

private void processIncludes(List<Archive> archives, List<Action> actions) {
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(properties.getIncludes())) {

    List<Dependency> includes = properties.getIncludes();

    includes.forEach(include -> {
        boolean replaced = replaceDependency(include, true, archives, actions);

        if (!replaced) {

        // process dependencies
        Archive includeArchive = findArchive(frameworkArchives, include);
        List<Dependency> deps = findDependencyInfo(include, includeArchive);
        deps.forEach(dep -> replaceDependency(dep, true, archives, actions));
private void processSubstitutions(List<Archive> archives, List<Action> actions) {
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(properties.getSubstitutions())) {

    List<Dependency> substitutions = properties.getSubstitutions();
    substitutions.forEach(substitution -> {
        boolean replaced = replaceDependency(substitution, false, archives, actions);

        if (!replaced) {

        // process dependencies
        Archive origin = findArchive(frameworkArchives, substitution);
        List<Dependency> deps = findDependencyInfo(substitution, origin);
        deps.forEach(dep -> replaceDependency(dep, true, archives, actions));
private List<Dependency> findDependencyInfo(Dependency dependency, Archive archive) {
    Predicate<LauncherProperties.DependencyInfo> predicate = dependencyInfo ->

    if (dependency.getVersion() == null) {
        predicate.and(info -> {
            String url = archive.toString();
            return url.contains("/" + info.getArtifact().getArtifactId() + "-" + info.getArtifact().getVersion());
    } else {
        predicate.and(info -> dependency.getVersion().equals(info.getArtifact().getVersion()));
    return properties.getDependencyInfos().stream()
            .map(LauncherProperties.DependencyInfo::getDependencies).findFirst().orElseGet(() -> {
                logger.warn("dependencies info not found, return empty collection, dependency={}, archive={}",
                        dependency, archive);
                return new ArrayList<>();
源代码4 项目: spring-cloud-formula   文件: FormulaLauncher.java
private void setSystemProperties(List<Action> actions, List<Archive> archives) {
    // actions
    for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) {
        Action action = actions.get(i);

        System.setProperty("formula.launcher.actions[" + i + "].type", action.getType().name());
        System.setProperty("formula.launcher.actions[" + i + "].archive", action.getArchive());
        if (action.getOldArchive() != null) {
            System.setProperty("formula.launcher.actions[" + i + "].old-archive", action.getOldArchive());

    // archives
    for (int i = 0; i < archives.size(); i++) {
        Archive archive = archives.get(i);
        System.setProperty("formula.launcher.archives[" + i + "]", archive.toString());
源代码5 项目: tac   文件: LancherTest.java
protected final Archive createArchive() throws Exception {
    ProtectionDomain protectionDomain = getClass().getProtectionDomain();
    CodeSource codeSource = protectionDomain.getCodeSource();
    URI location = (codeSource == null ? null : codeSource.getLocation().toURI());
    String path = (location == null ? null : location.getSchemeSpecificPart());
    if (path == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to determine code source archive");
    File root = new File(path);
    if (!root.exists()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "Unable to determine code source archive from " + root);
    return (root.isDirectory() ? new ExplodedArchive(root)
        : new JarFileArchive(root));
源代码6 项目: TrackRay   文件: WebApplication.java
protected static Archive createArchive(Class clazz) throws Exception {
	ProtectionDomain protectionDomain = clazz.getProtectionDomain();
	CodeSource codeSource = protectionDomain.getCodeSource();
	URI location = codeSource != null ? codeSource.getLocation().toURI() : null;
	String path = location != null ? location.getSchemeSpecificPart() : null;
	if (path == null) {
		throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to determine code source archive");
	} else {
		File root = new File(path);
		if (!root.exists()) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to determine code source archive from " + root);
		} else {
			return (Archive)(root.isDirectory() ? new ExplodedArchive(root) : new JarFileArchive(root));
 * Return metadata about configuration properties that are documented via <a href=
 * "https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/configuration-metadata.html">
 * Spring Boot configuration metadata</a> and visible in an app.
 * @param app a Spring Cloud Stream app; typically a Boot uberjar, but directories are
 * supported as well
public List<ConfigurationMetadataProperty> listProperties(Resource app, boolean exhaustive) {
	try {
		if (app != null) {
			if (isDockerSchema(app.getURI())) {
				return resolvePropertiesFromContainerImage(app.getURI());
			else {
				Archive archive = resolveAsArchive(app);
				return listProperties(archive, exhaustive);
	catch (Exception e) {
		logger.warn("Failed to retrieve properties for resource:" + app, e);
		return Collections.emptyList();

	return Collections.emptyList();
protected String getClasspath(boolean includeTargetClasses) {
	if (this.classpath == null) {
		PathResolver resolver = new PathResolver(DependencyResolver.instance());
		Archive root = ArchiveUtils.getArchive(ProcessLauncherState.class);
		List<Archive> resolved = resolver.resolve(root, name, profiles);
		StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
		if (includeTargetClasses) {
			builder.append(new File("target/classes").getAbsolutePath());
		else {
			builder.append(new File("target/orm-0.0.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar")
		try {
			for (Archive archive : resolved) {
				if (archive.getUrl().equals(root.getUrl())) {
				if (builder.length() > 0) {
		catch (MalformedURLException e) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find archive", e);
		log.debug("Classpath: " + builder);
		this.classpath = builder.toString();
	return this.classpath;
private boolean replaceDependency(Dependency dependency, boolean forceAdd,
                                  List<Archive> archives, List<Action> actions) {
    Archive archive = findArchive(frameworkArchives, dependency);
    if (archive == null) {
        logger.warn("dependency not found, {}", dependency);
        return false;

    Archive currentArchive = findArchive(archives, dependency);

    if (same(archive, currentArchive) && !dependency.getGroupId().contains("baidu")) {
        return false;

    if (currentArchive == null && !forceAdd) {
        return false;

    logger.info("adding launcher archive: {}", archive);

    if (currentArchive != null) {
        logger.info("removing launcher archive: {}", currentArchive);
    return true;
源代码10 项目: spring-cloud-formula   文件: DependencyProcessor.java
private boolean same(Archive includeArchive, Archive currentArchive) {
    if (includeArchive == null || currentArchive == null) {
        return includeArchive == currentArchive;

    String left = includeArchive.toString().replaceFirst("^.*" + FormulaLauncher.BOOT_INF_LIB, "");
    String right = currentArchive.toString().replaceFirst("^.*" + FormulaLauncher.BOOT_INF_LIB, "");

    return left.equals(right);
源代码11 项目: spring-cloud-formula   文件: DependencyProcessor.java
Archive findArchive(List<Archive> archives, Dependency dependency) {
    String entryName = "META-INF/maven/" + dependency.getGroupId() + "/" + dependency.getArtifactId() + "/pom.xml";

    for (Archive archive : archives) {
        if (StreamSupport.stream(archive.spliterator(), false).anyMatch(entry -> entry.getName().equals(entryName))) {
            return archive;

    return null;
源代码12 项目: spring-cloud-formula   文件: FormulaLauncher.java
public boolean isNestedArchive(Archive.Entry entry) {
    if (entry.isDirectory()) {
        return entry.getName().equals(BOOT_INF_CLASSES);
    return entry.getName().startsWith(BOOT_INF_LIB);
源代码13 项目: tac   文件: BootJarLaucherUtils.java
 * @param jarFile
 * @param jarEntry
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private static Archive getUnpackedNestedArchive(JarFile jarFile, JarEntry jarEntry) throws IOException {
    String name = jarEntry.getName();
    if (name.lastIndexOf("/") != -1) {
        name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
    File file = new File(getTempUnpackFolder(), name);
    if (!file.exists() || file.length() != jarEntry.getSize()) {
        unpack(jarFile, jarEntry, file);
    return new JarFileArchive(file, file.toURI().toURL());
源代码14 项目: tac   文件: LancherTest.java
protected boolean isNestedArchive(Archive.Entry entry) {
    if (entry.isDirectory()) {
        return entry.getName().equals(BOOT_INF_CLASSES);
    return entry.getName().startsWith(BOOT_INF_LIB);
源代码15 项目: tac   文件: LancherTest.java
private Archive getUnpackedNestedArchive(JarEntry jarEntry) throws IOException {
    String name = jarEntry.getName();
    if (name.lastIndexOf("/") != -1) {
        name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
    File file = new File(getTempUnpackFolder(), name);
    if (!file.exists() || file.length() != jarEntry.getSize()) {
        unpack(jarEntry, file);
    return new JarFileArchive(file, file.toURI().toURL());
 * Return metadata about configuration properties that are documented via
 * <a href="http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/configuration-metadata.html">
 * Spring Boot configuration metadata</a> and visible in an app.
 * @param app a Spring Cloud Stream app; typically a Boot uberjar,
 *            but directories are supported as well
public List<ConfigurationMetadataProperty> listProperties(Resource app, boolean exhaustive) {
	try {
		Archive archive = resolveAsArchive(app);
		return listProperties(archive, exhaustive);
	catch (IOException e) {
		throw new RuntimeException("Failed to list properties for " + app, e);
public URLClassLoader createClassLoader() {
	boolean useBoot14Layout = false;
	for (Archive.Entry entry : archive) {
		if (entry.getName().startsWith(BOOT_14_LIBS_LOCATION)) {
			useBoot14Layout = true;

	ClassLoaderExposingLauncher launcher = useBoot14Layout
			? new Boot14ClassLoaderExposingLauncher()
			: new Boot13ClassLoaderExposingLauncher();

	return launcher.createClassLoader();
public List<Archive> getNestedArchives(EntryFilter ignored) throws IOException {
	try {
		List<Archive> archives = new ArrayList<>(mavenProject.getRuntimeClasspathElements().size());
		for (String dep : mavenProject.getRuntimeClasspathElements()) {
			File file = new File(dep);
			archives.add(file.isDirectory() ? new ExplodedArchive(file) : new JarFileArchive(file));
		return archives;
	catch (DependencyResolutionRequiredException e) {
		throw new IOException("Could not create boot archive", e);

private List<Archive> discoverClassPathAcrhives() throws Exception {
	Iterator<Archive> iter = this.getClassPathArchivesIterator();
	List<Archive> classPathArchives = new ArrayList<>();
	while (iter.hasNext()) {

	if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(classPathArchives)) {
	return classPathArchives;
public URLClassLoader createClassLoader() {
	boolean useBoot14Layout = false;
	for (Archive.Entry entry : archive) {
		if (entry.getName().startsWith(BOOT_14_LIBS_LOCATION)) {
			useBoot14Layout = true;

	ClassLoaderExposingLauncher launcher = useBoot14Layout ? new Boot14ClassLoaderExposingLauncher()
			: new Boot13ClassLoaderExposingLauncher();

	return launcher.createClassLoader();
源代码21 项目: spring-cloud-formula   文件: DependencyProcessor.java
public List<Action> process(List<Archive> archives) {
    List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<>();

    boolean springBoot15 = archives.stream().anyMatch(ar -> ar.toString().contains("spring-boot-1."));

    if (springBoot15) {
        logger.info("spring boot 1.5 detected, skip for jar replacing, class path urls: {}", archives);
        return new ArrayList<>();

    processIncludes(archives, actions);

    processExclusions(archives, actions);

    processSubstitutions(archives, actions);

    return actions;
源代码22 项目: spring-cloud-formula   文件: FormulaLauncher.java
protected void postProcessClassPathArchives(List<Archive> archives) {
    List<Action> actions = dependencyProcessor.process(archives);

    setSystemProperties(actions, archives);
源代码23 项目: TrackRay   文件: WebApplication.java
protected static boolean isNestedArchive(Archive.Entry entry) {
	return entry.isDirectory() ? entry.getName().equals("BOOT-INF/classes/") : entry.getName().startsWith("BOOT-INF/lib/");
源代码24 项目: xjar   文件: XExtLauncher.java
protected ClassLoader createClassLoader(List<Archive> archives) throws Exception {
    URLClassLoader classLoader = (URLClassLoader) super.createClassLoader(archives);
    URL[] urls = classLoader.getURLs();
    return new XBootClassLoader(urls, this.getClass().getClassLoader(), xLauncher.xDecryptor, xLauncher.xEncryptor, xLauncher.xKey);
源代码25 项目: karate   文件: BootJarLoadingTest.java
IntegrationTestJarLauncher(Archive archive) {
private Archive resolveAsArchive(Resource app) throws IOException {
		File moduleFile = app.getFile();
		return moduleFile.isDirectory() ? new ExplodedArchive(moduleFile) : new JarFileArchive(moduleFile);
protected boolean isNestedArchive(Archive.Entry entry) {
	return !entry.isDirectory() && entry.getName().startsWith(BOOT_13_LIBS_LOCATION);
protected void postProcessClassPathArchives(List<Archive> archives) throws Exception {
	archives.add(0, getArchive());
protected boolean isNestedArchive(Archive.Entry entry) {
	return (!entry.isDirectory() && entry.getName().startsWith(BOOT_14_LIBS_LOCATION))
			|| (entry.isDirectory() && entry.getName().equals(BOOT_14_CLASSESS_LOCATION));
protected void postProcessClassPathArchives(List<Archive> archives) throws Exception {
	archives.add(0, getArchive());