当前路径: 星河码客 » 插件特效 » 漂亮的滚动条js插件minibar.js


minibar.js是一个纯JavaScript类库,允许您创建自定义滚动条使用自己的CSS类。同时支持滚动容器和整个网页。也可以用作你向下滚动网页内容的进度。初始化容器new MiniBar('#myContent');CSS滚动条样式.mb-track { border-radius: 5px; } .mb-bar { background-color: #4C9689; } body > .mb-container > .mb-track { background-color: #110c10; border-radius: 5px; }滚动条配置参数new MiniBar('#myContent',{ // or progress barType: "default", // min size minBarSize: 10, // always shows scrollbars alwaysShowBars: false, // enables horizontal/vertical scrollbars scrollX: true, scrollY: true, // shows nav buttons navButtons: false, // scroll amount in pixels scrollAmount: 10, // MutationObserver API mutationObserver: { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true }, // default classes classes: { container: "mb-container", content: "mb-content", track: "mb-track", bar: "mb-bar", visible: "mb-visible", progress: "mb-progress", hover: "mb-hover", scrolling: "mb-scrolling", textarea: "mb-textarea", wrapper: "mb-wrapper", nav: "mb-nav", btn: "mb-button", btns: "mb-buttons", increase: "mb-increase", decrease: "mb-decrease", item: "mb-item", itemVisible: "mb-item-visible", itemPartial: "mb-item-partial", itemHidden: "mb-item-hidden" } });回调方法new MiniBar('#myContent',{ onInit: function() {}, onUpdate: function() {}, onStart: function() {}, onScroll: function() {}, onEnd: function() {}, });API方法// scrolls to a specific point instance.scrollTo(position, axis); // scrolls the content by a certain amount instance.scrollBy(amount, axis, duration, easing); // scroll to top instance.scrollToTop(); // scroll to bottom instance.scrollToBottom(); // recalculates scollbar sizes and positions instance.update(); // destroys the scrollbar instance.destroy();


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