
下面列出了android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityWindowInfo#TYPE_SYSTEM 实例代码,或者点击链接到github查看源代码,也可以在右侧发表评论。

源代码1 项目: talkback   文件:
private boolean isSystemWindow(int windowId) {
  if (systemWindowIdsSet.contains(windowId)) {
    return true;

  if (!isSplitScreenModeAvailable) {
    return false;

  for (AccessibilityWindowInfo window : AccessibilityServiceCompatUtils.getWindows(service)) {
    if (window.getId() == windowId && window.getType() == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM) {
      return true;

  return false;
源代码2 项目: talkback   文件:
private static String windowTypeToString(int type) {
  switch (type) {
    case AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_APPLICATION:
      return "TYPE_APPLICATION";
    case AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD:
      return "TYPE_INPUT_METHOD";
    case AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM:
      return "TYPE_SYSTEM";
    case AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_OVERLAY:
    case AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SPLIT_SCREEN_DIVIDER:
      return "UNKNOWN";
源代码3 项目: talkback   文件:
private void removeStatusBarButtonsFromWindowList(List<SwitchAccessWindowInfo> windowList) {
  int statusBarHeight = DisplayUtils.getStatusBarHeightInPixel(service);

  final Iterator<SwitchAccessWindowInfo> windowIterator = windowList.iterator();
  while (windowIterator.hasNext()) {
    SwitchAccessWindowInfo window =;
    /* Keep all non-system buttons */
    if (window.getType() != AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM) {

    final Rect windowBounds = new Rect();

    /* Filter out items in the status bar */
    if ((windowBounds.bottom <= statusBarHeight)) {
源代码4 项目: talkback   文件:
 * Returns title of window with given window ID.
 * <p><strong>Note: </strong> This method returns null if the window has no title, or the window
 * is not visible, or the window is IME or system window.
public CharSequence getWindowTitle(int windowId) {
  AccessibilityWindowInfo window = idToWindowInfoMap.get(windowId);
  if ((window == null)
      || (window.getType() == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD)
      || (window.getType() == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM)
      || (window.getType() == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SPLIT_SCREEN_DIVIDER)) {
    // Only return title for application or accessibility windows.
    return null;

  CharSequence eventTitle = overriddenWindowTitles.get(windowId);
  if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(eventTitle)) {
    return eventTitle;

  if (BuildVersionUtils.isAtLeastN()) {
    // AccessibilityWindowInfo.getTitle() is available since API 24.
    CharSequence infoTitle = window.getTitle();
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(infoTitle)) {
      return infoTitle;
  return null;
源代码5 项目: talkback   文件:
public boolean isStatusBar(int windowId) {
  if (mWindows == null || mWindows.size() == 0) {
    return false;

  return mWindows.get(0).getId() == windowId
      && mWindows.get(0).getType() == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM;
源代码6 项目: talkback   文件:
public boolean isNavigationBar(int windowId) {
  if (mWindows == null || mWindows.size() < 2) {
    return false;

  int lastIndex = mWindows.size() - 1;
  return mWindows.get(lastIndex).getId() == windowId
      && mWindows.get(lastIndex).getType() == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM;
源代码7 项目: talkback   文件:
public boolean accept(AccessibilityWindowInfo window) {
  if (window == null) {
    return false;
  int type = window.getType();
  return (type == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_APPLICATION)
      || (type == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM);
 * Restores last focus from {@link AccessibilityFocusActionHistory} to the active window. Caller
 * should recycle {@code root}.
 * @param root root node in the active window
 * @param windowType current active window type
 * @param windowId current active window id
 * @param windowTitle current active window title
 * @param eventId event id
 * @return {@code true} if successfully restore and set accessibility focus on the node.
protected boolean restoreLastFocusedNode(
    AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat root,
    int windowType,
    int windowId,
    @Nullable CharSequence windowTitle,
    EventId eventId) {
  if (windowType == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM) {
    // Don't restore focus in system window. A exemption is when context menu closes, we might
    // restore focus in a system window in restoreFocusForContextMenu().
    LogUtils.d(TAG, "Do not restore focus in system ui window.");
    return false;

  AccessibilityFocusActionHistory.Reader history = actorState.getFocusHistory();
  final FocusActionRecord lastFocusAction =
      history.getLastFocusActionRecordInWindow(windowId, windowTitle);
  if (lastFocusAction == null) {
    return false;
  AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat nodeToRestoreFocus = getNodeToRestoreFocus(root, lastFocusAction);
  try {
    return (nodeToRestoreFocus != null)
        && nodeToRestoreFocus.isVisibleToUser()
        // When a pane changes, the nodes not in the pane become out of the window even though
        // they are still visible to user. The window id and title don't change, so the last
        // focused node, which searches from getFocusHistory(), may not be in the window.
        && AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils.isInWindow(nodeToRestoreFocus, root.getWindow())
        && pipeline.returnFeedback(
            eventId, Feedback.focus(nodeToRestoreFocus, FOCUS_ACTION_INFO_RESTORED));
  } finally {
源代码9 项目: talkback   文件:
 * Starts the SummaryActivity, passing it the application window which will be used to generate
 * the screen summary.
public static void showOutput(AccessibilityService service) {
  List<AccessibilityWindowInfo> windows = AccessibilityServiceCompatUtils.getWindows(service);
  ArrayList<ArrayList<NodeData>> nodeDataList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<NodeData>>();
  for (int i = 0; i < TreeTraversal.ZONE_COUNT; i++) {
    nodeDataList.add(new ArrayList<NodeData>());
  // Collect summary info from all windows of type application to account for split screen mode.
  // Also collect info if the window is an active system window, such as notification shade.
  for (AccessibilityWindowInfo window : windows) {
    int windowType = window.getType();
    if (windowType == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_APPLICATION
        || (window.getType() == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM && window.isActive())) {
      ArrayList<ArrayList<NodeData>> windowSummary = TreeTraversal.checkRootNode(window, service);
      for (int i = 0; i < TreeTraversal.ZONE_COUNT; i++) {
  // Attach summary elements to their location names in LocationData. Only add to the LocationData
  // list if the list of summary items is non empty.
  ArrayList<LocationData> locationDataList = new ArrayList<LocationData>();
  String[] locationNames = getLocationNames(service);
  for (int i = 0; i < TreeTraversal.ZONE_COUNT; i++) {
    ArrayList<NodeData> nodeDataSubList = nodeDataList.get(i);
    if (!nodeDataSubList.isEmpty()) {
      locationDataList.add(new LocationData(locationNames[i], nodeDataList.get(i)));

  showDialog(service, locationDataList);
源代码10 项目: talkback   文件:
private static boolean isSystemOrImeWindow(AccessibilityWindowInfo window) {
  return (window.getType() == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD)
      || (window.getType() == AccessibilityWindowInfo.TYPE_SYSTEM);