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public Iterator<JobStatus> getJobStatusesForFlowExecution(String flowName, String flowGroup, long flowExecutionId,
    String jobName, String jobGroup) {
  Preconditions.checkArgument(flowName != null, "flowName cannot be null");
  Preconditions.checkArgument(flowGroup != null, "flowGroup cannot be null");
  Preconditions.checkArgument(jobName != null, "jobName cannot be null");
  Preconditions.checkArgument(jobGroup != null, "jobGroup cannot be null");
  List<JobStatus> jobStatuses = new ArrayList<>();
  JobStatus jobStatus;

  if (this.doesJobExist(flowName, flowGroup, flowExecutionId, JOB_DONE_SUFFIX)) {
    jobStatus = JobStatus.builder().flowName(flowName).flowGroup(flowGroup).flowExecutionId(flowExecutionId).
  } else if (this.doesJobExist(flowName, flowGroup, flowExecutionId, "")) {
    jobStatus = JobStatus.builder().flowName(flowName).flowGroup(flowGroup).flowExecutionId(flowExecutionId).
  } else {
    return Iterators.emptyIterator();

  return jobStatuses.iterator();
源代码2 项目: cumulusrdf   文件:
public Iterator<byte[][]> rangeDateTimeAsIDs(
		final Value[] query,
		final Literal lower,
		final boolean equalsLower,
		final Literal upper,
		final boolean equalsUpper,
		final boolean reverse,
		final int limit) throws DataAccessLayerException {

	if (query == null || query.length != 2 || isVariable(query[1])) {
		return Iterators.emptyIterator();

	final long lowerBound = lower == null ? Long.MIN_VALUE : Util.parseXMLSchemaDateTimeAsMSecs(lower), upperBound = upper == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE
			: Util.parseXMLSchemaDateTimeAsMSecs(upper);

	return _rdfIndexDAO.dateRangeQuery(query, lowerBound, equalsLower, upperBound, equalsUpper, reverse, limit);
源代码3 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件:
 * Finds all files read by the table and generates CopyableFiles.
 * For the specific semantics see {@link HiveCopyEntityHelper#getCopyEntities}.
public Iterator<FileSet<CopyEntity>> getFileSetIterator(FileSystem targetFs, CopyConfiguration configuration,
    Comparator<FileSet<CopyEntity>> prioritizer, PushDownRequestor<FileSet<CopyEntity>> requestor)
    throws IOException {
  if (!canCopyTable()) {
    return Iterators.emptyIterator();
  try {
    List<FileSet<CopyEntity>> fileSetList = Lists.newArrayList(new HiveCopyEntityHelper(this, configuration, targetFs)
        .getCopyEntities(configuration, prioritizer, requestor));
    Collections.sort(fileSetList, prioritizer);
    return fileSetList.iterator();
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    log.error("Failed to copy table " + this.table, ioe);
    return Iterators.emptyIterator();
源代码4 项目: PGM   文件:
public Iterator<? extends MapSource> loadNewSources() throws MapMissingException {
  try {
  } catch (GitAPIException e) {
    throw new MapMissingException(
        git.getRepository().getDirectory().getPath(), e.getMessage(), e.getCause());

  return Iterators.emptyIterator();
源代码5 项目: stratio-cassandra   文件:
public Iterator<RangeTombstone> iterator(Composite from, Composite till)
    int startIdx = from.isEmpty() ? 0 : searchInternal(from, 0);
    final int start = startIdx < 0 ? -startIdx-1 : startIdx;

    if (start >= size)
        return Iterators.<RangeTombstone>emptyIterator();

    int finishIdx = till.isEmpty() ? size : searchInternal(till, start);
    // if stopIdx is the first range after 'till' we care only until the previous range
    final int finish = finishIdx < 0 ? -finishIdx-2 : finishIdx;

    // Note: the following is true because we know 'from' is before 'till' in sorted order.
    if (start > finish)
        return Iterators.<RangeTombstone>emptyIterator();
    else if (start == finish)
        return Iterators.<RangeTombstone>singletonIterator(rangeTombstone(start));

    return new AbstractIterator<RangeTombstone>()
        private int idx = start;

        protected RangeTombstone computeNext()
            if (idx >= size || idx > finish)
                return endOfData();

            return rangeTombstone(idx++);
源代码6 项目: indexr   文件:
static RowTraversal empty() {
    return new RowTraversal() {
        public Stream<Row> stream() {
            return Stream.empty();

        public Iterator<Row> iterator() {
            return Iterators.emptyIterator();
源代码7 项目: emodb   文件:
public Iterator<Change> getDeltaHistories(String table, String rowId) {
    String key = getKey(table, rowId);
    if (!_historyStore.containsKey(key)) {
        return Iterators.emptyIterator();
    return Lists.transform(_historyStore.get(key), new Function<History, Change>() {
        public Change apply(History input) {
            return new ChangeBuilder(input.getChangeId())
源代码8 项目: indexr   文件:
protected Iterator<InternalRow> doExecute() {
    Iterator<InternalRow> chidlResIter = child.execute();

    //List<InternalRow> childResList = Helper.toList(chidlResIter);

    //Iterator<InternalRow> iter = childResList.iterator();
    boolean hasInput = chidlResIter.hasNext();
    if (!hasInput && !groupingExpressions.isEmpty()) {
        // This is a grouped aggregate and the input iterator is empty,
        // so return an empty iterator.
        return Iterators.emptyIterator();
    } else {
        TungstenAggregationIterator aggregationIterator =
                new TungstenAggregationIterator(
        if (!hasInput && groupingExpressions.isEmpty()) {
            UnsafeRow singleRowResult = aggregationIterator.outputForEmptyGroupingKeyWithoutInput();
            return Iterators.singletonIterator(singleRowResult);
        } else {

            List<InternalRow> aggResList = toList(aggregationIterator);

            return aggResList.iterator();
            //return, 0), false);
源代码9 项目: phoenix   文件:
private void appendScanRow(StringBuilder buf, Bound bound) {
    ScanRanges scanRanges = context.getScanRanges();
    // TODO: review this and potentially intersect the scan ranges
    // with the minMaxRange in ScanRanges to prevent having to do all this.
    KeyRange minMaxRange = scanRanges.getMinMaxRange();
    Iterator<byte[]> minMaxIterator = Iterators.emptyIterator();
    if (minMaxRange != KeyRange.EVERYTHING_RANGE) {
        RowKeySchema schema = tableRef.getTable().getRowKeySchema();
        if (!minMaxRange.isUnbound(bound)) {
            minMaxIterator = new RowKeyValueIterator(schema, minMaxRange.getRange(bound));
    int nRanges = scanRanges.getRanges().size();
    for (int i = 0, minPos = 0; minPos < nRanges || minMaxIterator.hasNext(); i++) {
        List<KeyRange> ranges = minPos >= nRanges ? EVERYTHING :  scanRanges.getRanges().get(minPos++);
        KeyRange range = bound == Bound.LOWER ? ranges.get(0) : ranges.get(ranges.size()-1);
        byte[] b = range.getRange(bound);
        Boolean isNull = KeyRange.IS_NULL_RANGE == range ? Boolean.TRUE : KeyRange.IS_NOT_NULL_RANGE == range ? Boolean.FALSE : null;
        if (minMaxIterator.hasNext()) {
            byte[] bMinMax =;
            int cmp = Bytes.compareTo(bMinMax, b) * (bound == Bound.LOWER ? 1 : -1);
            if (cmp > 0) {
                minPos = nRanges;
                b = bMinMax;
                isNull = null;
            } else if (cmp < 0) {
                minMaxIterator = Iterators.emptyIterator();
        appendPKColumnValue(buf, b, isNull, i);
源代码10 项目: stratio-cassandra   文件:
public Iterator<RangeTombstone> getRangeTombstoneIterator(final ColumnFamily source)
    final DeletionInfo delInfo = source.deletionInfo();
    if (!delInfo.hasRanges() || slices.length == 0)
        return Iterators.<RangeTombstone>emptyIterator();

    return new AbstractIterator<RangeTombstone>()
        private int sliceIdx = 0;
        private Iterator<RangeTombstone> sliceIter = currentRangeIter();

        protected RangeTombstone computeNext()
            while (true)
                if (sliceIter.hasNext())

                if (!nextSlice())
                    return endOfData();

                sliceIter = currentRangeIter();

        private Iterator<RangeTombstone> currentRangeIter()
            ColumnSlice slice = slices[reversed ? (slices.length - 1 - sliceIdx) : sliceIdx];
            return reversed ? delInfo.rangeIterator(slice.finish, slice.start)
                            : delInfo.rangeIterator(slice.start, slice.finish);

        private boolean nextSlice()
            return ++sliceIdx < slices.length;
源代码11 项目: emodb   文件:
 * Reads the ordered manifest for a channel.  The read can either be weak or strong.  A weak read will use CL1
 * and may use the cached oldest slab from a previous strong call to improve performance.  A strong read will use
 * CL local_quorum and will always read the entire manifest row.  This makes a weak read significantly faster than a
 * strong read but also means the call is not guaranteed to return the entire manifest.  Because of this at least
 * every 10 seconds a weak read for a channel is automatically promoted to a strong read.
 * The vast majority of calls to this method are performed during a "peek" or "poll" operation.  Since these are
 * typically called repeatedly a weak call provides improved performance while guaranteeing that at least every
 * 10 seconds the manifest is strongly read so no slabs are missed over time.  Calls which must guarantee
 * the full manifest should explicitly request strong consistency.
private Iterator<Column<ByteBuffer>> readManifestForChannel(final String channel, final boolean weak) {
    final ByteBuffer oldestSlab = weak ? _oldestSlab.getIfPresent(channel) : null;
    final ConsistencyLevel consistency;

    RangeBuilder range = new RangeBuilder().setLimit(50);
    if (oldestSlab != null) {
        consistency = ConsistencyLevel.CL_LOCAL_ONE;
    } else {
        consistency = ConsistencyLevel.CL_LOCAL_QUORUM;

    final Iterator<Column<ByteBuffer>> manifestColumns = executePaginated(
            _keyspace.prepareQuery(ColumnFamilies.MANIFEST, consistency)

    if (oldestSlab != null) {
        // Query was executed weakly using the cached oldest slab, so don't update the cache with an unreliable oldest value
        return manifestColumns;
    } else {
        PeekingIterator<Column<ByteBuffer>> peekingManifestColumns = Iterators.peekingIterator(manifestColumns);
        if (peekingManifestColumns.hasNext()) {
            // Cache the first slab returned from querying the full manifest column family since it is the oldest.
            cacheOldestSlabForChannel(channel, TimeUUIDSerializer.get().fromByteBuffer(peekingManifestColumns.peek().getName()));
            return peekingManifestColumns;
        } else {
            // Channel was completely empty.  Cache a TimeUUID for the current time.  This will cause future calls
            // to read at most 1 minute of tombstones until the cache expires 10 seconds later.
            cacheOldestSlabForChannel(channel, TimeUUIDs.newUUID());
            return Iterators.emptyIterator();
源代码12 项目: phoenix   文件:
public Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<Mutation>>> toMutations(final boolean includeMutableIndexes) {
    final Iterator<Map.Entry<TableRef, Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>>>> iterator = this.mutations.entrySet().iterator();
    if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
        return Iterators.emptyIterator();
    Long scn = connection.getSCN();
    final long timestamp = scn == null ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : scn;
    return new Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<Mutation>>>() {
        private Map.Entry<TableRef, Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>>> current =;
        private Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<Mutation>>> innerIterator = init();
        private Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<Mutation>>> init() {
            return addRowMutations(current.getKey(), current.getValue(), timestamp, includeMutableIndexes);
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return innerIterator.hasNext() || iterator.hasNext();

        public Pair<byte[], List<Mutation>> next() {
            if (!innerIterator.hasNext()) {
                current =;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
源代码13 项目: hadoop   文件:
DFSInotifyEventInputStream(Sampler traceSampler, ClientProtocol namenode,
      long lastReadTxid) throws IOException {
  this.traceSampler = traceSampler;
  this.namenode = namenode; = Iterators.emptyIterator();
  this.lastReadTxid = lastReadTxid;
源代码14 项目: big-c   文件:
DFSInotifyEventInputStream(Sampler traceSampler, ClientProtocol namenode,
      long lastReadTxid) throws IOException {
  this.traceSampler = traceSampler;
  this.namenode = namenode; = Iterators.emptyIterator();
  this.lastReadTxid = lastReadTxid;
public void close()  {
    resultIterator = Iterators.emptyIterator();
源代码16 项目: emodb   文件:
public Iterator<MultiTableScanResult> multiTableScan(MultiTableScanOptions query, TableSet tables, LimitCounter limit,
                                                     ReadConsistency consistency, @Nullable Instant cutoffTime) {
    // TODO:  Create a simulation for this method
    return Iterators.emptyIterator();
源代码17 项目: titan1withtp3.1   文件:
public <V> Iterator<VertexProperty<V>> properties(String... propertyKeys) {
    return Iterators.emptyIterator();
public Scan(ListIterator<ScriptEngineFactory> factories, RowType rowType) {
    this.factories = factories;
    this.names = Iterators.emptyIterator();
源代码19 项目: blueocean-plugin   文件:
 * Poorman's {@link Pageable} implementation that does
 * skipping by simply fast-forwarding {@link Iterator}
 * @param base base collection
 * @param start starting index requested from collection
 * @param limit max number of item requested in the page
 * @param <T> type of Pageable item
 * @return iterator with starting index==start and size &lt; limit
public static <T> Iterator<T> slice(Iterator<T> base, int start, int limit) {
    // fast-forward
    int skipped = skip(base,start);
    if (skipped < start){ //already at the end, nothing to return
    return Iterators.limit(base, limit);
源代码20 项目: ZjDroid   文件:
@Nonnull @Override public Iterator<DebugItem> iterator() { return Iterators.emptyIterator(); }