javax.swing.UIDefaults#keySet ( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: littleluck   文件:
 * setting global font.
 * @param f Font object
public void setApplicationFont(Font f)
    UIDefaults defaults = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();

    synchronized (defaults)
        for (Object ui_property : defaults.keySet())
            if (ui_property.toString().endsWith(".font"))
                UIManager.put(ui_property, f);
源代码2 项目: stendhal   文件:
 * Set the default font size used in components.
 * @param size new font size
public void setDefaultFontSize(final int size) {
	UIDefaults defaults = getDefaults();

	for (Object key : defaults.keySet()) {
		if ((key instanceof String) && (((String) key).endsWith(".font"))) {
			FontUIResource font = (FontUIResource) defaults.get(key);
			// For some reason changing it in defaults does not work
			// reliably. Going through UIManager fixes it.
			UIManager.put(key, new FontUIResource(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), size));
源代码3 项目: FlatLaf   文件:
private void initFonts( UIDefaults defaults ) {
	FontUIResource uiFont = null;

	if( SystemInfo.IS_WINDOWS ) {
		Font winFont = (Font) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getDesktopProperty( "win.messagebox.font" );
		if( winFont != null )
			uiFont = createCompositeFont( winFont.getFamily(), winFont.getStyle(), winFont.getSize() );

	} else if( SystemInfo.IS_MAC ) {
		String fontName;
		if( SystemInfo.IS_MAC_OS_10_15_CATALINA_OR_LATER ) {
			// use Helvetica Neue font
			fontName = "Helvetica Neue";
		} else if( SystemInfo.IS_MAC_OS_10_11_EL_CAPITAN_OR_LATER ) {
			// use San Francisco Text font
			fontName = ".SF NS Text";
		} else {
			// default font on older systems (see
			fontName = "Lucida Grande";

		uiFont = createCompositeFont( fontName, Font.PLAIN, 13 );

	} else if( SystemInfo.IS_LINUX ) {
		Font font = LinuxFontPolicy.getFont();
		uiFont = (font instanceof FontUIResource) ? (FontUIResource) font : new FontUIResource( font );

	if( uiFont == null )
		uiFont = createCompositeFont( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 12 );

	uiFont = UIScale.applyCustomScaleFactor( uiFont );

	// use active value for all fonts to allow changing fonts in all components
	// (similar as in Nimbus L&F) with:
	//     UIManager.put( "defaultFont", myFont );
	Object activeFont =  new ActiveFont( 1 );

	// override fonts
	for( Object key : defaults.keySet() ) {
		if( key instanceof String && (((String)key).endsWith( ".font" ) || ((String)key).endsWith( "Font" )) )
			defaults.put( key, activeFont );

	// use smaller font for progress bar
	defaults.put( "ProgressBar.font", new ActiveFont( 0.85f ) );

	// set default font
	defaults.put( "defaultFont", uiFont );