
下面列出了 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: sqlhelper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "show tables", value = "Show table names")
public List<String> getTableNames(
        @ShellOption(help = "the connection configuration name") String connectionName
) {
    Connection connection = getConnectionByConnectionConfigurationId(connectionName);
    try {
        DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = connection.getMetaData();
        final DatabaseDescription databaseDescription = new DatabaseDescription(dbMetaData);

        List<Table> tables = new DatabaseLoader().loadTables(databaseDescription, Connections.getCatalog(connection), Connections.getSchema(connection), null);
        return Pipeline.of(tables).map(new Function<Table, String>() {
            public String apply(Table table) {
                return SQLs.getTableFQN(databaseDescription, table.getCatalog(), table.getSchema(), table.getName());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        throw Throwables.wrapAsRuntimeException(ex);
    } finally {
源代码2 项目: sqlhelper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "show indexes", value = "Show table index")
public List<String> getIndexNames(
        @ShellOption(help = "the connection configuration name") String connectionName,
        @ShellOption(help = "the table name") String table) {
    Connection connection = getConnectionByConnectionConfigurationId(connectionName);

    try {
        DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = connection.getMetaData();
        DatabaseDescription databaseDescription = new DatabaseDescription(dbMetaData);
        List<Index> indexes = new DatabaseLoader().findTableIndexes(databaseDescription, Connections.getCatalog(connection), Connections.getSchema(connection), table);
        return Pipeline.of(indexes).map(new Function<Index, String>() {
            public String apply(Index index) {
                return index.getName() + "\t" + SQLs.getTableFQN(index.getCatalog(), index.getSchema(), index.getTableName());
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        throw Throwables.wrapAsRuntimeException(ex);
    } finally {
源代码3 项目: sqlhelper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "show index", value = "Show index detail")
public Index getIndex(@ShellOption(help = "the connection configuration name") String connectionName,
                      @ShellOption(help = "the table name") String table,
                      @ShellOption(help = "the index name") String index) {
    Connection connection = getConnectionByConnectionConfigurationId(connectionName);

    try {
        DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = connection.getMetaData();
        Table t = new DatabaseLoader().loadTable(new DatabaseDescription(dbMetaData), Connections.getCatalog(connection), Connections.getSchema(connection), table);
        return t.getIndex(index);
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        throw Throwables.wrapAsRuntimeException(ex);
    } finally {
源代码4 项目: sqlhelper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "show ddl", value = "Show table DDL")
public String getTableDDL(@ShellOption(help = "the connection configuration name") String connectionName,
                          @ShellOption(help = "the table name") String table) {
    Connection connection = getConnectionByConnectionConfigurationId(connectionName);
    try {
        DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = connection.getMetaData();
        DatabaseDescription databaseDescription = new DatabaseDescription(dbMetaData);
        Table t = new DatabaseLoader().loadTable(databaseDescription, Connections.getCatalog(connection), Connections.getSchema(connection), table);
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(t, StringTemplates.formatWithPlaceholder("table {} is not exists", table));
        CommonTableGenerator generator = new CommonTableGenerator(databaseDescription);
        return generator.generate(t);
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        throw Throwables.wrapAsRuntimeException(ex);
    } finally {
源代码5 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
 * Metrics method
 * @param name metrics name to display
 * @param tags tags to filter with
 * @return metrics
@ShellMethod(key = "metrics", value = "Display metrics endpoint.")
public Object metrics(
        @ShellOption(value = {"-n", "--name"}, help = "Metric name to get", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) String name,
        @ShellOption(value = {"-t", "--tags"}, help = "Tags (key=value, separated by coma)", defaultValue =
                ShellOption.NULL) String tags
) {
    if (name != null) {
        MetricsEndpoint.MetricResponse result = metrics.metric(name, tags != null ? Arrays.asList(tags.split(",")
        ) : null);
        if (result == null) {
            String tagsStr = tags != null ? " and tags: " + tags : "";
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No result for metrics name: " + name + tagsStr);
        return result;
    return metrics.listNames();
源代码6 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "package install", value = "Install a package.")
public String install(
		@ShellOption(help = "name of the package to install") String packageName,
		@ShellOption(help = "version of the package to install, if not specified latest version will be used", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) String packageVersion,
		@ShellOption(help = "specify values in a YAML file", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) File file,
		@ShellOption(help = "the comma separated set of properties to override during install", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) String properties,
		@ShellOption(help = "the release name to use") String releaseName,
		@ShellOption(help = "the platform name to use", defaultValue = "default") String platformName)
		throws IOException {
	// Commented out until is
	// addressed
	// assertMutuallyExclusiveFileAndProperties(file, properties);
	Release release = skipperClient
			.install(getInstallRequest(packageName, packageVersion, file, properties, releaseName, platformName));
	return "Released " + release.getName() + ". Now at version v" + release.getVersion() + ".";
源代码7 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "release upgrade", value = "Upgrade a release.")
public Object upgrade(
		@ShellOption(help = "the name of the release to upgrade") String releaseName,
		@ShellOption(help = "the name of the package to use for the upgrade") String packageName,
		@ShellOption(help = "the version of the package to use for the upgrade, if not specified latest version will be used", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) String packageVersion,
		@ShellOption(help = "specify values in a YAML file", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) File file,
		@ShellOption(help = "the expression for upgrade timeout", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) String timeoutExpression,
		@ShellOption(help = "the comma separated set of properties to override during upgrade", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) String properties,
		@ShellOption(help = "force upgrade") boolean force,
		@ShellOption(help = "application names to force upgrade. If no specific list is provided, all the apps in the packages are force upgraded",
				defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) String appNames)
		throws IOException {
	// Commented out until is
	// addressed
	// assertMutuallyExclusiveFileAndProperties(file, properties);
	if (StringUtils.hasText(appNames)) {
		Assert.isTrue(force, "App names can be used only when the stream update is forced.");
	Release release = skipperClient
			.upgrade(getUpgradeRequest(releaseName, packageName, packageVersion, file, properties, timeoutExpression, force, appNames));
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
	sb.append(release.getName() + " has been upgraded.  Now at version v" + release.getVersion() + ".");
	return sb.toString();
源代码8 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "release rollback", value = "Rollback the release to a previous or a specific release.")
public String rollback(
		@ShellOption(help = "the name of the release to rollback") String releaseName,
		@ShellOption(help = "the specific release version to rollback to. " +
				"Not specifying the value rolls back to the previous release.", defaultValue = "0") int releaseVersion,
		@ShellOption(help = "the expression for rollback timeout", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) String timeoutExpression) {

	RollbackRequest rollbackRequest = new RollbackRequest(releaseName, releaseVersion);
	Duration duration = DurationUtils.convert(timeoutExpression);
	if (duration != null) {

	Release release = skipperClient.rollback(rollbackRequest);
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
	sb.append(release.getName() + " has been rolled back.  Now at version v" + release.getVersion() + ".");
	return sb.toString();
源代码9 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "release list", value = "List the latest version of releases with status of deployed or failed.")
public Table list(
		@ShellOption(help = "wildcard expression to search by release name", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) String releaseName) {
	List<Release> releases = this.skipperClient.list(releaseName);
	LinkedHashMap<String, Object> headers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
	headers.put("name", "Name");
	headers.put("version", "Version");
	headers.put("info.lastDeployed", "Last updated");
	headers.put("info.status.statusCode", "Status");
	headers.put("", "Package Name");
	headers.put("pkg.metadata.version", "Package Version");
	headers.put("platformName", "Platform Name");
	headers.put("info.status.platformStatusPrettyPrint", "Platform Status");
	TableModel model = new BeanListTableModel<>(releases, headers);
	TableBuilder tableBuilder = new TableBuilder(model);
源代码10 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "release history", value = "List the history of versions for a given release.")
public Table history(
		@ShellOption(help = "wildcard expression to search by release name") @NotNull String releaseName) {
	Collection<Release> releases;
	releases = this.skipperClient.history(releaseName);
	LinkedHashMap<String, Object> headers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
	headers.put("version", "Version");
	headers.put("info.lastDeployed", "Last updated");
	headers.put("info.status.statusCode", "Status");
	headers.put("", "Package Name");
	headers.put("pkg.metadata.version", "Package Version");
	headers.put("info.description", "Description");
	TableModel model = new BeanListTableModel<>(releases, headers);
	TableBuilder tableBuilder = new TableBuilder(model);
源代码11 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "manifest get", value = "Get the manifest for a release")
public Object getManifest(
		@ShellOption(help = "release name") @NotNull String releaseName,
		@ShellOption(help = "specific release version.", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) Integer releaseVersion) {
	String manifest;
	try {
		if (releaseVersion == null) {
			manifest = this.skipperClient.manifest(releaseName);
		else {
			manifest = this.skipperClient.manifest(releaseName, releaseVersion);
	catch (HttpStatusCodeException e) {
		if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
			return "Release with name '" + releaseName + "' not found";
		// if something else, rethrow
		throw e;
	return manifest;
源代码12 项目: sqlhelper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "show table", value = "Show table detail")
public Table getTable(@ShellOption(help = "the connection configuration name") String connectionName,
                      @ShellOption(help = "the table name") String table) {
    Connection connection = getConnectionByConnectionConfigurationId(connectionName);
    try {
        DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = connection.getMetaData();
        return new DatabaseLoader().loadTable(new DatabaseDescription(dbMetaData), Connections.getCatalog(connection), Connections.getSchema(connection), table);
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        throw Throwables.wrapAsRuntimeException(ex);
    } finally {
源代码13 项目: ICS-TestBed-Framework   文件:
@ShellMethod(value = "Set listen interface.", group = "RTU", prefix="")
public void rtuListen(
        @ShellOption(defaultValue = "") String listen
) {
    try {
            this.listen = listen;

    }catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
        System.out.println("Error: Expecting an integer.");
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, ex.toString(), ex);
源代码14 项目: ICS-TestBed-Framework   文件:
@ShellMethod(value = "Set IEC104 Port.", group = "RTU", prefix="")
public void rtuIEC104Port(
    @ShellOption(defaultValue = "2404") String port
    try {
        if(Integer.parseInt(port) != DEFAULT_IEC104_PORT)
            this.portIEC104 = Integer.parseInt(port);

    }catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
        System.out.println("Error: Expecting an integer.");
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, ex.toString(), ex);
@ShellMethod("Displays session")
public String manageSessionsInfo(@ShellOption(value = {"-i", "--session-id"}) long sessionId) {
    ChannelSession session = sessionManager.getSession(sessionId);
    if (session == null) {
        return helper.getError("Session [" + sessionId + "] not found");
    return helper.getSuccess(sessionTable(session.getServerSession()));
源代码16 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
 * Audit method
 * @param principal principal to filter with
 * @param type      to filter with
 * @return audit
@ShellMethod(key = "audit", value = "Display audit endpoint.")
public AuditEventsEndpoint.AuditEventsDescriptor audit(
        @ShellOption(value = {"-p", "--principal"}, defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL, help = "Principal to filter " +
                "on") String principal,
        @ShellOption(value = {"-t", "--type"}, defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL, help = "Type to filter on") String type) {
    return, null, type);
源代码17 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
 * Environment method
 * @param pattern pattern to filter with
 * @return env
@ShellMethod(key = "env", value = "Display env endpoint.")
public EnvironmentEndpoint.EnvironmentDescriptor env(
        @ShellOption(value = {"-p", "--pattern"}, defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL, help = "Pattern " +
                "to filter on") String pattern) {
    return env.environment(pattern);
源代码18 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
 * Loggers method
 * @param action      action to make
 * @param loggerName  logger name for get or configure
 * @param loggerLevel logger level for configure
 * @return loggers
@ShellMethod(key = "loggers", value = "Display or configure loggers.")
public Object loggers(
        @ShellOption(value = {"-a", "--action"}, help = "Action to perform", defaultValue = "list") LoggerAction action,
        @ShellOption(value = {"-n", "--name"}, help = "Logger name for configuration or display", defaultValue =
                ShellOption.NULL) String loggerName,
        @ShellOption(value = {"-l", "--level"}, help = "Logger level for configuration", defaultValue =
                ShellOption.NULL) LogLevel loggerLevel) {
    if ((action == LoggerAction.get || action == LoggerAction.conf) && loggerName == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Logger name is mandatory for '" + action + "' action");
    switch (action) {
        case get:
            LoggersEndpoint.LoggerLevels levels = loggers.loggerLevels(loggerName);
            return "Logger named [" + loggerName + "] : [configured: " + levels.getConfiguredLevel() + "]";
        case conf:
            if (loggerLevel == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Logger level is mandatory for '" + action + "' action");
            loggers.configureLogLevel(loggerName, loggerLevel);
            return "Logger named [" + loggerName + "] now configured to level [" + loggerLevel + "]";
            // list
            return loggers.loggers();
源代码19 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
 * Echo command
 * @param message message to print
 * @param color   color for the message
 * @return message
@ShellMethod("Echo command")
public String echo(String message, @ShellOption(defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) PromptColor color) {
    if (color != null) {
        return new AttributedStringBuilder().append(message,
    return message;
源代码20 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "package delete", value = "Delete a package.")
public String packageDelete(@ShellOption(help = "the package name to be deleted") String packageName) {
	try {
	catch (PackageDeleteException e) {
		return e.getMessage();
	return String.format("Deleted Package '%s'", packageName);
源代码21 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "skipper config", value = "Configure the Spring Cloud Skipper REST server to use.")
public String target(
		@ShellOption(help = "the location of the Spring Cloud Skipper REST endpoint", defaultValue = SkipperClientProperties.DEFAULT_TARGET)
				String uri,
		@ShellOption(help = "the username for authenticated access to the Admin REST endpoint", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL)
				String username,
		@ShellOption(help = "the password for authenticated access to the Admin REST endpoint " +
				"(valid only with a username)", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL)
				String password,
		@ShellOption(help = "a command to run that outputs the HTTP credentials used for authentication", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL)
				String credentialsProviderCommand,
		@ShellOption(help = "accept any SSL certificate (even self-signed)")
				boolean skipSslValidation) throws Exception {
	// @formatter:on
	if (credentialsProviderCommand == null && password != null && username == null) {
		return "A password may be specified only together with a username";

	if (credentialsProviderCommand == null &&
			password == null && username != null) {
		// read password from the command line
		password = userInput.prompt("Password", "", false);

	this.targetHolder.changeTarget(new Target(uri, username, password, skipSslValidation),

	return (this.targetHolder.getTarget().getTargetResultMessage());
源代码22 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "release delete", value = "Delete the release.")
public String delete(
		@ShellOption(help = "the name of the release to delete") String releaseName,
		@ShellOption(help = "delete the release package", defaultValue = "false") boolean deletePackage) {
	this.skipperClient.delete(releaseName, deletePackage);
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
	sb.append(releaseName + " has been deleted.");
	return sb.toString();
源代码23 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "release cancel", value = "Request a cancellation of current release operation.")
public String cancel(
		@ShellOption(help = "the name of the release to cancel") String releaseName) {
	CancelResponse cancelResponse = this.skipperClient.cancel(new CancelRequest(releaseName));
	if (cancelResponse != null && cancelResponse.getAccepted() != null && cancelResponse.getAccepted()) {
		return "Cancel request for release " + releaseName + " sent";
	throw new SkipperException("Cancel request for release " + releaseName + " not accepted");
源代码24 项目: spring-cloud-skipper   文件:
@ShellMethod(key = "release status", value = "Status for a last known release version.")
public Object status(
		@ShellOption(help = "release name") @NotNull String releaseName,
		@ShellOption(help = "the specific release version.", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) Integer releaseVersion) {
	Info info;
	try {
		if (releaseVersion == null) {
			info = this.skipperClient.status(releaseName);
		else {
			info = this.skipperClient.status(releaseName, releaseVersion);
	catch (ReleaseNotFoundException e) {
		return "Release with name '" + e.getReleaseName() + "' not found";
	Object[][] data = new Object[3][];
	data[0] = new Object[] { "Last Deployed", info.getFirstDeployed() };
	data[1] = new Object[] { "Status", info.getStatus().getStatusCode().toString() };

	DeploymentState aggregateState = aggregateState(info.getStatus().getDeploymentStateList());
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
	sb.append(DeploymentStateDisplay.fromKey( + "\n");
	data[2] = new Object[] { "Platform Status", sb.toString() };
	TableModel model = new ArrayTableModel(data);
	TableBuilder tableBuilder = new TableBuilder(model);
源代码25 项目: java-examples   文件:
@ShellMethod(value = "Scan open ports for a specific IP address")
public String scan(
        @ShellOption(help = "IP address") String ip,
        @ShellOption(help = "Specific port or port range, e.g. 1-1024") String port,
        @ShellOption(help = "Weather only open ports should be displayed") boolean displayOnlyOpen
) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
    //Add all required ports into port scanner
    List<Future<ScannerService.ScanResult>> futureList;
    if (port.contains(PORT_SEPARATOR)) {
        String[] rangeLimits = port.split(PORT_SEPARATOR);
        futureList = addToScan(ip, range(Integer.parseInt(rangeLimits[0]), Integer.parseInt(rangeLimits[1])));
    } else {
        futureList = addToScan(ip, Integer.parseInt(port));

    //Read and write results
    for (final Future<ScannerService.ScanResult> scanResultFuture : futureList) {
        ScannerService.ScanResult scanResult = scanResultFuture.get();
        if (displayOnlyOpen) {
            if (scanResult.isOpen()) {
        } else {

    return "DONE";
源代码26 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
@ShellMethod(value = "Display or save the history of previously run commands")
public List<String> history(@ShellOption(help = "A file to save history to.", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) File file) throws IOException {
    return new History(helper.getHistory()).history(file);
@ShellMethod("Stop session")
public String manageSessionsStop(@ShellOption(value = {"-i", "--session-id"}) long sessionId) {
    return sessionManager.stopSession(sessionId) ?
            helper.getSuccess("Session [" + sessionId + "] stopped") :
            helper.getWarning("Unable to stop session [" + sessionId + "], maybe it does not exist");
源代码28 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
@ShellMethod("Thread command.")
public String threads(@ShellOption(defaultValue = "LIST") ThreadAction action,
                      @ShellOption(help = "Order by column. Default is: ID", defaultValue = "ID") ThreadColumn orderBy,
                      @ShellOption(help = "Reverse order by column. Default is: false") boolean reverseOrder,
                      @ShellOption(help = "Not interactive. Default is: false") boolean staticDisplay,
                      @ShellOption(help = "Only for DUMP action", defaultValue = ShellOption.NULL) Long threadId) {

    if (action == ThreadAction.DUMP) {
        Thread th = get(threadId);
        helper.print("Name  : " + th.getName());
        helper.print("State : " + helper.getColored(th.getState().name(), color(th.getState())) + "\n");
        Exception e = new Exception("Thread [" + th.getId() + "] stack trace");
        return "";

    if (staticDisplay) {
        return table(orderBy, reverseOrder, false);

    boolean[] finalReverseOrder = {reverseOrder};
    ThreadColumn[] finalOrderBy = {orderBy};

    Interactive.InteractiveBuilder builder = Interactive.builder();
    for (ThreadColumn value : ThreadColumn.values()) {
        String key = value == ThreadColumn.INTERRUPTED ? "t" :, 1);
        builder.binding(KeyBinding.builder().description("ORDER_" +
                .input(() -> {
                    if (value == finalOrderBy[0]) {
                        finalReverseOrder[0] = !finalReverseOrder[0];
                    } else {
                        finalOrderBy[0] = value;
            .input(() -> finalReverseOrder[0] = !finalReverseOrder[0]).build());

    helper.interactive(builder.input((size, currentDelay) -> {
        List<AttributedString> lines = new ArrayList<>(size.getRows());

        lines.add(new AttributedStringBuilder()
                .append("Time: ")
                .append(FORMATTER.format(, AttributedStyle.BOLD)
                .append(", refresh delay: ")
                .append(String.valueOf(currentDelay), AttributedStyle.BOLD)
                .append(" ms\n")

        for (String s : table(finalOrderBy[0], finalReverseOrder[0], true).split("\n")) {

        lines.add(AttributedString.fromAnsi("Press 'r' to reverse order, first column letter to change order by"));
        String msg = INTERACTIVE_LONG_MESSAGE.length() <= helper.terminalSize().getColumns() ?

        return lines;
    return "";
private void test(@ShellOption(valueProvider = AnyOsFileValueProvider.class) File file, File otherFile,
                  String notAFile) {

源代码30 项目: ssh-shell-spring-boot   文件:
 * Echo command
 * @param message message to print
 * @return message
@ShellMethod("Echo command")
public String echo(@ShellOption(valueProvider = CustomValuesProvider.class) String message) {
    return message;