
krousel.js是一款左右切换滑块插件,灵活的、可定制的、响应式移动旋转木马效果。支持手机端触屏。主要特色无限循环。ES6模块。支持触摸事件。自定义旋转木马控制。自定义响应断点。幻灯片和褪色转换。每张幻灯片多个项目。var myCarousel = new Krousel(document.querySelector('.slider'),{ // Change where arrows are attached (default is the target) appendArrows: null, // Change where the navigation dots are attached appendDots: null, // enable or disable arrows arrows: true, // Auto play the carousel autoplay: false, // Change the interval at which autoplay change slide autoplaySpeed: 3000, // Display or Hide dots dots: true, // Enable or disable infinite behavior infinite: true, // Customize the "next" arrow nextArrow: null, // pause autoplay when a slide is hovered, pauseOnHover: true, // Customize the "previous" arrow prevArrow: null, // breakpoints config responsive: null, // Number of slide to show at once slidesToShow: 1, // Number of slide to scroll when clicking on arrow slidesToScroll: 1, // transition speed when changing slide speed: 300, // Change transition type when changing slide transition: 'slide', });


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