
下面列出了org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.annotation.ReadOperation#org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: tcases   文件:
 * Returns the {@link SystemInputDef} defined by the given JSON resource.
public SystemInputDef readJson( String resource)
  SystemInputDef  systemInputDef  = null;
  InputStream     stream          = null;
  stream = class_.getResourceAsStream( resource);
  if( stream == null)
      new RuntimeException
      ( "Can't find resource=" + ClassUtils.getPackageName( class_) + "." + resource);

  try( SystemInputJsonReader reader = new SystemInputJsonReader( stream))
    systemInputDef = reader.getSystemInputDef();

  return systemInputDef;
源代码2 项目: astor   文件:
 * Get the number of steps required to promote a primitive number to another
 * type.
 * @param srcClass the (primitive) source class
 * @param destClass the (primitive) destination class
 * @return The cost of promoting the primitive
private static float getPrimitivePromotionCost(final Class<?> srcClass, final Class<?> destClass) {
    float cost = 0.0f;
    Class<?> cls = srcClass;
    if (!cls.isPrimitive()) {
        // slight unwrapping penalty
        cost += 0.1f;
        cls = ClassUtils.wrapperToPrimitive(cls);
    for (int i = 0; cls != destClass && i < ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES.length; i++) {
        if (cls == ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES[i]) {
            cost += 0.1f;
            if (i < ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES.length - 1) {
                cls = ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES[i + 1];
    return cost;
源代码3 项目: cuba   文件:
public Object read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class type) {
    try {
        ObjectMap graphContext = kryo.getGraphContext();
        ObjectInputStream objectStream = (ObjectInputStream) graphContext.get(this);
        if (objectStream == null) {
            objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(input) {
                protected Class<?> resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass desc) throws ClassNotFoundException {
                    return ClassUtils.getClass(KryoSerialization.class.getClassLoader(), desc.getName());
            graphContext.put(this, objectStream);
        return objectStream.readObject();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new KryoException("Error during Java deserialization.", ex);
源代码4 项目: fastquery   文件:
 * 处理脚本中的冒号表达式
 * @param script 脚本
 * @param method 脚本的所属方法
 * @return 被处理后的脚本
private static String processParam(String script, Method method) {
	List<String> names = TypeUtil.matches(script, Placeholder.COLON_REG);
	for (String paramName : names) {
		String name = paramName.replace(":", "");
		Class<?> oldC = Judge.getParamType(name, method);
		Class<?> newC = ClassUtils.primitiveToWrapper(oldC);
		if(oldC == newC) {
			// 包装类型 如果后面跟着
			script = script.replaceAll(paramName, "(("+newC.getName()+")this.getParameter(\""+name+"\"))");
		} else { // 基本类型 -> 包装类型 那么就要解包
			// 加上解包方法
			script = script.replaceAll(paramName, "(("+newC.getName()+")this.getParameter(\""+name+"\"))." + oldC.getName() + "Value()");
	return script;
void init()
    List<ExternalSearchProviderFactory> exts = new ArrayList<>();

    if (providersProxy != null) {

        for (ExternalSearchProviderFactory fs : exts) {
  "Found external search provider: {}",
                    ClassUtils.getAbbreviatedName(fs.getClass(), 20));

    providers = Collections.unmodifiableList(exts);
源代码6 项目: inception   文件:
void init()
    List<EventLoggingAdapter<?>> exts = new ArrayList<>();

    if (adapterProxy != null) {

        for (EventLoggingAdapter<?> fs : exts) {
  "Found event logging adapter: {}",
                    ClassUtils.getAbbreviatedName(fs.getClass(), 20));

    adapters = Collections.unmodifiableList(exts);
源代码7 项目: inception   文件:
void init()
    List<EntityRankingFeatureGenerator> generators = new ArrayList<>();

    if (featureGeneratorsProxy != null) {
        for (EntityRankingFeatureGenerator generator : generators) {
  "Found entity ranking feature generator: {}",
                    ClassUtils.getAbbreviatedName(generator.getClass(), 20));

    featureGenerators = unmodifiableList(generators);
源代码8 项目: vjtools   文件:
 * 拼装 短异常类名: 异常信息 <-- RootCause的短异常类名: 异常信息
public static String toStringWithRootCause(@Nullable Throwable t) {
	if (t == null) {
		return StringUtils.EMPTY;

	final String clsName = ClassUtils.getShortClassName(t, null);
	final String message = StringUtils.defaultString(t.getMessage());
	Throwable cause = getRootCause(t);

	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128).append(clsName).append(": ").append(message);
	if (cause != t) {
		sb.append("; <---").append(toStringWithShortName(cause));

	return sb.toString();
源代码9 项目: astor   文件:
 * Gets the number of steps required to promote a primitive number to another
 * type.
 * @param srcClass the (primitive) source class
 * @param destClass the (primitive) destination class
 * @return The cost of promoting the primitive
private static float getPrimitivePromotionCost(final Class<?> srcClass, final Class<?> destClass) {
    float cost = 0.0f;
    Class<?> cls = srcClass;
    if (!cls.isPrimitive()) {
        // slight unwrapping penalty
        cost += 0.1f;
        cls = ClassUtils.wrapperToPrimitive(cls);
    for (int i = 0; cls != destClass && i < ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES.length; i++) {
        if (cls == ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES[i]) {
            cost += 0.1f;
            if (i < ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES.length - 1) {
                cls = ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES[i + 1];
    return cost;
源代码10 项目: astor   文件:
 * Returns whether or not to append the given <code>Field</code>.
 * <ul>
 * <li>Transient fields are appended only if {@link #isAppendTransients()} returns <code>true</code>.
 * <li>Static fields are appended only if {@link #isAppendStatics()} returns <code>true</code>.
 * <li>Inner class fields are not appened.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param field
 *            The Field to test.
 * @return Whether or not to append the given <code>Field</code>.
protected boolean accept(Field field) {
    if (field.getName().indexOf(ClassUtils.INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR_CHAR) != -1) {
        // Reject field from inner class.
        return false;
    if (Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()) && !this.isAppendTransients()) {
        // Reject transient fields.
        return false;
    if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) && !this.isAppendStatics()) {
        // Reject static fields.
        return false;
    if (this.excludeFieldNames != null
        && Arrays.binarySearch(this.excludeFieldNames, field.getName()) >= 0) {
        // Reject fields from the getExcludeFieldNames list.
        return false;
    return true;
源代码11 项目: webanno   文件:
void init()
    List<ProjectSettingsPanelFactory> exts = new ArrayList<>();

    if (extensionsProxy != null) {
        for (ProjectSettingsPanelFactory fs : exts) {
  "Found project setting panel: {}",
                    ClassUtils.getAbbreviatedName(fs.getClass(), 20));
    extensions = Collections.unmodifiableList(exts);
源代码12 项目: vjtools   文件:
 * 拼装 短异常类名: 异常信息 <-- RootCause的短异常类名: 异常信息
public static String toStringWithRootCause(@Nullable Throwable t) {
	if (t == null) {
		return StringUtils.EMPTY;

	final String clsName = ClassUtils.getShortClassName(t, null);
	final String message = StringUtils.defaultString(t.getMessage());
	Throwable cause = getRootCause(t);

	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128).append(clsName).append(": ").append(message);
	if (cause != t) {
		sb.append("; <---").append(toStringWithShortName(cause));

	return sb.toString();
源代码13 项目: vjtools   文件:
 * 找出所有标注了该annotation的公共方法(含父类的公共函数),循环其接口.
 * 暂未支持Spring风格Annotation继承Annotation
 * 另,如果子类重载父类的公共函数,父类函数上的annotation不会继承,只有接口上的annotation会被继承.
public static <T extends Annotation> Set<Method> getAnnotatedPublicMethods(Class<?> clazz, Class<T> annotation) {
	// 已递归到Objebt.class, 停止递归
	if (Object.class.equals(clazz)) {
		return Collections.emptySet();

	List<Class<?>> ifcs = ClassUtils.getAllInterfaces(clazz);
	Set<Method> annotatedMethods = new HashSet<Method>();

	// 遍历当前类的所有公共方法
	Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();

	for (Method method : methods) {
		// 如果当前方法有标注,或定义了该方法的所有接口有标注
		if (method.getAnnotation(annotation) != null || searchOnInterfaces(method, annotation, ifcs)) {

	return annotatedMethods;
源代码14 项目: sailfish-core   文件:
private static void setTypeAndValue(Map<String, Object> map, Object value) {
    map.put("type", ClassUtils.getSimpleName(value, null));

    if(value instanceof IFilter) {
        IFilter filter = (IFilter)value;

        if(filter.hasValue()) {
            map.put("type", ClassUtils.getSimpleName(value = filter.getValue(), null));
        } else {
            value = filter.getCondition();
    } else if(value instanceof LocalDate || value instanceof LocalTime || value instanceof LocalDateTime) {
        value = JsonMessageConverter.formatTemporal((TemporalAccessor)value);

    map.put("value", value);
源代码15 项目: olingo-odata4   文件:
public EntityUUID(final URI entitySetURI, final Class<?> type, final Object key) {
  this.entitySetURI = entitySetURI;
  this.key = key;
  this.tempKey = (int) (Math.random() * 1000000);

  if (type == null || !Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Entity type class: " + type);
  if (this.type == null) {
    for (Class<?> clazz : ClassUtils.hierarchy(type, ClassUtils.Interfaces.INCLUDE)) {
      if (ArrayUtils.contains(clazz.getInterfaces(), EntityType.class)) {
        this.type = clazz;
源代码16 项目: rice   文件:
public String toString() {
       class BusinessObjectToStringBuilder extends ReflectionToStringBuilder {

           private BusinessObjectToStringBuilder(Object object) {

           public boolean accept(Field field) {
               return String.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())
                       || ClassUtils.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(field.getType());


       return new BusinessObjectToStringBuilder(this).toString();
源代码17 项目: poi-tl   文件:
public void visit(RunTemplate runTemplate) {
    RenderPolicy policy = runTemplate.findPolicy(template.getConfig());
    if (null == policy) {
        throw new RenderException(
                "Cannot find render policy: [" + ((ElementTemplate) runTemplate).getTagName() + "]");
    if (policy instanceof DocxRenderPolicy) {
    } else {"Start render TemplateName:{}, Sign:{}, policy:{}", runTemplate.getTagName(),
                runTemplate.getSign(), ClassUtils.getShortClassName(policy.getClass()));
        policy.render(((ElementTemplate) runTemplate), renderDataCompute.compute(runTemplate.getTagName()),

源代码18 项目: ctsms   文件:
private static JsonObject createVONode(Collection<Method> fields, boolean recursive) throws Exception {
	JsonObject voNode = new JsonObject();
	if (fields != null) {
		Iterator<Method> it = fields.iterator();
		while (it.hasNext()) {
			Method field =;
			String fieldName = VO_METHOD_TRANSFILTER.transform(field.getName());
			if (recursive) {
				voNode.add(fieldName, createVOReturnTypeNode(field.getReturnType(), field.getGenericReturnType()));
			} else {
				voNode.addProperty(fieldName, ClassUtils.getSimpleName(field.getReturnType()));
	return voNode;
源代码19 项目: j360-dubbo-app-all   文件:
 * 找出所有标注了该annotation的公共方法(含父类的公共函数),循环其接口.
 * 暂未支持Spring风格Annotation继承Annotation
 * 另,如果子类重载父类的公共函数,父类函数上的annotation不会继承,只有接口上的annotation会被继承.
public static <T extends Annotation> Set<Method> getAnnotatedPublicMethods(Class<?> clazz, Class<T> annotation) {
	// 已递归到Objebt.class, 停止递归
	if (Object.class.equals(clazz)) {
		return Collections.emptySet();

	List<Class<?>> ifcs = ClassUtils.getAllInterfaces(clazz);
	Set<Method> annotatedMethods = new HashSet<Method>();

	// 遍历当前类的所有公共方法
	Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();

	for (Method method : methods) {
		// 如果当前方法有标注,或定义了该方法的所有接口有标注
		if (method.getAnnotation(annotation) != null || searchOnInterfaces(method, annotation, ifcs)) {

	return annotatedMethods;
源代码20 项目: o2oa   文件:
private List<Class<?>> scanJaxrsClass() throws Exception {
	try (ScanResult scanResult = new ClassGraph().disableJarScanning().enableAnnotationInfo().scan()) {
		SetUniqueList<Class<?>> classes = SetUniqueList.setUniqueList(new ArrayList<Class<?>>());
		for (ClassInfo info : scanResult.getClassesWithAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class.getName())) {
			Class<?> applicationPathClass = ClassUtils.getClass(info.getName());
			for (Class<?> o : (Set<Class<?>>) MethodUtils.invokeMethod(applicationPathClass.newInstance(),
					"getClasses")) {
				Path path = o.getAnnotation(Path.class);
				JaxrsDescribe jaxrsDescribe = o.getAnnotation(JaxrsDescribe.class);
				if (null != path && null != jaxrsDescribe) {
		return classes;
源代码21 项目: o2oa   文件:
private List<Class<?>> scanJaxrsClass(String name) throws Exception {
	// String pack = "com." + name.replaceAll("_", ".");
	String pack = "";
	if (StringUtils.startsWith(name, "o2_")) {
		pack = name.replaceAll("_", ".");
	} else {
		pack = "com." + name.replaceAll("_", ".");
	try (ScanResult scanResult = new ClassGraph().whitelistPackages(pack).enableAllInfo().scan()) {
		SetUniqueList<Class<?>> classes = SetUniqueList.setUniqueList(new ArrayList<Class<?>>());
		for (ClassInfo info : scanResult.getClassesWithAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class.getName())) {
			Class<?> applicationPathClass = ClassUtils.getClass(info.getName());
			for (Class<?> o : (Set<Class<?>>) MethodUtils.invokeMethod(applicationPathClass.newInstance(),
					"getClasses")) {
				Path path = o.getAnnotation(Path.class);
				JaxrsDescribe jaxrsDescribe = o.getAnnotation(JaxrsDescribe.class);
				if (null != path && null != jaxrsDescribe) {
		return classes;
public static boolean needConvert(Object obj, JavaType invocationTimeType) {
  if (obj == null || ClassUtils.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(obj.getClass()) || invocationTimeType.isPrimitive()
      || ProtoConst.OBJECT_TYPE.equals(invocationTimeType)) {
    return false;

  if (obj.getClass() == invocationTimeType.getRawClass()) {
    return false;

  if (invocationTimeType.getRawClass().isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) {
    if (invocationTimeType.getContentType() == null) {
      return false;

  return true;
源代码23 项目: astor   文件:
 * Get the number of steps required to promote a primitive number to another type.
 * @param srcClass the (primitive) source class
 * @param destClass the (primitive) destination class
 * @return The cost of promoting the primitive
private static float getPrimitivePromotionCost(final Class<?> srcClass,
        final Class<?> destClass) {
    float cost = 0.0f;
    Class<?> cls = srcClass;
    if (!cls.isPrimitive()) {
        // slight unwrapping penalty
        cost += 0.1f;
        cls = ClassUtils.wrapperToPrimitive(cls);
    for (int i = 0; cls != destClass && i < ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES.length; i++) {
        if (cls == ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES[i]) {
            cost += 0.1f;
            if (i < ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES.length - 1) {
                cls = ORDERED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES[i + 1];
    return cost;
private void buildProperties() {
    if (builderClass == null) {
    try {
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    for (Method method : builderClass.getMethods()) {
        if (method.getParameterCount() == 1 && ClassUtils.isAssignable(builderClass, method.getReturnType())) {
            Class<?> paramType = method.getParameterTypes()[0];
            if (Supplier.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType) || Consumer.class.isAssignableFrom(paramType)) {
            if (paramType.isEnum()) {
                properties.put(method.getName(), new TypeTag(paramType, true, method));
            } else if (convertUtilsBean.lookup(paramType) == null) {
                properties.put(method.getName(), new TypeTag(paramType, false, method));
            } else {
                properties.put(method.getName(), new TypeTag(paramType, true, method));
源代码25 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件:
public <R> TypeAdapter<R> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<R> type) {
  if (ClassUtils.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(type.getRawType()) || type.getType() instanceof GenericArrayType
      || CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())
      || (type.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType && (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())
          || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())))) {
    // delegate primitives, arrays, collections, and maps
    return null;
  if (!this.baseClass.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())) {
    // delegate anything not assignable from base class
    return null;
  TypeAdapter<R> adapter = new InterfaceAdapter<>(gson, this, type);
  return adapter;
源代码26 项目: webanno   文件:
void init()
    List<AnnotationSidebarFactory> exts = new ArrayList<>();

    if (extensionsProxy != null) {

        for (AnnotationSidebarFactory fs : exts) {
  "Found annotation sidebar extension: {}",
                    ClassUtils.getAbbreviatedName(fs.getClass(), 20));
    extensions = Collections.unmodifiableList(exts);
源代码27 项目: ctsms   文件:
private static JsonElement createVOInputTypeNode(Class<?> inputType, Type genericType) throws Exception {
	// no input maps:
	if (isTerminalType(inputType)) {
		return new JsonPrimitive(ClassUtils.getSimpleName(inputType));
	} else {
		boolean isCollection = Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(inputType);
		if (isCollection) {
			try {
				inputType = (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) genericType).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
			} catch (Exception e) {
				inputType = Object.class;
		Collection<Method> fields = AssociationPath.listMethods(inputType, VO_METHOD_TRANSFILTER);
		if (isTerminalType(inputType) || fields.size() == 0) {
			return markMapCollection(new JsonPrimitive(ClassUtils.getSimpleName(inputType)), null, false, isCollection);
		} else {
			return markMapCollection(createVONode(fields, true), null, false, isCollection);
源代码28 项目: pmd-designer   文件:
 * Parses a string into a type. Returns null if it doesn't succeed.
 * FIXME Only supports parameterized types with at most one type argument.
 * Doesn't support wildcard types.
 * TODO make a real parser someday
private static Type parseType(String t) {
    Matcher matcher = PARAM_TYPE_MATCHER.matcher(t.replaceAll("\\s+", ""));
    if (matcher.matches()) {
        String raw =;
        Type result;
        try {
            result = ClassUtils.getClass(raw);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            return null;

        String param =;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(param)) {
            Type paramType = parseType(param);
            if (paramType != null) {
                result = TypeUtils.parameterize((Class) result, paramType);

        String arrayDims =;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(arrayDims)) {
            int dimensions = StringUtils.countMatches(arrayDims, '[');
            while (dimensions-- > 0) {
                result = TypeUtils.genericArrayType(result);

        return result;
    return null;
源代码29 项目: astor   文件:
 * <p>Find an accessible method that matches the given name and has compatible parameters.
 * Compatible parameters mean that every method parameter is assignable from 
 * the given parameters.
 * In other words, it finds a method with the given name 
 * that will take the parameters given.<p>
 * <p>This method is used by 
 * {@link 
 * #invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] args, Class[] parameterTypes)}.
 * <p>This method can match primitive parameter by passing in wrapper classes.
 * For example, a <code>Boolean</code> will match a primitive <code>boolean</code>
 * parameter.
 * @param cls find method in this class
 * @param methodName find method with this name
 * @param parameterTypes find method with most compatible parameters 
 * @return The accessible method
public static Method getMatchingAccessibleMethod(Class<?> cls,
        String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) {
    try {
        Method method = cls.getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes);
        return method;
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { /* SWALLOW */
    // search through all methods
    Method bestMatch = null;
    Method[] methods = cls.getMethods();
    for (int i = 0, size = methods.length; i < size; i++) {
        if (methods[i].getName().equals(methodName)) {
            // compare parameters
            if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(parameterTypes, methods[i]
                    .getParameterTypes(), true)) {
                // get accessible version of method
                Method accessibleMethod = getAccessibleMethod(methods[i]);
                if (accessibleMethod != null) {
                    if (bestMatch == null
                            || MemberUtils.compareParameterTypes(
                                    parameterTypes) < 0) {
                        bestMatch = accessibleMethod;
    if (bestMatch != null) {
    return bestMatch;
private TimelineMetric createTimelineMetric(long currentTimeMillis, String component,
                                            String attributeName, Double attributeValue) {
  TimelineMetric timelineMetric = new TimelineMetric();
  if (setInstanceId) {
  timelineMetric.setType(ClassUtils.getShortCanonicalName(attributeValue, "Number"));
  timelineMetric.getMetricValues().put(currentTimeMillis, attributeValue);
  return timelineMetric;