( )源码实例Demo

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源代码1 项目: qconfig   文件:
private static Map<String, String> parseTable(String data, boolean trimValue) throws IOException {
    if (data == null) {
        return ImmutableMap.of();

    TableConfig.TableParser parser;
    if (trimValue) {
        parser = TableConfig.TRIM_PARSER;
    } else {
        parser = TableConfig.NOT_TRIM_PARSER;

    Table<String, String, String> table = parser.parse(data);
    Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(table.size());
    for (Table.Cell<String, String, String> cell : table.cellSet()) {
        map.put(generateKey(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey()), cell.getValue());
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(map);
源代码2 项目: twill   文件:
 * Renews the {@link SecureStore} for all the running applications.
 * @param liveApps set of running applications that need to have secure store renewal
 * @param renewer the {@link SecureStoreRenewer} for renewal
 * @param mergeCredentials {@code true} to merge with existing credentials
 * @return a {@link Multimap} containing the application runs that were failed to have secure store renewed
private Multimap<String, RunId> renewSecureStore(Table<String, RunId, YarnTwillController> liveApps,
                                                 SecureStoreRenewer renewer, boolean mergeCredentials) {
  Multimap<String, RunId> failureRenews = HashMultimap.create();

  // Renew the secure store for each running application
  for (Table.Cell<String, RunId, YarnTwillController> liveApp : liveApps.cellSet()) {
    String application = liveApp.getRowKey();
    RunId runId = liveApp.getColumnKey();
    YarnTwillController controller = liveApp.getValue();

    try {
      renewer.renew(application, runId, new YarnSecureStoreWriter(application, runId, controller, mergeCredentials));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.warn("Failed to renew secure store for {}:{}", application, runId, e);
      failureRenews.put(application, runId);

  return failureRenews;
源代码3 项目: EasySRL   文件:
private static Collection<SRLParse> getPropbankSection(final String section) throws IOException {
	final Table<String, Integer, TreebankParse> PTB = new PennTreebank().readCorpus(WSJ);
	final Table<String, Integer, SRLParse> srlParses = SRLParse.parseCorpus(PTB,
			Util.readFileLineByLine(new File(PROPBANK, "prop.txt")),
			USING_NOMBANK ? Util.readFileLineByLine(NOMBANK) : null);

	final Table<String, Integer, SRLParse> goldParses = TreeBasedTable.create();
	for (final Cell<String, Integer, TreebankParse> cell : PTB.cellSet()) {

		// Propbank files skip sentences with no SRL deps. Add a default
		// empty parse for all sentences.
		goldParses.put(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), new SRLParse(cell.getValue().getWords()));

	final Collection<SRLParse> result = new ArrayList<>();
	for (final Cell<String, Integer, SRLParse> entry : goldParses.cellSet()) {
		if (entry.getRowKey().startsWith("wsj_" + section)) {
	return result;
源代码4 项目: tassal   文件:
public Table<?, ASTNode, ArrayList<String>> performOp(final FoldableNode fn,
		final Table<?, ASTNode, ArrayList<String>> prev) {

	// Check if ASTNode has a FoldableNode parent
	// If so, add it to a child FoldableNode (along with its terms)
	for (final Table.Cell<?, ASTNode, ArrayList<String>> cell : prev.cellSet()) {

		if (cell.getColumnKey() == fn.node) {
			final FoldableNode fnChild = new FoldableNode((ASTNode) cell.getRowKey());
	return prev;
源代码5 项目: jstarcraft-ai   文件:
protected MathTable<Integer> getTable(boolean orientation, int dimension, Table<Integer, Integer, Integer> data) {
    SparseTable<Integer> table = new SparseTable<>(orientation, dimension, dimension, new Int2ObjectAVLTreeMap<>());
    for (Cell<Integer, Integer, Integer> cell : data.cellSet()) {
        table.setValue(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue());
    return table;
源代码6 项目: jstarcraft-ai   文件:
protected MathTable<Integer> getTable(boolean orientation, int dimension, Table<Integer, Integer, Integer> data) {
    DenseTable<Integer> table = new DenseTable<>(orientation, dimension, dimension, new Integer[dimension * dimension]);
    for (Cell<Integer, Integer, Integer> cell : data.cellSet()) {
        table.setValue(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue());
    return table;
源代码7 项目: SPDS   文件:
private boolean isInErrorState(WeightedForwardQuery<TransitionFunction> key, ForwardBoomerangResults<TransitionFunction> forwardBoomerangResults) {
    Table<Statement, Val, TransitionFunction> objectDestructingStatements = forwardBoomerangResults.asStatementValWeightTable();
    for(Table.Cell<Statement,Val,TransitionFunction> c : objectDestructingStatements.cellSet()){
        for(ITransition t : c.getValue().values()){
            if( != null){
                    return true;

  return false;
源代码8 项目: easyccg   文件:
private SeenRules(File file) throws IOException {   
  if (file == null) {
    seen = null;
    numberOfSeenCategories = 0;
  } else if (!file.exists()) {
    System.err.println("No 'seenRules' file available for model. Allowing all CCG-legal rules.");
    seen = null;
    numberOfSeenCategories = 0;
  } else {
    Table<Category, Category, Boolean> tab = HashBasedTable.create();
    int maxID = 0;
    for (String line : Util.readFile(file)) {
      // Assumes the file has the format:
      // cat1 cat2
      if (!line.startsWith("#") && !line.isEmpty()) {
        String[] fields = line.split(" ");
        Category left = Category.valueOf(fields[0]);
        Category right = Category.valueOf(fields[1]);
        maxID = Math.max(left.getID(), maxID);
        maxID = Math.max(right.getID(), maxID);
        tab.put(simplify(left), simplify(right), true);
    seen = new boolean[maxID + 1][maxID + 1];
    for (Cell<Category, Category, Boolean> entry : tab.cellSet()) {
      seen[entry.getRowKey().getID()][entry.getColumnKey().getID()] = true;
    numberOfSeenCategories = seen.length;
public @NonNull CustomCrossSourceStatementReactorBuilder addAllVersionSpecificSupports(
        final ModelProcessingPhase phase,
        final Table<YangVersion, QName, StatementSupport<?, ?, ?>> versionSpecificSupports) {
    final StatementSupportBundle.Builder stmtBundleBuilder = reactorSupportBundles.get(phase);
    for (final Cell<YangVersion, QName, StatementSupport<?, ?, ?>> cell : versionSpecificSupports.cellSet()) {
        stmtBundleBuilder.addVersionSpecificSupport(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getValue());
    return this;
private void mergeResult(Table<String, String, Set<String>> groupRolePrivilegeTableTemp) {
  for (Cell<String, String, Set<String>> cell : groupRolePrivilegeTableTemp.cellSet()) {
    String groupName = cell.getRowKey();
    String roleName = cell.getColumnKey();
    Set<String> privileges = groupRolePrivilegeTable.get(groupName, roleName);
    if (privileges == null) {
      privileges = new HashSet<String>();
      groupRolePrivilegeTable.put(groupName, roleName, privileges);
源代码11 项目: blueflood   文件:
 * Fetches a {@link com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.types.Points} object for a
 * particular locator and rollupType from the specified column family and
 * range
 * @param locator
 * @param rollupType
 * @param range
 * @param columnFamilyName
 * @return
public Points getDataToRollup(final Locator locator,
                              RollupType rollupType,
                              Range range,
                              String columnFamilyName) throws IOException {
    Timer.Context ctx = Instrumentation.getReadTimerContext(columnFamilyName);
    try {
        // read the rollup object from the proper IO class
        DAbstractMetricIO io = getIO(, CassandraModel.getGranularity( columnFamilyName ) );

        Table<Locator, Long, Object> locatorTimestampRollup = io.getRollupsForLocator( locator, columnFamilyName, range );

        Points points = new Points();
        for (Table.Cell<Locator, Long, Object> cell : locatorTimestampRollup.cellSet()) {
            points.add( createPoint( cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue()));
        return points;
    } catch( Exception e ) {

        LOG.error( String.format( "Unable to read locator=%s rolluptype=%s columnFamilyName=%s for rollup",
                locator,, columnFamilyName ), e );

        throw new IOException( e );
    finally {
源代码12 项目: blueflood   文件:
public void putAll( Table<Locator, String, String> meta ) throws IOException {

    Timer.Context ctx = Instrumentation.getWriteTimerContext( CassandraModel.CF_METRICS_METADATA_NAME );

    Session session = DatastaxIO.getSession();

    Map<Locator, ResultSetFuture> futures = new HashMap<Locator, ResultSetFuture>();

    try {
        for( Table.Cell<Locator, String, String> cell : meta.cellSet() ) {

            BoundStatement bound = putValue.bind( cell.getRowKey().toString(), cell.getColumnKey(), serDes.serialize( cell.getValue() ) );

            futures.put( cell.getRowKey(), session.executeAsync( bound ) );

        for( Map.Entry<Locator, ResultSetFuture> future : futures.entrySet() ) {

            try {
                ResultSet result = future.getValue().getUninterruptibly();
                LOG.trace( "result.size=" + result.all().size() );
            catch (Exception e ){

                LOG.error( String.format( "error writing to metrics_metadata for %s", future.getKey()), e );
    finally {
源代码13 项目: JAADAS   文件:
protected Set<Cell<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>>> endSummary(N sP, D d3) {
	Table<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>> map = endSummary.get(sP, d3);
	if(map==null) return Collections.emptySet();
	return map.cellSet();