( )源码实例Demo

下面列出了 ( ) 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: octo-rpc   文件:
 * 服务方法信息
 * 角色: 服务端
 * @param httpSender
private void getServiceMethodInfo(HttpSender httpSender) {
    ProviderInfo info = new ProviderInfo();

    List<ServiceMethodInfo> serviceMethods = new ArrayList<ServiceMethodInfo>();
    ConcurrentMap<String, ImmutableMap<String, Method>> serviceMethodsMap = ProviderInfoRepository.getAllMethods();
    for (Map.Entry<String, ImmutableMap<String, Method>> entry : serviceMethodsMap.entrySet()) {
        String serviceName = entry.getKey();
        ImmutableMap<String, Method> methods = entry.getValue();
        Set<String> methodNames = new HashSet<String>();
        for (String methodName : methods.keySet()) {
            String returnType = methods.get(methodName).getReturnType().getSimpleName();
            methodNames.add(methodName + ":" + returnType);
        ServiceMethodInfo methodsInfo = new ServiceMethodInfo(serviceName, methodNames);

源代码2 项目: bundletool   文件:
 * Same as {@link #mapByName(Class, Class)} but allows to ignore some values from {@code
 * enum1Type}.
public static <E1 extends Enum<E1>, E2 extends Enum<E2>> ImmutableBiMap<E1, E2> mapByName(
    Class<E1> enum1Type, Class<E2> enum2Type, ImmutableSet<E1> ignoreValues) {
  ImmutableBiMap.Builder<E1, E2> map = ImmutableBiMap.builder();

  ImmutableMap<String, E1> enum1ValuesByName = enumValuesByName(enum1Type, ignoreValues);
  ImmutableMap<String, E2> enum2ValuesByName = enumValuesByName(enum2Type, ImmutableSet.of());

  if (!enum1ValuesByName.keySet().equals(enum2ValuesByName.keySet())) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Enum %s does not have the same values as enum %s: %s vs %s",

  for (String enumName : enum1ValuesByName.keySet()) {
    map.put(enum1ValuesByName.get(enumName), enum2ValuesByName.get(enumName));
源代码3 项目: tac-kbp-eal   文件:
public void finish() throws IOException {
  final ImmutableMap<Symbol, Double> scores =;
  final ImmutableMap<Symbol, Integer> falsePositives =;
  final ImmutableMap<Symbol, Integer> truePositives =;
  final ImmutableMap<Symbol, Integer> falseNegatives =;

  // see guidelines section for aggregating rules:
  final double meanScore = scores.isEmpty()?Double.NaN:DoubleMath.mean(scores.values());
  Files.asCharSink(new File(outputDir, "linearScore.txt"), Charsets.UTF_8)

  for (final Symbol queryId : scores.keySet()) {
    final File queryDir = new File(outputDir, queryId.asString());
    final File queryScoreFile = new File(queryDir, "score.txt");
    // avoid dividing by zero
    final double normalizer = Math.max(truePositives.get(queryId) + falseNegatives.get(queryId), 1);
    // see guidelines referenced above
    // pretends that the corpus is a single document
    Files.asCharSink(queryScoreFile, Charsets.UTF_8).write(String
        .format(SCORE_PATTERN, truePositives.get(queryId), falsePositives.get(queryId),
            falseNegatives.get(queryId), 100 * scores.get(queryId) / normalizer));
源代码4 项目: Elasticsearch   文件:
private Set<LinkedHashSet<ThreadInfo>> calculateCycleDeadlockChains(ImmutableMap<Long, ThreadInfo> threadInfoMap, Set<LinkedHashSet<ThreadInfo>> cycles) {
    ThreadInfo allThreads[] = threadBean.getThreadInfo(threadBean.getAllThreadIds());
    Set<LinkedHashSet<ThreadInfo>> deadlockChain = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Long> knownDeadlockedThreads = threadInfoMap.keySet();
    for (ThreadInfo threadInfo : allThreads) {
        Thread.State state = threadInfo.getThreadState();
        if (state == Thread.State.BLOCKED && !knownDeadlockedThreads.contains(threadInfo.getThreadId())) {
            for (LinkedHashSet cycle : cycles) {
                if (cycle.contains(threadInfoMap.get(Long.valueOf(threadInfo.getLockOwnerId())))) {
                    LinkedHashSet<ThreadInfo> chain = new LinkedHashSet<>();
                    for (ThreadInfo node = threadInfo; !chain.contains(node); node = threadInfoMap.get(Long.valueOf(node.getLockOwnerId())))



    return deadlockChain;
源代码5 项目: auto   文件:
 * Returns a map from the names of members with invariable hashCodes to the values of those
 * hashCodes.
private static ImmutableMap<String, Integer> invariableHashes(
    ImmutableMap<String, Member> members, ImmutableSet<String> parameters) {
  ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Integer> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
  for (String element : members.keySet()) {
    if (!parameters.contains(element)) {
      Member member = members.get(element);
      AnnotationValue annotationValue = member.method.getDefaultValue();
      Optional<Integer> invariableHash = invariableHash(annotationValue);
      if (invariableHash.isPresent()) {
        builder.put(element, (element.hashCode() * 127) ^ invariableHash.get());
源代码6 项目: buck   文件:
public static ImmutableMap<Path, SourcePath> addMissingInitModules(
    ImmutableMap<Path, SourcePath> modules, SourcePath emptyInit) {

  Map<Path, SourcePath> initModules = new LinkedHashMap<>();

  // Insert missing `` modules.
  Set<Path> packages = new HashSet<>();
  for (Path module : modules.keySet()) {
    Path pkg = module;
    while ((pkg = pkg.getParent()) != null && !packages.contains(pkg)) {
      Path init = pkg.resolve("");
      if (!modules.containsKey(init)) {
        initModules.put(init, emptyInit);

  return ImmutableMap.<Path, SourcePath>builder().putAll(modules).putAll(initModules).build();
源代码7 项目: turbine   文件:
/** Lowers all given classes to bytecode. */
public static Lowered lowerAll(
    ImmutableMap<ClassSymbol, SourceTypeBoundClass> units,
    ImmutableList<SourceModuleInfo> modules,
    Env<ClassSymbol, BytecodeBoundClass> classpath) {
  CompoundEnv<ClassSymbol, TypeBoundClass> env =
      CompoundEnv.<ClassSymbol, TypeBoundClass>of(classpath).append(new SimpleEnv<>(units));
  ImmutableMap.Builder<String, byte[]> result = ImmutableMap.builder();
  Set<ClassSymbol> symbols = new LinkedHashSet<>();
  for (ClassSymbol sym : units.keySet()) {
    result.put(sym.binaryName(), lower(units.get(sym), env, sym, symbols));
  if (modules.size() == 1) {
    // single module mode: the module-info.class file is at the root
    result.put("module-info", lower(getOnlyElement(modules), env, symbols));
  } else {
    // multi-module mode: the output module-info.class are in a directory corresponding to their
    // package
    for (SourceModuleInfo module : modules) {
      result.put('.', '/') + "/module-info", lower(module, env, symbols));
  return new Lowered(, ImmutableSet.copyOf(symbols));
private <T> CurrencyParameterSensitivities sensitivityDiscountCurve(
    ImmutableCreditRatesProvider provider,
    Function<ImmutableCreditRatesProvider, CurrencyAmount> valueFn,
    MetaProperty<ImmutableMap<T, CreditDiscountFactors>> metaProperty,
    CurrencyAmount valueInit) {

  ImmutableMap<T, CreditDiscountFactors> baseCurves = metaProperty.get(provider);
  CurrencyParameterSensitivities result = CurrencyParameterSensitivities.empty();
  for (T key : baseCurves.keySet()) {
    CreditDiscountFactors creditDiscountFactors = baseCurves.get(key);
    DiscountFactors discountFactors = creditDiscountFactors.toDiscountFactors();
    Curve curve = checkDiscountFactors(discountFactors);
    int paramCount = curve.getParameterCount();
    double[] sensitivity = new double[paramCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
      Curve dscBumped = curve.withParameter(i, curve.getParameter(i) + shift);
      Map<T, CreditDiscountFactors> mapBumped = new HashMap<>(baseCurves);
      mapBumped.put(key, createCreditDiscountFactors(creditDiscountFactors, dscBumped));
      ImmutableCreditRatesProvider providerDscBumped = provider.toBuilder().set(metaProperty, mapBumped).build();
      sensitivity[i] = (valueFn.apply(providerDscBumped).getAmount() - valueInit.getAmount()) / shift;
    result = result.combinedWith(
        curve.createParameterSensitivity(valueInit.getCurrency(), DoubleArray.copyOf(sensitivity)));
  return result;
源代码9 项目: buck   文件:
public void testPrimaryAndSecondary() throws IOException {
  int numberOfPrimaryDexes = 10;
  int numberOfSecondaryDexes = 10;
  int numberOfExtraDexes = 0;

  ImmutableMap<String, PreDexedFilesSorter.Result> sortResults =
          numberOfPrimaryDexes, numberOfSecondaryDexes, numberOfExtraDexes);
  PreDexedFilesSorter.Result rootResult = sortResults.get(APKModuleGraph.ROOT_APKMODULE_NAME);
  for (String store : sortResults.keySet()) {
    assertThat(store, is(moduleGraph.getRootAPKModule().getName()));
  assertThat(rootResult.primaryDexInputs.size(), is(numberOfPrimaryDexes));
  assertThat(rootResult.secondaryOutputToInputs.keySet().size(), is(1));
  assertThat(rootResult.secondaryOutputToInputs.size(), is(numberOfSecondaryDexes + 1));
public void test_getAll_immutable() {
    final ImmutableMap<String, ByteBuffer> values = ImmutableMap.of(
            "test.key1", ByteBuffer.wrap("test.value1".getBytes()),
            "test.key2", ByteBuffer.wrap("test.value2".getBytes()));

    for (final Map.Entry<String, ByteBuffer> value : values.entrySet()) {
        connectionAttributes.put(value.getKey(), value.getValue());

    final Optional<Map<String, ByteBuffer>> returnValues1 = connectionAttributes.getAll();

    assertAllEquals(values, returnValues1.get());

    final AtomicInteger exceptions = new AtomicInteger(0);

    for (final String key : values.keySet()) {
        try {
            returnValues1.get().get(key).put(0, (byte) 10);
        } catch (final ReadOnlyBufferException e) {

    final Optional<Map<String, ByteBuffer>> returnValues2 = connectionAttributes.getAll();

    assertAllEquals(values, returnValues2.get());
    assertEquals(values.size(), exceptions.get());
源代码11 项目: tac-kbp-eal   文件:
private static ImmutableMultimap<String, Response> systemOutputToResponses(
      final Symbol docID, final ImmutableMap<String, SystemOutputStore> systemOutputStores,
      final ImmutableCollection<AssessedResponse> assessedResponses,
      final CorefAnnotation corefAnnotation) throws IOException {
    final ImmutableMultimap.Builder<String, Response> ret = ImmutableMultimap.builder();

    final ImmutableMultimap<TRC, Response> typeRoleCASAssessed = Multimaps
        .index(Iterables.transform(assessedResponses, AssessedResponseFunctions.response()),

    for (final String systemName : systemOutputStores.keySet()) {

      final ImmutableMultimap<TRC, Response> systemTRCs = Multimaps
      for (final TRC overlap : Sets
          .intersection(typeRoleCASAssessed.keySet(), systemTRCs.keySet())) {
        ret.putAll(systemName, systemTRCs.get(overlap));
//    final ImmutableSet<String> assessedResponsesIDs =
//        FluentIterable.from(assessedResponses).transform(
//            AssessedResponse.Response).transform(
//            Response.uniqueIdFunction()).toSet();
//    for (final String systemOutputStoreName : systemOutputStores.keySet()) {
//      final ImmutableSet<Response> responses = ImmutableSet.copyOf(
//          systemOutputStores.get(systemOutputStoreName).read(docID).arguments().responses());
//      final Set<String> overlapsWithAnnotated =
//          Sets.intersection(FluentIterable.from(responses).transform(
//              Response.uniqueIdFunction()).toSet(), assessedResponsesIDs);
//      for (final Response r : responses) {
//        if (overlapsWithAnnotated.contains(r.uniqueIdentifier())) {
//          ret.put(systemOutputStoreName, r);
//        }
//      }
//    }
private static Iterable<TargetCpuType> getFilteredPlatforms(
    ImmutableMap<TargetCpuType, ?> nativePlatforms, ImmutableSet<TargetCpuType> cpuFilters) {
  // TODO(agallagher): We currently treat an empty set of filters to mean to allow everything.
  // We should fix this by assigning a default list of CPU filters in the descriptions, but
  // until we do, if the set of filters is empty, just build for all available platforms.
  if (cpuFilters.isEmpty()) {
    return nativePlatforms.keySet();
  Set<TargetCpuType> missing = Sets.difference(cpuFilters, nativePlatforms.keySet());
      missing.isEmpty(), "Unknown platform types <" + Joiner.on(",").join(missing) + ">");
  return cpuFilters;
源代码13 项目: hadoop   文件:
public static void assertMapContains(Map<NodeId, Set<String>> m1,
    ImmutableMap<NodeId, Set<String>> m2) {
  for (NodeId k : m2.keySet()) {
    assertCollectionEquals(m1.get(k), m2.get(k));
源代码14 项目: buck   文件:
public void testPrimaryOnly() throws IOException {
  int numberOfPrimaryDexes = 10;
  int numberOfSecondaryDexes = 0;
  int numberOfExtraDexes = 0;

  ImmutableMap<String, PreDexedFilesSorter.Result> sortResults =
          numberOfPrimaryDexes, numberOfSecondaryDexes, numberOfExtraDexes);
  for (String store : sortResults.keySet()) {
    assertThat(store, is(moduleGraph.getRootAPKModule().getName()));
  assertThat(sortResults.size(), is(1));
源代码15 项目: tac-kbp-eal   文件:
public void finish() throws IOException {
  final String scorePattern = "TP: %d, FP: %d, FN: %d, Score: %f\n";
  // see guidelines section for aggregating rules:
  // sum over per document contributions, divide by total number of TRFRs in the answer key
  // Math.max is to skip division by zero errors.
  final double overAllArgScore =
      100 * scoreAggregator / Math.max(0.0 + aggregateFNs + aggregateTPs, 1.0);
  final String scoreString =
      String.format(scorePattern, aggregateTPs, aggregateFPs, aggregateFNs, overAllArgScore);
  Files.asCharSink(new File(outputDir, "argScores.txt"), Charsets.UTF_8).write(scoreString);
  final File jsonArgScores = new File(outputDir, "argScore.json");
      FMeasureCounts.fromTPFPFN(aggregateTPs, aggregateFPs, aggregateFNs)),

  final ImmutableMap<Symbol, Double> scores =;
  final ImmutableMap<Symbol, Integer> falsePositives =;
  final ImmutableMap<Symbol, Integer> truePositives =;
  final ImmutableMap<Symbol, Integer> falseNegatives =;
  for (final Symbol docid : scores.keySet()) {
    final File docDir = new File(outputDir, docid.asString());
    final File docScore = new File(docDir, "argScores.txt");
    // avoid dividing by zero
    final double normalizer = Math.max(truePositives.get(docid) + falseNegatives.get(docid), 1);
    // see guidelines referenced above
    // pretends that the corpus is a single document
    final double normalizedAndScaledArgScore = 100 * scores.get(docid) / normalizer;
    Files.asCharSink(docScore, Charsets.UTF_8).write(String
        .format(scorePattern, truePositives.get(docid), falsePositives.get(docid),
            falseNegatives.get(docid), normalizedAndScaledArgScore));

    final File docJsonArgScores = new File(docDir, "argScores.json");
    serializer.serializeTo(normalizedAndScaledArgScore, Files.asByteSink(docJsonArgScores));
源代码16 项目: intellij   文件:
 * Returns information about which plugins will be deployed, and asynchronously copies the
 * corresponding files to the sandbox.
DeployedPluginInfo deployNonBlocking() throws ExecutionException {
  if (deployInfoFiles.isEmpty()) {
    throw new ExecutionException("No plugin files found. Did the build fail?");
  List<IntellijPluginDeployInfo> deployInfoList = Lists.newArrayList();
  for (File deployInfoFile : deployInfoFiles) {
  ImmutableMap<File, File> filesToDeploy = getFilesToDeploy(executionRoot, deployInfoList);
  ImmutableSet<File> javaAgentJars =
      deployJavaAgents.getValue() ? listJavaAgentFiles(deployInfoList) : ImmutableSet.of();

  for (File file : filesToDeploy.keySet()) {
    if (!file.exists()) {
      throw new ExecutionException(
          String.format("Plugin file '%s' not found. Did the build fail?", file.getName()));
  // kick off file copying task asynchronously, so it doesn't block the EDT.
  fileCopyingTask =
              () -> {
                for (Map.Entry<File, File> entry : filesToDeploy.entrySet()) {
                  copyFileToSandbox(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                return null;

  return new DeployedPluginInfo(readPluginIds(filesToDeploy.keySet()), javaAgentJars);
源代码17 项目: bazel   文件:
public void testOverrideDefaultSdkVersions() throws Exception {
      "    name = 'foo',",
      "    default = ':version512',",
      "    versions = [':version512', ':version64'],",
      "    name = 'version512',",
      "    version = '5.1.2',",
      "    aliases = ['5', '5.1'],",
      "    default_ios_sdk_version = '7.1'",
      "    name = 'version64',",
      "    version = '6.4',",
      "    aliases = ['6.0', 'foo', '6'],",
      "    default_ios_sdk_version = '101',",
      "    default_watchos_sdk_version = '102',",
      "    default_tvos_sdk_version = '103',",
      "    default_macos_sdk_version = '104',",
  useConfiguration("--xcode_version=6", "--xcode_version_config=//xcode:foo",
      "--ios_sdk_version=15.3", "--watchos_sdk_version=15.4",
      "--tvos_sdk_version=15.5", "--macos_sdk_version=15.6");

  ImmutableMap<ApplePlatform, String> platformToVersion =
      ImmutableMap.<ApplePlatform, String>builder()
          .put(ApplePlatform.IOS_SIMULATOR, "15.3")
          .put(ApplePlatform.WATCHOS_SIMULATOR, "15.4")
          .put(ApplePlatform.TVOS_SIMULATOR, "15.5")
          .put(ApplePlatform.MACOS, "15.6")
  for (ApplePlatform platform : platformToVersion.keySet()) {
    DottedVersion version = DottedVersion.fromString(platformToVersion.get(platform));
源代码18 项目: Elasticsearch   文件:
private void refreshHostIpWhiteList() {
    if (clusterService.localNode().isMasterNode()) {
        MetaData metaData = clusterService.state().getMetaData();
        UserMetadata userMetadata = metaData.getUserMetadata();
        final UserMetadata.Builder userMetadataBuilder = new UserMetadata.Builder(userMetadata);
        ImmutableMap<String, UserProperty> userPropertyMap = userMetadata.getUserProperties();
        boolean changed = false;
        for (String user : userPropertyMap.keySet()) {
            UserProperty userProperty = userPropertyMap.get(user);
            Set<String> hostIpWhiteList = userProperty.getHostIpWhiteList();
            Set<String> hostnameWhiteList = userProperty.getHostnameWhiteList();
            Set<String> newHostIpWhiteList = new HashSet<>();
            boolean errorFlag = false;
            for (String hostname : hostnameWhiteList) {
                try {
                    InetAddress[] address = InetAddress.getAllByName(hostname);
                    for (InetAddress addr : address) {
                } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                    logger.error("Unknown host or BNS name: " + hostname);
                    errorFlag = true;
            if (!errorFlag && !hostIpWhiteList.equals(newHostIpWhiteList)) {
                UserProperty.Builder userPropertyBuilder = new UserProperty.Builder(userProperty);
                UserProperty newUserProperty =;
                userMetadataBuilder.addOrChangeUserProperty(user, newUserProperty);
                changed = true;

        if (changed) {
            clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("[refresh user hostIpWhiteList]", new ClusterStateUpdateTask() {

                public boolean runOnlyOnMaster() {
                    return true;

                public ClusterState execute(ClusterState currentState) throws Exception {
                    MetaData.Builder metaDataBuilder = MetaData.builder(currentState.metaData());
                    return ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(metaDataBuilder).build();

                public void onFailure(String source, Throwable t) {
                    logger.error("unexpected failure during [{}]", t, source);
源代码19 项目: SimpleWeibo   文件:
private void doTestTypeSimplifier(
    AbstractTestProcessor testProcessor, File tmpDir, ImmutableMap<String, String> classToSource)
    throws IOException {
  JavaCompiler javac = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
  DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnosticCollector =
      new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();
  StandardJavaFileManager fileManager =
      javac.getStandardFileManager(diagnosticCollector, null, null);

  StringWriter compilerOut = new StringWriter();

  List<String> options = ImmutableList.of(
      "-sourcepath", tmpDir.getPath(),
      "-d", tmpDir.getPath(),
  javac.getTask(compilerOut, fileManager, diagnosticCollector, options, null, null);
  // This doesn't compile anything but communicates the paths to the JavaFileManager.

  ImmutableList.Builder<JavaFileObject> javaFilesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
  for (String className : classToSource.keySet()) {
    JavaFileObject sourceFile = fileManager.getJavaFileForInput(
        StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, className, Kind.SOURCE);

  // Compile the empty source file to trigger the annotation processor.
  // (Annotation processors are somewhat misnamed because they run even on classes with no
  // annotations.)
  JavaCompiler.CompilationTask javacTask = javac.getTask(
      compilerOut, fileManager, diagnosticCollector, options,
  List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> diagnostics =
      new ArrayList<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>>(diagnosticCollector.getDiagnostics());

  // In the ErrorTestProcessor case, the code being compiled contains a deliberate reference to an
  // undefined type, so that we can capture an instance of ErrorType. (Synthesizing one ourselves
  // leads to ClassCastException inside javac.) So remove any errors for that from the output, and
  // only fail if there were other errors.
  for (Iterator<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> it = diagnostics.iterator();
       it.hasNext(); ) {
    Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> diagnostic =;
    if (diagnostic.getSource() != null
        && diagnostic.getSource().getName().contains("ExtendsUndefinedType")) {
  // In the ErrorTestProcessor case, compilerOut.toString() will include the error for
  // ExtendsUndefinedType, which can safely be ignored, as well as stack traces for any failing
  // assertion.
  assertEquals(compilerOut.toString() + diagnosticCollector.getDiagnostics(),
      ImmutableList.of(), diagnostics);
源代码20 项目: nomulus   文件:
 * Validates that non-zero fees are acked (i.e. they are specified and the amount matches).
 * <p>This is used directly by update operations, i.e. those that otherwise don't have implicit
 * costs, and is also used as a helper method to validate if fees are required for operations that
 * do have implicit costs, e.g. creates and renews.
public static void validateFeesAckedIfPresent(
    final Optional<? extends FeeTransformCommandExtension> feeCommand,
    FeesAndCredits feesAndCredits)
    throws EppException {
  // Check for the case where a fee command extension was required but not provided.
  // This only happens when the total fees are non-zero and include custom fees requiring the
  // extension.
  if (!feeCommand.isPresent()) {
    if (!feesAndCredits.getEapCost().isZero()) {
      throw new FeesRequiredDuringEarlyAccessProgramException(feesAndCredits.getEapCost());
    if (feesAndCredits.getTotalCost().isZero() || !feesAndCredits.isFeeExtensionRequired()) {
    throw new FeesRequiredForNonFreeOperationException(feesAndCredits.getTotalCost());

  List<Fee> fees = feeCommand.get().getFees();
  // The schema guarantees that at least one fee will be present.
  BigDecimal total = zeroInCurrency(feeCommand.get().getCurrency());
  for (Fee fee : fees) {
    if (!fee.hasDefaultAttributes()) {
      throw new UnsupportedFeeAttributeException();
    total = total.add(fee.getCost());
  for (Credit credit : feeCommand.get().getCredits()) {
    if (!credit.hasDefaultAttributes()) {
      throw new UnsupportedFeeAttributeException();
    total = total.add(credit.getCost());

  Money feeTotal;
  try {
    feeTotal = Money.of(feeCommand.get().getCurrency(), total);
  } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
    throw new CurrencyValueScaleException();

  if (!feeTotal.getCurrencyUnit().equals(feesAndCredits.getCurrency())) {
    throw new CurrencyUnitMismatchException();
  // If more than one fees are required, always validate individual fees.
  ImmutableMap<FeeType, Money> expectedFeeMap =
      buildFeeMap(feesAndCredits.getFees(), feesAndCredits.getCurrency());
  if (expectedFeeMap.size() > 1) {
    ImmutableMap<FeeType, Money> providedFeeMap =
        buildFeeMap(feeCommand.get().getFees(), feeCommand.get().getCurrency());
    for (FeeType type : expectedFeeMap.keySet()) {
      if (!providedFeeMap.containsKey(type)) {
        throw new FeesMismatchException(type);
      Money expectedCost = expectedFeeMap.get(type);
      if (!providedFeeMap.get(type).isEqual(expectedCost)) {
        throw new FeesMismatchException(type, expectedCost);
  // Checking if total amount is expected. Extra fees that we are not expecting may be passed in.
  // Or if there is only a single fee type expected.
  if (!feeTotal.equals(feesAndCredits.getTotalCost())) {
    throw new FeesMismatchException(feesAndCredits.getTotalCost());