mysql索引最左匹配原则主要是针对复合索引(联合索引)来说的,比如你在字段 a,b,c 建立了一个联合索引 index_abc
sql复制代码ALTER TABLE `test`
ADD INDEX `index_abc`(`a`,`b`, `c`) USING BTREE;
explain select * from test where a<10 ; # 用索引
explain select * from test where a<10 and b <10; # 用索引
explain select * from test where a<10 and b <10 and c<10; # 用索引
能不能将 a,b出现顺序换一下,a,b,c出现顺序换一下
- explain select * from test where b<10 and a <10; # 用索引
5. explain select * from test where b<10 and a <10 and c<10; # 用索引
- explain select * from test where b<10 and c <10;# 用不到索引
explain select * from test where a<10 and c <10; # a 能用到索引, c用不到
explain select * from test where a=1001 #用到索引
explain select * from test where a=1001 and b=1002 #用到索引
explain select * from test where b=1002 and a=1001 # 用到索引,mysql 优化器会将 sql优化成:explain select * from test where a=1001 and b=1002
- explain select * from test where a=1001 and c=1003 # a 能用到索引,c用不到
- explain select * from test where c=1003 # 用不到索引
- explain select * from test where b=1002 # 用不到索引
如果有复合索引 index_abc(a,b,c),且是select * 则
- 只要保证 a 字段能够出现在where条件后,不论 a 出现的先后顺序,就一定能用索引 (适用于查询条件是 "=" )
- a 是查询条件的第一个条件则一定能用索引(适用于查询条件是 "=","<" , ">")
- 查询条件只有 b 或 c 或 b c 则不能使用索引
一般在面试的时候查询条件是“=” 且前边都是select * 如果不是这样则上边的结论不成立
mysql索引最左匹配原则的理解 EXPLAIN 命令详解 mysql的最左索引匹配原则