( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: imhotep   文件:
public List<ShardIdWithVersion> getShardListWithVersion(final String dataset, final ShardFilter filterFunc) {
    final Map<Host, List<DatasetInfo>> shardListMap = getShardList();

    final Map<String,Long> latestVersionMap = new HashMap<String, Long>();
    for (final List<DatasetInfo> datasetList : shardListMap.values()) {
        for (final DatasetInfo datasetInfo : datasetList) {
            for (final ShardInfo shard : datasetInfo.getShardList()) {
                if (dataset.equals(shard.dataset) && filterFunc.accept(shard)) {
                    //is in time range, check version
                    if(!latestVersionMap.containsKey(shard.shardId) || latestVersionMap.get(shard.shardId) < shard.version) {
                        latestVersionMap.put(shard.shardId, shard.version);

    final List<ShardIdWithVersion> ret = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(latestVersionMap.size());
    for (final Map.Entry<String, Long> e : latestVersionMap.entrySet()) {
        ret.add(new ShardIdWithVersion(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
    return ret;
源代码2 项目: codebuff   文件:
ImmutableMap<Service, Long> startupTimes() {
  List<Entry<Service, Long>> loadTimes;
  try {
    loadTimes = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(startupTimers.size());
    // N.B. There will only be an entry in the map if the service has started
    for (Entry<Service, Stopwatch> entry : startupTimers.entrySet()) {
      Service service = entry.getKey();
      Stopwatch stopWatch = entry.getValue();
      if (!stopWatch.isRunning() && !(service instanceof NoOpService)) {
        loadTimes.add(Maps.immutableEntry(service, stopWatch.elapsed(MILLISECONDS)));
  } finally {
  Collections.sort(loadTimes, Ordering.natural().onResultOf(new Function<Entry<Service, Long>, Long>() {
                                                              public Long apply(Map.Entry<Service, Long> input) {
                                                                return input.getValue();
  return ImmutableMap.copyOf(loadTimes);
源代码3 项目: incubator-tez   文件:
protected void sendInputFailedToConsumers() {
  Vertex vertex = getVertex();
  Map<Vertex, Edge> edges = vertex.getOutputVertices();
  if (edges != null && !edges.isEmpty()) {
    List<TezEvent> tezIfEvents = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(edges.size());
    for (Vertex edgeVertex : edges.keySet()) {
      tezIfEvents.add(new TezEvent(new InputFailedEvent(), 
          new EventMetaData(EventProducerConsumerType.SYSTEM, 
    sendEvent(new VertexEventRouteEvent(vertex.getVertexId(), tezIfEvents));
源代码4 项目: myrrix-recommender   文件:
 * @param unnormalizedID ID value that determines partition
private Iterable<HostAndPort> choosePartitionAndReplicas(long unnormalizedID) {
  List<HostAndPort> replicas = partitions.get(LangUtils.mod(unnormalizedID, partitions.size()));
  int numReplicas = replicas.size();
  if (numReplicas <= 1) {
    return replicas;
  // Fix first replica; cycle through remainder in order since the remainder doesn't matter
  int currentReplica = LangUtils.mod(RandomUtils.md5HashToLong(unnormalizedID), numReplicas);
  Collection<HostAndPort> rotatedReplicas = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numReplicas);
  for (int i = 0; i < numReplicas; i++) {
    if (++currentReplica == numReplicas) {
      currentReplica = 0;
  return rotatedReplicas;
源代码5 项目: qmq   文件:
private void doPull(PullMessageFuture request) {
    List<Message> messages = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(request.getFetchSize());
    try {
        retryPullEntry.pull(request.getFetchSize(), request.getTimeout(), messages);
        if (messages.size() > 0 && request.isPullOnce()) return;

        if (request.isResetCreateTime()) {

        do {
            int fetchSize = request.getFetchSize() - messages.size();
            if (fetchSize <= 0) break;
            PlainPullEntry.PlainPullResult result = pullEntry.pull(fetchSize, request.getTimeout(), messages);
            if (result == PlainPullEntry.PlainPullResult.NO_BROKER) {
        } while (messages.size() < request.getFetchSize() && !request.isExpired());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("DefaultPullConsumer doPull exception. subject={}, group={}", subject(), group(), e);
        Metrics.counter("qmq_pull_defaultPull_doPull_fail", SUBJECT_GROUP_ARRAY, new String[]{subject(), group()}).inc();
    } finally {
        setResult(request, messages);
源代码6 项目: joyqueue   文件:
public List<BrokerMessageInfo> getPartitionMessage(String topic, String app, short partition, long index, int count) {
    try {
        List<BrokerMessage> brokerMessages = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(count);
        List<BrokerMessageInfo> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(count);
        byte[][] bytes = storeManagementService.readMessages(topic, partition, index, count);
        if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(bytes)) {
            for (byte[] message : bytes) {

        brokerMessages = messageConvertSupport.convert(brokerMessages, SourceType.INTERNAL.getValue());
        for (BrokerMessage brokerMessage : brokerMessages) {
            result.add(new BrokerMessageInfo(brokerMessage));
        return result;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ManageException(e);
源代码7 项目: arctic-sea   文件:
public List<WsaHeader> decode(List<SOAPHeaderElement> list) {
    List<WsaHeader> wsaHeaders = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(list.size());
    boolean to = false;
    boolean replyTo = false;
    boolean messageId = false;
    boolean action = false;
    for (SOAPHeaderElement soapHeaderElement : list) {
        if (soapHeaderElement.getLocalName().equals(WsaConstants.EN_TO)) {
            wsaHeaders.add(new WsaToHeader(soapHeaderElement.getValue()));
            to = true;
        } else if (soapHeaderElement.getLocalName().equals(WsaConstants.EN_ACTION)) {
            wsaHeaders.add(new WsaActionHeader(soapHeaderElement.getValue()));
            action = true;
        } else if (soapHeaderElement.getLocalName().equals(WsaConstants.EN_REPLY_TO)) {
            Iterator<?> iter = soapHeaderElement.getChildElements();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Node node = (Node);
                if (node.getLocalName() != null && node.getLocalName().equals(WsaConstants.EN_ADDRESS)) {
                    wsaHeaders.add(new WsaReplyToHeader(node.getValue()));
                    replyTo = true;
        } else if (soapHeaderElement.getLocalName().equals(WsaConstants.EN_MESSAGE_ID)) {
            wsaHeaders.add(new WsaMessageIDHeader(soapHeaderElement.getValue()));
            messageId = true;
    if ((to || replyTo || messageId) && !action) {
        wsaHeaders.add(new WsaActionHeader(WsaConstants.WSA_FAULT_ACTION));
    return wsaHeaders;
源代码8 项目: Kylin   文件:
public List<IRealization> getOnlineRealizationByFactTable(String project, String factTable) {
    Set<IRealization> realizations = getRealizationsByTable(project, factTable);
    List<IRealization> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(realizations.size());
    for (IRealization r : realizations) {
        if (r.getFactTable().equalsIgnoreCase(factTable) && r.isReady()) {
    return result;
public RunLengthCompressedColumnWriter(int valLen, int rowCnt, int compressBlockSize, OutputStream output) {
    this.valLen = valLen;
    this.numValInBlock = compressBlockSize / valLen;
    this.blockCnt = rowCnt / numValInBlock;
    if (rowCnt % numValInBlock != 0) {
    this.writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(numValInBlock * (valLen + 8) + 4);
    this.dataOutput = new DataOutputStream(output);
    this.blockDataWriter = new GeneralColumnDataWriter(blockCnt, dataOutput);
    this.entryIndex = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(512);
 * This is a helper method which converts the given {@link JSONArray} to a {@link List} of Strings.
 * @param jsonStringArray The {@link JSONArray} to convert.
 * @return The converted {@link List} of Strings.
//TODO To be removed when Malhar Library 3.3 becomes a dependency.
private List<String> getStringsFromJSONArray(JSONArray jsonStringArray) throws JSONException
  List<String> stringArray = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(jsonStringArray.length());

  for (int stringIndex = 0; stringIndex < jsonStringArray.length(); stringIndex++) {

  return stringArray;
源代码11 项目: OpenModsLib   文件:
public void renderOverlay(int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY) {
	if (fluidStack != null && isMouseOver(mouseX, mouseY)) {
		final List<String> lines = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(2);
		if (displayFluidName) {
			final String translatedFluidName = MiscUtils.getTranslatedFluidName(fluidStack);
			if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(translatedFluidName))

		lines.add(String.format("%d/%d", fluidStack.amount, capacity));
		parent.drawHoveringText(lines, offsetX + mouseX, offsetY + mouseY);
源代码12 项目: joyqueue   文件:
public List<PartitionMetadata> getBrokerPartitions(TopicMetadata topicMetadata, List<BrokerNode> brokerNodes) {
    if (topicMetadata.getBrokers().equals(brokerNodes)) {
        return topicMetadata.getPartitions();
    List<PartitionMetadata> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(topicMetadata.getPartitions().size());
    for (BrokerNode brokerNode : brokerNodes) {
        List<PartitionMetadata> brokerPartitions = topicMetadata.getBrokerPartitions(brokerNode.getId());
        if (brokerPartitions != null) {
    return result;
源代码13 项目: Singularity   文件:
private List<SingularityTask> getTasks(
  Collection<SingularityTaskId> taskIds,
  Map<SingularityTaskId, SingularityTask> taskIdToTask
) {
  final List<SingularityTask> tasks = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(taskIds.size());

  for (SingularityTaskId taskId : taskIds) {
    // TODO what if one is missing?

  return tasks;
public void fromProto(VertexDataMovementEventsGeneratedProto proto) {
  this.vertexID = TezVertexID.fromString(proto.getVertexId());
  int eventCount = proto.getTezDataMovementEventCount();
  if (eventCount > 0) { = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(eventCount);
  for (TezDataMovementEventProto eventProto :
      proto.getTezDataMovementEventList()) {
    Event evt = null;
    if (eventProto.hasCompositeDataMovementEvent()) {
      evt = ProtoConverters.convertCompositeDataMovementEventFromProto(
    } else if (eventProto.hasDataMovementEvent()) {
      evt = ProtoConverters.convertDataMovementEventFromProto(
    } else if (eventProto.hasRootInputDataInformationEvent()) {
      evt = ProtoConverters.convertRootInputDataInformationEventFromProto(
    EventMetaData sourceInfo = null;
    EventMetaData destinationInfo = null;
    if (eventProto.hasSourceInfo()) {
      sourceInfo = convertEventMetaDataFromProto(eventProto.getSourceInfo());
    if (eventProto.hasDestinationInfo()) {
      destinationInfo = convertEventMetaDataFromProto(eventProto.getDestinationInfo());
    TezEvent tezEvent = new TezEvent(evt, sourceInfo);
源代码15 项目: tez   文件:
AsyncDispatcherConcurrent(String name, int numThreads) {
  Preconditions.checkArgument(numThreads > 0); = name;
  this.eventQueues = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(numThreads);
  this.numThreads = numThreads;
源代码16 项目: UHC   文件:
public void initialize() throws InvalidConfigurationException {
    if (!config.contains(REMOVED_COMBOS_KEY)) {
        config.set(REMOVED_COMBOS_KEY, Lists.newArrayList(
                "=GRAY+ITALIC" // spectator styling in tab

    Predicate<Prefix> isFiltered;
    try {
        final List<String> removedCombos = config.getStringList(REMOVED_COMBOS_KEY);
        final List<Predicate<Prefix>> temp = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(removedCombos.size());

        final PrefixColourPredicateConverter converter = new PrefixColourPredicateConverter();
        for (final String combo : removedCombos) {

        isFiltered = Predicates.or(temp);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        plugin.getLogger().severe("Failed to parse filtered team combos, allowing all combos to be used instead");
        isFiltered = Predicates.alwaysFalse();

    this.icon.setLore(messages.evalTemplates("lore", ImmutableMap.of("count", teams.size())));
源代码17 项目: OpenModsLib   文件:
public Stack(int initialCapacity) { = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(initialCapacity);
	this.bottomElement = 0;
源代码18 项目: hadoop   文件:
 * Reads the existing ACL of an inode.  This method always returns the full
 * logical ACL of the inode after reading relevant data from the inode's
 * {@link FsPermission} and {@link AclFeature}.  Note that every inode
 * logically has an ACL, even if no ACL has been set explicitly.  If the inode
 * does not have an extended ACL, then the result is a minimal ACL consising of
 * exactly 3 entries that correspond to the owner, group and other permissions.
 * This method always reads the inode's current state and does not support
 * querying by snapshot ID.  This is because the method is intended to support
 * ACL modification APIs, which always apply a delta on top of current state.
 * @param inode INode to read
 * @return List<AclEntry> containing all logical inode ACL entries
public static List<AclEntry> readINodeLogicalAcl(INode inode) {
  FsPermission perm = inode.getFsPermission();
  AclFeature f = inode.getAclFeature();
  if (f == null) {
    return AclUtil.getMinimalAcl(perm);

  final List<AclEntry> existingAcl;
  // Split ACL entries stored in the feature into access vs. default.
  List<AclEntry> featureEntries = getEntriesFromAclFeature(f);
  ScopedAclEntries scoped = new ScopedAclEntries(featureEntries);
  List<AclEntry> accessEntries = scoped.getAccessEntries();
  List<AclEntry> defaultEntries = scoped.getDefaultEntries();

  // Pre-allocate list size for the explicit entries stored in the feature
  // plus the 3 implicit entries (owner, group and other) from the permission
  // bits.
  existingAcl = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(featureEntries.size() + 3);

  if (!accessEntries.isEmpty()) {
    // Add owner entry implied from user permission bits.
    existingAcl.add(new AclEntry.Builder().setScope(AclEntryScope.ACCESS)

    // Next add all named user and group entries taken from the feature.

    // Add mask entry implied from group permission bits.
    existingAcl.add(new AclEntry.Builder().setScope(AclEntryScope.ACCESS)

    // Add other entry implied from other permission bits.
    existingAcl.add(new AclEntry.Builder().setScope(AclEntryScope.ACCESS)
  } else {
    // It's possible that there is a default ACL but no access ACL. In this
    // case, add the minimal access ACL implied by the permission bits.

  // Add all default entries after the access entries.

  // The above adds entries in the correct order, so no need to sort here.
  return existingAcl;
源代码19 项目: hadoop   文件:
static List<XAttr> getXAttrs(FSDirectory fsd, final String srcArg,
                             List<XAttr> xAttrs)
    throws IOException {
  String src = srcArg;
  FSPermissionChecker pc = fsd.getPermissionChecker();
  final boolean isRawPath = FSDirectory.isReservedRawName(src);
  boolean getAll = xAttrs == null || xAttrs.isEmpty();
  if (!getAll) {
    XAttrPermissionFilter.checkPermissionForApi(pc, xAttrs, isRawPath);
  byte[][] pathComponents = FSDirectory.getPathComponentsForReservedPath(src);
  src = fsd.resolvePath(pc, src, pathComponents);
  final INodesInPath iip = fsd.getINodesInPath(src, true);
  if (fsd.isPermissionEnabled()) {
    fsd.checkPathAccess(pc, iip, FsAction.READ);
  List<XAttr> all = FSDirXAttrOp.getXAttrs(fsd, src);
  List<XAttr> filteredAll = XAttrPermissionFilter.
      filterXAttrsForApi(pc, all, isRawPath);

  if (getAll) {
    return filteredAll;
  if (filteredAll == null || filteredAll.isEmpty()) {
    return null;
  List<XAttr> toGet = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(xAttrs.size());
  for (XAttr xAttr : xAttrs) {
    boolean foundIt = false;
    for (XAttr a : filteredAll) {
      if (xAttr.getNameSpace() == a.getNameSpace() && xAttr.getName().equals(
          a.getName())) {
        foundIt = true;
    if (!foundIt) {
      throw new IOException(
          "At least one of the attributes provided was not found.");
  return toGet;
源代码20 项目: coming   文件:
 * Users may specify JS inputs via the legacy {@code --js} option, as well
 * as via additional arguments to the Closure Compiler. For example, it is
 * convenient to leverage the additional arguments feature when using the
 * Closure Compiler in combination with {@code find} and {@code xargs}:
 * <pre>
 * find MY_JS_SRC_DIR -name '*.js' \
 *     | xargs java -jar compiler.jar --manage_closure_dependencies
 * </pre>
 * The {@code find} command will produce a list of '*.js' source files in
 * the {@code MY_JS_SRC_DIR} directory while {@code xargs} will convert them
 * to a single, space-delimited set of arguments that are appended to the
 * {@code java} command to run the Compiler.
 * <p>
 * Note that it is important to use the
 * {@code --manage_closure_dependencies} option in this case because the
 * order produced by {@code find} is unlikely to be sorted correctly with
 * respect to {@code goog.provide()} and {@code goog.requires()}.
List<String> getJsFiles() {
  List<String> allJsInputs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(
      js.size() + arguments.size());
  return allJsInputs;