( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: fiat   文件:
public Map<String, UserPermission> getAllById() {
  Table<String, ResourceType, Response<Map<String, String>>> responseTable = getAllFromRedis();
  if (responseTable == null) {
    return new HashMap<>(0);

  Map<String, UserPermission> allById = new HashMap<>(responseTable.rowKeySet().size());

  RawUserPermission rawUnrestricted = new RawUserPermission(responseTable.row(UNRESTRICTED));
  UserPermission unrestrictedUser = getUserPermission(UNRESTRICTED, rawUnrestricted);
  Set<String> adminSet = getAllAdmins();

  for (String userId : responseTable.rowKeySet()) {
    RawUserPermission rawUser = new RawUserPermission(responseTable.row(userId));
    rawUser.isAdmin = adminSet.contains(userId);
    UserPermission permission = getUserPermission(userId, rawUser);
    allById.put(userId, permission.merge(unrestrictedUser));
  return allById;
源代码2 项目: cachecloud   文件:
private List<AppCommandStats> getCommandStatsList(long appId, long collectTime,
                                                  Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> table) {
    Map<String, Long> commandMap = table.row(RedisConstant.Commandstats);
    List<AppCommandStats> list = new ArrayList<AppCommandStats>();
    if (commandMap == null) {
        return list;
    for (String key : commandMap.keySet()) {
        String commandName = key.replace("cmdstat_", "");
        long callCount = MapUtils.getLong(commandMap, key, 0L);
        if (callCount == 0L) {
        AppCommandStats commandStats = new AppCommandStats();
        commandStats.setModifyTime(new Date());
    return list;
源代码3 项目: yangtools   文件:
 * Extract dependencies from modules to fill dependency graph.
private static void processModules(final Table<String, Optional<Revision>, ModuleNodeImpl> moduleGraph,
        final Iterable<? extends Module> modules) {

    // Process nodes
    for (final Module momb : modules) {

        final String name = momb.getName();
        final Optional<Revision> rev = momb.getRevision();
        final Map<Optional<Revision>, ModuleNodeImpl> revs = moduleGraph.row(name);
        if (revs.containsKey(rev)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Module:%s with revision:%s declared twice", name,

        revs.put(rev, new ModuleNodeImpl(name, rev.orElse(null), momb));
源代码4 项目: bazel   文件:
 * Finds the first platform from {@code availableExecutionPlatformKeys} that is present in {@code
 * resolvedToolchains} and has all required toolchain types.
private static Optional<ConfiguredTargetKey> findExecutionPlatformForToolchains(
    ImmutableSet<ToolchainTypeInfo> requiredToolchainTypes,
    ImmutableList<ConfiguredTargetKey> availableExecutionPlatformKeys,
    Table<ConfiguredTargetKey, ToolchainTypeInfo, Label> resolvedToolchains) {
  for (ConfiguredTargetKey executionPlatformKey : availableExecutionPlatformKeys) {
    if (!resolvedToolchains.containsRow(executionPlatformKey)) {

    Map<ToolchainTypeInfo, Label> toolchains = resolvedToolchains.row(executionPlatformKey);
    if (!toolchains.keySet().containsAll(requiredToolchainTypes)) {
      // Not all toolchains are present, ignore this execution platform.

    return Optional.of(executionPlatformKey);

  return Optional.empty();
源代码5 项目: blueflood   文件:
public void writeMetadata(Table<Locator, String, String> metaTable) throws ConnectionException {
    ColumnFamily cf = CassandraModel.CF_METRICS_METADATA;
    Timer.Context ctx = Instrumentation.getBatchWriteTimerContext(CassandraModel.CF_METRICS_METADATA_NAME);
    MutationBatch batch = keyspace.prepareMutationBatch();

    try {
        for (Locator locator : metaTable.rowKeySet()) {
            Map<String, String> metaRow = metaTable.row(locator);
            ColumnListMutation<String> mutation = batch.withRow(cf, locator);

            for (Map.Entry<String, String> meta : metaRow.entrySet()) {
                mutation.putColumn(meta.getKey(), meta.getValue(), StringMetadataSerializer.get(), null);
        try {
        } catch (ConnectionException e) {
            log.error("Connection exception persisting metadata", e);
            throw e;
    } finally {
源代码6 项目: qmq   文件:
public byte[] toBytes(final ActionCheckpoint state) {
    final StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();

    final Table<String, String, ConsumerGroupProgress> progresses = state.getProgresses();
    for (final String subject : progresses.rowKeySet()) {
        final Map<String, ConsumerGroupProgress> groups = progresses.row(subject);
        data.append(SLASH_JOINER.join(subject, groups.size())).append(NEWLINE);

        for (final String group : groups.keySet()) {
            final ConsumerGroupProgress progress = groups.get(group);
            final Map<String, ConsumerProgress> consumers = progress.getConsumers();
            final int consumerCount = consumers == null ? 0 : consumers.size();

            data.append(SLASH_JOINER.join(group, boolean2Short(progress.isBroadcast()), progress.getPull(), consumerCount)).append(NEWLINE);

            if (consumerCount <= 0) {

            consumers.values().forEach(consumer -> {
                data.append(SLASH_JOINER.join(consumer.getConsumerId(), consumer.getPull(), consumer.getAck())).append(NEWLINE);
    return data.toString().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
源代码7 项目: cachecloud   文件:
private void fillAccumulationMap(Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap,
                                 Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> table) {
    if (table == null || table.isEmpty()) {
    Map<String, Object> accMap = infoMap.get(RedisConstant.DIFF);
    if (accMap == null) {
        accMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
        infoMap.put(RedisConstant.DIFF, accMap);
    for (RedisConstant constant : table.rowKeySet()) {
        Map<String, Long> rowMap = table.row(constant);
源代码8 项目: yangtools   文件:
 * Get imported module by its name and revision from moduleGraph.
private static ModuleNodeImpl getModuleByNameAndRevision(
        final Table<String, Optional<Revision>, ModuleNodeImpl> moduleGraph, final String fromName,
        final Optional<Revision> fromRevision, final String toName, final Optional<Revision> toRevision) {

    final ModuleNodeImpl exact = moduleGraph.get(toName, toRevision);
    if (exact != null) {
        return exact;

    // If revision is not specified in import, but module exists with different revisions, take first one
    if (toRevision.isEmpty()) {
        final Map<Optional<Revision>, ModuleNodeImpl> modulerevs = moduleGraph.row(toName);

        if (!modulerevs.isEmpty()) {
            final ModuleNodeImpl first = modulerevs.values().iterator().next();
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("Import:{}:{} by module:{}:{} does not specify revision, using:{}:{}"
                        + " for module dependency sort", toName, formatRevDate(toRevision), fromName,
                        formatRevDate(fromRevision), first.getName(), formatRevDate(first.getRevision()));
            return first;

    LOG.warn("Not existing module imported:{}:{} by:{}:{}", toName, formatRevDate(toRevision), fromName,
    LOG.warn("Available models: {}", moduleGraph);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Not existing module imported:%s:%s by:%s:%s", toName,
        formatRevDate(toRevision), fromName, formatRevDate(fromRevision)));
源代码9 项目: tutorials   文件:
public void givenTable_whenRow_returnsSuccessfully() {
    final Table<String, String, Integer> universityCourseSeatTable = HashBasedTable.create();
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Mumbai", "Chemical", 120);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Mumbai", "IT", 60);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Harvard", "Electrical", 60);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Harvard", "IT", 120);

    final Map<String, Integer> courseSeatMap = universityCourseSeatTable.row("Mumbai");

源代码10 项目: blueflood   文件:
 * Converts a list of {@link com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSetFuture} for each
 * {@link com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.types.Locator} to
 * {@link com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.outputs.formats.MetricData} object.
 * @param resultSets
 * @param locatorIO
 * @param columnFamily
 * @return
protected Map<Locator, MetricData> resultSetsToMetricData(Map<Locator, List<ResultSetFuture>> resultSets,
                                                          Map<Locator, DAbstractMetricIO> locatorIO,
                                                          String columnFamily,
                                                          Range range) {

    MetadataCache metadataCache = MetadataCache.getInstance();

    // iterate through all ResultSetFuture
    Map<Locator, MetricData> locatorMetricDataMap = new HashMap<Locator, MetricData>();
    for (Map.Entry<Locator, List<ResultSetFuture>> entry : resultSets.entrySet() ) {
        Locator locator = entry.getKey();
        List<ResultSetFuture> futures = entry.getValue();

        DAbstractMetricIO io = locatorIO.get(locator);

        // get ResultSets to a Table of locator, timestamp, rollup
        Table<Locator, Long, Object> locatorTimestampRollup = io.toLocatorTimestampValue(futures, locator, columnFamily, range);

        Map<Long, Object> tsRollupMap = locatorTimestampRollup.row( locator );

        // convert to Points and MetricData
        Points points = convertToPoints( tsRollupMap );

        // create MetricData
        MetricData metricData = new MetricData( points, metadataCache.getUnitString( locator ) );
        locatorMetricDataMap.put( locator, metricData );
    return locatorMetricDataMap;
源代码11 项目: blueflood   文件:
public void testBatchedMetaWritesAndReads() throws Exception {
    final AMetadataIO metadataIO = new AMetadataIO();
    Table<Locator, String, String> metaTable = HashBasedTable.create();
    final Set<Locator> locators = new HashSet<Locator>();
    MetadataCache cache = MetadataCache.getInstance();

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        Locator loc = Locator.createLocatorFromDbKey(
                "12345.rackspace.monitoring.enities.enFoo.check_type.agent.cpu.check.chBar.metric.met" + i);
        metaTable.put(loc, "key", "value");

    metadataIO.putAll(metaTable); // Writes batch to disk

    Thread.sleep(2000); // wait 2s for batch timer to kick in.

    // Read it back.
    Table<Locator, String, String> metaRead = AstyanaxReader.getInstance().getMetadataValues(locators);

    // Assert that we wrote meta for 10 different locators.
    Assert.assertTrue(metaRead.size() == 10);

    for (Locator locator : metaRead.rowKeySet()) {
        Map<String, String> metaMapForLocator = metaRead.row(locator);

        Assert.assertTrue(metaMapForLocator.size() == 1);
源代码12 项目: blueflood   文件:
public void writeAllAstyanaxReadAllDatastax() throws IOException {

    Locator l0 = Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents( getRandomTenantId(), "" );
    Locator l1 = Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents( getRandomTenantId(), "" );

    Table<Locator, String, String> meta = HashBasedTable.create();
    meta.put( l0, CACHE_KEY, RollupType.GAUGE.toString() );
    meta.put( l1, CACHE_KEY, RollupType.SET.toString() );

    astyanaxMetadataIO.putAll( meta );

    Set<Locator> query = new HashSet<Locator>( Arrays.asList( l0, l1 ) );
    Table<Locator, String, String> result = dMetadataIO.getAllValues( query );

    assertEquals( 2, result.size() );

    Map<String, String> row = result.row( l0 );
    assertEquals( 1, row.size() );

    Map.Entry<String, String> entry = row.entrySet().iterator().next();
    assertEquals( CACHE_KEY, entry.getKey() );
    assertEquals( RollupType.GAUGE.toString(), entry.getValue() );

    Map<String, String> row2 = result.row( l1 );
    assertEquals( 1, row2.size() );

    Map.Entry<String, String> entry2 = row2.entrySet().iterator().next();
    assertEquals( CACHE_KEY, entry2.getKey() );
    assertEquals( RollupType.SET.toString(), entry2.getValue() );

源代码13 项目: blueflood   文件:
public void writeAllDatastaxReadAllAstyanax() throws IOException {

    Locator l0 = Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents( getRandomTenantId(), "" );
    Locator l1 = Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents( getRandomTenantId(), "" );

    Table<Locator, String, String> meta = HashBasedTable.create();
    meta.put( l0, CACHE_KEY, RollupType.GAUGE.toString() );
    meta.put( l1, CACHE_KEY, RollupType.SET.toString() );

    dMetadataIO.putAll( meta );

    Set<Locator> query = new HashSet<Locator>( Arrays.asList( l0, l1 ) );
    Table<Locator, String, String> result = astyanaxMetadataIO.getAllValues( query );

    assertEquals( 2, result.size() );

    Map<String, String> row = result.row( l0 );
    assertEquals( 1, row.size() );

    Map.Entry<String, String> entry = row.entrySet().iterator().next();
    assertEquals( CACHE_KEY, entry.getKey() );
    assertEquals( RollupType.GAUGE.toString(), entry.getValue() );

    Map<String, String> row2 = result.row( l1 );
    assertEquals( 1, row2.size() );

    Map.Entry<String, String> entry2 = row2.entrySet().iterator().next();
    assertEquals( CACHE_KEY, entry2.getKey() );
    assertEquals( RollupType.SET.toString(), entry2.getValue() );

源代码14 项目: chronus   文件:
private Table<String, Integer, TaskAssignResultEntity> convertToNewAssignResultTable(Table<String, Integer, TaskAssignResultEntity> hisAssignTable, Table<String, Integer, TaskAssignResultEntity> todoTaskAssignResultTable, Table<String, String, TaskAssignResultEntity> needStartTaskTable, Table<String, String, TaskAssignResultEntity> needStopTaskTable, List<Node> tmpExecutorList, int executorMaxTaskNum) {
    Table<String, Integer, TaskAssignResultEntity> assignResultTable = HashBasedTable.create();

    for (Node node : tmpExecutorList) {
        Map<Integer, TaskAssignResultEntity> hisRow = hisAssignTable.row(node.getAddress());
        if (hisRow == null || hisRow.isEmpty()) {
        int currentNodeTotalTask = 0;
        for (int i = 0, hisSize = hisRow.size(); i < hisSize; i++) {
            TaskAssignResultEntity hisAssign = hisRow.remove(i);
            if (hisAssign == null) {
            // 裁剪
            if (currentNodeTotalTask >= executorMaxTaskNum) {
                needStopTaskTable.put(node.getAddress(), getColumnKey(hisAssign), hisAssign);
            TaskAssignResultEntity todoAssignItem = todoTaskAssignResultTable.remove(hisAssign.getTaskName(), hisAssign.getSeqNo());
            if (todoAssignItem != null) {
                // 状态停止 需要移除
                if (hisAssign.getAssignNum() > todoAssignItem.getAssignNum()) {
                    needStopTaskTable.put(node.getAddress(), getColumnKey(hisAssign), hisAssign);
                } else if (hisAssign.getAssignNum() < todoAssignItem.getAssignNum()) {
                    // 状态启动 需要补充
                    needStartTaskTable.put(node.getAddress(), getColumnKey(todoAssignItem), todoAssignItem);
                } else if (!Objects.equals(hisAssign.getTaskItems(), todoAssignItem.getTaskItems())) {
                    // 任务项发生变更需要重新加载
                    needStopTaskTable.put(node.getAddress(), getColumnKey(hisAssign), hisAssign);
                    needStartTaskTable.put(node.getAddress(), getColumnKey(todoAssignItem), todoAssignItem);
                assignResultTable.put(node.getAddress(), i, todoAssignItem);
            } else {
                //assignNum缩小 or 任务删除 需要移除
                needStopTaskTable.put(node.getAddress(), getColumnKey(hisAssign), hisAssign);
    return assignResultTable;
源代码15 项目: qmq   文件:
private boolean noPullLog(String subject, String group, String consumerId) {
    Table<String, String, PullLog> pullLogs = storage.allPullLogs();
    Map<String, PullLog> subscribers = pullLogs.row(consumerId);
    if (subscribers == null || subscribers.isEmpty()) return true;
    return subscribers.get(GroupAndSubject.groupAndSubject(subject, group)) == null;
源代码16 项目: sailfish-core   文件:
private Pair<Iterator<Integer>, Supplier<SimpleCell[]>> parseToTable(CustomValue jsonNode) throws IOException {

        Table<Integer, String, SimpleCell> table = Reflection.newProxy(Table.class, new SafetyCheckInvocationHandler());

        for(CustomValue testCaseWrapper:jsonNode.getArrayValue()) {
            if (testCaseWrapper.getObjectValue().size() > 1) {
                throw new EPSCommonException("Too many nodes in testCase wrapper");

            testCaseWrapper.getObjectValue().forEach((blockKey, commonBlock) -> {
                String commonBlockType = blockKey.getKey();
                AMLBlockBrace blockBrace = AMLBlockBrace.value(commonBlockType);

                Objects.requireNonNull(commonBlock, "'AML block' node must be presented");
                Objects.requireNonNull(blockBrace, "Unknown block type " + commonBlockType);

                int localRowCounter = tableRowCounter.getAndIncrement();
                table.put(localRowCounter, Column.Action.getName(), new SimpleCell(commonBlockType,blockKey.getLine()));

                commonBlock.getObjectValue().forEach((actionKey, actionNode) -> {
                    String reference = actionKey.getKey();

                    logger.debug("reading {}", reference);

                    if (actionNode.isObject()) {

                        int nestedCount = countNestedReferences(actionNode);
                        int target = tableRowCounter.get() + nestedCount;
                        table.put(target, Column.Reference.getName(), new SimpleCell(reference, actionKey.getLine()));
                        consumeNode(actionNode, table, target,  actionKey.getLine());
                        //FIXME will add additional empty row at last action
                    } else if (!actionNode.isArray()) {
                        table.put(localRowCounter, reference,  new SimpleCell(actionNode.getSimpleValue().toString(), actionKey.getLine()));
                    } else{
                        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Invalid value type array %s found in block %s, number line %s", reference, commonBlockType, actionKey.getLine()));

                table.put(tableRowCounter.getAndIncrement(), Column.Action.getName(), new SimpleCell(blockBrace.getInversed().getName(),blockKey.getLine()));

        Set<String> columns = ImmutableSet.<String>builder().addAll(table.columnKeySet()).add(Column.Id.getName()).build();
        columns.forEach(column -> table.put(0, column, new SimpleCell(column)));

        Iterator<Integer> rowIterator = dbg.DEBUG_SORT ? table.rowKeySet().iterator() : new TreeSet<>(table.rowKeySet()).iterator();

        Supplier<SimpleCell[]> supplier = SUPPLIER;
        //preserve header
        if (rowIterator.hasNext()) {

            supplier = () -> {
                int currentRow =;
                Map<String, SimpleCell> row = new HashMap<>(table.row(currentRow));

                        .map(key -> row.getOrDefault(key, new SimpleCell("")))

        return new Pair<>(rowIterator, supplier);
源代码17 项目: fiat   文件:
public Map<String, UserPermission> getAllByRoles(List<String> anyRoles) {
  if (anyRoles == null) {
    return getAllById();
  } else if (anyRoles.isEmpty()) {
    val unrestricted = get(UNRESTRICTED);
    if (unrestricted.isPresent()) {
      val map = new HashMap<String, UserPermission>();
      map.put(UNRESTRICTED, unrestricted.get());
      return map;
    return new HashMap<>();

  final Set<String> dedupedUsernames = new HashSet<>();
  for (String role : new HashSet<>(anyRoles)) {

  Table<String, ResourceType, Response<Map<String, String>>> responseTable =
  if (responseTable == null) {
    return new HashMap<>(0);

  RawUserPermission rawUnrestricted = new RawUserPermission(responseTable.row(UNRESTRICTED));
  UserPermission unrestrictedUser = getUserPermission(UNRESTRICTED, rawUnrestricted);
  Set<String> adminSet = getAllAdmins();

          userId -> {
            RawUserPermission rawUser = new RawUserPermission(responseTable.row(userId));
            rawUser.isAdmin = adminSet.contains(userId);
            return getUserPermission(userId, rawUser);
              UserPermission::getId, permission -> permission.merge(unrestrictedUser)));
源代码18 项目: sequence-mining   文件:
/** EM-step for structural EM */
static Tuple2<Double, Map<Integer, Double>> structuralEMStep(final TransactionDatabase transactions,
		final InferenceAlgorithm inferenceAlgorithm, final Sequence candidate) {
	final double noTransactions = transactions.size();

	// Calculate max. no. of candidate occurrences
	final int maxReps = transactions.getTransactionList().parallelStream().mapToInt(t -> t.repetitions(candidate))
	final Map<Integer, Double> initProb = new HashMap<>();
	initProb.put(0, 0.);
	for (int occur = 1; occur <= maxReps; occur++)
		initProb.put(occur, 1.);

	// E-step (adding candidate to transactions that support it)
	final Map<Multiset.Entry<Sequence>, Long> coveringWithCounts = transactions.getTransactionList()
			.parallelStream().map(t -> {
				if (t.contains(candidate)) {
					t.addSequenceCache(candidate, initProb);
					final Multiset<Sequence> covering = inferenceAlgorithm.infer(t);
					return covering.entrySet();
				return t.getCachedCovering().entrySet();
			}).flatMap(Set::stream).collect(groupingBy(identity(), counting()));

	// M-step
	final Table<Sequence, Integer, Double> newSequences = coveringWithCounts.entrySet().parallelStream().collect(
			(t, e) -> t.put(e.getKey().getElement(), e.getKey().getCount(), e.getValue() / noTransactions),
	newSequences.rowKeySet().parallelStream().forEach(seq -> {
		// Pad with zero counts for non-occurrences
		final int maxOccur = Collections.max(newSequences.row(seq).keySet());
		for (int occur = 1; occur <= maxOccur; occur++) {
			if (!newSequences.contains(seq, occur))
				newSequences.put(seq, occur, 0.);
		} // Add probabilities for zero occurrences
		double rowSum = 0;
		for (final Double count : newSequences.row(seq).values())
			rowSum += count;
		newSequences.put(seq, 0, 1 - rowSum);

	// Get average cost (removing candidate from supported transactions)
	final double averageCost = transactions.getTransactionList().parallelStream().mapToDouble(t -> {
		double cost;
		if (t.contains(candidate))
			cost = t.getTempCachedCost(newSequences);
			cost = t.getCachedCost(newSequences);
		return cost;
	}).sum() / noTransactions;

	// Get candidate prob
	final Map<Integer, Double> prob = newSequences.row(candidate);

	return new Tuple2<Double, Map<Integer, Double>>(averageCost, prob);
源代码19 项目: jpmml-evaluator   文件:
private Map<String, Object> match(InlineTable inlineTable, Map<String, FieldValue> values){
	Map<String, RowFilter> rowFilters = CacheUtil.getValue(inlineTable, DiscretizationUtil.rowFilterCache);

	Set<Integer> rows = null;

	Collection<Map.Entry<String, FieldValue>> entries = values.entrySet();
	for(Map.Entry<String, FieldValue> entry : entries){
		String key = entry.getKey();
		FieldValue value = entry.getValue();

		RowFilter rowFilter = rowFilters.get(key);
		if(rowFilter == null){
			throw new InvalidElementException(inlineTable);

		SetMultimap<Object, Integer> valueRowsMap = rowFilter.getValueRowsMap(value.getDataType());

		Set<Integer> valueRows = valueRowsMap.get(FieldValueUtil.getValue(value));

		if(valueRows != null && !valueRows.isEmpty()){

			if(rows == null){
				rows = (entries.size() > 1 ? new HashSet<>(valueRows) : valueRows);
			} else

			} // End if

				return null;
		} else

			return null;

	if(rows != null && !rows.isEmpty()){
		Table<Integer, String, Object> content = InlineTableUtil.getContent(inlineTable);

		// "It is an error if the table entries used for matching are not unique"
		if(rows.size() != 1){
			throw new InvalidElementException(inlineTable);

		Integer row = Iterables.getOnlyElement(rows);

		return content.row(row);

	return null;
private Map<Integer, List<FieldValue>> loadInstanceValues(NearestNeighborModelEvaluator modelEvaluator){
	NearestNeighborModel nearestNeighborModel = modelEvaluator.getModel();

	Map<Integer, List<FieldValue>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();

	Table<Integer, FieldName, FieldValue> table = modelEvaluator.getValue(NearestNeighborModelEvaluator.trainingInstanceCache, createTrainingInstanceLoader(modelEvaluator));

	KNNInputs knnInputs = nearestNeighborModel.getKNNInputs();

	Set<Integer> rowKeys = ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(table.rowKeySet());
	for(Integer rowKey : rowKeys){
		List<FieldValue> values = new ArrayList<>();

		Map<FieldName, FieldValue> rowValues = table.row(rowKey);

		for(KNNInput knnInput : knnInputs){
			FieldValue value = rowValues.get(knnInput.getField());


		result.put(rowKey, values);

	return result;