
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: edison-microservice   文件:
private List<Map<String,?>> getLoggers() {
    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "raw"})
    final Map<String,?> loggers = (Map) loggersEndpoint.loggers().get("loggers");
    return loggers
            .map(key -> key.contains("$") ? null : new HashMap<String,Object>() {{
                final LoggersEndpoint.SingleLoggerLevels logger = (LoggersEndpoint.SingleLoggerLevels) loggers.get(key);
                put("name", key);
                put("displayName", displayNameOf(key));
                put("configuredLevel", logger.getConfiguredLevel());
                put("effectiveLevel", logger.getEffectiveLevel());
源代码2 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
public ActuatorCommand(ApplicationContext applicationContext, Environment environment,
                       SshShellProperties properties, SshShellHelper helper,
                       @Lazy AuditEventsEndpoint audit, @Lazy BeansEndpoint beans,
                       @Lazy ConditionsReportEndpoint conditions,
                       @Lazy ConfigurationPropertiesReportEndpoint configprops, @Lazy EnvironmentEndpoint env,
                       @Lazy HealthEndpoint health,
                       @Lazy HttpTraceEndpoint httptrace, @Lazy InfoEndpoint info, @Lazy LoggersEndpoint loggers,
                       @Lazy MetricsEndpoint metrics,
                       @Lazy MappingsEndpoint mappings, @Lazy ScheduledTasksEndpoint scheduledtasks,
                       @Lazy ShutdownEndpoint shutdown,
                       @Lazy ThreadDumpEndpoint threaddump) {
    this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
    this.environment = environment; = properties;
    this.helper = helper;
    this.audit = audit;
    this.beans = beans;
    this.conditions = conditions;
    this.configprops = configprops;
    this.env = env; = health;
    this.httptrace = httptrace; = info;
    this.loggers = loggers;
    this.metrics = metrics;
    this.mappings = mappings;
    this.scheduledtasks = scheduledtasks;
    this.shutdown = shutdown;
    this.threaddump = threaddump;
源代码3 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
 * Loggers method
 * @param action      action to make
 * @param loggerName  logger name for get or configure
 * @param loggerLevel logger level for configure
 * @return loggers
@ShellMethod(key = "loggers", value = "Display or configure loggers.")
public Object loggers(
        @ShellOption(value = {"-a", "--action"}, help = "Action to perform", defaultValue = "list") LoggerAction action,
        @ShellOption(value = {"-n", "--name"}, help = "Logger name for configuration or display", defaultValue =
                ShellOption.NULL) String loggerName,
        @ShellOption(value = {"-l", "--level"}, help = "Logger level for configuration", defaultValue =
                ShellOption.NULL) LogLevel loggerLevel) {
    if ((action == LoggerAction.get || action == LoggerAction.conf) && loggerName == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Logger name is mandatory for '" + action + "' action");
    switch (action) {
        case get:
            LoggersEndpoint.LoggerLevels levels = loggers.loggerLevels(loggerName);
            return "Logger named [" + loggerName + "] : [configured: " + levels.getConfiguredLevel() + "]";
        case conf:
            if (loggerLevel == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Logger level is mandatory for '" + action + "' action");
            loggers.configureLogLevel(loggerName, loggerLevel);
            return "Logger named [" + loggerName + "] now configured to level [" + loggerLevel + "]";
            // list
            return loggers.loggers();
源代码4 项目: edison-microservice   文件:
public LoggersHtmlEndpoint(final LoggersEndpoint loggersEndpoint,
                           final NavBar rightNavBar,
                           final EdisonApplicationProperties applicationProperties) {
    this.loggersEndpoint = loggersEndpoint;
    this.applicationProperties = applicationProperties;
    rightNavBar.register(navBarItem(1, "Loggers", String.format("%s/loggers", applicationProperties.getManagement().getBasePath())));
@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "edison.logging.ui", name = "enabled", matchIfMissing = true)
public LoggersHtmlEndpoint loggersHtmlEndpoint(final LoggersEndpoint loggersEndpoint,
                                               final NavBar rightNavBar,
                                               final EdisonApplicationProperties properties) {
    return new LoggersHtmlEndpoint(loggersEndpoint, rightNavBar, properties);
public ActuatorLoggersDimension createLoggersDimension(LoggersEndpoint endpoint) {
    return new ActuatorLoggersDimension(endpoint);
public ActuatorLoggersDimension(LoggersEndpoint endpoint) {
    this.endpoint = endpoint;
public ActuatorLoggersDimension createLoggersDimension(LoggersEndpoint endpoint) {
    return new ActuatorLoggersDimension(endpoint);
源代码9 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
 * @return whether `loggers` command is available
public Availability loggersAvailability() {
    return availability("loggers", LoggersEndpoint.class);
源代码10 项目: sshd-shell-spring-boot   文件:
LoggersCommand(@Value("${sshd.system.command.roles.loggers}") String[] systemRoles,
        LoggersEndpoint loggersEndpoint) {
    this.loggersEndpoint = loggersEndpoint;