android.util.SparseArray#clone ( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了android.util.SparseArray#clone ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件:
 * Sets the device/profile owner information.
public synchronized void setDeviceAndProfileOwnerPackages(
        int deviceOwnerUserId, String deviceOwnerPackage,
        SparseArray<String> profileOwnerPackages) {
    mDeviceOwnerUserId = deviceOwnerUserId;
    mDeviceOwnerPackage =
            (deviceOwnerUserId == UserHandle.USER_NULL) ? null : deviceOwnerPackage;
    mProfileOwnerPackages = (profileOwnerPackages == null) ? null
            : profileOwnerPackages.clone();
源代码2 项目: BlueSTSDK_Android   文件:
 * register a new device id or add feature to an already defined device
 * <p>the change will affect only the node discover after this call</p>
 * @param deviceId device type that will use the feature, it can be a new device id
 * @param features array of feature that we will add, the index of the feature will be used
 *                 as feature mask. the feature mask must have only one bit to 1
 * @throws InvalidFeatureBitMaskException throw when a feature is a position that is not a
 * power of 2
public static void addFeatureToNode(byte deviceId,SparseArray<Class<? extends Feature>> features)
        throws InvalidFeatureBitMaskException {
    SparseArray<Class<? extends Feature>> updateMe;
        updateMe = BLENodeDefines.FeatureCharacteristics.DEFAULT_MASK_TO_FEATURE.clone();
        updateMe = sFeatureMapDecoder.get(deviceId);

    SparseArray<Class<? extends Feature>> addMe = features.clone();

    long mask=1;
    //we test all the 32bit of the feature mask
    for(int i=0; i<32; i++ ){
        Class<? extends Feature> featureClass = addMe.get((int)mask);
        if (featureClass != null) {
            updateMe.append((int) mask, featureClass);

        throw new InvalidFeatureBitMaskException("Not all elements have a single bit in " +
                "as key");
DrawableContainerState(DrawableContainerState orig, DrawableContainerCompat owner,
        Resources res) {
    mOwner = owner;
    mSourceRes = res != null ? res : (orig != null ? orig.mSourceRes : null);
    mDensity = resolveDensity(res, orig != null ? orig.mDensity : 0);
    if (orig != null) {
        mChangingConfigurations = orig.mChangingConfigurations;
        mChildrenChangingConfigurations = orig.mChildrenChangingConfigurations;
        mCheckedConstantState = true;
        mCanConstantState = true;
        mVariablePadding = orig.mVariablePadding;
        mConstantSize = orig.mConstantSize;
        mDither = orig.mDither;
        mMutated = orig.mMutated;
        mLayoutDirection = orig.mLayoutDirection;
        mEnterFadeDuration = orig.mEnterFadeDuration;
        mExitFadeDuration = orig.mExitFadeDuration;
        mAutoMirrored = orig.mAutoMirrored;
        mColorFilter = orig.mColorFilter;
        mHasColorFilter = orig.mHasColorFilter;
        mTintList = orig.mTintList;
        mTintMode = orig.mTintMode;
        mHasTintList = orig.mHasTintList;
        mHasTintMode = orig.mHasTintMode;
        if (orig.mDensity == mDensity) {
            if (orig.mCheckedPadding) {
                mConstantPadding = new Rect(orig.mConstantPadding);
                mCheckedPadding = true;
            if (orig.mCheckedConstantSize) {
                mConstantWidth = orig.mConstantWidth;
                mConstantHeight = orig.mConstantHeight;
                mConstantMinimumWidth = orig.mConstantMinimumWidth;
                mConstantMinimumHeight = orig.mConstantMinimumHeight;
                mCheckedConstantSize = true;
        if (orig.mCheckedOpacity) {
            mOpacity = orig.mOpacity;
            mCheckedOpacity = true;
        if (orig.mCheckedStateful) {
            mStateful = orig.mStateful;
            mCheckedStateful = true;
        // Postpone cloning children and futures until we're absolutely
        // sure that we're done computing values for the original state.
        final Drawable[] origDr = orig.mDrawables;
        mDrawables = new Drawable[origDr.length];
        mNumChildren = orig.mNumChildren;
        final SparseArray<ConstantState> origDf = orig.mDrawableFutures;
        if (origDf != null) {
            mDrawableFutures = origDf.clone();
        } else {
            mDrawableFutures = new SparseArray<>(mNumChildren);
        // Create futures for drawables with constant states. If a
        // drawable doesn't have a constant state, then we can't clone
        // it and we'll have to reference the original.
        final int count = mNumChildren;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            if (origDr[i] != null) {
                final ConstantState cs = origDr[i].getConstantState();
                if (cs != null) {
                    mDrawableFutures.put(i, cs);
                } else {
                    mDrawables[i] = origDr[i];
    } else {
        mDrawables = new Drawable[10];
        mNumChildren = 0;