
Choosing Products

Our filters let you easily search by THC and CBD content, terpene profile, plant type and more. As you shop, our system will track what you put in your cart to keep you within the allowable 30-gram limit.

Buying Products

No account is required to make purchases, although your billing and delivery information is required to ship your order. You will also be asked to verify that you are at least 19 years old to confirm your purchase.

Shipping Options and Receiving Your Order

Our delivery options have changed as we react to COVID-19.

For the latest information on delivery and shipping methods, timing and fees, please click here.


Under certain conditions, some unopened products may be returned within 14 days of purchase. Please see our return policy or call +1 (406) 555-0120 if you wish to make a return.


Autem melius oblique an duo. Mei cu hinc deseruisse, an dicam scriptorem.
  • You can buy up to 30 g at a time.
  • You can search by THC and CBD content, terpene profile, and plant type.
  • You don't need an account, but you will need billing and shipping information to complete your order.
  • To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage.