
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
private int adjustAllocateFlags(int flags, int callingUid, String callingPackage) {
    // Require permission to allocate aggressively
    if ((flags & StorageManager.FLAG_ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE) != 0) {
                android.Manifest.permission.ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE, TAG);

    // Apps normally can't directly defy reserved space
    flags &= ~StorageManager.FLAG_ALLOCATE_DEFY_ALL_RESERVED;
    flags &= ~StorageManager.FLAG_ALLOCATE_DEFY_HALF_RESERVED;

    // However, if app is actively using the camera, then we're willing to
    // clear up to half of the reserved cache space, since the user might be
    // trying to capture an important memory.
    final AppOpsManager appOps = mContext.getSystemService(AppOpsManager.class);
    final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
    try {
        if (appOps.isOperationActive(AppOpsManager.OP_CAMERA, callingUid, callingPackage)) {
            Slog.d(TAG, "UID " + callingUid + " is actively using camera;"
                    + " letting them defy reserved cached data");
            flags |= StorageManager.FLAG_ALLOCATE_DEFY_HALF_RESERVED;
    } finally {

    return flags;
源代码2 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
public void allocateBytes(String volumeUuid, long bytes, int flags, String callingPackage) {
    flags = adjustAllocateFlags(flags, Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackage);

    final long allocatableBytes = getAllocatableBytes(volumeUuid, flags, callingPackage);
    if (bytes > allocatableBytes) {
        throw new ParcelableException(new IOException("Failed to allocate " + bytes
                + " because only " + allocatableBytes + " allocatable"));

    final StorageManager storage = mContext.getSystemService(StorageManager.class);
    final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
    try {
        // Free up enough disk space to satisfy both the requested allocation
        // and our low disk warning space.
        final File path = storage.findPathForUuid(volumeUuid);
        if ((flags & StorageManager.FLAG_ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE) != 0) {
            bytes += storage.getStorageFullBytes(path);
        } else {
            bytes += storage.getStorageLowBytes(path);

        mPms.freeStorage(volumeUuid, bytes, flags);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ParcelableException(e);
    } finally {
源代码3 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
public long getAllocatableBytes(String volumeUuid, int flags, String callingPackage) {
    flags = adjustAllocateFlags(flags, Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackage);

    final StorageManager storage = mContext.getSystemService(StorageManager.class);
    final StorageStatsManager stats = mContext.getSystemService(StorageStatsManager.class);
    final long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
    try {
        // In general, apps can allocate as much space as they want, except
        // we never let them eat into either the minimum cache space or into
        // the low disk warning space. To avoid user confusion, this logic
        // should be kept in sync with getFreeBytes().
        final File path = storage.findPathForUuid(volumeUuid);

        final long usable = path.getUsableSpace();
        final long lowReserved = storage.getStorageLowBytes(path);
        final long fullReserved = storage.getStorageFullBytes(path);

        if (stats.isQuotaSupported(volumeUuid)) {
            final long cacheTotal = stats.getCacheBytes(volumeUuid);
            final long cacheReserved = storage.getStorageCacheBytes(path, flags);
            final long cacheClearable = Math.max(0, cacheTotal - cacheReserved);

            if ((flags & StorageManager.FLAG_ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE) != 0) {
                return Math.max(0, (usable + cacheClearable) - fullReserved);
            } else {
                return Math.max(0, (usable + cacheClearable) - lowReserved);
        } else {
            // When we don't have fast quota information, we ignore cached
            // data and only consider unused bytes.
            if ((flags & StorageManager.FLAG_ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE) != 0) {
                return Math.max(0, usable - fullReserved);
            } else {
                return Math.max(0, usable - lowReserved);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ParcelableException(e);
    } finally {