList =
        tabCloseButtonIconTintMode = (PorterDuff.Mode) savedInstanceState
        tabProgressBarColor = savedInstanceState.getInt(TAB_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR_EXTRA, -1);
        showToolbars = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(SHOW_TOOLBARS_EXTRA);
        toolbarTitle = savedInstanceState.getCharSequence(TOOLBAR_TITLE_EXTRA);
        toolbarNavigationIconTintList =
        toolbarNavigationIconTintMode = (PorterDuff.Mode) savedInstanceState
        tabPreviewFadeThreshold = savedInstanceState.getLong(TAB_PREVIEW_FADE_THRESHOLD_EXTRA);
        tabPreviewFadeDuration = savedInstanceState.getLong(TAB_PREVIEW_FADE_DURATION);
        clearSavedStatesWhenRemovingTabs =
 * OpenAPIParser#parse(String) に testEnum.json を渡して解析を行う。
 * parameter の type と異なる enum の宣言が存在する testEnum.json をよみこむ。
 * <pre>
 * 【期待する動作】
 * ・Swagger オブジェクトが取得できること。
 * ・parameter の enum が取得できること。
 * </pre>
public void testEnum() throws JSONException {
    DevicePluginContext pluginContext = Mockito.mock(DevicePluginContext.class);

    String jsonString = FileLoader.readString("parser/testEnum.json");

    DConnectServiceSpec spec = new DConnectServiceSpec(pluginContext);
    spec.addProfileSpec("testEnum", jsonString);

    Bundle swagger = spec.findProfileSpec("testEnum").toBundle();
    assertThat(swagger, is(notNullValue()));

    Bundle paths = swagger.getBundle("paths");
    assertThat(paths, is(notNullValue()));
    assertThat(paths.size(), is(1));

    Bundle a0 = paths.getBundle("/a0");
    assertThat(a0, is(notNullValue()));

    Bundle a0Get = a0.getBundle("get");
    assertThat(a0Get, is(notNullValue()));

    Parcelable[] parameters = a0Get.getParcelableArray("parameters");
    assertThat(parameters, is(notNullValue()));
    assertThat(parameters.length, is(7));

    Bundle stringInt = (Bundle) parameters[1];
    assertThat(stringInt.getString("type"), is("string"));
    String[] stringIntEnum = stringInt.getStringArray("enum");
    assertThat(stringIntEnum, is(notNullValue()));
    assertThat(stringIntEnum[0], is("1"));
    assertThat(stringIntEnum[1], is("2"));
    assertThat(stringIntEnum[2], is("3"));
    assertThat(stringIntEnum[3], is("4"));

    Bundle stringNumber = (Bundle) parameters[2];
    assertThat(stringNumber.getString("type"), is("string"));
    String[] stringNumberEnum = stringNumber.getStringArray("enum");
    assertThat(stringNumberEnum, is(notNullValue()));
    assertThat(stringNumberEnum[0], is("1.1"));
    assertThat(stringNumberEnum[1], is("2.2"));
    assertThat(stringNumberEnum[2], is("3.3"));
    assertThat(stringNumberEnum[3], is("4.4"));

    Bundle intString = (Bundle) parameters[3];
    assertThat(intString.getString("type"), is("integer"));
    assertThat(intString.getString("format"), is("int32"));
    int[] intStringEnum = intString.getIntArray("enum");
    assertThat(intStringEnum, is(notNullValue()));
    assertThat(intStringEnum[0], is(1));
    assertThat(intStringEnum[1], is(2));
    assertThat(intStringEnum[2], is(3));
    assertThat(intStringEnum[3], is(4));

    Bundle longString = (Bundle) parameters[4];
    assertThat(longString.getString("type"), is("integer"));
    assertThat(longString.getString("format"), is("int64"));
    long[] longStringEnum = longString.getLongArray("enum");
    assertThat(longStringEnum, is(notNullValue()));
    assertThat(longStringEnum[0], is(1L));
    assertThat(longStringEnum[1], is(2L));
    assertThat(longStringEnum[2], is(3L));
    assertThat(longStringEnum[3], is(4L));

    Bundle floatString = (Bundle) parameters[5];
    assertThat(floatString.getString("type"), is("number"));
    assertThat(floatString.getString("format"), is("float"));
    float[] floatStringEnum = floatString.getFloatArray("enum");
    assertThat(floatStringEnum, is(notNullValue()));
    assertThat(floatStringEnum[0], is(1.1F));
    assertThat(floatStringEnum[1], is(2.2F));
    assertThat(floatStringEnum[2], is(3.3F));
    assertThat(floatStringEnum[3], is(4.4F));

    Bundle doubleString = (Bundle) parameters[6];
    assertThat(doubleString.getString("type"), is("number"));
    assertThat(doubleString.getString("format"), is("double"));
    double[] doubleStringEnum = doubleString.getDoubleArray("enum");
    assertThat(doubleStringEnum, is(notNullValue()));
    assertThat(doubleStringEnum[0], is(1.1D));
    assertThat(doubleStringEnum[1], is(2.2D));
    assertThat(doubleStringEnum[2], is(3.3D));
    assertThat(doubleStringEnum[3], is(4.4D));
源代码19 项目: SuntimesWidget   文件:
 * @param context the context
 * @param intent the intent that was received
public void onReceive(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Intent intent)
    super.onReceive(context, intent);

    String filter = getUpdateIntentFilter();
    String action = intent.getAction();
    Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();

    if (action != null && action.equals(filter))
        String widgetClass = intent.getStringExtra(KEY_WIDGETCLASS);
        if (getClass().toString().equals(widgetClass))
            int appWidgetID = intent.getIntExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, -1);  // synonymous
            Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: " + filter + "(" + appWidgetID + "): " + getClass().toString());

            if (appWidgetID <= 0) {
            } else {
                onUpdate(context, AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context), new int[]{appWidgetID});
            setUpdateAlarm(context, appWidgetID);      // schedule next update

    } else if (isClickAction(action)) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: ClickAction :: " + action + ":" + getClass());
        handleClickAction(context, intent);

    } else if (action != null && action.equals(AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_OPTIONS_CHANGED)) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: ACTION_APPWIDGET_OPTIONS_CHANGED :: " + getClass());

    } else if (action != null && action.equals(SUNTIMES_THEME_UPDATE)) {
        String themeName = (intent.hasExtra(KEY_THEME) ? intent.getStringExtra(KEY_THEME) : null);
        Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: SUNTIMES_THEME_UPDATE :: " + getClass() + " :: " + themeName);
        updateWidgets(context, themeName);

    } else if (action != null && action.equals(SUNTIMES_ALARM_UPDATE)) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: SUNTIMES_ALARM_UPDATE :: " + getClass());

    } else if (action != null && action.equals("android.intent.action.TIME_SET")) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: android.intent.action.TIME_SET :: " + getClass());
        // TODO: handle TIME_SET better .. when automatic/network time is enabled this thing fires /frequently/ ...

    } else if (action != null && action.equals(AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE)) {
        Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE :: " + getClass());
        if (extras != null)
            int[] appWidgetIds = extras.getIntArray(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS);
            if (appWidgetIds != null)
                for (int appWidgetId : appWidgetIds) {
                    setUpdateAlarm(context, appWidgetId);

    } else {
        Log.d(TAG, "onReceive: unhandled :: " + action + " :: " + getClass());
源代码20 项目: Spyglass   文件:
 * Paste clipboard content between min and max positions.
 * If clipboard content contain the MentionSpan, set the span in copied text.
private void paste(@IntRange(from = 0) int min, @IntRange(from = 0) int max) {
    ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
    ClipData clip = clipboard.getPrimaryClip();
    if (clip != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < clip.getItemCount(); i++) {
            ClipData.Item item = clip.getItemAt(i);
            String selectedText = item.coerceToText(getContext()).toString();
            MentionsEditable text = getMentionsText();
            MentionSpan[] spans = text.getSpans(min, max, MentionSpan.class);
             * We need to remove the span between min and max. This is required because in
             * {@link SpannableStringBuilder#replace(int, int, CharSequence)} existing spans within
             * the Editable that entirely cover the replaced range are retained, but any that
             * were strictly within the range that was replaced are removed. In our case the existing
             * spans are retained if the selection entirely covers the span. So, we just remove
             * the existing span and replace the new text with that span.
            for (MentionSpan span : spans) {
                if (text.getSpanEnd(span) == min) {
                    // We do not want to remove the span, when we want to paste anything just next
                    // to the existing span. In this case "text.getSpanEnd(span)" will be equal
                    // to min.

            Intent intent = item.getIntent();
            // Just set the plain text if we do not have mentions data in the intent/bundle
            if (intent == null) {
                text.replace(min, max, selectedText);
            Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
            if (bundle == null) {
                text.replace(min, max, selectedText);
            int[] spanStart = bundle.getIntArray(KEY_MENTION_SPAN_STARTS);
            Parcelable[] parcelables = bundle.getParcelableArray(KEY_MENTION_SPANS);
            if (parcelables == null || parcelables.length <= 0 || spanStart == null || spanStart.length <= 0) {
                text.replace(min, max, selectedText);

            // Set the MentionSpan in text.
            SpannableStringBuilder s = new SpannableStringBuilder(selectedText);
            for (int j = 0; j < parcelables.length; j++) {
                MentionSpan mentionSpan = (MentionSpan) parcelables[j];
                s.setSpan(mentionSpan, spanStart[j], spanStart[j] + mentionSpan.getDisplayString().length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
            text.replace(min, max, s);